Accidental Surrogate for Alpha

Accidental Surrogate for Alpha

Author:Novel Square Bookworm
Chapter: 500
State: complete
Views: 30K

Synopsis about Accidental Surrogate for Alpha

After struggling with infertility for years and being betrayed by her lover, Ella finally decides to have a baby on her own. However everything goes wrong when she gets inseminated with the sperm of intimidating billionaire Dominic Sinclair. All of a sudden her life is turned upside down when the mix up comes to light -- especially because Sinclair isn't just any billionaire, he's also a werewolf campaigning to be Alpha King! He's not going to let just anyone have his pup, can Ella convince him to let her stay in her child's life? And why is he always looking at her like she's his next meal?! He couldn't be interested in a human, could he?
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All Chapters of Accidental Surrogate for Alpha

chapter 1- Betray

Ella“I’m sorry Ella.” My physician says gently. “I’m afraid you have very few viable eggs remaining. Frankly, I normally see these numbers in women ten or fifteen years your senior.”

chapter 2 - Be Fired

EllaSix days to go. I think, staring at the date circled on my calendar. Six days until I find out if my dreams are finally going to come true… or if I have to figure out an entirely different plan for my life.

chapter 3 - Request

EllaThree days to go.

chapter 4 - Desperation

EllaMy hands are shaking as I dial Kate’s number. Have I ever been this angry? If I have I certainly can’t remember it now.

chapter 5 - Pregnancy test

Ella“No, I understand.” I murmur into the phone. “Thanks for listening at least.”

chapter 6 - He's a werewolf

Ella“Your pup?” I parrot, realizing I must sound like an idiot the way I keep repeating him – but it’s all too strange and surreal. I feel like I’m having a dream – one that may or may not be a nightmare. “What are you talking about?”

chapter 7 - Agreement

Ella“This baby is mine.” I tell him possessively. “You can’t just tell me you’re magic and expect me to take that as proof you’re the father.”

chapter 8 -Compromise

Ella Up until this point of my life, I’ve hated a handful of people. At the moment Mike and Kate are at the top of my list, but they aren’t alone. However Dominic Sinclair is very quickly rising through the ranks and making a play for the top spot. Mike and Kate’s betrayal hurt so much because I cared for them both, but Sinclair might be the first person I’ve encountered who I dislike this strongly after so short a time.

chapter 9 - Counterattack

EllaI blink my eyes open warily, knowing I’m not at home in my own bed solely by the luxurious mattress and beddings surrounding me. The last thing I remember, I was in Cora’s office with none other than Dominic Sinclair, who was single-handedly offering to save my future and break my heart in one fell swoop.

chapter 10 - Move

3rd PersonSinclair glared down at the tiny human in front of him. It seemed every time he saw Ella she grew more beautiful, especially since he learned she was carrying his pup. She’d been an enchanting distraction before, now she was almost irresistible. With fair skin, rose gold hair and eyes so amber they almost seemed metallic, he found it hard to believe she was not a wolf herself. However, as delectable as her scent was, she was clearly nothing extraordinary.