Celebrity Crush Turned Deadly Love!

Celebrity Crush Turned Deadly Love!

Author:Novel Square Bookworm
Chapter: 82
State: complete
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Synopsis about Celebrity Crush Turned Deadly Love!

Read Celebrity Crush Turned Deadly Love! by Yagna. Genre: Chinese novels. Read the full novel online for free hereSuspense-Romance! "Are you insane? What the hell are you doing here? Idiot. Why are you so dumb? Don’t you know to be safe? How the hell did you get in? God!" I pushed her aside and she fell on the couch. Her eyes are so big and innocent. Her child-like face has a bright smile. Is she deaf? I'm yelling at her and she is smiling like an idiot. "So, it's you! You are Mr. Stranger! I'm so happy." She hugged me. She fucking hugged me? She didn’t know what trouble she had gotten herself into. Idiot. I totally lost my cool and pulled her away and slapped her hard across her face. "Yash!" She held a hand on her cheek and looked at me with shock. Yadav Rishid is a hot young business-man who is the heart-throb for young girls in south India now. He is responsible for all the wet dreams of girls right now. He attracts so much attention in his field that every young heroine and young models end up in his bed. He is named a very talented, strict, arrogant and punctual man. But is also a man who is caught so much in gossip. He is labelled as a play boy! I went behind him and hugged him. He stopped talking. I stopped thinking as I hugged him tight, pressing my bosoms on him. He went rigid again. But now I know, he controls himself which he doesn't have to. I belong to him. "I love you, Yash." He took my hands off and turned to me. He took my face in his palms and looked me in the eye. He crashed his lips on mine and sucked the life out of me! Akshitha is a simple girl of 21yrs living in Coonoor. She has just finished college and is a computer science engineering student. She was selected in campus interview and has received her offer letter to work in Chennai! She loves her mom very much because she is her only family now. She is a happy playful girl who enjoys every little thing in her life. What happens when our simple girl's admiration for the star turns into deep love? Will they meet? Will she convey her love to him? Will he feel what she feels for him? Are they destined to be together? What happens when they face life threatening dangers? What happens when they are thrown together in dangers risking their life? Will they fight back together and find out in what web of problems are they into? Stay tuned to know more on their journey! It's a happy story with a little drama, suspense and more romance! I hope you will enjoy reading it!
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All Chapters of Celebrity Crush Turned Deadly Love!

Chapter 1: 1. Yadav

"Good morning, dad!" Yadav glided down the stairs in his full suit."Good morning, Yadu! What's your plan for the day?" His dad Aravind asked him while sitting on thedining table.Yadav is the only son of Aravind and Shalini. Only heir to The Rishid Group of Companies. He is a27yrs young man with terrific talent. He has established himself as a noteworthy person amongst otherbusiness tycoons in India in just 2

Chapter 2: 2. Akshitha

"Akshu! Come and learn some cooking at least until you go to Chennai. It will help youthere!" Sumathi, Akshitha's mom, was shouting from inside the kitchen."Mee! I'm busy now. Will learn during dinner." Akshitha shouted from her room.Coonoor is a beautiful place. It's very close to Ooty! But it is not commercialized like Ooty. Coonoor hasits serene beauty still maintained. Akshitha and Sumathi have a little

Chapter 3: 3. The Spoiler

Akshitha ran as fast as she could to catch up with Yadav. Yadav has 2 bouncers alongside him. Shehas a very little chance of meeting him. But she is not letting go of the chance she has got. She was inThe Express Avenue when she saw him coming inside. She took off without telling her friends. Onceshe got close to him, she just stood in front of him stopping him from going further."Hi! I'm your die-hard fan.

Chapter 4: 4. Pain In The A

Shiva's PoVI'm now rushing in this damn traffic to reach Le Meridian! Yadav is there stuck in a room. He went witha popular heroine to a party there. God knows what happened, they ended up together in a room.For god's sake, it's a cine industry party with a pool of media waiting for some cheesy story. He's nowstuck there. The reporters are waiting outside like ants in sugar. I still don't know how I am going

Chapter 5: 5. A New Get-Away

Akshitha's PoVYay! Finally, in Chennai. My mom and Kavi's mom came along with us to settle us down in a house asPaying Guest(pg) in Chennai. Kavi and I are going to share our room. We are going to work in thesame company.Our moms stayed with us for a day and showed us around the place we are going to live. Our PGprovides us with breakfast and dinner. We have to manage lunch in the office. They will provide l

Chapter 6: 6 . A Meet-Up

Akshitha's PoVThis girl is tiring. She woke me up at 6am saying it is a trial run for tomorrow! 6AM!? She says it’s apractice day. We got ready just like we will go to the office. We stepped out of our PG at 8.30. Weboarded the right bus at 8.35. We made sure that this bus's timing is the same everyday. We got downlike a soaked paper, at our destined stop at 9.15am. We started walking to our office building

Chapter 7: 7. Possible Visit?

Yadav's PoVMy mom has gone nuts! She says she has invited a stranger girl to our home just because she helpedher with Bruno! She even has that audacity to tell me that she would be happy if a girl like her comeshome as her daughter-in-law! I can't believe Bruno let a stranger touch him. I'm so mad at him. Tiger isnow in my room and Bruno is scratching the door to let him in. He is staying out tonight.Bruno a

Chapter 8: 8. Destiny!

Yadav's PoVAfter that long lecture from my dad last Saturday, I decided to stay home this weekend. It's kinda boringbut I have no other choice! My college mate Rakesh has started a pub. He has invited me! It will be fun,but I just have to think about the consequences. It's a new pub and it didn’t have so much popularity.So, I can go there and be at peace and enjoy myself!A beer and some music will be fun for

Chapter 9: 9. Pick-Up Gone Wrong!

Akshitha's PoVThis damn phone got switched off when I was navigating to my pg! I tried to remember the way. But Igot confused. I pushed my luck and drove through all similarly looking roads. I’m lost! I feel a ball offear gather in my stomach. The time just runs, and I was scared to approach anyone for help. Like Kavisaid, everyone who passes me looks like an accused. I drove again when I felt eyes on me. It

Chapter 10: 10. Is She The One?

Akshitha's PoVKavi is getting ready to go out for lunch with her team-mates. She keeps looking at me while gettingready. I'm having these bad vibes from her."Hey niyum kelambu de! Un muliye seri illa. Unna thaniya vittutu poga bayama iruku! (Hey, you too getready! I doubt you are going to do something bad! I'm not leaving you alone!)""Kavi please, de! I don't know any of your batch mates. It would be awkward