Sweet Addiction

Sweet Addiction

Author:Novel Square Bookworm
Chapter: 111
State: complete
Views: 15K

Synopsis about Sweet Addiction

“Say the word, kitten, and I’ll be out of your life,” he told her. Good god, he drove a hard bargain! Instead of pushing him away or saying no to what he was offering, she grabbed his collar and brought his face closer to hers. “Shut up and kiss me,” was the only answer she gave him. .............................. Sometimes all it takes is one look to bewitch someone. And Tara was infatuated with the handsome Antonio De La Cruz, only he was many years her senior. Would she move on and forget about him? Read on and find out.
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All Chapters of Sweet Addiction

Chapter 1. Sweet Seventeen

Sometimes all it takes is one look to bewitch someone. Tara was that someone.

Chapter 2. Her Dad's Client

Getting the dress wasn’t the easiest task out there for Tara as she could be picky with her clothes. She wasn’t being a diva exactly, but she did enjoy having all the attention to herself at parties. One could only imagine how enthusiastic she would be since it was her own birthday party she wanted to shine at. Nevertheless, she finally found the one after about three hours of window shopping. It cost nearly five hundred dollars. It wasn’t a brand dress or anything, but it had a mix of class and sultriness none of those she had seen or tried on had.

Chapter 3. The Fiasco

“Who was that?” Chloe asked, putting emphasis on the last word and wiggling her eyebrows. The two girls were in the bathroom, fixing a make-up that didn’t need any fixing. “Who was who?” Tara wanted to play the innocent card.

Chapter 4. Roses for the Birthday Girl

May this year be beautiful and full of delightful surprises for you, kitten. The card that accompanied the beautiful bouquet of roses said.

Chapter 5. Happy Birthday, Kitten

Tara was dancing to the rhythm, too lost in the music to feel the eyes that were following her around. She was half inebriated half delirious with happiness and didn’t see him approach until it was too late for her. She finally opened her eyes the moment he reached out for her wrist and brought her body flush against his strong one.

Chapter 6

Antonio didn’t just kiss Tara, he devoured her lips. He had waited four long years for this moment. And he was finally where he wanted to be… or rather he had her where he wanted her at long last, in his embrace - where she belonged. When he had offered her a way out, he had just been bluffing. Hell would have to freeze over before he was to give her up to anyone. Thankfully, the chemistry between them was too strong to handle, even for her.

6. I am no Boy

Antonio didn’t just kiss Tara, he devoured her lips. He had waited four long years for this moment. And he was finally where he wanted to be… or rather he had her where he wanted her at long last, in his embrace - where she belonged. When he had offered her a way out, he had just been bluffing. Hell would have to freeze over before he was to give her up to anyone. Thankfully, the chemistry between them was too strong to handle, even for her.

7. Sweet Banter

Antonio was driving through the nearly deserted roads, observing silence, while occasionally glancing at Tara. And this latter never felt more on edge. What was going on?

8. His Condition

To say Tara hadn’t imagined her birthday to play out the way it did wouldn’t cover the half of it. And although it was a surprising turn of events, it wasn’t one she minded. After all, she was with the man she had been pinning after from afar for years. Antonio had never shown her an ounce of affection in the scarce times they had met by accident. Hell, he had even gone as far as to tell her he didn’t know her two years ago.

9. A Man of his Word

Antonio didn’t know how to take Tara’s reaction. If he were to be completely honest with himself, he had expected something far worse… but still, he had hoped for outright acceptance as well. So although her reaction was entirely legitimate, he couldn’t help but feel slightly offended. Was she not attracted to him the way he was to her?