Taming Faye

Taming Faye

Author:Novel Square Bookworm
Chapter: 130
State: complete
Views: 11K

Synopsis about Taming Faye

Read Taming Faye by Stella shee. Genre: Chinese novels. Read the full novel online for free hereWarnings! This book contains lot of mature contents and it is Strictly Rated 18+"Just one night stand with her new boss changed everything about her existence, the more Faye tries to run away, the more daylan was dead set on turning her world upside down, because whatever Daylan Sage wants he gets, and he wants her Willingly or by Force"
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All Chapters of Taming Faye

Chapter 1

He became a successful billionaire at 30, tall handsome and with a great body.Daylan Sage is a genius in the business world, a goal oriented man who single handedly picked hisfather's business from the slump of bankruptcy to become the top leading company in the country withbranches almost all countries.His late father lost everything when he married his step mother after the death of his biological motherto

Chapter 2

After a long day at work, Daylan decided to take a stroll, he exited his building after working for hours, itwas late already.He kept on walking along the street not going anywhere in particular, just walking admiring thesurrounding when a bright green light catches his eyes. He walked closer and saw it was a bar with thename ' FAROUZ'. " Hmm, strange name he said walking towards it to check it out.He walked

Chapter 3

"What am I doing? Daylan asked myself.He sure wasn't thinking at all.Billionaire boy Daylan doesn't usually talk to strangers, only his business associates, staffs and his bestfriend. but this strange girl, there's something hypnotizing allure about her that just capture and lockshim in.Outside the bar they stood looking around,After couple of seconds eyeing each other, he cleared his throat earning a raise

Chapter 4

The next morning, Faye worked up to a note saying ' Had a great time last night' she was alone on thebed, that is one of the numerous reasons she doesn't usually do hookups.It was just a one night thing, no strings attached, just one night of fun.She walked herself home since she didn't come with her car, it is such a waste that the guy she hadmind blowing sex with left her even though she was so beautiful a

Chapter 5

Faye already prepared the clothes she would put on the next day being the first day to work at SageCompany.6:00am she woke up and started preparing quickly for work, she doesn't want to give a bad impressionabout her on the first day of her new job as a secretary. She made breakfast, quickly ate and left thehouse.Coming out of the cab, she straighten her suit and entered the building, she looked around the c

Chapter 6

Daylan was speechless as ' I slept with Faye smith my new secretary" kept ringing in his head, none ofthem moved or say a word, the atmosphere was awkwardly silent, and Anthony who knew somethingwas wrong excused himself.Daylan could not believe his eyes, that the lady he had one night stand with who he thought he willnever see again is not just standing in front ofhim but is also his fucking new secretary!"

Chapter 7

Daylan walking towards the elevator knew Faye was taken aback by his seriousness and harsh tone,but what else can he do? After all he is her boss and she should be treated like everyone else.He can't be close to her! No!What happened that night was memorable and he can't have rumours going round of him sleeping withstrangers. He knew as a CEO of the top leading company in the country and other countries too

Chapter 8

The next morning Faye quickly compiled the documents she had gone through over and over againand walked towards the elevator punching the 21st floor.She has to give her boss the documents since they needed his signature, she took a deep breath andwalked towards his office."Excuse me sir' here is the document that needs your signature she blurted walking towards Daylanwho was watching the city view from his w

Chapter 9

Rushing to the ladies room, Faye just stood there wishing her ragging hormones and quivering bodywould calm down, she could still feel the blissful sensation when he dipped his finger into her opening.He did that to her!He put her in this state!Day fucking Lan!Daylan smiled shaking his head when she rushed out of his office, she would be the death of him.His throbbing dick was painful, making him so uncomfor

Chapter 10

For some reasons he didn't want to see Jamie again, not after their almost sex escapade the last timehe invited her over to his house.He was beginning to get tired of her subtle hint to move into his house.He Wondered Faye with such stunning body have no man in her life after sending someone to secretlycheck everything and anything about her.She should have dozen of them throwing themselves at her, she sure