Chapter 27 - The Rejected Life of Mala Luca

Training was attended inside the pack the next morning, regardless of there being a mating ball to be held that night. Nothing halted training inside this pack. She and Ben accepted both Netty and Peta into the training session for the morning. It was nice to have them back on their training ground. Both their Mates were there as well, but did not join in, they were happy to sit on the sidelines and watch.

Both Netty and Peta joined in hand to hand, both got a full refresher on the martial arts she’d taught them while they’d been here, in the pack. Many others stood and watched or sank down to watch them train. They were classed as a full warrior pack now, or at least that was the title the Wolfen Council had given the pack.

Most of the visiting Alpha’s were standing around watching on, she’d seen some of them here before, they were curious as to the way they trained, it seemed. After training finished, there were a few questions for her and Ben about the training regime that they ran here. Not something they would discuss, both of them referred those questions directly to Aston.

She could see that he was standing by, watching on as were his entire unit. That was not a normal thing, Aston and his Unit were not normally there for her and Ben’s training session. They would attend the after-lunch training and then the elite training, that and only those who were up for some real pain attended.

Dislocations were rife along with the rending of unconscious to their opponents, there were currently about fifty wolves including the Alpha and his unit along with Ben in that training, they were all hard-core fighters.

She had also noted that both Hudson and Jet were also standing by and watching on, that man, it seemed, just wouldn’t go away. He’d told her, he was going to reject her and banish her, and he had rejected her. Though he’d not gotten the chance to banish her.

She’d know the minute Suki had ripped right out of her that he would never do it. So they had rejected that pack themselves and fled from it, from everyone in it, including her own family. They had never, not even once looked back. Had found a better life to live.

How could he think, after what he’d done to her for those two years inside that pack, and then what he’d done to her at that warrior challenge. That he could sway her into going back, was beyond her. She had told him once he could challenge her, she’d win and destroy that pack, had meant it then, had even meant it when she’d offered the council to take a war to it and destroy it, just a few years ago.

Now, 14 years later, he was sitting watching her, wanting to talk to her, to try and rebuild their Mate Bond apparently, Why? Because with Suki she would be the perfect Warrior Luna was all. If she was still wolf-less, he wouldn’t be here at all.

All he wanted was to make his shitty pack stronger, and nothing more and a Goddess Gifted Mate was always the way to do that.

Mala was not going to help him. If he came under attack and asked for her for help, she’d likely laugh and join the invading force. Was never going back there willingly. And if she was forced to, would kill any and all that tried to make her stay there. She did not belong to that pack anymore, never would again.

Walked off even when he once again requested to talk to her, found him and his Beta right in front of her, had used their wolf speed to cut her off and stop her from walking away from them. “Please Mala, what harm can it do to talk to me. Let me explain to you.”

Explain, she thought. Yes, explain your actions as a piss poor example of an Alpha Wolf, he was not here to apologise, would likely never apologise didn’t feel he had the need to. He was an Alpha and so what he did was fine in his mind, he just wanted to explain why he’d done what he’d done, well she knew why.

She cared not for his reasonings on his actions towards her, he probably thought they were acceptable reasons, seeing as he was an Alpha.

Let Suki snarl right at him, saw him blink and then heard him sigh heavily, before speaking. “She is beautiful, your wolf.” He couldn’t use her wolfs name, he’d never known it, she’d never once said it in front of him, he had no right to know it, no right to ever use it, neither did his wolf as far as they were concerned. Not even Suki wanted them to know it.

But there it was, the real reason why he was here, he’d seen Suki once, and that was all that mattered to him. Glared right at him, could feel her anger starting to boil up and could feel Suki’s as well. They hated this man, who only cared for the strength of her, after seeing her wolf.

Wished he’d never laid eyes on Suki at all, wouldn’t have this problem if he’d still thought she was wolf-less. No, he’d never so much as looked at her again. The human part of her did not interest him in the slightest, just the wolfen part.

“Yes, she is.” Mala finally spoke, “Never to be yours.” She told him with full certainty, went to step around him, did not want to talk to him.

Only to find his hand on her bare arm, a tight grip on her to stop her from passing him, she came to a dead halt and turned her head and looked at that hand. He dared to touch her without permission, after what he’d done to her the last time, thought he had a right to lay a hand on her, just like the last time.

Her eyes moved right to his, full fury in them at his touch, already could feel Suki pushing forward, her claws were ripping through her fingertips in an instant as a massive all aggression part wolfen roar and part human scream, ripped right out of her and Suki together.

Felt him let go almost instantly and saw him actually take a full step back, away from them, at the threat they now posed to him. Their thoughts on him touching them were completely aligned, neither would stand for it, and together, as one, all their fury was going to be unleashed on him.

His Beta shot right in front of him, between the two of them, and he took the hit from her that was meant for Hudson, clawed him right across his chest as they both reacted to the man’s touch.

One full set of razor-sharp claws from Jet’s hip to his shoulder, so very fast he had no chance of getting out of the way of it. It ran diagonally up his body, heard his roar of pain, then she put a full wolden-strength kick to his bloodied and torn up abdomen in their effort to get him out of the way, saw him go flying backwards. He couldn’t defend himself while he was in so much pain.

They were going to have a piece of that asshole, who dared to think he had a right to put his hands on them without permission, ever again. He had no rights where they were concerned, never would. They were going to kill him for touching them, could do it, were going to.

Could hear yelling all around her, shot off the mark towards him only to have a pair of arms clamp around her and Suki, so very tight and strong in an attempt to stop them from killing the one they wanted a piece of.

Screamed and roared in fury and fought against those arms, lashed out with all they had until there was suddenly a pile of bodies, that were crashing down on top of her, forcing her down to the ground in an effort to try to contain her and her and her wolfs full fury.

All her pain and anguish of the life she’d had to endure, was bubbling to the surface, no longer able to keep it contained and pushed down deep buried within them. All of Tamala Lucas’s pain was ripping through her and her wolf, one single touch from that man and that beloved dark tree that had been hidden away from the world. Protected and cared for by Mala Luca was unleashed right back into the world, and together they were a ball of uncontrollable pain and rage, that would not be contained any longer. No more would she let this man be around her.

Those holding them down were struggling against the fury within them, she was fighting her own pack, screaming and roaring against being held down, being denied their right to kill him. Her eyes, their eyes, both she and Suki’s never left him, could see he looked more than shocked by what was going on right now.

Him looking down at them only fuelled their rage, with every second that he just stood staring down at them, she wanted to kill him even more.

‘Shh.’ Aston's voice inside their minds ‘I’m right here Mala, Suki, calm down.’

‘Get off us.’ They roared back at him together, did not want to be denied their right to seek vengeance.

‘Shh, calm down. I’ve got you. Listen to me.’

‘No.’ they screamed. They did not want to calm down, wanted to fight him, to take him down and show him, she was still better than him, stronger than him. Hurt him, make him hurt everywhere inside and out, like he had done to them.

Found hands over her eyes and scream furiously at being denied the right to see who they wanted to kill. Felt the first crack of her shift as Suki took full control and heard swearing all over the place. “Get him out of here.” She heard her own Alpha roar.

Could feel Suki ripping out of her, beneath the pile of bodies atop of them, they wanted their vengeance, and nothing was going to stop them from getting it, not even her Alpha and his unit.

The years of being shunned, all the cruel hateful words, the years of being shoved and pushed over and held down, hated and told she was worthless and should just die, being hit with the Luna’s car and being made to be a punching bag for that man and his unit. Knowing how much they all enjoyed it. Was all they could feel now.

They’d taken it all and buried it within themselves, never let them see how much it hurt her, never let it all bubble to the surface, and overtake her, had kept it all in and played at being unfeeling and uncaring, for the two years she’d been there, endure it all and now it was all being unleashed in a deadly fury that would not be contained.

Suki was pushing with all she had, was fully shifted into her wolf form beneath them shoving upwards trying to get up under the weight of those on top of her, was being held down by the Alpha and his entire unit. She lashed out and tried to bite them, didn’t care, right this minute, about who they were to her.

As those two nights of pain and anguish flooded through them, nights that asshole had use the Mate Bond to have what he wanted, take what he wanted uncaring of if it hurt her, and he had, she had the scars to prove it, uncaring of if she wanted it, which she had not, had stated no to him that first night. Heard his words inside their mind as they recalled what he told her.

What he planned on doing to them, that he was going to use that bond to have them every night uncaring of what she wanted, knew she didn’t want it, didn’t care at all, was going to use her body for his own sick twisted needs till the full moon and then reject them and banish them, were ripping through them.

That one touch to them was all it took to bring everything flooding into them with all the pain and anger of her life, how their own Goddess Gifted Mate had hated them and treated them like they were worthless, uncaring of how they hurt her, left her scarred both physically and emotionally, how he dared to treat her.

That beloved dark tree was not longer hidden, but out for all to see, raging against everything that it had to endure.

They tasted blood as teeth met with flesh in an attempt to get free of the body’s holding her down and it only fuelled her rage even more, her wolf's rage blinding everything to them. Only their need to attack and kill remained. Roared with all she had and was suddenly shoving herself up from the ground, strength surging through her body, unlike anything they’d ever felt before, no amount of bodies on her was going to keep her down on the ground, keep her from her target, she was up now and standing.

Could no longer see him, but would be able to hunt that asshole down, they knew what he smelled like, and they were going to track him down and kill him, no matter where he went. Nothing and no-one were going to stop them now.

“Shift.” Was roared at her, they could feel the full weight of their Alpha’s order on them, could feel both herself and Suki fighting against it with every ounce of their two minds. Suki was struggling to take that first step away from them, was still pushing with all she had to get out from under them all. For although she was up, they were all still holding onto her wolf. Pulling at her trying to drag her back down to the ground.

“Shift.” Aston ordered her again.

Got snarled at with all Suki’s aggression, they did not want to shift, they wanted only to maim and kill. It’s all they could think about, nothing else mattered to them, they wanted blood, and they were going to have it.

“Shift.” Many others were roaring at them now, felt the weight of three other Alphas along with Astons' order to shift were piling up on them, Suki roared in pain as the first crank of her being forcibly shifted back ripped through them.

They couldn’t hold on to it. Were fighting it with all they had, with every ounce of their combined will power. Both she and Suki raged against their own shift and tried to deny it. With every crack that they felt was being forced upon them to shift back they tried to right it and shift it back to stay in wolf form. They fought to regain control of their own body, to stay in control.