Chapter 34 - The Rejected Life of Mala Luca

Mala woke up to find Aston’s deep husky voice in her ear telling her he wanted her, smiled to herself for a moment before turning to look at him “Haven’t you had enough yet?” she asked him with a soft chuckle.

“No.” He smiled at her, and pulled her body up against his. “Not at all.”

“You had your way with me all night.” She laughed now; he had strolled into her suite last night, smiled right at her and started pulling his clothes off, climbed right into her bed butt ass naked and tugged her over to him, told her he was going to spend the night ravishing her body and he had done so. They’d not gone to sleep till well into the wee hours of the morning.

“Mm, and I want more. I really enjoy touching you.” He bit her ear softly “Tasting you, hearing you cry out like that.”

Mala smiled as his hands started roaming over her body, she had done that, cried out in pleasure, a lot. The man was a machine and could just go all night long, and he’d done so. The sun was only just barely touching the horizon and here he was already wanting to have her again.

“Don’t you get tired?”

Heard him chuckle now. “Not really, Titan and I have stamina in spades, comes with being and Alpha blooded wolf. He’s more than happy to sit back and watch as well, just so you know.”

“Oh, is he now?” Mala turned over to face him, saw him smiling and nodding, got up and pushed him over onto his back and climbed right up on top of him, to sit on him, if his wolf liked to look, he could.

“Yes.” Aston nodded and sat himself up, tugged at her legs a little to encourage her to wrap herself around him, his hands already touching her softly.

“I have training in like ten minutes.” She smiled “Better make it quick.”

“Really? I can fix that.” He smirked and then his eyes were glazed over for a full minute before he looked right at her “Not anymore.” He grinned “I’ve excused you for the morning.”

“You’re crazy, cancelled training just so you can have sex with me.”

“Only you got cancelled, Simon will take your class.” His mouth found hers in a deep kiss and Mala leaned into him, hugged him her arms around his neck, felt herself get pulled that little bit closer by him.

A big part of her really like being in bed with him, and though she’d been planning to ride him and herself into a happy orgasm she didn’t mind when he shifted them so she was underneath him. enjoyed him touching her, taking her.

He was all hot and growly this morning, very needy it seemed, found herself a lather of sweat and her heart racing afterwards, trying to calm down, Aston just seemed to know how to touch her, to turn her on completely, and he knew it, could tell from the happy smirk on his face as he looked right at her.

Smiled at him and he smiled right back “What are you thinking?” she asked him a little while later when he was just laying there next to her, still smiling, seemed very contented to her.

“About how damn good you and I are in bed. There is not even a bond between us Mala, I’m imagining how much better it will be if there ever is one.”

She stared right at him, she’d only ever felt the slightest of sensations, the bare beginning of a bond, did however know it was supposed to feel amazing when in full swing. Every touch and kiss heightened by the sparks of a full Mate Bond, they were supposed to be completely amazing to feel. “Is it that much better?” she asked finally, after a minute of thinking about it herself, knew he’d felt it before.

“Yes, it is amazing. Though we are already amazing, so I can only imagine it will be, way more intense, you thought you enjoyed it now, just wait Mala.” He smiled down at her.

He seemed pretty sure she was going to say yes to him, she realised. He thought it was only a matter of time. He’d told her she could take years to consider it, and she wasn’t going to make the decision lightly. They had been sleeping together now for almost two months and he was here in her room nearly every night.

Mala had no idea how she or Suki would react to his beast, if they said yes and then went into heat, and she knew it was going to happen, most did within a week or two of being Mated. So, she really did need to think about it.

Also knew that Aston didn’t think his brother had an heir due to how brutal his beast was during his Mates heat. Which meant Aston’s beast would be the same, the brutality of the curse could render them unable to have a pup. She lay there and looked at him for a long time. He really would make a good father, if she chose to become his Luna, she knew she’d want to give him that at some point “Can I ask some more questions of you?”

“Of course, Mala.” He nodded “Ask all you need to, you don’t need to ask my permission, I want you to have all the information.

“How bad is it? the curse I mean.”

“Bad…I won’t lie to you, Titan loses all control. Well, actually there is no Titan really, just a wild animal that is completely crazy and out of control. There is no stopping him, he’s also a strong wolf so…” heard him sigh “it will hurt you and Suki a lot…Neither of us like it. We can’t stop it Mala, you will get hurt, injured, it’s inevitable unfortunately.”

“Have you ever tried to stop it? like find someone to remove the curse from you?”

“That witch I think is dead,” he nodded “I did have people look for her for years, to try and get it removed. I think Carmel and or Raymond killed her for what she did to them, I could never find her.”

“What about staying away from Roberta, when she was in heat? Did you try that, the curse you said, it’s when Titan scents his Mate’s heat.”

“It is.” He nodded “And yes, we did try to do that every time. Keep away from each other, not let Titan scent it.” he nodded “Was painful for Roberta to deny her heat. Days of agony in fact. I knew she was in heat, could feel it through our bond, a few times we stayed away from each other. But other times she would sob in pain and beg me to come to her. She knew what would happen if I did. Didn’t care about it at that point.” He sighed there was quiet for a long time before he spoke again.

“In the end, I offered to suffer for her, let her mate another, find an unmated male that was willing to go into her room. To sate her needs. To put up with the pains of my Mate being with another. It was the least I could do...She refused, didn’t want another and neither did her wolf.”

“I’m sorry.” She knew it must be hard for him to talk about.

“We couldn’t always avoid it though, she would go into heat in the middle of the night. We’d both be sleeping and then all of a sudden Titan would snap awake, she never made it out of the room. Other times she never knew what was happening till it was too late, our sense of smell is very keen. Could pick it up before she felt it sometimes. Not always, but sometimes. Not much I could do about it.” he sounded sad.

Mala sat up and looked at him. “I can only imagine that you have tried to deny the curse at every turn.”

“Yes, doesn’t work. My beast ripped the door and wall apart once in his effort to get to her. Nothing, Mala.” He sighed “Stops the curse.” Saw him sit up himself now.

“I have a few more questions.”

“Ask, I want you to go into this with your eyes wide open, with full disclosure, Mala. You and Suki both.”

“Alright, have tried chaining yourself up?”

“What? No, chains wouldn’t help Mala, the scent is what drives us insane. The moment I scent it, it’s too late to do anything about it, takes only a split second and then there is no stopping it.”

“I understand that.” Mala nodded “But if it is the scent and not the feeling, you’d have time for Simon and your unit to come and chain you up and then your Mate could just well, have at you. So, to speak, and…” she shrugged.

“I honestly don’t know if that would work, normal chains I don’t think would do. We’d likely break them in our insane state, we are completely out of control…Kind of like you and Suki with your blood lust.”

“Hmm, okay…I hear you.” Thought a bit more about that. “What about silver chains, that would force Titan away would it not?”

Saw Aston stare right at her, “I would not willingly put silver on Titan, Mala. No one would do that to their wolf. It hurts them, and disconnects us, leaves us weak like a human.”

“I know how they work Aston. Have put them on rogues myself over the years, to do just that, to force their wolf away from them. To contain them and get them under control.”

Saw him nod, he knew it was one of the rules of a new unruly rogue being initiated and not yet fully civilised, if they’d been a rogue for a long time, some needed it. They either had to wear silver all the time or be willing to be chained if they got out of control. It was always their choice and most did actually agree to it, wanting to be normal and within a pack once more. Had two currently in the pack wearing silver now.

Asked for it, knew they were out of control, brothers actually, had been rogue wolves for years, wanted a better life, a chance for a Mate and a normal life. Had turned up two weeks ago and asked for sanctuary, asked for chains before coming in, didn’t know how they’d handle being in a pack full of women.

Nice brothers, were actually fun around the pack, not even standoffish at all. Were good fighters, had left their pack years ago, didn’t like it and after their parents died in a pack war had just strolled away from it no longer wanting to be there, decided to go out on their own. Likely were going to fit in here well, not that old either only 26.

“Still not a nice thing to do to one’s wolf, Mala.” Aston told her.

“I understand that.” She nodded and she did, would not want to be separated from Suki like that. “But if the curse is on your wolf, Titan specific so to speak…the question I want to know, I guess is…is Titan willing to allow this, to be shut down and closed off from you by silver, no wolfsbane just silver, so it’s just you Aston during my heat.”

“I don’t know.” He was quiet a long time, and she could tell he was discussing it with his wolf, that tell-tale flicker of his blue eyes to the green of his wolf.

Mala sat and waited, she would not interrupt him, this was important to her and her wolf. Also a serious issue for him and his wolf. Mala did note that Suki was now up inside her mind, sitting with her ears pricked up, also waiting on the answer to the question herself it seemed. Was interested to know if his wolf, her Alpha wolf, would do this for her.

Neither she nor Suki wanted to leave the pack, they both liked Aston, trusted him completely, had no reason not to. Suki had not stopped her from sleeping with Aston, not that first time, and not once in the past few months either, didn’t seem to mind. They also did not want Hudson coming back to claim them either. Using that council connection, he had, to do so, knew he would, he’d done it already once. He may be gone for now, but for how long he would stay gone, they didn’t know. Jet had told her he wasn’t going to give up. He knew Hudson better than anyone, if he told her that, she had to believe it.

Mala also knew that Suki understood, deep down inside herself, that she was supposed to be, or should have been mated to an Alpha Wolf. Born to be a Luna Wolf herself, and with her reaction right now; it seemed that she was also considering Aston, well Titan, as her future Mate. It would be her decision in the end.

She had been watching him for the past two months, since he’d brought it up, so she knew her wolf was considering it, they just had a lot to think about, had already decided long ago, both she and Suki, that they would rather have a chosen mate, someone they knew and trusted and Aston and Titan were just that.

“Mala.” Aston brought her from her thoughts. “Titan is open to trying it, and seeing if it will work. He does not want to hurt Suki, or you for that matter.”

Mala smiled, even felt Suki's tail wag just a little, it seemed her wolf was also happy with hearing this.

“You need to understand that we can’t promise it will work.”

“Of course we understand, but it’s worth a try, right?”

“It is.” He nodded “Might take more than one piece of silver though and it’ll need to be on us before we scent you, or its unlikely you’ll be able to get any on me before the curse takes effect. It’s extremely fast, like one breath in.”

“Understood. I just have one more…” and at his nod she asked “is it just your' Mates heat that affects you? Or any she-wolfs?”

“Just my Mate. Titan actually doesn’t react to the smell of other females in heat. Registers it, can smell it, but other than that, doesn’t go crazy or even run off to Mate them. A little odd, possibly to do with the curse as well. How we feel about what we’re like, what our beast does. I don’t know.” He shrugged.

“Good to know.”

“We are loyal, Mala.”

“I know that.” She smiled at him, and she did. The way he’d always looked at Roberta, he’d never had eyes for anyone else. In the past two months he’d not looked at anyone other than her either. The man did enjoy looking at her, got the occasional horny growl down the mind-link as she walked by him or he passed her on his way to do whatever it was he was working on.

Got the occasional out loud growl as well, made whoever she was walking with laugh, as well. He didn’t seem to be shy about letting her know what he wanted or felt, regardless of who was around.

“Mala, Titan and I would like to ask you something?”

“Ask.” She nodded, seeing as she was asking lots of questions she wasn’t going to stop him from doing so.

“Titan and I would like you to lead the pack run with us this week.”

“Oh, that’s kind of a big step, Aston.”

“It is.” He nodded “But, Titan and I, we have made our choice, Mala. It’s just the next logical step for us. We want the pack to see you with me. Suki right there next to Titan. Let them get used to the idea.”

“Did you do that with Roberta?”

“I did, she lead the pack run with Titan and I for two years before we Marked and Mated. So, it’s all good, I’m not trying to rush you Mala, I just, we just want you there next to us…though.”

“Though?” she prompted.

Saw him smile at her “From my understanding, the pack are all good with you and I. Everyone here knows you. Knows how fierce you are, and most have seen the way you protect those that are here. Put yourself right in the line of fire. There were a lot who saw you take on Alpha Preston for Ida, and she’d only been here a week. Took on an Alpha wolf, as I wasn’t here to come to her aid, or to far away at the time. That is a very Luna thing to do.”

“That was just pure instinct, I felt connected to Ida, similar situation, I guess. Her mate being and Alpha and he was coming for her. I’m glad that turned out good though.” She smiled, was still happy she’d heard, gotten a letter and photo from her just a week ago, were having a little girl.

“It really did.” He smiled “I’ve also seen over the years Mala as have the pack. That though you yourself profess not to want a Goddess Gifted Mate, and you tell all of our she-wolves or males, that you will stand by them if they want to reject their second chance Mate, if they are granted one. You don’t actively convince them against it, you actually actively encourage them to take the chance at being happy.”

“Mm, everyone deserves to be happy.” She nodded and she did believe that. Did stay out of it, but seemed to be able to pick when the Mate was not going to reject them, it was in the way they looked at their Mate, there was not just desire but joy in the eyes, it could be seen.

Once she could see that, she didn’t think there would be an issue with the bond, though all the wolves here did know they could come back, if it didn’t turn out the way it was supposed to be. So far so good on that front though. She was happy about that.

“That is also a very Luna thing to do. You,” Aston tapped her playfully “also like babies to. Spoil little Benny rotten, I’ve seen it, sit and read your own books to him and the children here, they love it, you love it to, being with them. The way you look at the babies in the creche too, makes you smile sweetly.” Saw him smiling now as she shook her head. “Don’t even try to deny it. I’ve seen you with them, you get all mushy, you do.”

“Hmm, I try not to think about that actually.” And she did.

“Because you’re not Mated.”

“Probably.” She nodded, she wouldn’t be having a pup unless she was mated off was thirty two now, not to old to have one, just like he said not Mated and if she did mate to him wasn’t like to either. Nearly sighed out loud, but held it in. “I’m not likely to give you any either now, am I?”

He sighed “No,” he shook his head “that curse is on my bloodline, I don’t know if the witch’s intent was just myself and Raymond, or if it’ll be passed on down to the next generation either.”

“Oh, I’d not thought about that.” She frowned, something else to think on she realised.

“There is a lot to consider, that’s why you should take all the time you like, you and Suki, really do need to think about it. that being said..” he smiled right at her “I’m still going to yank you into my bed and ravish you till you say yes or no. even if it’s a no Mala, I’m not going to give you up. I really do enjoy sleeping with you.”

Mala shook her head and laughed at him, as he yanked her over to him to prove his point.