Chapter 38 - The Rejected Life of Mala Luca

Aston announced formally to the entire pack via a pack wide mind-link, that she Mala had accepted him as her chosen Mate and was now the Luna to the pack. At lunch that afternoon. Not that it really needed to be done, many of their pack had seen their wolves running through the woods, mating each other all over the place. That morning.

It seemed Suki liked being mated by her Mate, Titan. She would be lying on the ground one minute all happy and sated and then just get up and stretch out, then bite her Mate all playfully and run off away from him. Titan would get up and hunt her to mate her once more, seemed he liked her biting him. Not that he even once bit Suki back, it was her thing, it seemed.

Though Aston had told her his wolf liked to bite, like to bite when he was mating in human form, neither she nor Aston interrupted their wolves getting to know each other and bonding properly, just let them both have free rein for as long as they so liked.

Mala got called Luna, by way of greeting on more than one occasion when they came back to the pack house. It was still new and a little weird, was going to take some getting used to she supposed. Told them to just call her Mala like they normally did. It was Aston who stated, unless formally required to by pack law.

She got a big bear hug from Ben who was grinning from ear to ear, when he saw her walking next to Aston his hand in hers, and his eyes fell on the mark on her neck. He seemed very happy about it.

Saw him punch Aston right in the arm “About time old man.” He smirked right at his Alpha.

“I’m not so old like you.” Aston laughed and then they were both laughing. Ben had arrived a year after Aston had started the pack, they were long time, close friends, got along really well, he was a bit like one of the Alpha Unit she had realised over the years.

Mala sat with Aston and his unit at lunch and a fair few of the pack members had joined them, had all smiled at her after the announcement had been made.

Aston insisted on her being there in his office, when he made the phone call to the Wolfen Council; to tell them that he had a Luna, that Mala had chosen him to be her Mate and he’d accepted, she was now his Luna.

It was a little odd that he worded it that way, but he was the one to deal with them all the time, likely chose his words carefully. She supposed, what with Hudson unhappy about the turn of events, had stated ‘how could you’ after she’d let Aston Mark her, perhaps there was more to it than she knew. Didn’t ask him, he knew what he was doing.

He smiled right at her when he put the phone down, “Now, that man can never come to claim you. You’ve chosen another and are a Luna.” She got the distinct impression it was that last part that mattered the most.

She just nodded “Thank you, Aston.”

“It amused me greatly, Mala, that you and Suki would choose to let us Mark you in such a manner.”

“Sorry about that, but…”

“Oh, I don’t care!” he chuckled “And Titan was more than okay with laying his claim to you and Suki right in front of that Alpha. Enjoyed putting him right in his place in fact. Alpha wolves are possessive creatures, Mala. Titan is no different.”

“I wanted him to know, I’ll never be his. Needed him to actually understand and leave, never come back. Didn’t think he was going to, to be honest.” Shook her head, “it didn’t look like he was going to walk away or give up, expected me to go back to him.”

“That’s because he was your Goddess Gifted Mate. He was not wrong, Mala, you could regrow that if you’d wanted to.”

“I don’t want to, never did. It’ll work right? He’ll stay away now?” she still worried a little.

“It should do.” Aston nodded “Now, to the most serious business we have to attend, your first heat, we have to be prepared for it, Mala.”

“I know.” She nodded, and was not looking forward to that.

“I have discussed it with the unit, you’re thoughts on silver and all, we chatted while following you to the front gate. And while Titan was mating Suki.” He smiled “Sleeping like a baby right now.”

Mala laughed softly “So is Suki, all mated out I believe.”

“What we thought was to have a separate room, just across the hall from ours, with a bed and chains already in place, both wrists and ankles, a neck collar. Everything to help hold my beast down, hopefully your first heat won’t come during the middle of the night.”

“I’m hoping that is the case too.” She nodded, didn’t relish being woken up to being brutalised by his beast. Like he told her could happen, would have to deal with it if it did, but didn’t want it to not really.

“I thought we could sleep separate after a few days, I don’t like it, but Simon and the unit seem to think that the silver might work. So in planning for this, the room across the hall is being fitted out now. Will be ready, probably is ready now, for when you go into heat.”

“Okay.” She didn’t much like the thought of not sleeping in the same bed as him either, but it was only going to be a few nights, hopefully.

“I’ll be going to the room to be chained up, when your heat comes on, before I scent it hopefully. Simon and my Unit are all Mated and should be of no threat to you. Unaffected by the scent of your heat. Once I’m securely chained and Titan is gone from me, we’re going to bring you into the room and see what happens, they will all stay with you.”

“What if it doesn’t work?” Mala asked softly. Knew there was a possibility it wouldn’t.

“The silver should weaken Titan enough so he doesn’t break free, and like you stated, he smiled right at her now “You can have at him, during your heat at will. As long as the silver bonds don’t break, you’ll be in full control to mate us as you and Suki need to. However you please” saw him smirk, “As long as you like.”"

“Thank you for being willing to trying this for us, Aston.”

“Anything you want to try Mala, you or Suki for that matter. Titan and I will try, we don’t want to hurt you, we love you and want to find a way around the curse as much as you do.” He stood up “Would you like to see the room.”

“Alright.” She nodded, she was curious about it, was being set up while they’d been out in wolf form.

Walked up there with him, to find Simon and Charlie strolling out of the room, “All done Aston.” Charlie, the pack's Gamma, nodded to him.

Mala looked at the bed, at the chains or shackles, more like it. “Not much room for you to move Aston, you’ll be uncomfortable.”

“No room to move, means less chance of being able to get free Mala.” Aston told her calmly, didn’t seem all that worried about it.

“Are these going to scar you or Titan?” she frowned, didn’t want to hurt him or have him hurt himself.

“If it doesn’t work and my beast remains and the beast struggles a lot against the bonds, yes it is likely too. Titan and I are willing to be scarred if it saves you and Suki from the beast within. I’ll also be keeping a silver cuff downstairs in my office, in case I feel your heat when you go into it, which I will through our Mate Bond, and you’re out training or something. I will need to wear it right away and head for the room, before coming into contact with you or getting close to you. Simon and Dale will lock me up, Charlie and Ben will protect you and bring you to me. So, they’ll likely train with you and your group all the time between now and then, likely Charlie will stick to you like glue till you go into heat.”

“Alright.” Mala nodded “I have another question.”


“If this works? A pup, an heir could be had right?”

Aston half smiled “it is possible I guess.” He nodded,

“Best we have a girl then huh.” She smiled at him “or any son we have could end up like you.”

Aston smiled at her “Yes, I guess so.” Felt his arms slide around her “You want a pup?”

“Suki had concerns. No pup, were her words.” She nodded. “I think she would like that a lot.”

Found his lips on her neck and shivered as hot sparks lit up her skin, could feel him smile against “Such a strong bond we have.” He growled softly, all deep and husky, slid his hand down and under the shirt she was wearing to trail his fingers over her stomach, bit her lip and closed her eyes as hot sparks of electricity trailed his hand “Aston.” She sighed.

“Yes Mala.” He murmured “Let’s go mate officially.”

“Yes.” Mala smiled, wasn’t going to say no to him, they’d let both Suki and Titan mate all morning, their bond together was solid, and though she and Aston had Marked each other, had yet to Mate. She had thought it would wait till they went to bed, but the way he was touching her, the feelings it was creating, desire was rapidly spreading through her, she could already smell her own arousal starting to flood the room, as his hand slid down her body to touch her.

Turned around and shoved him down on the bed, didn’t want to wait, saw him smile as she pulled at his clothes till he was naked, practically moaned at the sight of him fully hard and ready for her. She had never wanted someone so much in her whole life, pulled at her own clothes till they were tossed aside and climbed right on top of him.

Took him eagerly, so much need for her mate, to Mate him, cried out as he not only filled her completely but felt all those sparks flood not just where he was touching her but inside of her, so freaking amazing, was all over him, kissing him and touching him, riding him hard and eager, relished in the feel of their Mate Bond in full swing, everything was heightened, more intensified. So much pleasure, didn’t want to stop touching him, came quickly, crying out his name.

Spent the afternoon naked with him, touching him, kissing him wanting him. Felt both their wolves take over at some point and Mate in human form. She just couldn’t seem to get enough of him. Wanted him every time he touched her. Moved to their suite and spent the afternoon in their bed.

Slept finally only to wake up to his mouth trailing soft kissed across her skin, sighed softly a smile touched her lips until she felt cold metal clamp around her wrist. “Aston.”

“My turn.” He chuckled and cuffed her to their bed “You got all the fun last time, now my Luna I’m going to return the favour, only now it will be way more fun.” He was looking right down at her “you’re going to cry out, gasp and then Mala, you’re going to see stars, I’m going to give you multiple orgasms all night long.”

She smiled at him “Promises.” She teased him, but knew he could, he’d already done that, even before their bond, had been exhausted by him, screamed and clung to him. Even early tonight he’d done that she had clung on to him and cried out for him, it had been hot and heavy all raw need with them Mating for the first time as a bonded pair.

Mala didn’t doubt she was going to enjoy being touched and tormented by him, knew he was going to make her beg for him at some point. Like she had him.