Chapter 37 - The Rejected Life of Mala Luca

The anger she felt at just hearing those words, saw her get right off of Aston and get right out of the bed.

“I’ll go, Mala, you’re not required to deal with him.”

She looked right at Aston, then turned and stalked away from the bed. She might not be required to, but she was bloody going to. Walked right into his walk-in closet and yanked a shirt of his off the hanger and pulled it over her head.

She was going to march herself right down there. She and Suki had finally made their choice and now here he was, why after his last visit would he even bother to come back? She didn’t know. They had tried to kill him them. How could he possibly think that he’d be welcome here.

Banged right out of the Alpha Suite, could hear Aston calling her name, didn’t care to wait for him, knew that he was going to follow her, just needed a pair of pants is all. This was her fight, her and Suki’s. They were never going back to that asshole, obviously Hudson needed her and Suki to beat the living hell out of him. Well, if he wanted a fight. He was going to get one. They were going to end it here and now, once and for all. There would be no more dealing with him after this.

She could see him standing on the other side of the gate, felt Suki growl inside her mind, her wolf was just as ticked off as she was. Saw as his eyes move right over her attire, and frowned when he realised, she was wearing a man’s shirt, damn near smiled herself.

She was wearing one of Astons' tee-shirts, it was way too big on her and he would be able to see the love bite over her mark spot, she’d spotted it in the mirror in Astons walk-in, it was deep purple and it still felt sensitive and to her surprise a little on the tingly side. Wondered if that was because she and Suki had chosen him to be their Mate.

She also knew that once she got close enough to Hudson, he’d be able to not only see it, see what she was wearing. Would also be able to smell Aston all over her. She had just come from his bed. It was going to be quite strong, they’d not long stopped having sex, she didn’t care that he would smell it.

Let him, they did not belong to him anymore, never had, in fact, had never chosen him. Never would.

She saw his frown deepen as he picked up the scent of another on her, and not just anyone, an Alpha Male at that, heard a low growl actually come from he and his wolf. Stopped walking and raised an eyebrow at his reaction, why he growled she didn’t know, not only had he been the one to reject her, he’d smelled Aston on the last time he was here. The man himself, she knew was standing right behind her as well. He also wasn’t alone. She’d heard his whole unit catch up and ask what was going on.

She could see that Jet was sitting in the driver's side behind the wheel, wasn’t looking at her, didn’t seem to care, was staring out the window. Not going to get involved today, it seemed. Wondered if she’d left scars on that man or had he healed fully. He knew she wasn’t going to take him back, seemed to have gotten the message.

Turned her eyes back to Hudson “Why, even bother coming here?”

“I want you to come home, Mala.” Hudson stated firmly.

“I am home.” Indicated to the pack she had chosen to belong to, was liked here, would soon be the Luna to it, not that he knew that.

“With me, back to where you belong, by my side within the Glimmering Moon Pack.”

“I’m not now or ever will be interested in going to your shitty pack. Where pack members are treated like garbage.” She told him honestly.

“The pack is very different now, I assure you. I have rectified all that was wrong with it. changed how it is run.”

“I don’t care.” Mala folded her arms across her chest, and she didn’t care to go there. It was probably a better place for his own pack members, but she was not one, “What you do, or who you do it with for that matter.”

“I’ve not been with anyone in years, Mala, I only want you. My Goddess Gifted Mate. I am not the same man I used to be. Please come home with me. Let me show you all I’ve done, the changes I’ve made for you. To show you, I know it was wrong how you were treated there.”

“Not interested.” Mala shrugged.

“Mala please, there are now many wolf-less within the pack as well. I even tracked down everyone mother banished and brought them back to their home, to their families.They are all treated well and with respect, I assure you this.”

“Why should I care what you do?”

“Because you’re to be the Luna Mala, should have been, will be if you just come home. I did this all for you, Mala. To prove to you I’m not the same, the pack is no longer as it once was.” Saw him hold his hand out to her, for her take “Please forgive me Mala, I was young and admit foolish. We can fix our broken bond.”

“I told you I’m not interested in fixing that. I, we, my wolf and I have never been interested in you, will never be interested in you.” And they weren’t.

It was nice she supposed to hear that he had made an effort to rectify the packs wrong doings, but there was no proof of it, and she wasn’t so stupid that she would just accept his word and flock to him. It was never going to happen, not when she had a willing Wolf who wanted her, showed her just how much he cared and truly wanted her.

“I have a new Mate.” She told him “We’re just not Marked and Mated yet.

Saw Hudson’s eyes move behind her as she felt Aston slide and arm around her waist and pull her back against him gently, saw Hudson’s jaw tighten.

“I am your Goddess Gifted Mate, Mala. It would be better for you to come home with me. Then for you to choose another.”

“Would it now? Aston has asked me to be his mate. I’ve accepted with an open heart. My wolf also agrees, likes his wolf, likes her Alpha, so we choose him.”

“Mala, don’t be like this our Mate Bond, it can be fixed, regrown, I want that.”

“Good for you Hudson. I’m glad to hear that you want that. Shows me that nothing has changed, it’s all about you and what you want. Always was, you never cared about me or what I wanted or didn’t want.”

“It was one mistake Mala. I made one mistake that was all. I left you alone all month after I scented you out, did I not? I never touched you, not once. Till you let that human touch you. I felt all of it, Mala, every damned second of it, so did my wolf. It was why we lost control, we got angry that you were going to go out with him again. That we would have to feel it all again.”

“Not my problem.”

“Wasn’t it. You let that human touch you, kiss you and touch you, I felt all of it Mala, it hurt, that’s what led to our one mistake, we crossed the line once.”

“Once, you keep saying that. But it wasn’t once. What do you call the second night? Or did I imagine that?”

“You enjoyed it, Mala, as much as I did.” He shot at her.

“Did I…I said no the first time.”

“You didn’t mean it. Look at how you responded to me.”

“Mm,” she nodded “My body did betray me, but I didn’t want you. I hated you, as much as you hated me. I have the scars to prove how much you hated me as well.”

“You enjoyed it, Mala.” he reiterated.

“Not my wolf, not in my mind. My body only. Betrayed by the Mate Bond, but I never wanted it. I hated myself for it every single minute of it.”

“Mala, that is not true, I was there.”

“Yes, you were the instigator and once? You only made one mistake, really?”

“Alright, two mistakes.”

“Two too many. I will never come back to you. My wolf wants to kill you. I’m tempted to let her. Every second of every day, it’s hard not to let her stalk into your shitty pack and slaughter you, your Beta, your entire Unit, your own mother and father for that matter.”

“Mother and father are no longer there. I sent them away. I do understand you wouldn’t want them there.”

“Hmm,” She shrugged “I don’t care. Go home to your shitty pack. Be a shitty shallow Alpha who cares for nothing but his own needs. I will not now, or ever be a part of your life. Rejected and accepted willingly.”

“I changed everything for you Mala.” He snapped “Now come home already. You’re supposed to be my Luna.” Saw him take a step and reach out towards her.

Wondered why he thought she would take it, nothing she’d said would have led him to believe she would go with him. Hell, she’d told him she had a new Mate, was going to be Aston's Mate. What he wanted was never going to happen, how did he not get it?

“I am a Luna, and a respected one at that. Not once has this pack ever so much as looked at me like I’m worthless.” She slid her hands up into her hair and pulled it up and twisted it down over her right shoulder “I love it here, always belonged here. I will never abandon my pack, never disrespect or hurt and abuse, torture my pack members that are wolf-less, No. I have trained them to fight. Armed them with razor sharp Kama’s and gave them body armour. You should see them. They are amazing fighters. A whole unit, strong and capable. Just like I was, the wolf-less are not useless. I was never useless. That's why you hated me in the first place, because I was strong and unbreakable. Well, I’m still strong, much stronger than even you.”


“I did learn something from you, Hudson. How to be cruel when in the face of something, someone you hate.” Slid her hand right over her mark spot, pulled the collar of the shirt aside and looked right at Hudson “I Mala Luca, choose to be the Luna to the Hollowed Moon Pack.”

Saw Jet get out of the car finally, he didn’t seem to like where this was going.

“I choose Alpha Aston to be my Mate.” Looked back at Hudson, smiled right at him “Aston, my wolf says you can Mark us.” She stated firmly.

Took less than a second to feel the pain of his fangs buried into her neck, gasped as he bit down hard and felt his venom burn into them. Stared right at Hudson the whole time. She would never go back to him, was right now making a very clear statement to him.

He only cared she had Suki, not once had he yet to even say he was sorry, because she knew that he still believed he’d done nothing wrong, was the Alpha and could do as he so pleased, have what he wanted.

She could see the anger in him now as he stood and watched another claim her, what he still thought was his right to have. He’d lost that right 14 years ago, hell 16 years ago, when he’d first shunned her, like the rest of his shitty pack.

“Mine.” Aston and Titan murmured after he sealed his mark, she turned and looked right at him, smiled up at him, he was still shirtless, had only yanked pants on before coming after her, had even let her have it out with Hudson without so much as interfering. He knew she wanted it, needed it likely.

She could feel their half realised bond, it was already working she realised, as his hand touched her face, she could feel the soft sparks and tingling of their bond forming between them.

"Mine.” She and Suki stated as they looked up at him, found themselves picked up by Aston, wrapped her legs around him and ran a finger over his mark spot, felt him shiver under her touch, knew he could feel it now, as much as she could. Smiled at him and he smiled right at her, tilted his head to the side and they sank their fangs right into him. Marked him right back.

They had already made their choice this morning, before he’d even woken up, got to feel that connection to him lock into place, could feel that not only was he happy about her and Suki Marking him, could also feel his amusement as well at the way she had done it. Felt Titan’s presence as he connected with Suki for the first time, heard him growl “My Luna.” Right inside of her mind at his Mate, Suki. “So beautiful, so strong, all Mine.”

“My Alpha, Mine always now.” Suki growled right back at him.

Mala looked right at Aston and smiled “Thank you.”

“My pleasure to give you what you want, my Luna.” His mouth found hers, she could hear Simon, their Beta, telling Hudson to leave, that he was not now or ever would be welcome here within the Hollowed Moon Pack. The next time he came here it would be seen as a declaration of war. That they would accept that declaration and a war would be had. That the Luna, his Luna, deadly and strong was more than capable of not only leading that war, but winning it as well.

She felt Aston put her down, turned and looked at Hudson, didn’t know why he was still standing there.

“How could you Mala, after everything I did for you.” He grated out.

“I don’t love you.” She stated simply and she did not, never had, neither had Suki. Slipped her hand into Astons and smiled up at him, a man she knew, trusted, respected and loved, her choice for a Mate, would never want another and she knew it. “let’s allow out wolves out Aston. So they can Mate and complete their bond to each other.”

She saw Aston smile down at her “Oh, Titan is more than ready to fully claim his Mate.” They turned and walked away, to head for the woods, even Suki felt excited to Mala now. She was even the first one to shift and run off once they hit the tree line. Bolted away from her own Mate so that he could chase and hunt her. To have fun with him and torment him, tease him and wind him up until he caught her to mate her good and proper, Suki seemed very happy by this prospect, had a Mate finally and felt whole as a wolf.