Chapter 34 - Alpha Asher By Jane Doe

Read Alpha Asher [by Jane Doe] – “You belong to us.”

His voice sent desire rushing through me, igniting a fire between my legs. I couldn’t help it when my thighs clenched together, trying to alleviate some of the pressure. Alpha Asher didn’t miss a single thing. His blackened eyes flickered from my flushed face to my clenched thighs, a low growl leaving his lips.

“It’s time you remembered that.” Alpha Asher snarled, lunging at me.

My instincts kicked in as I watched this rage filled Alpha charge at me. I tried jumping to the side, but Alpha Asher’s rage made him faster and much stronger. I was thrown over his shoulder like a sack of flour. A low grunt left my mouth as my stomach came in contact with his shoulder.

The fire between my legs was burning out of control now, potential punishments running through my head. My defiance and will power remained stronger than ever. While there was little chance I’d manage to escape Alpha Asher, I’d never come quietly.

I thrashed on his shoulder, flailing my legs and pounding my fists against his back.

“I don’t belong to anyone.” I snapped, my small fist bouncing against his chiseled back. I could feel his hardened muscles under my fists, making it harder to concentrate. “Thick headed, angry Alpha.” I grunted.

A loud clap sound filled the room, and a stinging pain radiated up my backside. Alpha Asher raised his hand and slapped my bottom again. The stinging pain continued, but it only stoked the blazing fire between my legs. My bottom was right by his face, and I was nearly positive he could smell my arousal.

“The more you fight me, the longer this will take.” Alpha Asher snarled, yanking my bedroom door open.

He stalked across the hall, flinging open his bedroom doors. I had to take a moment to look around, my eyes wide in wonder.

Alpha Asher’s room was much nicer than my own. While the color scheme throughout the house was white and other cream tones, Alpha Asher’s bedroom was almost entirely black.

A black four poster bed sat off in the middle of the room, black carpets and drapes to match. Alpha Asher had an entire bar at his disposal, nestled in the corner of the room. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I realized this was Tyler’s old room. The differences between Tyler and Alpha Asher were staggering, and I wondered how I ever fell for Tyler in the first place.

“I didn’t do anything wrong.” I hissed.

A loud whimper left my lips when Alpha Asher raised his hand and assaulted my bottom. The pain mingled with pleasure and stoked the raging inferno between my legs. I could feel my wetness as I clenched my thighs together. I hoped the smell of my arousal would keep Alpha Asher from actually murdering me.

“Quiet.” Alpha Asher snarled, tossing me down on his bed. “Save your voice, you’re going to need it when I have you screaming.”

I visibly clenched my legs together as I sat in the middle of Alpha Asher’s bed. His musky scent swirled on the blankets invitingly, urging me to give up my fight and let Alpha Asher have his way.

I wanted to be a good girl for him; I really did, but he made it so hard. The irritation at my disobedience was incredibly alluring, and I couldn’t help but be so defiant.

I watched in stunned silence as Alpha Asher removed the belt he was wearing, holding the thick material between his fingers. His eyes never once left my own.

“Put your hands behind your back.” Alpha Asher’s voice was deadly calm, his fury was contained for the moment but still there in the front of his mind.

My mouth flopped open, the blood rushing to my face.

“He’s probably going to strangle us.” Maya groaned, her voice nearly making me jump.

“I don’t think that’s what he has in mind.” I murmured, embarrassment flooding my face.

Of all the times I imaged Alpha Asher taking me fully, I never truly thought’ve what I would do when it happened. That fact only reminded me how truly inexperienced I was.

“H**l no.” I scoffed, pushing myself further away from Alpha Asher. My face was reddening as I realized what I had gotten myself into. It wasn’t like I knew one word would send Alpha Asher into a Lola- obsessed rage.

“Then get on your knees.” Alpha Asher smirked deeply, his eyes still burning with anger. “Choose.”

Maya’s ears perked up when she learned we weren’t going to be m******d by Alpha Asher.

I didn’t think my face could flush this much, but his demands were putting all sorts of images into my mind. My pu**y throbbed in response, urging me to make a decision.

“I’ll choose for you then.” Alpha Asher looked down at me darkly.

Before I could fling myself from the bed, his large hand wrapped around my ankle. I glared back at him, unable to do much else. My heart was thundering, the rest of my body responding on it’s own.

Alpha Asher yanked me across the bed, towards him. His hands lifted from my legs, grabbing me by the waist until I sat on my knees. I glared up at him menacingly, but my eyes burned with arousal. I refused to look at the growing bulge in his pants, resisting the strong urge to graze my fingers against it.

Alpha Asher looked down at me, and something almost soft ran across his gaze as he glided his thumb along my bottom lip.

“Don’t bite, Lola.” Alpha Asher’s voice was no longer a rage-filled growl, but was low and husky.

My eyes widened as Alpha Asher undid his pants, dropping them to the floor. He freed his hardened c**k and tossed his underwear to the side. My eyes were glued to it instantly, realizing what was about to go in my mouth. I wasn’t completely ignorant, I knew what a bj was but I couldn’t fathom how he was going to fit.

His c**k was long and thick, the girth alone would probably split me in two.

My puy throbbed at what was about to happen next, and ultimately won the battle. I opened my mouth and watched as Alpha Asher’s eyes roamed my face. One of his hands reached around to the back of my head, tangling in my hair. He pressed the head of his ck against my tongue, a small bead of pre-c*m running down the tip.

“Such a good girl.” Alpha Asher growled lowly, letting the head of his c**k glide into my mouth. “Now wrap your lips around it.”

I did as he said, shivering as a low moan left his mouth. His c*k slid inside my mouth, and I tried to accommodate for his thickness. His pace was slow for a few thrusts, his hand guiding the back of my head. When I looked up at him, Alpha Asher’s eyes were on my own. Anger swirled within his lut filled eyes, as if he had just remembered I angered him.

His grip on the back of my head tightened, as he tugged my hair. His pace went from slow to unforgiving in the blink of an eye. My eyes widened and my throat constricted as his ck slammed in and out of my mouth. I couldn’t help but gag and try not to choke as his thick member assaulted my throat. The first few rough slams were brutal, but eventually my throat opened up for his ck and stopped fighting.

“That’s it, Lola.” Alpha Asher growled huskily. A low moan came from my throat, vibrating across my lips.

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” Alpha Asher murmured, his dark eyes locked on my own. “It’s going to be a long night, Lola.”

My eyes widened at his words, yet my body begged for more. Alpha Asher continued thrusting into my mouth, his husky moans burned into my mind. I had never thought something like this could turn me on, but Alpha Asher nearly had me falling apart with a single touch.

“S*****w it all.” Alpha Asher growled, giving my hair a hard tug. A whimper vibrated my lips at the sensation, my hand moving between my own legs. The pressure in my pu**y was nearing painful, and my fingers worked hastily at my shorts.

“Don’t touch yourself.” Alpha Asher snarled, ripping my hand away but a cruel smirk formed on his face. “Tonight is a punishment, Lola.”

Tears burned in my eyes as Alpha Asher continued f**king my face, and I placed my hands against his thighs to try and slow his assault.

“fk, Lola.” Alpha Asher growled, his ck pulsating in my mouth. Warm liquid splashed against my tongue, Asher’s rough pace slowing.

He removed his c*k from my mouth, and awe ran over his face as he watched me s*****w his cm. His hand remained in my hair, and he pulled me to my feet.

“Good girl.” Alpha Asher smirked down at me. “Give me your hands.”

“What–” I sputtered, “But you said–“

“Haven’t you realized it yet?” Alpha Asher murmured down in my ear, shivering from the feel of his breath against my skin. “I make the rules, Lola.”

Alpha Asher yanked my wrists forward, securing them tightly with the belt. He shoved me back onto the bed, and pulled me towards the headboard. I suked in a sharp breath as Alpha Asher hooked his belt to the headboard, forcing my brests together and tighter against my thin tank-top.

Alpha Asher climbed on top of me, my heart hammering at the short distance between us. His torso forced my legs open, his hot breath fanning across my lips.

A loud ripping sound filled the room, followed by the rush of cool air. I looked down in embarrassment as Alpha Asher tossed my shredded tank-top to the side. His black gaze ran down my b**e skin, lingering on my chest before he continued lower. I didn’t look down as the sound of tearing fabric filled the room. Another cool breeze, this one much lower rushed against me.

Alpha Asher had his burning gaze roaming every inch of my skin, his eyes darkened as he looked down at my soaked underwear.

“You enjoy being punished, little Lola.” Alpha Asher murmured in my ear, moving my head so his lips could trail down the length of my neck. His teeth nipped at my soft skin, his tongue darting out to taste me.

He pressed the tips of his fingers against my pu*y, grinding roughly against my underwear. A breathless moan left my lips under his touch. His mouth continued it’s assault on my skin, roaming down my neck to my exposed brests. His lips su*ked on one of the pink buds, rolling under his tongue and nipping roughly. My back arched on it’s own, a whimper leaving my lips.

Patches of skin were darkening on my chest from Alpha Asher’s lips, marking my skin with dark purple splotches. Another wave of lut hit me as I watched him mark my skin with his suks and bites, replacing Tristan’s with his own.

My body tensed as he situated himself between my legs, my wet underwear being my last defense. He shredded my underwear with his claws and tossed the scrap of fabric on his bedside table. Hot breath fanned against my parted lips, and I couldn’t help but try and clench my legs together.

“Don’t hide yourself from me.” Alpha Asher growled, his eyes looking up to meet my own.

Without warning, Alpha Asher’s tongue plunged between my parted lips. A long moan left my mouth, and I clenched my lips together in surprise.

“I’ve wanted to taste you for so long.” Alpha Asher growled, running his tongue along the length of my pu**y. “You’re all wet for me.”

His tongue was skill full against my most sensitive area, coaxing all kinds of sounds from my lips. The pressure in my pu**y grew higher, his finger entering me slowly. Alpha Asher moved his finger in and out at a agonizing pace.

“Please.” I whimpered, his tongue flicking against my swollen cl*t lightly.

“What was that?” Alpha Asher lifted his head, his eyes burning with amusement. “Do you want to c*m, Lola?”

“Yes.” I whimpered, grinding my pu**y against his hand.

“Who do you belong to?” Alpha Asher’s eyebrow lifted, but his eyes remained dark and dangerous.

“You.” I breathed, “I belong to you.”

I couldn’t stop it from falling from my lips, or the wave of pleasure I felt once they were out. My body reacted to his touch, craving him. Whether I liked it or not, I kind of did belong to him.

“Good girl, Lola.” Alpha Asher snarled, latching his mouth onto my sensitive pu**y without warning.

His tongue ran against my clt, his finger slamming inside of me. Pleasure pulsed through me, the pressure in my puy at it’s tipping point. My entire body stiffened, and my back arched as pleasure I had never felt before washed over me. Alpha Asher continued his assault on my puy, letting me ride my orgm out fully. I laid there catching my breath, processing what the h**l happened as his thumb reached out and stroked my swollen clt.

A whimper left my lips and I moved away from him, every nerve ending felt sensitive.

“You thought that was it?” Alpha Asher smirked darkly. “That was just one. I’m far from finished, Lola.”

My stomach twisted into knots as Alpha Asher yanked me back down to him. My eyes were blown wide —no where near ready for the long night ahead.

Alpha Asher continued what he had started for over half the night. Each time he touched me, my puy roared to life despite my protests. I lost count of the orgm s I had, but the sensitivity in my puy only grew. Whimpers of pain and pleasure filled Alpha Asher’s bedroom. Each time he brought me to orgm , a scream ripped through me and my body shook with pleasure.

Alpha Asher kept his ck concealed the entire time, not once trying to fill me with it. Even after countless orgm s, I wanted him fully. I wanted him inside of me, bringing me to yet another crippling org**m .

By the time he finished, my legs were quaking with exhaustion. I collapsed onto the bed my bottom facing up. Alpha Asher had his lips on every inch of my skin that night, but refused to place his lips on my own.

My eyes were fluttering as I felt the belt vanish from my hands, but I didn’t have the energy to sit up. My pu**y was a throbbing mess between my legs, sensitive and aching at the slightest touch.

My eyes fluttered closed, lulled by the woodsy scent of Alpha Asher.