Chapter 1 - A Cue For Happiness

Vehement Hatred

There were so many that she could not bear to even look

by Natalie’s twin sister, Yara.“Dad, Yara…” Natalie paled instantaneously.“You didn’t return all night, and we thought that something happened to you. Who knew that you would be fooling around with a man in a hotel!” Thomas pointed his finger at his daughter as he berated loudly.Yara, on the other hand, whined, “You really went too far this time, Natalie! Dad, Aunt Yvonne, and I almost went crazy looking for you!”Natalie shook her head vigorously.“N-No, I didn’t.”“Have you no shame? See those marks on your neck and limbs? And you still dare to say that you didn’t?”“I-I was set up by someone, Dad. I also have no idea how this happened.”Seeing that Natalie was still defending herself, Thomas grabbed the ashtray beside him and threw it toward her.Thud!Before she could react, she had another wound on her forehead. Blood began seeping out of it continuously, trickling down her face.“I have just agreed to your marriage with Mr. Quinn, Natalie, and now look what you’ve done! Now that you’re unchaste, how am I supposed to explain this to him?”Natalie widened her eyes in disbelief. “Jacob Quinn is nearly sixty, and all three of his previous wives are dead. And yet, you still want me to marry him?”“What’s wrong with that? You should be honored to be able to marry him.” Thomas held onto Yara’s arm with a look of disappointment. “Fortunately, you and Yara are only similar in looks and not in terms of moral conduct. Your behavior has brought shame to our entire family!”Yara side-eyed her sister contemptuously. “Don’t forget that she grew up in the countryside, Dad!”Faced with Thomas’ cold glare and Yara’s indifference, Natalie could not help but exclaim internally.Look! This is the attitude of my own father and sister!Not only was Natalie’s forehead bleeding, but so was her heart.Ten months later, alongside the cries of infants, Natalie successfully gave birth to two children in her apartment on the outskirts of the city.As Yara scooped up the babies, who were still covered in blood, she glared viciously at her sister lying in bed, weakened by childbirth.“G-Give them back… to me…” Despite the deathlike pallor of her face, Natalie still tried her best to get up.“Give them back? Can you provide for them?” Yara taunted.“I-I am your sister… Your biological sister!” Natalie stared intensely at the girl who looked exactly like her. “Why… Why are you doing this to me?”“That woman is your mother, not mine! Back then, she chose you and left me to fend for myself in that house full of wolves. Where were you during those years
