Chapter 11 - Alpha Nocturne"s Contracted Mate

CHAPTER 11 Alpha Nocturne’s Car Is Coming…

Ann frowned.

“Then who is this and how did you get my number?” She asked, briefly removing the phone from her ear to check the caller ID before returning it to her ear.

“I don’t have your number saved and this is my personal phone. So who is this?” Ann demanded haughtily, tapping her foot


“Erm… this is Allan, Beta Allan, my Luna. Alpha Nocturne asked me to call to ascertain your whereabouts.”

“Oh…” Ann answered as the color drained from her face and Maeve sniggered in her head.?

“Ah… Alpha Nocturne has arranged the ceremony for tomorrow afternoon. By the time the ceremony is completed and appropriate celebrations have taken place for the pack, the full moon should have risen. The Pack Elders are ready and willing, and more than excited I might add, to welcome you into your position officially as Luna of the Dark Moon Pack.”


‘Ironic that the Luna ceremony for the Dark Moon Pack is held on the day the moon is the brightest… would have made more sense to hold it on a new moon if they were being true to their namesake.” Maeve observed as Allan began speaking again.

‘Quiet, Maeve, you aren’t helping. I can’t concentrate with you interrupting,’ Ann hissed back furiously.

“Luna?” Allan’s voice enquired with a hint of impatience on the other end of the phone.

thinking about what

car pick you up shortly then. Whereabouts are you

fuck it, fine!” Ann answered in exasperation. “I’ m at a cafe with a friend. I’ll be finished in roughly an hour as long as she doesn’t eat anything else.” Ann

last comment and Allan cleared his

decide in the meantime if you want to collect your things from your home personally

line went dead and Ann

plates of various cakes

decide, so I bought them all.” She

lowered her head into her

her mouth and narrowed

“Did I

me in 45 minutes.” Ann intoned as she slumped backward in her chair, allowing her head to fall back and stare

this…” Lexi hissed as she gestured wildly to the food in front of her, “Is

lifted her head back up

what you put in your mouth

stressful! Secondhand stress I’m calling it. Sugar helps me cope. I’ll drown my sorrows in a mountain of sugar while you

snorted as a commotion by the

Brad. He was looking around furiously, scanning each face that he met and when his eyes finally locked with hers, his face split into an ugly sneer and he began to make his

sake…” Ann

feeling of trepidation building in her stomach. Lexi noticed her friend’s unease and swallowed the last mouthful of

with a concerned

Before she could answer though, the sound of chairs being pushed hurriedly out of the way caught Lexi’s attention and she turned with a raised eyebrow to see what the source of the commotion


As soon as her eyes landed on Brad, her expression darkened furiously as she flew out of her seat rapidly and stood protectively in front of where Ann sat. Her previously crimson eyes began to glow ominously as the dark pupils expanded rapidly and left only a thin band of crimson fire encircling them.

Lexi’s face contorted frighteningly into a sneer with her arms folded in front of her, as she watched the young Alpha through narrowed eyes. He stopped just millimeters away from her.

Brad pushed his face close to hers, their noses almost touching in an attempt to intimidate her. Anne almost laughed. Intimidation only excited Lexi, she got a kick out of putting people in their place.

“Get the f*ck out of my way, Lexi.” He snarled menacingly, their noses almost touching.

Lexi snorted and extended her arm, shoving him forcefully as she pushed Brad backward a few steps. She flicked her long

manicured red nails across each other as she c*cked her head contemplatively at him.

“Too close puppy. Your dog breath will ruin my clothes.” She commented casually as she inspected her nails and smirked.

Brad growled angrily and stepped forward, his hands clenched into fists.

“I don’t have time for this you f*cking half-b*eed, get out of the way!”

Lexi contorted her face into a mask of mock horror, clutching her chest comically.

“Oh no! My feelings!! How will I ever recover?” she smiled sardonically and tutted loudly.

“Someone should really teach you some manners little boy. First, you stick your d*ck in the wrong sister, and now you’re throwing ugly words around in a cafe owned by none other than those hybrids you talk with such a disdainful tone about. I’d be careful if I was you.” Lexi warned with a sweet smile, “You might get yourself a nasty reputation and we wouldn’t want that would we?”