Chapter 12 - Alpha Nocturne"s Contracted Mate

CHAPTER 12 The Rejection

Brad growled lowly as he turned his head slowly and looked around nervously, noticing a fair few pairs of narrowed eyes directed at him. He took a deep breath and rolled his shoulders slightly, forcing himself to relax as he ran his hand through his hair.

The fury still smoldered in his eyes but at least his aggression was under control.

“Listen, about Ada…” He ground out but Lexi was having none of it and lifted her hand to silence him.

“I don’t give a fuck about your excuses and I’m sure Ann doesn’t care to hear them either.” she hissed.

“Ann, please… just hear me out!” He pleaded as he twisted to the side to try and catch Ann’s eye.

‘I think we should listen to what he has to say.” Maeve interjected contemplatively.

‘Seriously? You want to hear him out?’ Ann retorted incredulously.

‘Yes. Then I can decide how much pain I want to put him through when I forcibly castrate both him and his cowardly wolf.’ she snarled, her fangs bared.

Ann sighed heavily and stood, placing a hand on Lexi’s shoulder.

“It’s okay, Lexi. Maeve wants to hear what he has to say.” Ann said calmly.

Lexi snorted in disgust and with a final depreciating sweep of her eyes over Brad, she moved to the side and sat down heavily in her

chair, keeping her gaze fixated on the couple before her.

Brad seemed to relax instantly, his shoulders sagging in relief as he stared intensely into Ann’s eyes.

you, Maeve.” He said gratefully as he took a few steps forward and reached for

a step back and glared

“Don’t touch me, Brad. Not with the same hands that were all

wounded look on his

don’t know what happened…honestly. I came as we planned and would have spent the night in the guest

Lexi snorted at almost the same time as they shared a look

you can do? You don’t remember it?” Ann

Even my wolf remembers nothing! Please..he’s

as they were, stuck inside our bodies they were powerless to

Ann! One time does not excuse the years that he’s

worthy of your pity.’ Maeve snarled

resolve hardened with Maeve’s words

warn Maeve after all of the other occasions you were in

Brad looked stunned for a second

confusion flashed across his

No! That’s not… no! There have

happy to fill

she’s lying, Ann! You have to believe me!”

little… whatever it is… between you two, and quite frankly, I believe her. She would bend over backward to take everything from me and you knew this.

argument had escalated into raised voices and Ann


wanted to avoid this confrontation

Brad’s pack. Who knew how it would affect Alpha Nocturne’s pack

“Look, I’m over this already,

“So that’s it? You’re throwing it all away. ” He snorted incredulously before his face darkened as he glared at her back.

“You know, I didn’t think you were capable of doing it, but I guess I was wrong. It’s a pretty f*cking low blow having those pictures published before I even had the chance to tell the elders of my pack.” Brad hissed.

Ann turned and fixed him with a steely glare.

“I had nothing to do with those pictures. Why don’t you go and ask Ada? I’m sure she’ll have some delightful insights for you as to their origin.”

Brad glared at her silently, the rage in him mounting before he finally snapped.

“You can’t do this!” he roared as he smashed his fist onto the table next to him. The cups and plates on the table rattled in protest.

Ann turned to face him again, her eyes cold and devoid of feeling.

“Oh I can Brad, and I already have. I, Ann Veritas…”

“No!” He roared furiously as she raised her voice above his bellowing.

“… reject you, Brad Lunaris as my fated mate and the other half of my soul, on the basis of your infidelity with my own sister and your scant regard for the sanctity of the mate bond.”

Brad glared at her furiously, his body shaking as Ann felt the connection, she held to him and his wolf snap.

They stared at each other in silence as a dangerous aura rippled

outwards from him.

“I do not accept your rejection.” He ground out between gritted teeth.

“It seems I’ve arrived at a bad time…” a deep baritone emanated from behind Brad’s trembling frame.