Chapter 27 - Alpha Nocturne"s Contracted Mate

CHAPTER 27 Who Was In Between Your Legs!

She had only taken over this position late last year and was still sifting through the enormous amount of administration that her predecessor had willfully neglected.

She had come across an email from one of Alpha’s Nocturne’s departments regarding a potential collaboration on a large project from a few years ago and pursed her lips thoughtfully.

Ann didn’t know the full extent of his business interests, but she really should start to take an active interest. All she remembered was her father’s frequent bouts of fury over the fact that Adam’s interests often overlapped with his own, and he had lost out on more than a few lucrative contracts because he was able to provide better offers.

The world wasn’t as it used to be, where family favor won you contracts. If you wanted to do business with the humans as well as the supernaturals, you had to prove that you had a talent for what you were employed to do, and not just rely on the fact that you had a big name backing you.

Reputations were easily tarnished with the rise in popularity of social media and Ann had become adept at navigating the ins and outs of gossip columns. It was something that her father and step-family were vastly underprepared for.

The picture caught of Brad and Ada together just proved their ineptitude.

Ann snorted to herself. That was sure to be a car wreck as the years went by. She felt sorry for the child growing in Ada’s belly. She hoped that Ada would rise to the challenge of

motherhood and put her selfish nature behind her.

She frowned as she could hear what sounded like raised voices from the other side of her office door. The sound was m*ffled but it was definitely much louder than the usual buzz of conversation that kept her company throughout the day.

forced Ann to stand abruptly and place her coffee on the table quickly. She began to make

if necessary,

the door to her office flew open and it barely missed

of Brad stood outlined in the doorway, his eyes slightly wild as he stared

you are…” Brad hissed furiously

utterly lost for words at his

at the mess he had made. Eva was picking herself up off the floor, clearly dazed, and clutching her head as she st*ggered

gaze back to where Brad stood panting

front of her, her lip curling at the

“What the fuck are you doing here?” she

it?” Brad growled menacingly, his

Ann snorted.

pill at breakfast or has all the time you spent f*cking Ada finally destroyed any intelligence that you had left? If you

snarled furiously at her and launched himself towards her, his arms extended and his hands closed swiftly


happening?! Had he seriously


“The f*cking idiot doesn’t like it when he’s on the receiving end of the pain does he?” Maeve snarled angrily as she felt Ann’s consciousness begin to waver.

‘All those years that I took the pain in your place, this is his karma. Now he knows exactly how it feels when your fated mate lays with another. I’ll fix this, Ann, don’t worry.’ She murmured soothingly. 1

Maeve surged forward as Ann’s consciousness slipped away, her golden irises flaring like brilliant fires of demonic vengeance, where Ann’s calm orbs once sat.

She grinned wildly at Ann’s skin and reached her foreign-feeling arms upwards, effortlessly prising Brad’s fingers from around her neck and bending them backward, causing him to yell out in pain.

“How do you like it, Brad?” Maeve snarled as she exerted a fraction of her strength to push him back, pinning him against the wall with her arm at his throat as she held his hands firmly.

Brad whimpered loudly as he fought to maintain his human form.

“No answer?” She sneered as she abruptly snapped one of his fingers back and to the side, the cracking sound echoing loudly in the now deathly silence of Ann’s office.

Brad screamed his pain as she chuckled darkly.

“I don’t blame your wolf, just so you know… I’m fully aware that you don’t listen to him at all, Brad. I pity him being paired with a weak human counterpart like yourself…” Maeve mocked with a smirk of contempt.

“But our glorious future?” She sighed, almost wistfully, before she continued. “That will never happen now. You ruined that Brad! You fathered a pup with another woman… not even a woif… and spurned your goddess fated. I hope your wolf abandons you.” she hissed as she forcibly snapped two more of his fingers and Brad’s scream filled the air again.