Chapter 33 - Alpha Nocturne"s Contracted Mate

CHAPTER 33 You Have To Suppress Your Wolves

“Right. I suppose it’s kind of like a scar, but it never disappears as the mark left is ant acceptance of the claim and marks each partner as off limits to others.”

‘Doubt it would have stopped Brad… it didn’t stop your father either…’ Maeve muttered angrily.

A*n chose to ignore Maeve’s comment but she knew that Maeve was right. The mark wasn’t infallible, it just signified ownership if you really thought about it.

“Dad already explained what would happen if you tried to mark someone that wasn’t your mate, so I know that it’s not possible to do that alone. But, we were thinking, if we infused the mark on each of you with Dad’s binding magic and magic to prevent healing… he thinks that it might work.”

A8n chewed her lip as she thought Lexi’s words over. It wasn’t a bad idea in theory. They would be bound to each other and wear each other’s marks and it would scar as normal.

By all outward appearances, it was entirely possible that this might work.

“There’s just one catch though, A*n,” Lexi added hesitantly.

A*n frowned at the tone of her friend’s voice. For once, she actually sounded a little hesitant.

“Why do you sound so worried, Lexi? What’s the catch?

Lexi was silent for a few seconds before she sighed heavily.


for this. An alpha without his wolf was

“I don’t know if he’ll go for that, Lexi,” A*n said, the disappointment in her voice inadvertently leeching out

Lexi sighed lightly.

be discreet about it. Dad can

“Will your dad be ok surrounded by


and so are the beings that inhabit it. He hasn’t been up here since… well… making me I guess, so he’s a little excited at the prospect of a holiday. It’s a

She had next to no knowledge of the daemons’ worlds, only the histories of her world, and they did not speak kindly of

any other options then he really doesn’t have a choice. I

worries, sweets. By the way, what time are you arriving at the disaster of an engagement banquet

I don’t want to upstage anyone and really, I should be there to

“Sucks to be you.”

remind me.” A*n snorted before her face suddenly brightened as she realized that Lexi had

“By the way, don’t be surprised if Brad is a little worse for wear when you’re taking pictures.”

you have some juicy gossip

“I think I’ll leave it as a surprise for you. Let’s just say that he turned up at my office

squealed in jubilation at the mere

“Oh my gosh, I would have paid to have seen that.” She groaned regretfully as A*n chuckled. “I’m sure it will make for interesting photo’s tonight for you anyway,” A*n laughed.

“I can’t wait!” She shrieked excitedly, before the sound of her hand over her speaker and *uffled words could be heard.

“Ugh, sorry, A*n, I have to go. People are incompetent and need me to do their jobs as well as my own. Catch you later!”

A*n grinned to herself as she hung up and threw her phone on the bed.

She supposed that she should really start looking at a killer outfit for tonight. She knew that the gossiping socialites wouldn’t make it easy for her. Speculation would be rife as to why she and Brad had parted ways and why he was now engaged to her sister.

She was interested to see how it would all play out. As much as she didn’t want to go tonight, she would make d*mn sure that she would knock them dead with her appearance.

A*n arrived back at the Alpha King’s palace to much fanfare. Reporters were lined

up*outside waiting and the flashes of the cameras began snapping furiously the moment that she stepped out of the car that had been sent to collect her.

The security personnel followed her closely as she made her way up the gold-embroidered red carpet that had been laid at the entrance and ran up the steps.

She waved and smiled demurely, ignoring questions shouted at her as she made her where her father and stepfamily stood waiting for her.

way to

A*n had been very careful with selecting the outfit that she had chosen tonight. She wanted to make a subtle statement that she was no longer a woman that was reliant on her father’s good graces and that while still loyal to her father and their royal lineage, her priorities were different