Chapter 35 - Alpha Nocturne"s Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 35 The Pack Colors Of Alpha Nocturne!

A strong she-wolf held her own and relied on no one but herself to solve her issues, a

strong Luna would keep her mate on track for scheduled appointments and required

functions. Ada was failing to do either and the wolves in attendance were vicious with

their tongues.

All of a sudden, Ann spotted Lexi among the crowd of the press being processed for

entrance to the function and she grinned widely. She excused herself and with a

reluctant nod from her father she left the dais and made her way over to her.

Title of the document

Ada watched the back of Ann hurry over to the doorway and sneered.

“This is all her fault! I can’t believe she got over Brad so damn quickly. I hope she gets

what she deserves!” She hissed as her mother narrowed her eyes dangerously at her.

“If you hadn’t been so damn impatient and just gone along with our original plan, this

wouldn’t be an issue. I can’t believe you were stupid enough to get pregnant to such a

weak wolf.” Ann’s stepmother, Narcissa hissed angrily at her daughter, Ada.

“She f*uc*king deserved it! Acting all high and mighty… she’s nothing! Why should

she get to enjoy her life while I f*uc*king struggle.” Ada hissed back quietly.

“You need to calm down. You made the choice to sleep with Brad and now you have

to face the consequences. I can’t believe you got pregnant with his bastard child,

Ada. You better hope that it’s bom strong for our sake!” Ada pouted angrily and

wrapped her hands protectively around her belly.

She hated Ann, and she hated Brad, but the baby? She already loved everything that

care that Brad’s s*eed had

would do

have to admit I’m curious though, mother. Who the f*uc*k would be

weakling like

“Are you d*um*b, Ada? Did I not tell you to pay


a flash of hurt flickered in her eyes at her

a hell of a lot smarter than you give her credit for and if you would

aside your childish jealousies, she could have been

as she rapped her

drawing more than a few curious glances

at what she’s wearing.

Ada frowned as she tried to rack her brain

bored her. She much preferred to learn

expected to attend and arrange, as well as


Narcissa snorted contemptuously.

clue do you?” She sneered

times her mother had at her tonight. Ever since Ann had turned up. It was

Ann was making Ada out

the distance as her mother


“Ow! What

“I swear to all that is… Ada… if

ruined. Do you know

the Pack colors

to be your husband, not Brad! But

that plan up!”

eyes widened in

future husband?! How f*uc*king dare she. Ada’s

daggers into Ann’s back as she chatted with that

friend of

away with

respond to any provocation



interrupted her ferociously, silencing her with

stepped out of

I’ve been far too lenient with you … call it the

motherhood.” She snorted disdainfully, “You are under the illusion that you are

capable of taking control of these matters when you have no such authority. You will

wait, and you will do it silently. Without causing a scene. There’s too much at stake

here. Do I make myself clear?

Ada stared at her mother d*um*bly for a few seconds as she took in the unfamiliar

face of fury. It was as if she didn’t know her mother at all.

She nodded silently and turned away petulantly as her father came over and

distracted Narcissa.

If her mother thought that she was going to leave Ann alone and not seek revenge,

then she had another thing coming.

Ann looked back towards the scene of her stepmother and Ada clearly having a very

public disagreement and sniggered.

It was probably about her and the thought made her happy in a strange way.

“Lexi! Over here!” Ann shouted to her friend as the guards turned to find the source of

the interruption and immediately bowed their heads respectfully.

“It’s okay, she’s here as official press, and if it gets her through quicker, in an official

capacity as my friend.”

The guard with the checklist looked down at his list and frowned, clearly catching the

whispers of discontent among the waiting parties.

“Oh, is this the a*s*sistant you were waiting for your highness?” He asked

nonchalantly as a meaningful look passed between them.

“Yes, exactly that.” Ann smiled gratefully as Lexi waved through.

Once safely inside Lexi rolled her shoulders and exhaled heavily.

“Geez, it’s tighter than nuns…”

“Lexi!” Ann chuckled, ” You have to behave here, especially if you are here in an

official capacity don’t forget.”