Chapter 5 - Alpha's Surrogate

Alpha’s Surrogate Chapter 5

said, you don’t hurt females or pups,” she reminded him of his own words. “Yes,” he replied, reading her facial expression. “But I’m afraid I can’t sell myself to you. I don’t have that kind of guts,” her heart was pounding. Surrogacy was out of the question for her. It would just become a curse. She would be unable to finish her studies after giving birth since she was fully aware that if her father learnt of the bargain she had made with Alpha Xavier he would declare her a rogue. She would be unable to finish her education since rogues were not permitted to have one. No fated or chosen mate would possibly accept her after she had given birth to another male’s child. She was fully aware of the harsh reality of her surroundings. Xavier frowned when he heard the word ‘sell’, she had taken it wrong.  “This is not about buying and selling. You only need to provide me with a baby. If you accept, I will instantly release your family and pack. I will not kill another person, they will continue to live their regular lives, but you will not be here. You will be free to leave my pack once you have given birth.” Kiara had forgotten about herself as soon as Xavier mentioned her family. What had she been thinking? She had been willing to accept being his slave in order to save them, right?  So, what had caused her such anguish now? “You will give birth to my pup and stay in my pack for another three months. Throughout this period, I will provide you with all that you require. Your education, food, clothing, and any other necessities that you desire. When you leave in a little over a year’s time, you will have a large sum of money in your account that you may  use to live the rest of your life comfortably anywhere you desire. It’s a win-win situation for everyone. All I want is a healthy heir, that’s all I care about,” Xavier outlined everything for her. “And, yes, you have the option of whether or not you take the money. I’m not buying you,” he pointed out so that she wouldn’t get the wrong idea. She already appeared to have a good deal of self-respect. Kiara’s heart was pounding in her chest. She’d been trapped in her own emotions and fears. She hadn’t cared about the money, she had no intention of accepting it because she wasn’t selling herself. But was this the only option? Did she truly want to be this unknown male’s surrogate? She didn’t have much of a choice, did she? But could she truly put her trust in him? She stayed silent for a few seconds while their gazes remained locked. She had been staring at his face intently. His emerald eyes were filled with desperation. However, this surrogacy might be a deception or a trap. After all, she didn’t know him personally, they had only met 15 minutes earlier, and he had just agreed to the surrogacy arrangement. In terms of status, money, and standard of living, the two were as far apart as the clouds in the sky and the earth. Aside from that, they were strangers and adversaries with no connection. So how could she believe him? She was certain that after hearing Noah’s words, he would have discovered that she was a neglected member of her family. She was only recognized as a member of this family so that her father could use her to marry her off for a treaty. Xavier hadn’t wanted to rape her for his vengeance, but this surrogacy contract sounded like she was selling herself. The tragic memories from her past stuck her heart like a physical blow, causing her to cry. She was unable to accept his offer. She quickly broke eye contact and turned to exit the room. She hadn’t wanted to cry in front of him and appear weak. Xavier took her hand in his pulling her back, causing her to collide with his muscular chest. “What’s the matter?” His voice shifted from a whisper to a soft moan, that he too let out beneath his breath. Her breasts were so soft against his chest.  He couldn’t believe they’d been standing so close that he could feel her nipples but he was unsatisfied, especially while his suit was in their way. Under his breath, he swore. He hadn’t expected her gorgeous eyes to be filled with tears. What was the cause of her tears? Had any of his statements set her off? “Nothing, just let me go,” she pleaded, refusing to look him in the eyes as she wriggled out of his grasp to open the door. “Don’t lie. Tell me,” Xavier put his hands on her waist using them to turn her around to face him. He despised the fact that she had been avoiding eye contact with him. “I cant accept your deal,” she admitted.  “Why?” Xavier frowned. He was not going to take a no for an answer. If she didn’t want her family to die, she had no other option than to agree to become his surrogate. “Tell me!” He demanded, careful not to lose his temper and terrify her. She continued staring at his chest, and the best part was that she hadn’t attempted to break away from his grip. He watched as she carefully lifted her left hand until his gaze was drawn to the diamond engagement ring on her finger. “I am already engaged,” Kiara’s hand trembled in response to Xavier’s rage. She had tightly closed her eyes. Even though she hadn’t looked up to him, she realized he was going to kill everyone. Yes, she was a virgin, but she had previously been engaged to another male. He required a pure female, but she had been kissed on the day of her engagement since Xavier was aware of the religious rites. She had no intention of hiding it from him, even though she knew he would snap her neck for wasting his time. “Then break your engagement,” he whispered in her ears. Her eyes widened in astonishment as she looked up at him. What? Breaking off the engagement? Before returning his gaze to hers, his green eyes cast the most venomous glare at her engagement ring. “Do you understand?” He asked, lightly running his fingers down her waist. She dropped her gaze and continued to stare at his chest. She had been unable to focus due to his touch being so soft and gentle. Even though he was a stranger, she had not feel threatened. But she needed him to stop caressing her before she moaned. She had been feeling hot! How could he make her feel this way? “Say something, Kiara,” Kiara’s breathing had become uneven, as his hand caressed her hair and cheek. His presence was driving her insane. It wasn’t the same as when her fiancé touched her. When he saw how beautifully she had reacted to his touch, Xavier’s finger
