Chapter 9 - Alpha's Surrogate

Alpha’s Surrogate Chapter 9

Xavier had a tendency to sleep very lightly so that he could remain watchful, as usual. As a result, while he had been asleep, he could feel every slight movement of the bed the entire night. He and Dean had been driven insane by the enigmatic, attractive, and sweet fragrance of the young female that happened to be sleeping beside them.

He hadn’t been able to sleep because he couldn’t relax, nevermind dreams he’d forgotten about those a long time ago. Thankfully she had ultimately stopped moving after a couple of hours. The shower had been quite beneficial for her, after it she had forgotten that she had vowed to be vigilant. Xavier had listened to her tranquil breathing even out then he had finally gotten some sleep, but her fragrance had still been a major distraction, one that he had managed to overcome. She hadn’t moved in half an hour, it had been silent for quite some time.

After three hours, Xavier opened his eyes, his gaze falling on Kiara as soon as he sensed movement in the bed. Why had she been moving so suddenly? She had kept her distance throughout the night and had not approached his side of the bed, but now she had rolled to the edge of the bed and was about to fall off of it! Xavier reached out his hands gripping her arms, drawing her closer to his chest. Her head would have hurt if she had fallen out of bed.

‘What the f**k was this female doing in middle of the night?!’ He internally growled. He’d finally had enough! He gritted his teeth and glanced down to scold her. She had buried her face into his chest. She was resting well after stealing the Alpha’s slumber! His hand trembled when he felt her hot breath whisper across his bare chest, eliciting a plethora of yearning on his skin. He regretted not wearing a shirt to bed. Despite the fact that she was sleeping, she had effectively seduced him in a matter of seconds. Her eyes were closed, so she had no idea that Dean had begun to spiral out of con trol. Xavier became painfully aware of a twitch in his c**k.f**k! His body was reacting violently to her touch, if this continued his monster would awaken becoming larger and harder!

He put one arm over his face and forced his eyes closed. This was unimaginable! He couldn’t keep himself together. Why didn’t he feel like puking as a result of this situation? Why was he turned on? He attempted to push her away, but her innocent face looked so lovely this close up that he couldn’t help but admire her, despite the fact that he was already rock-hard. He condemned himself several times. He had to get out of here! He had to hurry out of bed before it was too late, or else this young virgin would lose her virginity without a say in the matter!

After gently placing the sleeping beauty’s head back on the pillow, Xavier jumped out of the bed and escaped the room. He had not even thought about using his own bathroom. Zander heard his bedroom door open with a loud bang. What the hell had happened?! It sounded like someone had attacked but upon opening his eyes he learnt that his brother had stormed into his room then he locked himself in the bathroom.

What was going on? Why had his brother appeared in his room out of nowhere? When he grabbed his phone, he saw that it was 5 a.m. Was his brother insane? Why had he needed to use his bathroom? Zander received all the answers he needed in the next ten seconds, when he heard the shower running followed by Xavier groaning in the bathroom. Zander’s mind quickly deduced everything, he began to laugh while laying in his bed. The beauty that Xavier had shared his bed with had turned on his cold heartless brother. She had effectively turned Xavier’s member hard, now he was left struggling for release. What multiple skilled prostitutes hadn’t been able to accomplish, the young female had in a few hours. Kiara would have clearly heard his groaning and would have realized that he was jerking off, so Xavier had no choice but to come to Zander’s room.

“I bet morning wood is really frustrating,” Xavier heard his brother’s comment. He had been enjoying his frustration!

“Shut up!” Xavier snarled from the bathroom, which made Zander laugh even harder. As predicted, the hand job had been difficult while his mind had been preoccupied with thoughts of tight holes. Zander decided to get out of bed since he had no desire to sleep after this lovely wake up call and unexpected encounter. He knew Xavier’s business wouldn’t be finished for half an hour, so he went for a run around the pack house.

When she woke up, he hadn’t been laying next to her, but she smelt just like him.

“s**t!” That was when the realization hit her so hard that she covered her face with her palm in embarrassment. She had terrible sleeping habits, perhaps she turned over onto his side of the bed or had done something unexpected. She had chosen not to sleep last night just to close her eyes instead, but she had ended up sleeping like a pig.

She started pulling at her hair in shame, but then she stopped having concluded that she might be mistaken. He would have given her an earful of taunts this morning if she had given him a hard time or rolled over to his side of that bed during the course of the night.

He wouldn’t have just vanished into thin air.

When Kiara exited their bedroom after changing her outfit, she discovered Jennifer and a beautiful unknown female waiting for her.

“Good morning!” Jennifer gave a bright smile to Kiara.

“Good morning,” Kiara returned the smile, still perplexed by the new female who was staring at her in awe.

“Wow, the Luna really is beautiful and young like you told me!” The redheaded female exclaimed. Kiara merely smiled slightly uncomfortable with the praise but unsure how to respond to the stranger’s compliment. Jennifer poked the female in the side giving her a little to jolt out of her awe. She had gone to her mother’s pack to visit and had decided to come back early when Jennifer informed her about the arrival of the new Luna.

“Oh, I forgot to introduce myself to the Luna. I am the Gamma female, Lena,” Lena lowered her grey eyes and head in a sign of respect “Oh please, there is no need to perform formalities with me. Like Jennifer you are also my friend so please don’t bow unnecessarily and call me, Kiara,” she gave the brightest smile to the Gamma female.

“Sure! I am desperate to become your friend!” Lena’s eyes shone with excitement. Kiara chuckled, but then she noticed both females exchanging looks.

“Is something wrong?”

“It seems like you had a great night,” Jennifer grinned.

“Huh?” Kiara gave them a puzzled look.

“You smell like the Alpha. How was your night with him??” Lena’s evil grin extended all the way to her grey eyes, Kiara was taken aback. What was going through these she-wolves’ heads?

“Nothing happened between us!” Kiara’s face flushed.

“Don’t be shy!” Jennifer urged while Lena continued to grin. How could the Alpha have let the Luna leave like this? Kiara simply shook her head tiredly as she watched both women giggle and imagine things. Then her gaze was drawn to a bag that Jennifer had been carrying.

“What is this?”

“These are clothes for you,” Jennifer handed over a brand new dress to Kiara. They had come to her room to deliver it.

“Why are you giving this to me? I’ve already changed into a clean outfit,” Kiara was puzzled.

“It is the Alpha’s command. Alpha Xavier instructed me to bring you a dress to change into a while ago. Right now, I have a huge pregnant tummy. So my clothes will be too big for you, but Lena’s clothes should fit you,” Jennifer explained.

“But I can’t accept this.”

“Kiara, please don’t refuse it. I was so delighted to be able to share my stuff with you,” Lena stated, placing her dress in Kiara’s palm.

It was a pricey, delicate, and lovely white knee-length dress.

“The Alpha must want to show off his Luna to the rest of the pack,” Jennifer teased Kiara. The young female blinked a few times. So she had to confront the Sirius Bright Pack today?! Kiara accepted the clothing calmly, realizing why Xavier had given her this outfit. Her clothing was pretty awful for a Luna.Thanks to her, people could sneer behind his back. She was aware of the possibility since her own pack had addressed her by such names. She didn’t want to disgrace him in front of his pack members, so she accepted this outfit.

“Do you like the dress?” Lena asked curiously.

“That’s great. When we go shopping, you’ll have so many options,” Lena said.

“We are going shopping?”

and Lena both stated at the same time. Kiara was

So she could never even imagine shopping with

need anything.” Kiara said

many items, plus you are accompanying us. It’s time to spend your mate’s money,” Jennifer encouraged her

“Whose card is this?”

“Alpha Xavier’s.”

These females had been able to obtain the Alpha’s credit

mate’s cards so let’s do some shopping!” Jennifer smirked.

why did you request the Alpha’s card on my behalf?” Kiara was petrified. She wasn’t his mate or wife, thus she didn’t have the right

the one who handed his card to me for you to use,” Jennifer clarified. He had

tilted her

do that?” She

and cares about you, therefore he wants to treat you like his princess,” Jennifer smiled as she held Kiara’s hand. She was already aware that this young female lacked


“Ah? Yes?”

Wait! What exactly

said had fallen on deaf ears. Had it been something

all a lie. They had only misunderstood

like her, and someone who wanted to buy her things. Yes, that was unexpected coming from Xavier, but he probably hadn’t wanted his surrogate to appear destitute. She had

ready and come down to the table in half an hour. Everyone is waiting for you,” Jennifer prompted as she walked away with Lena. Kiara nodded, but

to admire herself. Her body felt so smooth and light in the garment. It was the first time she had worn a neckline that was quite this deep. It revealed more of her chest, yet it was

opted to keep her brown

on the bed and dialed Adira’s number right away. Her phone had completely charged overnight. She received far too many texts from Adira the moment she switched her phone on. She had messaged her until midnight! She hurriedly dialed her sister’s

Adira picked up her phone, she yelled

am sorry, my phone was dead!” Kiara quickly defended herself before she got

any clue how concerned I was? I believed Xavier had done something horrific to you and that

up my calls or returning my messages,” Adira

safe and sound. Please, you do not need to be concerned. But how is mom? Was she also concerned since I

elaborated. Only she knew how she dealt with her mother. Her father had been enraged that Kiara had left. Noah had been behaving like a mad dog, venting his misery and rage on everyone in the pack. The fire aroused by Kiara and Xavier had

in the pack doing?” Kiara inquired, noting that

sister had already sacrifice herself for the pack yet she was still

is she getting along?” Kiara asked, concerned. She’d missed feeding her and cuddling with her. She was also concerned that Noah might discover the truth if the cat entered the other room in

mummy, but I’m not a bad substitute,” Adira joked with Kiara. Her cat was quite grumpy

tear in her eye. Adira hastily wiped it away. She had resolved not to cry, but


Kiara nodded, afraid to respond. She was aware that her sister was weeping

everyone is acting towards you. No one is bullying you, right?” Adira questioned sternly. She had also

was not something that could be quickly

it’s strange for me because I’ve always endured

left this pack since you should be able to forget all those negative memories now. Kiara, I hope you

like this?” To Kiara her sister’s statements concerned her. Why would her sister not want

“I am just saying.”

Are you in trouble?” Kiara sensed that Adira had

out of here right now. I’ll get back to you later,” with that Adira hung up the

Jennifer knocked on

match her outfit and were old and worn. She didn’t know who

the Gamma female helped her slide them on. She first handed her the dress; and


Alpha’s wrath. Kiara liked the sandals. She wanted to argue that it was merely a coincidence that he knew her shoe size, but she still found it creepy! From the start of the day, he had vanished from the room, as if he were a ghost, then had Pushing her thoughts aside, she began to walk towards the

brother a morning hard-on. The Alpha was relieved to learn that the female was an angel. His gaze returned to Xavier,

put cosmetics on her face, yet she shone like the moon. The white dress accentuated her figure, but her smooth long legs and high heels were enough to capture anyone’s attention. Xavier’s gaze was fixed on her breasts. The Alpha was quick to

had been drawn to an older gentleman, who had a lovely smile on his face, before she glanced at anybody. The elderly male

Stephen Lincoln, and I am an elder and Grandfather to my grandsons. Please take a seat

returned. She had no clue she’d run into

that she hadn’t come to breakfast barefoot, because that would have

face to find Xavier so that she could take her place at his side, but she was taken by surprise when

right side, but also on her left side! How did this

a couple of times to make sure she was seeing correctly. It was not a misunderstanding. There were actually two

aback. Were they identical twins?! She had not been aware of that. She now understood


in the dining room had turned pale. There was a palpable sense of tension in the air. As their muscles stiffened, Xavier and Zander exchanged glances. They now understood that their Grandfather had approached them with a detailed plan in

old male’s arrival came as a surprise because he had been gone from the pack to visit some of his friends who resided

city. The male who was supposed to be gone for three days had reappeared the moment his informant had told him about Xavier’s

chosen Luna. Stephen had been looking forward to this day for two years. The twin brothers had a hunch that his unexpected appearance had a secret goal, but the elderly male’s true plan had only been exposed when he requested Kiara to take his place next to


Both brothers had always taken seats on the left and right side of the large dinner table respectively. Their seats had been assigned.

Stephen had arrived barely 15 minutes before breakfast, startling everyone. He had refused to allow anybody to leave the table except for Jennifer and Lena. Xavier hadn’t had time to warn Kiara about his Grandpa or explain how she might be introduced. He had instructed Xavier and Zander to conceal their auras and scents prior to her arrival. They were perplexed at the time but still acquiesced to

his request, believing he intended to tell them something, but now they realized he wanted to put Kiara to the test!

He intended to put the Luna’s ability to recognise her Alpha to the test! Xavier despised his Grandfather’s trickery, but it was to be

expected after Petra’s treachery. She had been so enamored with their bond that she hadn’t been able to tell the difference between

Xavier and Zander at times. Even though she knew what Xavier smelled like, she couldn’t recognise him.

Yes, their Grandpa was pleased to meet the female who would join his grandson’s life, but he wanted to put her to the test. Others

could only tell Zander and Xavier apart by their scents since they looked so similar. Stephen had taken notice of her. She had just met Xavier the day before, so it would be hard for the young female to tell them apart. Their height, weight, demeanor, and even eye colors

were identical!

Kiara kept an eye on both brothers for a time, raising everyone’s heart rate. The game would be finished if she sat next to the wrong Alpha. When she took her first steps towards the dining table, Xavier and Zander’s muscles clenched once more. Where was she going to sit? The young female’s calmness had been noted by their Grandfather. Kiara drew out a chair and sat next to the Alpha, who was seated on the right side of the dinner table.

Xavier’s green eyes, which were soft for the first time.

“How did you recognise me?”

When Xavier’s quiet murmur reached Kiara’s ears, her heartbeat quickened. Their seats were close together, their faces were barely a

few inches apart.

“Like you discovered my existence behind the wall,” she explained.

Xavier’s lips curled into a slight smile, mirroring Kiara’s, but they both averted their gazes from the other. It was her first time witnessing his smile. That little smile had lasted barely a few seconds before the Alpha had returned to his expressionless face.

“Brilliant! You recognize Xavier without his scent and aura. As expected, my grandson has chosen the perfect female to take as his

mate!” Stephen was ecstatic. Everyone exhaled a sigh of relief, still shocked that Kiara had recognised Xavier so quickly without scent.

Xavier gave his Grandfather a small smile. But he didn’t have any patience to play his next game. Kiara was Sawyer’s daughter, and Stephen was fully aware of this. It had caused quite a commotion among the elders before he arrived. Stephen had been tasked with putting the female to the test. Xavier needed to show to the elders that the female he had selected as the Luna was capable of being his

mate in order to be chosen.

“Please pardon me for my little game Luna,” Stephen apologized wholeheartedly.

“There is no issue. It was interesting, Grandpa,” Kiara’s beautiful smile and addressing him as Grandfather had won the old male’s

heart. Her statements and motives bore no hint of deception. Her confidence and the manner she spoke had impressed Xavier.

“Luna Kiara, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I am pleased to inform you that you have received the blessings of our pack’s elders, we completely embrace you as our Luna,” when he gazed at Xavier and Kiara, the elderly man’s voice was full of pride.

“Thank you. I am so glad to have you as one of our elders. I hope you will keep guiding and supporting us,” Kiara acknowledged.

The young female had impressed Xavier, Zander, and every other member of the pack present in the dining hall. She hadn’t been

expecting to meet with the Alpha’s Grandfather, she hadn’t been told about how clever he was, yet she had still demonstrated how

excellent her upbringing and pose were. There were no longer any questions! The pack had been waiting for her for a long time.

“Grandpa, thank you for your blessings. Let’s get our breakfast started,” Xavier requested that Stephen go first, as he normally did.

“Sure, but first, when are you planning to perform your marking ceremony?” The older male’s smile reached his eyes, but his words terrified Kiara. What had he meant by a marking ceremony? She took a quick glance at Xavier, who appeared to be speechless.

“There will be no marking ceremony Grandpa. We have accepted each other as mates, that’s enough. I don’t want all that marking bullshit. I don’t value those things,” Xavier frowned as he spoke. Kiara noticed a sudden shift in Xavier’s emotions. He appeared to be repulsed by marking for a variety of reasons. Stephen sighed deeply. He had anticipated his grandson’s response, which was the reason for his pointing out the marking ceremony in front of everyone. Zander remained silent for a solid duration of time, before coming to the

aid of his brother. If he talked, Stephen would get the impression that things were different than what they were.

“Marking your mate is an essential part of the process, Xavier. If it is discovered that the Luna has not been marked by the Alpha, rumors will spread like wildfire. Enemies will take advantage of that scenario and attack us at any moment, believing you are alone. It is your responsibility as an Alpha to mate and mark your Luna. Otherwise people will question you,” Stephan clarified everything. Xavier had turned his hands into fists under the table. He had brought Kiara to the pack with the intention of keeping everyone quiet if he gave

the pack an heir, but the situation had changed.

“You have to mark the Luna,” the old male repeated. Kiara’s entire body felt numbingly cold. Her hand was trembling as she stared at her mostly untouched meal. How had the situation come to this? They had been discussing mating and marking her. Xavier’s deafening

silence had petrified her.

“Okay, I will do it,” Xavier gave his approval. Kiara’s eyes widened in surprise. Her heart skipped a beat then promptly dropped in her stomach. She gave Xavier a horrified look. What the hell had he just said?

“I will mark my Luna”