Chapter 1 - Alphas Possession

Chapter 1

Black sneered as his eyes flicked to her and narrowed slightly. “You’re owned by the state. You live under my care, and raising Omegas costs a lot of money. She goes to auction tomorrow; never know once you bloom. Maybe whoever buys her will want a spare.” He crackled, sounding as evil as never, and wandered off while Mrs. Yates flashed us a smile full of pity.  “It’s alright, girls. You’ll fetch a high price, Harlow; that means your buyer will take good care of you,” Mrs. Yates tries to comfort us. Tears burned my eyes as Zara’s grip on my hand tightened. Sure, as if I didn’t know what she meant by saying someone would take good care of me. As good as they can after bidding on me during an auction to make a damn breeder out of me and to top it off, they’ll separate me from my twin. ***** Zara’s gasp pulled me out of the nightmare memory, and I instantly looked up at the computer screen. My heart slumped: five hundred thousand dollars. I stared at my sister, and her mouth hung open, just as shocked as I. We kept waiting for the pack name to appear. We had to see who had successfully offered the highest bid and won. Yet the moment the name popped up, dread pooled in my stomach, a pit forming so deep I forgot how to breathe. Obsidian Pack. It was a pack I had heard of, and not for good reasons. It was also an all-Alpha pack, that much I knew. I shook my head as tears brimmed and spilled from my eyes, slipping down my cheeks and dripping off my chin. Zara’s lips quivered. “No!” she gasped, horrified. They were notorious for losing Omega’s and I would be no different. Obsidian Pack had bought six girls over the years we spent here, and not one survived them; none could take the Alphas knot. Not even with the serum. The other girls in the facility had nicknamed that pack the Omega killers! I swallowed the bile. “Maybe we can tell them no,” Zara suggested in a whisper, but it would do no good. We were the property of the state and had no choice in the government’s eyes. Omega’s we property because Omegas were the only way to continue an Alpha’s bloodline. We were revered and special and apparently, fetch a special price. All Omega’s ended up in packs. We didn’t get a say, but us even less because the state took us in and left a hefty debt to us, therefore we are auctioned off to any potential suitors. We didn’t even get a chance to meet our potential buyers. Whereas if my mother was still here we wouldn’t have been auctioned off, she would have added our genes to the pool and suitors would have to compete for us and we would have had overall say. However, she was dead and the Omega sanctuary was our legal guardian in the eyes of the law, giving them overall say. ********* Instead, later that afternoon, I’m jabbed in the arm by the Alphas’ blood. It’s supposed to help us acclimate to our Alpha. It also ensures the Alpha DNA is passed on to its potential heir because once an Alpha marks its other pack members, their DNA changes. Mrs. Yates sits with me while I rub my sore ass, where the doctor jabbed me with his DNA. Mrs. Yates squeezes my fingers. “I’m sorry, Harlow, I tried to talk Mr. Black out of it.” “That pack… They killed six girls. Six, Mrs. Yates, six girls!.” I whisper, aware that I’m the next one to die at their hands. Or claws, teeth. Or knots! “You’re stronger than the others,” she offers, but I shake my head. “I’m sorry, but…” she sighs; nothing she says would make me feel better. “Promise once I die, you won’t send Zara to him. I know she will test just as high; we are twins,” I beg her. Mrs. Yates nods. “I’ll do my best. Promise.” She nudges me and escorts me back to my room. ************* A few days passed until the pack was on its way to collect me. Zara did my hair and make-up. She did hers too, but I couldn’t figure out why. Despite her being the girly twin, she hated make-up just as much as I did. Today, I’ll meet my pack. A pack I want no part in. Yet, watching the clock only makes me more nervous while Zara sniffles as she fixes my hair to look precisely like hers. We’re pulling on our matching dresses when I hear the buzz of the pager telling me they have arrived. My skin prickles as fear seeps into every cell in my body, but I feel cold when I get up to leave the room. The moment I reach for the door, I feel something spray on the side of my face. I swat at it and turn to see Zara
