Chapter 4 - Alphas Possession

Chapter 4

on her head, and porcelain-perfect skin and bright red lipstick on. She was beautiful. Her heels clicked on the marble floors as she made her way over to me. She sniffed the air as she stopped next to me. “You must be Zara. I’m Leila. We talked on the phone,” she says, holding out her hand to me. I gulp, noticing the blood-red ring around her eyes. This woman was a vampire. I take her icy hand, and she squeezes it gently. “Yes, I am. Have you been waiting long?” I asked her. That didn’t look good, that she was waiting in the foyer for me. Was I late? I glanced at the huge gold clock above the shiny elevator doors that I could see my reflection in. “No, I am conducting the interview, if you’ll follow me,” she says, turning and briskly walking away toward a set of double doors. I stumbled after the woman. However, Leila was definitely a vampire. Although, I was confused as I caught up to her, and she started talking about the position.  “Thane wanted to conduct the interview himself, but he and his mates had to leave on short notice for a meeting downstairs, so I was tasked with the interview. So I am sorry about the short notice, but you can meet them tomorrow when you start, the other two girls well, let’s just say they would not do, you know how Betas are, they don’t take orders well, and those two all they could talk about was Thane and Rhen —” she says, shaking her head and I stopped walking. “Wait, I thought this was a receptionist’s job. The ad said, foyer receptionist?” I asked. “Thane didn’t want the media knowing he killed another personal secretary.” My eyes widen, and I mouthed what the fuck to myself. Thane, I’m assuming he was the boss? Why did she keep saying that name? And wait, did she say he killed his last secretary? Leila kept talking, not noticing me on the verge of having a panic attack. “Yet when I saw you are of Omega blood, I knew you would be perfect and controllable,” she said. Which I knew she meant easily commanded and submissive by nature. What the fuck did I apply for? She took me to the top floor and showed me around. “Don’t you want to interview me? I have references,” I rummage through my handbag, but her hand falls on my arm. “No, need. I have a strange feeling you are exactly what they are looking for, and need.” she says with a soft giggle, while her eyes were roaming over me from head to toe, licking her lips. I fought the urge not to step away from her hungered gaze. It was near impossible to find a job in this city, especially one that didn’t risk your life, and since the company I worked for went broke after the vamps killed the manager and set the place alight, I have been up struggle street since. There were hardly any jobs, and the jobs available required tossing any scrap of dignity out the window and being prepared to do things I wasn’t sure I was comfortable doing. The interview went for an hour, and by the time I left her, she assured me the position was definitely mine. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. The last thing I wanted to be was trapped with four alphas. They could literally destroy me, command anything of me. I shake that thought away. I couldn’t be picky. A job was a job, and this was the largest tech company in the city, so if I could survive here even a year, that would look good on my resume. But now I had something else to worry about. I couldn’t go back to my apartment empty-handed, and I was starving, so I did something I thought I would never do. I rang Brianna in the elevator; she was my only friend in the city. In fact, she was the only person I knew here on a personal level, and only because I helped her out one day when she got locked out of her apartment next door to mine; she had since moved, but we kept in contact. I was seriously debating asking if they needed someone for one night on the floors; I shuddered at the thought of being half-naked with leering horny gazes. But I also had no choice with Martha breathing down my neck about the rent. Briana said that is where the money is. In fact, so did her boss. Martha left me no choice, and the salary was paid monthly, so I needed money to tide me over because the pocket change in the bottom of my handbag jiggling around as I walked would not pay the rent or feed me until then. Yet selling my body didn’t sound that appealing either, considering I was still a virgin, which was rare for an omega. Usually, packs claimed us or us them, but I had been using suppressants for years. My scent was faint, though my ID clearly stated what I was, and there was no way I was going to go screaming that from the rooftops. I didn’t want to be some Alphas bitch. I laughed bitterly because I was now literally four Alphas coffee bitch; I was already dreading this job, and it hadn’t started yet. But Leila said they were all mates, which was odd. Usually, a pack comprised one Alpha, not four and an Omega, yet she said it was just four men. I was planning on walking over to the club. It would take me a good half an hour to walk there. I hoped Tal would just let me work behind the bar for the night because I sure as hell didn’t want to get on stage with Brianna. So I was stuck in my thoughts when the elevator opened and I stepped out, thinking it was the ground floor only to smack into a hard chest. Burning hot liquid tipped all over me and I hissed as I bounced off the person and fell on my ass. A thunderous growl rang
