Chapter 21 - Alphas Possession

Chapter 21

Zara POV

I stand by the gate, and at this point, the waiting isn’t only getting on my nerves; no, it’s so much worse-I’m literally freezing my ass off from the brewing storm, making the winds have a harsh bite.

The bag with Thane’s dry cleaning hangs folded over my arm, and its weight is slowly getting to me, but thank God, I hear the buzz of the electronic gates. As the gates swing open, I can’t wait any longer, so I quickly slide through the gap and walk up the long driveway towards the house.

It’s actually not a house. It’s a goddamn mansion, a little too fancy for someone like Thane if anyone would ask me, but so be it. As I walk closer, the surrounding lights make the building look like some fairytale fantasy. Too bad the only fantasy that I expect to be greeted by is the angry troll.

I’m about a quarter of the way up when I stop as Leon appears ahead of me. He stands on the concrete path, breathing so heavily that it makes him look like he’s in pain.

he’s outside,

the moon reflects off his face and reveals his sharp, pointed fangs. I gasp at the view before me. And what’s even worse is that one minute he stands at least twenty metres ahead of me, and the next, he turns into a blur of motion

my skin and sink into my neck as a feral snarl leaves his lips simultaneously as he attacks me. The scream that leaves

I’m sure he will leave ugly

groan, struggle to sit up, more pain shooting through my body with every movement I

just as Rhen stalks toward me and Raidon walks over to help subdue Leon, who is currently fighting Thane, screaming

terrifying and acts like an absolute -savage until Thane punches

around my arm and rip me to my feet. And I turn my head in a daze to face Rhen’s furious expression. He glares at me as if it was my fault that his mate just attacked me out

paint as a bad guy, they are welcome to blame Leon, who’s the actual villain in this situation, or

“Dare to report this to the media, and I will bury you alive! Do you understand me? I won’t risk my mate!” Rhen snaps at me, shaking me. Now it’s absolutely clear that they blame me. But for what? For doing my job and fulfilling their stupid wishes? Wow, this is some twisted way to thank the employee of the month, which I should be, because who else has enough patience to put up with their mess?

“Leave her, Rhen. I will command her to keep quiet, just get her back to the packhouse and clean her up. We can’t chuck her in a taxi like that,” Thane snaps at Rhen.

A menacing growl leaves Rhen as he drags me towards the mansion. My heart thumps painfully in my chest as I glance over my shoulder and watch Thane toss Leon over his shoulder and follow us.

I stumble over my own feet as I try to keep up with Rhen while he all but drags me closer to the massive building. He stops at the mansion’s open door and glares down at me. “No snooping around, and don’t fucking touch anything!” He screams and leads me down a corridor beside a set of double marble stairs. …..

My eyes burn with hot tears that I refuse to let out. My entire body trembles under Rhen’s potent aura as he shoves me into a bathroom and looks at me like I’m a dirty animal. I stumble once he pushes me but manage to catch and steady myself by grabbing onto the edge of the huge clawfoot bathtub.

“Shower and meet us in the living room as soon as you’re done here. I will send Tania in. She will bring you some fucking clothes!” Rhen snarls at me as I swallow down the lump forming in my throat.