Chapter 26 - Alphas Possession

Chapter 26

Zara POV

I set my alarm extra early, knowing the loading docks opened hálf an hour earlier than the main doors, and I needed to sneak out and come in through the main doors, so no one noticed I was living in the loading docks.

Yet as I quickly got changed, I heard the huge roller doors opening and promptly rushed to spray on my descenter. After popping two of my pills, I cringed, realizing that there were only two pills left in the bottle, and that meant I would have to skip tonight’s if I wanted any left for tomorrow. It occurred to me briefly that if I got off early enough, I would still be able to go to the club tonight. Although, I had tried ringing Bree last night, and she didn’t pick up the phone.

Spraying myself in extra spray, I hoped it concealed my scent enough; I was going into panic mode. Thane said if I went into heat, he would fire me, and at this rate, I was going to be risking it because once my pills run out; I am all but screwed.

They were the only thing preventing my heat. It was one of my greatest fears going into heat. I had heard horror stories of how desperately helpless Omegas were and in pain without mates to ease it.

my hidey-hole. Leaving my heels off, I go to the door and pry it open a little, peering

stuck my head, ensuring the coast was clear before dashing the roller doors. I rush out and

Despite my best efforts, a few loose strands of hair still come free after I tie my hair back up into

minute. On reaching the top of the steps. I am greeted by the security guard who checks my ID, and I make my way to the elevators across the other side of the

started the usual routine of cleaning up and turning everything on. Once I finished, I rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix the haystack that was messily sitting on top of my head. As a last-minute decision, I decided to go with a more descenter, giving myself an extra spray. My anxiousness about running out of

way to the small kitchenette and start making their morning coffees when I hear the elevator doors open before hearing all their voices. Despite having a slight worry that I

“Get your damn neck covered up,” he growls at me, and my brows furrow in confusion as I stare at him. Almost instinctively, I

you?” Thane growls, making me

walking up beside me, and I felt my stomach tighten as

The last bloody thing I need is to explain why my damn secretary has bite marks on

hands as I answered. Fucking prick. Adding insult to injury,

“Thane!” Leon growls at him as my eyes fill with tears. Don’t cry, don’t cry, I thought to myself. It stung me that he cared more for the image that it presented than whether I actually was okay after last night. Stung painfully that I meant so little to him-his aura dropped, releasing me from the pressure it built up, making the hair on the back of my neck prickle.

“Fucking clean yourself up,” he says before storming off. I turn, watching him go when I notice Rhen glaring after him Raidon stood in the hall, and for a second, I thought I saw his eyes soften when he went to say something before abruptly closing his

mouth and walking off to his own office.

Rhen, however, reaches out for his coffee and takes it, thanking me before he turns to leave as well. My stomach sank, and I readied myself for whatever excuse of Leon’s behavior he was going to give me. Instead, he watched me as I made my coffee, my belly growling hungrily and my face heated, knowing he could hear it.

Leon leans against the counter, watching me. “Did you forget to eat breakfast?” he asks.

“Yeah, I was in a rush,” I lied, turning to sip my coffee and head back to my desk. However, as I turn toward the door, Leon’s hand grips my elbow and pulls me to a stop. I swallow the mouthful of hot liquid wondering what he wanted.