Chapter 14 - CEO’s Surrender: With You, I Can Never Win

Chapter 14

The revelation rang out like a thunderclap in her ear.

Tricia’s eyes widened in horror.


“Miss Keith, I hope you could just harder with your own efforts in the future. Copying other people’s recipes will not get you anywhere. How about this? When you want to learn more, my door is always open. I don’t mind teaching you.”

Before Tricia could retort, Finley had turned away and left. Some reporters left, following behind the new champion but others stayed and continued taking pictures of her pathetic appearance.

A cameraman accidentally stepping on her hand snapped her back to her senses. With a loud roar, she lurched to her feet and rushed at Finley.

This time, Finley did not even bother to turn around.

Two bodyguards in black suits blocked Tricia’s path.

“Miss Keith, please cooperate and leave the venue now.”

“NO!” Tricia moved to go around the men but was instantly captured.

She struggled to get out of their hold.

“That woman is an imposter! Let me go! I will tear that b*tch’s mask off!”

“Miss Keith, please watch your words. The Annual Fragrance Competition is a reputable event. Not just anyone can enter. Are you accusing us of not doing our jobs now?”

The other guard snorted, “Well, we did let this one in.”

The first bodyguard grimaced slightly, “True… This won’t happen again.”

Meanwhile, Tricia was trying to digest the fact that her ugly half-sister was a beautiful and talented perfumer.

No! Impossible!

That b*tch must be wearing a mask or have gone for plastic surgery!

While Tricia was forcibly kicked out of the venue, Finley calmly entered the banquet hall for the celebratory dinner and accepted a glass of wine. She casually glanced at the man staring at her with dark unfathomable eyes and looked away without a change in expression.

She acted like she didn’t see him!

Finley found a corner to sit down, casually placing the solid gold trophy on the table in front of her.

her, toasting and congratulating her

see the

large entourage around him, eager to get close. If not for the guards keeping people back as well as the extremely cold aura he was radiating, He

“Why the long face?”

and attractive man sidled up to Bryan and casually slung his arm around his

movements out of the corner of her eye and tilted her head slightly. She knew from her investigations that Bryan hated physical

who was

be let through by the guards

Finley mentally smacked herself.

Of course!

herself for missing this detail

her reports

the fellow and get a baby from


man asked Bryan with a gossipy

grabbed onto Bryan’s

think I’m in

and he surreptitiously shook off the man’s hand as he reached for his

his thigh excitedly and then gestured with his wine

“Look! She’s perfect!”

of sight and his face

“Forget it.”

man, Calvin Thomas, asked, “Why?

did not bother to answer

is one of your many admirers… How many ladies have you fend off by using

not this time, Bro. I refuse to sacrifice my future

to stop him, Calvin looked at Bryan

I didn’t know any better I’d assume you were jealous of me… Wait, it can’t be

imagination but before he could answer, Calvin slipped out of his grasp and ran

even said, “Sorry, I

Finley had been observing

shook her head with a sigh. The young man had extremely good looks and an air of nobility about him. He looked like he belonged on the runway and those

the cover

Bryan would be attracted to

a determined expression on his face

lover find out that Bryan was married? Was he coming

upset and Bryan even tried to

didn’t know!”

as the young man stopped

“Hello, Beautiful.”

Stunned, Finley blinked at the handsome young man.

Calvin took it as a sign of interest when the gorgeous lady did not ask him to get lost. Happily, he sat next to her and smiled.

Dazed, Finley did not know what to say when the man smiled so brightly at her.

Then she came to her senses.

Bryan’s lover must be here to declare war on me!

Instantly on alert, she plastered a wide smile on her face and extended her hand, “Finley Keith, nice to meet you.”

Calvin’s eyes brightened and thought, “What a straightforward woman!”

He shook her hand and said teasingly, “I saw you looking over just now. Do you know who I am?”

Finley’s guess was not far off. Calvin Thomas was a famous top model domestically and internationally.

“Of course.”

Calvin smiled and took a sip of wine.

“I know that you are Bryan Turner’s lover.”

Calvin choked on his wine and almost spat it out.

Finley calmly handed the red-faced man a piece of napkin.

“Don’t worry I don’t judge you for your feelings.”

Calvin’s eyebrows furrowed as he stopped choking, “But we are not…”

He looked at her and asked, “Who told you about this?”

Finley observed his expression and felt that something was wrong.

“Why? Could it be that you’re not his lover?”

“No, I’m,”

“Calvin Thomas”

A low warning sounded from behind them and Calvin jolted in shock.

Then before with of them could say another word, a large hand had grabbed the back of Calvin’s collar and dragged him away like a naughty puppy

Dumbfounded, Finley could only stare helplessly as the young man pleaded with his eyes to save
