Chapter 21 - CEO’s Surrender: With You, I Can Never Win

Chapter 21

This patient was Dirk, Finley’s father.

The scandal about Tricia became a trending topic, so the share prices of the Keith Group slumped. Dirk was so furious that he fell to the ground. He almost died yesterday.

This news made Finley feel great.

She couldn’t wait to see Dirk lying on the bed.

This was the villa of the Keith family.

This was a bedroom in the villa.

Rita and Tina sat by the bed, looking worried.

Lying on the bed, Dirk’s face was pale. Dirk clutched his painful chest and gasped for breath.

“Rita, is the doctor you mentioned so good as you said? I think we had better send your father to the hospital.”

“Mom, no! The share prices of our group have been slumping since yesterday. The investors will lose confidence in our group if they know that Dad is in the hospital. If so, the Keith Group will be hopeless!”


Dr. Miracle through connections. He is like a god in the medical field. He brought a dead woman back to life not long ago. I have confidence that he

this, Tina

the butler knocked on the door and said, “Mr. and Mrs.

him in!”

she heard steady

butler opened the door and invited Finley in a doctors’ overall into the

into a neat ponytail, put on light makeup, and wore a pair of golden-framed

looked elegant and

below one corner of her eye and changed her voice with an mini voice changer in

why Tricia failed to

that the Keith family would fall into the abyss of despair when they finally found out who

down by the one

was waiting


twenties at most,

medical skills as they aged. Therefore, Tina thought that Dr. Miracle must be

experience, Tina

“No doubt I am.” Finley glanced at Tina indifferently.

Tina flew into a rage and snapped at Rita, “Do you want to kill your father? I told you not to find a liar on the app. Obviously, this woman is a charlatan. Two million to jump the queue! What a fool!” Rita ignored Tina and carefully looked Finley up and down. Then, she said in surprise, “It’s you… You’re Lemon who took the first place from Tricia yesterday and slandered her a plagiarist!” Now, Tina recognized Finley too.

Tina became furious at once. She pointed at Finley and shouted, “It’s you! You stole the honor belonging to my daughter, slandered her for cheating, and caused my husband to fall ill. How dare you pretend to be Dr. Miracle to come here! I will teach you a lesson!”

Hearing the quarrel, Dirk struggled to get up from the bed.

Finley shot him a cold glance.

Dirk looked haggard, and his breathing was not smooth. He was completely different from his energetic self before.

This pathetic look of Dirk reminded Finley of the late time of her mother. Finley felt great. “Since you are here, I will get you beaten up to seek revenge for my family.” Tina grabbed Finley by the arm and dragged her into the bedroom. “You will regret being born.”

Finley frowned slightly when the sharp fingernails made her delicate skin bleed.

“Let go!” Finley pushed Tina away with a strange gesture, so Tina fell down. “Do you want me to cure Dirk or not? I will go to see my next patient directly if you keep making a scene here.”

Tina fell on the bed awkwardly. Instantly, she turned pain because she bumped into the edge of the bed with her waist.

Tina got up from the bed in anger and shouted to the bodyguard outside the door, “You guys, come in, catch this liar! I’ll teach her a lesson!”