Chapter 26 - CEO’s Surrender: With You, I Can Never Win

Chapter 26

Calvin was stunned for a moment.

Calvin felt weird that Bryan got mad with him over a delivery woman.

“Are you serious?” Calvin said with a grievance, “Given our relationship, you got mad at me for a delivery woman. It is hurtful.”

Bryan raised his eyelids and glanced at Calvin coldly. With a poker face, he said, “She’s my wife.”

This was the second time Bryan admitted Finley as his wife to Calvin.

“What?” Calvin looked at Bryan with horror. “Don’t you have a beautiful wife? How can you tolerate such an ugly woman?”

The virgin had become a womanizer!

Not long ago, Bryan didn’t allow any women to get close to him.

Now, Bryan was nice to any woman!

The horror shown by Calvin made Bryan frown impatiently. “She is Finley.”

“What?” Calvin became confused.

at Calvin coldly

exclaimed with surprise, “No way! That ugly woman

knelt in front of Bryan. “Well, I didn’t know that your wife is good at disguise. No wonder

retracted to the office, happened

her way home, Finley changed her mind before the elevator. She suspected

a glass door in Bryan’s office. Through the shades, Finley saw Calvin kneeling

his chair with ease. He

standing, Finley saw Calvin burying his head between

Their postures were weird.

Finley became aghast.

Bryan and Calvin began to do something shameful

that she could tolerate Bryan, who was bisexual, as long as he

this scene disgusted Finley so much

she did

felt bad and suppressed her

saw Harry coming

Turner?” Harry stopped in front of Finley. “Why are

forced smile on her face, Finley

flee with embarrassment, Harry

the legs

Therefore… Mrs. Turner had a little misunderstanding?

Amused, Harry thought that his boss had set himself up.

This was Bryan’s office.

Calvin knelt on the ground with a flattering smile on his face. He didn’t look like a famous model at all.

Why did Calvin become humble in front of Bryan? Their story should be dated back to a fight in their high school.

Back then, Calvin’s girlfriend fell for Bryan. Furious, Calvin dared Bryan to fight with him.

The result was predictable.

Bryan beat Calvin up in front of the whole school, and Calvin almost knelt to beg for mercy.

After the fight, Bryan found Calvin and made an explanation.

Then, the two boys buried the hatchet and became friends gradually.

Seeing Bryan calm down, Calvin knew that he was safe again. Therefore, he stood up.

Right then, Harry walked into the office after a knock on the door.

“Mr. Turner, I saw Mrs. Turner standing outside the office with a gloomy look just now. I think she must have some misunderstanding.”