Chapter 36 - CEO’s Surrender: With You, I Can Never Win

Chapter 36

Without hesitation, Finley typed her reply.

“Are you here to cause trouble? Explain now! Where did you get this photo?”

“He weighs 100 kilograms. Don’t you think he is terrible?”

“Well, yes.”

Instantly, a third photo appeared.

“I have the best photo here. Look!”

An photo in the GIF format, taken on the sofa at home, appeared on the computer.

There was a brown poodle in the photo. With its forefeet on a cat, the poodle kept attacking the cat on the butt.

It seemed… horny.

The poodle had a name, which fitted it well, and that was Hunger.

There was a reason for its name.

photos in

tried to mate with a sofa, a doll, and the leg of its

This poodle was fierce!

hunky of the

a compliment from Finley to

other members in the chatting group agreed with

“You win!”

reward, downloaded those photos,

Finley walked out of the Internet cafe with a triumphant

Time passed.

on the campus

exposed the scandal between

a girl

second daughter of the

Finley to appear in the

the netizens, apart from the professionals,

with Finley

there was more than one photo on

The rest were disgusting.

a photo of Tricia and a muscular

same photo with an middle–aged man with

There was a photo of memorizing the passionate moment between Tricia and a poodle.

All these photos were near perfect copies of the real thing.

There was also a long article about Tricia on the forum.

This article criticized Tricia as a wanton slut, which had s*x with both humans and animals.

Tricia almost fainted with anger after reading this article.

“Who? Who is the troublemaker?” Tricia slammed her mobile phone on the ground of the classroom. Then, she stood up from her seat.

Tricia had bought that media account to slander Finley not long ago. She didn’t use that account or post anything, so who caused this mess? Rita suspected that someone had got her password for that media account illegally.

The students in the classroom read the post with interest.

The sarcasm in the article was amusing and acute.

Tricia became a laughing stock again. Nobody believed the scandal between Finley and Leonard


Tricia couldn’t defend herself. If she did, she was defending Finley too!

Ashamed and furious, Tricia rushed out of the classroom, swearing that she would find out the slanderer and tear him into pieces.