Chapter 301 - The Secretly Rich Man

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 301

The moment that woman walked in, Gerald and everyone else immediately knew who Felicity’s patron was.

Cassandra McGregor!

“Counselor!” As shocked as everyone was, they greeted her warmly nevertheless.

This was a big deal! They’d only known Cassandra as a beauty queen with impossibly high standards, and never any boyfriends.

Who would’ve thought that she’d have something going on with a big-shot like Flynn Lexington?

Even more astounding was the reverence Flynn seemed to have for her.

It was truly befuddling!

Regarding the relationship between Felicity and Cassandra—it all started from that night, when Gerald rescued Cassandra from that newly opened bar.

That time, he’d sent her back with Flynn.

Whilst in the car Cassandra had discovered Gerald’s power bank which was left behind. With that giving her a heads up, she slowly started to realize that it might have been him behind her rescue.

Just as she headed back to get to the bottom of the matter, she ran into Felicity, who freshly came out after her latest recording.

It had startled Felicity too, seeing Cassandra step out from a Rolls Royce. She’d hurried over to ask if anything was the matter, and Cassandra had given her a brief rundown of the recent events. She also subtly mentioned about being the one to see about Mayberry affairs.

Since it was about Gerald, she’d then hurried back to ask about things.

All she got was what Flynn and Gerald had already arranged ahead of time, and it was enough for Cassandra to drop the matter.

However, that wasn’t the end of it.

Some time during last week, Cassandra and Felicity had gone shopping for cosmetics.

They ran into a spot of trouble when some drunken old tycoons sought to have a bit of sport with them. A frightened Cassandra called Flynn immediately, and Flynn had rushed to the scene with a bunch of men to beat up the troublemakers.

What a thrill that had been for Cassandra. What more, it had garnered a new-found admiration from Felicity.

It felt really good to have someone powerful on your side!

And so, when this latest fiasco had happened today, Felicity had obviously called for Cassandra as soon as she could.

That was how things had ended up this way.

Sensing that Jake might yet have realized whom he was dealing with, Flynn leaned in and whispered a few things into his ear.

Color drained out of his face. He finally understood—this lady was not to be harassed by the likes of him!

Cassandra examined Felicity, and her eyes narrowed. “Did someone hit you? And you too, Blondie?”

Unbeknownst to Felicity, Cassandra had secretly been in contact with Ordinary Man. She owed a lot to Felicity for that.

“That’s right, Cassie!” Felicity huffed.

“Blast! Whoever did this… you go get him back!” Cassandra folded her arms.

Slap! Bam!

Felicity stepped up and smacked Jake right across his face. Rage flared in his eyes, but remembering what Flynn had just told him, he didn’t dare make so much as a peep.

As for Blondie, he smashed a beer bottle against the head of his assailant.

It felt good. Ahh, it felt good!

Those university students all thought so too.

There was nothing Jake could do about it either. Even if they broke his jaw and shoved him all his teeth, he’d still be owing them an apology. Even if they smeared a turd all over his shirt, he’d still have to lick it and call it delicious. That was how pathetic the position he was in at the moment.

Satisfied with how the situation had been resolved, Flynn took his leave.

Everything he’d done was for the sake of returning a favor with Gerald Crawford.

Yet he’d completely failed to notice that Gerald was sitting right there in the corner.

“Counselor, you’re so awesome!” everyone cheered enthusiastically. Toasts were raised in her name.

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 302

Even Harper Sullivan joined in the merry-making.

Gerald could hardly stay out of it. “A toast to Cassandra!” he announced, raising a glass.

“Oho, so you were here, Gerald? It’s like you’re always there whenever something’s going on. I didn’t spot you earlier—where were you at?” Although Cassandra still held little regard for Gerald, through sheer force of habit—nevertheless, she was no longer as cold to him as she used to be, considering he’d helped her out before, in his own way.

“Ahaha, are you asking about him, counselor?” Yvonne cut in. “He’s been hiding in that corner the whole time! When Jake burst in here with all his guys, Blondie and the others stood up to them, but Gerald just sat there! Gosh, he’s more helpless than us ladies!”

Earlier, when she’d slipped away, she also happened to pass by where Gerald was seated, and had noticed him there.

“That’s right! Anyway, were you really expecting this guy to be any help in a fight?”

“Now, I’m sure Gerald would have stood along with everyone… it’s just that his knees were too weak from fear, ahahaha!”

Several girls sniggered, their voices filled with mockery.

Cassandra watched as Gerald only shook his head and sighed helplessly. She sipped to his toast.

“I’m going to the washroom!” Deluged with insults, there was no way for Gerald to respond. Certainly, he’d been of no help at all today. His only option was to flee.

“Hahaha, he literally pissed himself!”

“Goodness me… I’d rather die than have a boyfriend like Gerald!”

“Pfft, and what girl would be interested in a guy like him?”

Annoyed, Felicity changed the subject. “Gosh, enough already about that guy! Oh, right—counselor, when I called you earlier this afternoon, you said you wouldn’t be free to hang out. Did you have something else going on?”

“Oh, I had an errand to run, things to buy and stuff. If it wasn’t because Flynn was busy himself as well, I’d have sent him along to watch over you girls. Sadly, that matter really took him a while to settle—in fact, half of Mayberry is in an uproar over it!”

“Oh? What happened?” Everyone’s interest was piqued.

“How come I haven’t seen anything on the news?” someone exclaimed.

“Don’t be stupid. It’s too big to talk about in public. Flynn wouldn’t tell me any details either, but something seems to have happened at Scothow Elementary, and it’s got major players like Zack Lyle and Michael Zeke involved, as well as a bunch of other notable businessmen. They’ve sealed off the road outside the school, cordoned off by nearly a hundred cars!”

“My god!”

“No way!”

Everyone was in disbelief.

Meanwhile, Gerald was just leaving through the door. Overhearing this bit, he shook his head again. He had no clue what that was all about, either.

Some people you don’t care about, but they get something good out of you anyway.

Some people you want to help, but end up harming instead.

It wasn’t yet time to reveal his true status, and Gerald really, really didn’t want that to become public knowledge in any event. Sometimes, this made things rather complicated and difficult.

It seemed that from now on, he ought to keep a low profile, and stay out of matters which didn’t concern him!

He’d just mind his own business, and finish his studies quickly and quietly.

Just then, his handphone rang. It was Queta Smith calling.

He ducked into the washroom and took the call.

“Gerald, are you busy right now?”

“Not at all. What’s up?”

“It’s Yasmin,” Queta whispered. “She said she’s not feeling well again. I just checked her temperature—she’s got a high fever. She needs to go to the hospital!”

Gerald knew that for her to call him directly meant that she really needed his help. She was probably tight on cash at the moment, otherwise she wouldn’t be bringing this matter to him.

He’d have to help Queta find a better job soon. Rather than to give a man a fish… better to teach the man how to fish, right?

Worried for Yasmin, Gerald didn’t dare delay any longer. Leaving with a quick goodbye, he drove over to fetch both girls to the hospital.

It was the middle of the night, but surprisingly there were quite a few people here to see the doctor. Holding Yasmin in his arms, Gerald lined up behind them.

Just as their turn was about to arrive, a woman suddenly stepped in front of him.

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A young woman suddenly cut right in front of them, without a word, displaying not the slightest bit of regard for others.

Gerald was not in the mood for this. “Miss, don’t you find this a little rude?”

The woman ignored him.

“That’s right! My teacher says you can’t cut in a queue!” Yasmin exclaimed with a frown.

“Bah!” The woman turned around and snapped, “So I cut in front of you, so what? What can you do about it? All bark and no bite!”

One could see she was around twenty-one, with a fair complexion and a pretty face—and dressed in such a way as to leave little to the imagination.

However, her stuck-up attitude only pissed Gerald off to look at her.

“You’re the one barking!” At the limits of his patience, he snapped off a harsh reply.

“What did you say to me? Just wait right here—I’ll have somebody cut you down to size!” Shrieking and swearing as though she’d suddenly gone mad, the woman was pulled away by several bystanders.

Finally, she left in a huff.

Well, that came out of nowhere. Brushing it off mind, Gerald got back in line.

“Sir, maybe you shouldn’t have done that. That woman seemed like trouble!” A pretty young nurse whispered this as she was ushering some patients in. “She was here earlier this afternoon to visit one of our patients—someone of note—and she came with a whole train of fancy cars! I wouldn’t underestimate her clout, you know? Hurry on in—and no more trouble!”

Clearly, she’d started it! Well, the nurse meant well… Gerald made no further remark.

“Let’s not fuss over it, Gerald,” Queta agreed. “We’ll just wrap it here and leave immediately!”

So Gerald brought Yasmin in to see the doctor. It turned out to be nothing alarming—just a common cold—and some medicine was prescribed.

Queta was visibly relieved, and they left the hospital together.

As they arrived at the entrance, glossy black cars suddenly rolled up, one after another… at least a dozen in total. A massive group of well-dressed people got out and headed inside.

When she saw the woman who emerged from the car in the middle, Queta quaked with fear. It was that woman who’d cut in line earlier, starting off a spat with Gerald.

Had she really returned to cause trouble for them?

it out of

about it. How’s Mr Rye? Is he still in the Intensive Care Unit?” A

limbs, and he’s still in the ICU

be behind such savagery? I

talk about that here!” the guy snapped at her,


recognized that dashing young

that fiasco at the Emperor Karaoke

discussion concerning a ‘Mr Rye’, he finally


all these people—including that

a rumbling storm of engines, another fleet of a dozen

assume they were with Jake and

wasn’t all of them. More cars

the Rye family, had


tried to cover things up, the events of that afternoon were simply too

Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest)

about this whole incident, with the maiming

was how Damien himself would spin

powerful people gathering outside the hospital, Queta stood

don’t know me.” Gerald smiled wryly. “They’re just here to visit somebody. Never mind

summoned a bunch

Gerald turned to go.

so the latter would probably hesitate to stir up

way, Gerald didn’t forget to bring up that other matter, concerning a change in employment for

in changing jobs?” he

to, she could have her pick of any position in Mayberry International. It wasn’t out of the cards to

interested in investing in the kindergarten, and even providing me with training at Sunnydale University! I’ll be attending some


times the thoughtfulness of men is no match for the

working a job, or

signed up for such classes—but he’d just never found

was an agreeable turn of events. Sunnydale was on par with his own Mayberry University.

show her his own sincerity, so he promised that whenever he was

dropping her off, he finally returned to his room

an exhausting day. He fell

passed without any incidents. Gerald spent this time studying quietly in the library. Summer break would be

10 a.m., Gerald was attempting model questions in the

fragrance wafted over from


to look, Gerald found a tall girl taking

inside a university library—particularly star students such as Gerald—research and revision were going on non-stop, and the place was packed to

occupying this spot since

get a little crowded in

statuesque, with skin as fair as porcelain. Long hair cascaded down to her waist. She was

choice to sit

eyeing on her since she came in, causing her to feel terribly self-conscious. Gerald meanwhile was fully engrossed in his studies, which afforded her some small

a little nod and

hand, turning the pages with the other… she was a mesmerizing portrait

babe went

on! I’m a hundred times better looking than that turd! Ah, I can’t

cries arose from

of a woman elicited a great sneeze from

own perfume at fault here, the girl flushed bright

unfortunate event

lowered his head to focus

Drip. Splat.

of a sudden, his nose was on fire—and then blood began to trickle out from it, dripping onto the papers

a tissue,

the girl had turned away from him, her head laid upon one hand with discretion. Her other hand, however,

a sight

for Gerald, right then he’d wish for nothing better

then maybe he’d

Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or

couldn’t remain in the library a moment longer. Wiping the blood from his nose, he promptly fled the

His life was over.

couldn’t even help himself! First off: That girl was simply fine as

was the sort of goddess that average

been wearing… so intoxicating, his very

beauty of that caliber most likely

man could win

he, himself, a wealthy fellow? Gah! How did

shook his

a window—but by some strange coincidence, that girl had her head turned, and was presently

eyes met—and then she hurriedly dropped her

to keep staring at

remembered that he had Mila, now. He shouldn’t be ogling at other chicks like this. Anyways, there would always be a pretty girl around the next corner—he couldn’t very well go

the way of

suppress the surging tides of his heart, he realized that he wouldn’t be able to concentrate on his revision like

to meet her for lunch at Sunnydale University, where she’d been taking professional courses the past couple of days. He hadn’t

located in the Mayberry University District—further proof of

too far apart. It

call, Queta was

a few pleasantries upon meeting each other

in, let’s go eat!” Gerald gave her

be my treat today!” Queta suddenly replied, with an air

all of a

today’s my birthday, you see.” Queta’s voice fell to a whisper. “I used to have no friends or family—no one to celebrate my birthday with. Now I have you. You’ve helped me with so

that… Gerald, is the cafeteria

a rich young heir. Although Queta already

I see why you called to ask me out yesterday… So today was your birthday! You should have said something—I don’t even have a gift

don’t need one. Just share

Still, it was her birthday—he couldn’t actually allow her to pay today… and if this was really her first

chose instead to go to Surati, a Western-styled restaurant in Sunnydale campus. Back when he used to run with Aiden Baker and

place. Pretty expensive, obviously, but since Gerald had asked to come here, Queta voiced no objections, and followed

day, there were already quite a few patrons within—all finely dressed

Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest)

and Gerald walked in, dressed

disdainful scowls from many of

Smith? She

well. As they walked past the table where Gerald and Queta were seated, some of

everybody…” Queta blushed as she greeted them, setting her food down and clutching her

made-up and wore a form-fitting little black dress that only barely covered her

similarly risqué fashions, while the guys had piercings

should be fair to assume

such teacher training courses at Gerald’s university

qualify for other

classes mainly to

pretty young things there were hoping to

rest were like Queta—genuinely here to

hugged her shoulders, grinning at Queta with delight. Clearly, putting Queta down like this made Linda feel like she really was

had raised the topic in class as

had been all for it…but then, after the votes had

invitations for her to come up front and present an acceptance speech for this honor, but Queta

in terms of looks. After all, wasn’t it said that the greatest cruelty to inflict upon a woman was to name another woman as being more beautiful

for Linda, and to make matters worse,

oblivious to Linda’s enmity towards her, so she only offered

treat? I’m guessing this guy’s your

it: the two of you

you two. They’re only some steaks and fruit juice,” one of the guys with them pointed out, shaking his head. “It’s

Linda couldn’t let that

birthday, but I bet they can’t even afford a cake! Looking at the two of them, I’m guessing she had

lunch, all she has is one bowl of plain rice. Here I thought she was just watching her figure, but I guess she just doesn’t have much money for

Linda harrumphed, folded her arms, and stalked

accompany Finn to Miss Liara’s birthday party afterwards. Isn’t that

She didn’t eat another bite. A moment later, Gerald saw hot

Rich Man Novel

Gerald. I’ve disgraced you too,” Queta wept. “I shouldn’t have come

she was spending it with her only friend

Whenever his pride had been trampled on like that,

Queta was being attacked by those

was going on until the end, just as they were walking away,

will be over before you know it,” Gerald consoled her. “What you’ve got to do right now is work hard at your

ask Aiden

Queta nodded vigorously.

something. I’ll be right back!” Gerald told her with a smile,

to get her

an order online with a dessert shop on

young men and women crowding around a girl with sunglasses. They had all gone inside together and everyone

any interest in them. Perhaps he’d heard that Linda girl mention something about someone’s


Surati. It took him another fifteen minutes to secure the cake and then

peering in through the entrance, with some even taking pictures on their cell

Something must have happened.

I guess that girl must have pissed off Miss Liara! Really, now… of all the people to

it’s Miss Liara’s birthday today and she doesn’t want to make too big a fuss over it—otherwise,

what exactly did she do

an old grudge from before. Sad…she’s quite the beauty. This is

were all in heated

pushed his way through the crowd, and got a

girls were pulling Queta’s hair and holding her

before her, one leg crossed over the

face was red and raw,

go!” Gerald roared. Charging in, he shoved away the

two of you…” The woman in charge here rose to her feet. “I’ve searched high and low to no avail, but in the end you came to me on

her mouth to speak, Gerald finally remembered

he’d quarrelled with, that night at

had connections to

because she was made up in a

Why did this have to come to

Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible

the hospital when you did, let me tell you…otherwise, you would’ve been admitted there that night!” the young woman cackled. “I’ve been searching for the

punk who

why we couldn’t track them down. You must be tired of

men were posturing

classmates. Her name is Queta Smith. That guy seems to be her

here. One moment they’d been welcoming Miss Liara, and the next, she was pointing at Queta and shrieking for

Liara slapped Queta right across

enough to

excitement, Linda scrambled to tell on the offending

Liara was a big-time celebrity in Sunnydale University, with Rye Group behind her and all.

She was one of the empresses of the campus, haughty and forbidding. No one dared to cross her.

In fact, matters of reputation played a major part in why Liara was holding such a grudge against them. That night, she’d planned to put on a big show in front of her uncle’s men. That was why she’d showed up all of a sudden, aiming to be the first one on the scene to take charge of everything.

Instead, she’d crossed paths with an ignorant fool who wouldn’t allow her to cut in line.

Damn him! He deserved the worst fate imaginable.

She was the renowned Miss Liara! If not for the sake of appearances, would she even have bothered with getting in line?

What a joke!

The point was that she was very upset over the whole affair. She’d managed to keep it bottled up at the time, until they were finished with visiting Uncle Damien. Then, she’d summoned a small army of men to hunt down Gerald, but he’d slipped through the net.

And yet, what a beautiful coincidence this was!

“Hey, seize that guy too!” Liara shrieked jubilantly. “Ahaha! This is the best birthday present I could possibly receive! I’m going to enjoy this to the fullest!”

Immediately, Gerald was pinned down by a whole horde of guys.

He hadn’t expected that girl to be a student here at Sunnydale.

“Liara, your beef is with me! She’s got nothing to do with this—let her go!”

Held down and unable to escape, Gerald knew that his time had finally come.

But what about Queta? She was completely innocent.

“Hahaha! So this is true love! But the more you beg me to let her go, the more I want to punish her too! I’m going to make an example of you two! You over there, give them each a sharp slap across the face! And you, start streaming this live! Make sure everyone knows what happens to those who cross Miss Liara!” This last command was directed toward Linda and was accompanied by a huge grin.

This appointment caused Linda to puff up with pride.

Her main goals in university were to catch a big fish and to make powerful friends. That was how she would get ahead in life.

All of a sudden, she was this close to Miss Liara already?

Sneering wickedly, she moved to stand in front of Gerald and Queta.

“You heard it yourself—I’m carrying this out by Miss Liara’s command. Blame yourself for not knowing your place, like ants railing against the heavens, hahaha!”

Smack! Smack! She meted out the punishment upon Gerald and Queta as ordered.

Quite a number of students were streaming this scene on their phones. Naturally, many of them had been doing so right from the start.

“Holy cow! Elena, check this out! Miss Liara is staging a public execution in Surati Restaurant! Who’s the unlucky fellow who ticked her off? LMAO!”

In a girls’ dorm somewhere, someone was announcing this news flash.

“Gosh, she’s even appointed a professional headswoman…what a drama queen!” another girl exclaimed. “Elena, let’s get down there now and see it for ourselves!”

“I’m not going!” Or so she said, but Elena glanced over at the video anyway before turning away again in disinterest, and flopping down in bed to continue using her phone.

A long moment passed, and then…

“What the hell?”

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 309

Elena was just about to take an afternoon nap, but now she was wide awake.

She snatched up her handphone for a closer look, and her heart flip-flopped between joy and alarm. Still wearing her pajamas, she raced to the cafeteria.

Joy, because the man who had been in her thoughts had somehow appeared in her campus.

Alarm, because…good lord, was Gerald Crawford being abused on live-stream?

Meanwhile, at the Sunnydale University Fight Club…

It was a large organization, created at the whim of some rich kid or other, which went on in a particular corner of the campus.

This club boasted many members—over three hundred in total.

Presently, in the fighting ring…

“Yeah! Awesome!”

One of the fighters had just knocked down his opponent with a masterful technique. The spectators burst into uproarious applause.

“Water!” The fighter shrugged his shoulders as he walked out, and was immediately greeted by a disciple, who uncapped a water bottle and presented it to him. After several mouthfuls of water had been gulped down, the rest of the bottle was flung aside.

“Wow, you’re amazing! So cool!” Several pretty young things, phones in hand, dove into his arms with ingratiating smiles.

“Cool, you say?” The man harrumphed. “You think I didn’t notice how you girls were staring at your phones the whole time? Something interesting there? More interesting than my fights?”

“Tee-hee…we were watching that Liara mess somebody up. Have a look—she’s teaching some unlucky bum a lesson!” The girls showed him the ongoing live-stream.

“God d*mn, Crawford—” The fighter stiffened, and pushed aside the fawning girls.

“What’s wrong, Aiden?” They sulked.

“Hurry, get my guys! Tell them to run to Surati!”

The fighter was none other than Aiden Baker!

Hearing his command, the assembled disciples raced for Surati Restaurant without delay.

Even Aiden’s close friend, Yancy Zimmerman, was summoned.

Over at Surati Restaurant, Linda had just delivered her third slap to Gerald’s face.

“Hoohoo…you dare mess with Miss Liara? I’m gonna kick your ass!” With each passing moment, she was enjoying this more and more. As she raised her hand for a fourth strike, someone shouted, “Holy crap! Aiden Baker and his guys are here! A whole lot of guys!”

The crowd at the restaurant’s entrance instantly scattered wide.

A couple hundred people were charging this way.

“Yo! Aiden came, too? Heh, that’s sweet of him…so he heard about what I’m doing here and has come to help out?” Liara stood to greet him.

It was a bit of courtesy on her part. Although Liara was not one of Aiden’s subordinates herself, she nevertheless recognized his tremendous influence within Sunnydale. They usually got along well with each other.

However, when Aiden reached them and Liara made to welcome his arrival, she heard him holler instead.

“D*mn it! Beat them up! Beat everyone here into the ground!”

With a shout, his fighters surged in. The men holding Gerald captive were instantly knocked senseless.

Even the furniture was being smashed to pieces, and as for Liara’s personal entourage… not a single person was spared from this violence!

Liara was on the verge of going mad, staring wide-eyed at the scene before her.

“What in heaven’s name… Aiden, have you lost your mind? It’s me, Liara! How dare you attack my people!”

Aiden marched up and slapped Liara hard. Whap!

“You dumb broad. I’ll make you pay for this!”

Then he hurried to Gerald’s side. “Gerald…Gerald, are you okay?” Now, Aiden was drenched in a cold sweat.

Gerald rubbed his sore cheeks. His wrath would be legendary.

If Aiden hadn’t come to his rescue, what might this crowd have done to him?

Thank goodness he’d been saved in time.

“Gerald, this woman who’s been hitting you… what would you have us do with her?” Holding a handful of Linda’s hair, Yancy dragged the would-be executioner before him.

She was on the clawing edge of hysteria.

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Yancy Zimmerman was an august personage in this campus and Aiden Baker even more so.

And they’d come in here with a veritable army to rescue this Gerald person.

What was the connection, here?

What’s more…they were actually taking orders from him?

“What are you waiting for? I want the stuffing beaten out of her!” Aiden roared.

Yancy dragged Linda away and barked for the guys to start smacking her about.

“You’re totally barking mad! Aiden Baker, are you really going to make an enemy of me…for the sake of these two nobodies?” This turn of events had happened too abruptly for Liara to make any sense of it.

Aiden…how dare he treat her like this?

“Hah!” Aiden sneered coldly. “That’s right—and what can you do about it? You’re just another whore under Rye Group!”

“No way! You dare insult me?”


Humiliation turning to rage, Liara lunged forward to attack Aiden, only to be knocked back to ground with another ringing slap.

Blood was trickling from a corner of her mouth, now.

Liara couldn’t understand it at all. Was Aiden on drugs or something?

But worst of all was the way everyone was watching her right now, as though they couldn’t believe their own eyes.

And Aiden wasn’t even done with her yet.

At that moment, Liara’s phone rang. The caller was identified as ‘Captain’.

Her eyes lit up and she took the call straight away. “Captain, I need your help! Hurry, or else your boss will never see me again!” She wept into the phone.

The captain spoke emotionlessly, “Yes, Miss Liara. Someone’s already called me. Could you pass the phone to Mr Baker?”

The hell she would! Liara switched the call to speakerphone, for everyone to hear.

“Hello, Mr Baker. There must be some misunderstanding going on here…” the captain called out. “I’m sure you’re well aware whose woman Miss Liara is!”

“I couldn’t care less how close she is to William Rye. Even if she were Henry Rye’s personal plaything, that still wouldn’t stop me now!”

What a joke! Aiden knew very well who Gerald’s sister was—Jessica Crawford and all her family held power beyond measure. There wasn’t even any question as to whose side to take!

Put it this way—if it had been Madam Jessica in his place here, there would be much more than a mere beatdown going on!

“Alright, I can see you Mayberry people have no regard for Rye Group whatsoever. Mr Baker, no one would deny Mayberry’s clout, but you’ve only been around the block for a dozen years or so. Why don’t you go home and ask your daddy how long Rye Group has been doing things?”

The captain was spitting out every word now. “To attack Mr Rye’s woman like this is no different from attacking Mr Rye himself!”

Liara could feel her courage returning. “Heh…let me tell you, Aiden Baker… my boyfriend is none other than William Rye himself! He’s back in the country these days, and when he finds out what happened to me…Your Mayberry people have some influence, sure, but you’d still try to get along with the Rye family, don’t you? Your dad’s under Zack Lyle, and even if Mr Lyle were to cover for you, it would still have to be for a good reason, right? Hah!”

Aiden Baker wasn’t invincible. There were matters that went over his own head.

In this regard, he turned to Gerald. If Gerald ordered the assault to continue, there would be no hesitation and nothing to fear!

But Gerald kept silent. Apparently, one of Aiden’s subordinates had supplied him with a taser.

He walked up and stuck Liara with it. Zap!

Liara’s whole body tensed up and then she collapsed to the floor, convulsing.

With some things, one had to endure, take a step back, and see the bigger picture. But when she’d started talking about how Rye Group would have her back, Gerald had lost his temper.

Truly, there was no escaping some feuds.

Last time, he’d nearly been made a cripple by Damien Rye. To tell the truth, he still hadn’t gotten over that incident.

And then today, this Liara girl had disgraced him. If Gerald held in his anger any longer, it might kill him!

It had all started with Damien Rye—and now he had to settle a score with Rye Group…

This was enough for now, and there was no hope in continuing with lunch, so Gerald took Queta and left with the others.

A solemn hush fell over the onlooking crowd.

“My gosh, that guy’s name was Gerald, wasn’t it? He looked like a total loser, but it turns out he’s a total bad-ass! Even Aiden Baker was at his beck and call!”

“Yeah! It’s so depressing, man! I’ve heard that Yancy Zimmerman is filthy rich, too, but he looked like he was ready to lay down his life for that Gerald tramp!”

“Are you guys retards? Still calling him names…don’t you get it? What was his name again?”

“Crawford, I think. Oh, crap! Could he be…?”