Chapter 501 - The Secretly Rich Man

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 501

By cursing Gerald, Willie was also expressing whose side he was really on.

Gerald was so angry that his face turned pale immediately as he tried to suppress himself from shouting any profanities.

“What are you saying, dad? Gerald! Do come in and take a seat!” retorted Leila angrily.

“Why… Why have you allowed this scum into our house? He’s the kind of trash who keeps taking advantage of us while helping others in secret! Go home and help that Francesca of yours! After all, he’d rather do her a favor instead of us anyway! Not only has Francesca become the vice deputy director because of him, she’s also becoming the director as well! The Jung family hasn’t gained anything from him!” said Leia bitterly.

Leia said this aloud because she knew that the favor Gerald was giving Francesca was simply too outrageous for even him to handle. It would be impossible for him to give so many company businesses to her.

Since she couldn’t get his help, she didn’t need to give him any face anymore, right? Thus, she scolded him as harshly as she could.

“Humph! Our family has already helped you so much and your Uncle Jung was even trying to get you a job! However, you only donated seventy thousand dollars to him even though you still had ninety thousand in your bank account! You’ve already shown how capable you are! Just get lost and do whatever you want, far away from us!” shouted Leia as she signaled for him to leave immediately.

All the guests there simply looked at Gerald as though he were a joke.

Douglas stared coldly at Gerald before smiling. He then said, “That’s right! Gerald still had ninety thousand dollars with him but he only gave you seventy thousand! That clearly went against what was agreed upon! How unreasonable!”

Willie’s face was so red with anger that he began huffing before pointed toward Gerald. “You! Get out of the Jung family’s house immediately!”

A second later, he had picked up a cup of scalding hot tea on the table before throwing it toward Gerald’s direction.

The cup shattered at Gerald’s feet, splashing hot tea against his trousers.

Gerald could feel the scalding liquid burn against his flesh.

“Dad! What are you doing?! Gerald’s the one who had sent me home!” cried out Leila anxiously.

“You’re not to associate yourself with this country bumpkin anymore in the future, Leila!” scolded Willie angrily.

Gerald himself glared daggers at Willie and Leia. If they were anyone else, Gerald would have already rushed forward and trampled them to death without even bothering about the consequences.

However, he clenched his fist and swallowed down his resentment before turning around immediately and leaving.

In his mind, he kept telling himself how grand their reaction would be when they one day found out who he actually was. He’d even tell them who his father’s true identity was just to rub salt to their wounds! But today was not that day. It wasn’t time yet.

Shortly after Gerald had left in a rage, Cindy arrived in a cab. With her, was a bag full of gifts.

After hearing her mother’s side of the story, she figured that she and Aunt Leia must have been fighting each other in secret. Knowing that her Aunt Leia had suffered such a huge blow, she decided to personally come over to meet her.

As she entered, Leia smiled at her. “Cindy, you’re here!”

Even though the adults were enemies, the children were still innocent. Leia didn’t hold anything against Cindy and the same went for Lacy with Leila.

After a few steps into their house, Cindy noticed the broken teacup on the floor. She also saw that Leila was crying.

Clueless of what was happening, she simply nodded and placed the bag of gifts on a table before heading over to Leila’s side to comfort her.

“It’s going to be fine, Willie. This isn’t worth losing your temper over. Unlike the issue with the collapsed buildings before this, you were dragged into your current position! You technically didn’t do anything wrong this time to deserve this demotion!”

“I can see only one solution to this matter!” said Gary.

“What’s on your mind, Gary?” replied Willie as he slowly regained his breath.

“You’ll have to rely on the Dream Investment Group’s relations this time. For this matter, you’d be better off looking for more powerful figures, such as those who always hang around Mr. Crawford. As long as they put in a good word for you in front of him, everything should be settled in no time!”

“But how could I possibly get in touch with those people? You’re talking about extremely competent and powerful individuals such as Mr. Lyle and Mr. Zeke,” said Willie.

“Even I can’t get in touch with them. Your best hope would be to look for Jaxon, Mr. Lyle’s driver. He may be the only one who can help you solve this matter! After all, he’s also Mr. Lyle’s confidant, so whatever he says to Mr. Lyle will prove to be extremely useful. Jaxon should be much easier to contact and if everything goes according to plan, soon enough, the issue will be no more!”

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 502

“Also, I’ve heard that Jaxon is quite the zealous and enthusiastic man. Since you’re from Weston Merchants Holdings, he’ll definitely be a prime person to ask for help!”

“Well, do you have his contact information then?” asked Willie.

“Sadly, I don’t yet. I’m also trying to think of a way to contact him!” replied Gary as he shook his head.

Willie then anxiously began inquiring everyone in the room if they knew how to contact Jaxon.

“Uncle Jung! I actually know someone who could help you contact this Jaxon person!” said Cindy aloud.

“…Come again? Is what you said true, Cindy?”

Willie and Gary were equally surprised.

“It’s the truth! My mother’s been getting so much business because of Jaxon! And it was a friend of mine who had told Jaxon to help her!”

As she said that, Cindy also paid close attention to Leia’s expressions.

“Then, could you please tell us who your friend is? Could you ask him out to have a meal with me so that he can lend me a hand?” asked Willie as he walked over to Cindy with a smile on his face.

“Hmm? Oh, you know him, Uncle Jung! If you ask him for help, he’ll definitely lend a hand!” said Cindy though she was honestly a little doubtful about her own claim.


Willie was shocked. Did he know someone that powerful?

“It’s Gerald. Jaxon shares a good relationship with him. What more, all it took was a single nod from Gerald for Jaxon to immediately start helping my mother!”

“…What did you say his name was? Gerald?”

Both Willie and Leia were startled. This was especially so for Willie since he hadn’t expected Gerald to have such a strong network.

Leia herself had not expected that Gerald had helped Francesca by directly introducing her to Jaxon and Zack.

Gary and Douglas were no less dumbfounded.

“…Cindy, are you sure of what you’re saying? Gerald and Jaxon know each other?” asked Leila who was also taken aback.

“A hundred percent certain! What more, they’re not just ordinary acquaintances. Jaxon was actually very polite and respectful toward Gerald!”

Willie’s face turned pale again, this time possibly even paler than before.

“Willie! What should we do? You’ve just made Gerald extremely angry and chased him away!” cried out Leia who looked extremely distressed.

“Humph! We need to call him back!” grunted Willie unhappily.

“Who’s calling him? I was so nasty and harsh toward him earlier!” replied Leia, ashamed of herself.

“Leila, could you…?” asked her mother.

Leila simply nodded in response.

After calling for a short while, she simply shook her head. “He’s not answering any of my calls!”

“Willie, Jaxon’s one of Zack’s favorite men! If you can’t get his help, then you’re truly fighting in a losing battle!” said one of the guests there.

Willie clenched his teeth. He had never expected there to be a day where he would have to beg for Gerald’s help. What more, it was the day that he chased Gerald away!

His embarrassment at that moment was unsurpassable.

“Dad, I know where he’s been living. Why don’t we go look for him instead? If you apologize to him face to face, there’s a chance that he may still forgive you!” said Leila.

“Leila, you want me to apologize to that kind of person?” said Willie as he stared at his daughter.

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 503

Though he was reluctant, Willie couldn’t go against everyone’s persuasion. After all, who else could help him? He had no choice but to rely on Gerald’s mercy this time.

He just had to bite the bullet and he soon found himself headed for the hotel that Gerald had been staying in.

A few other people joined him. However, even after waiting for quite a long time in the hotel’s lobby, there was still no sign of Gerald anywhere.

When his daughter tried to call him again, his phone line was still busy.

Gerald wasn’t doing this on purpose though. He was still talking to his father through the phone after all.

“Dad, I have some news about the pendant. It originated from the southwest and has quite a long history of its own. This kind of jade is extremely valuable and precious. This Xara you’re looking for. She must be a young lady from a rich family, correct?” asked Gerald as he sipped his coffee. He was sitting in a quiet café now.

His father was the one who had initiated the call, since he wanted to know about the jade pendant’s progress.

“That’s right! She is indeed, a young lady from a rich family!” replied his father before laughing.

that Xara’s family was from the southeast area? Could she actually be

family is from. I don’t even remember what her last name is! So please, son. You need to investigate and get to the bottom of this as soon as possible. Let me know what the results are as soon as they’re available!” replied his father

wondered whether he should tell his father about Queta. After all, he was pretty certain that she was Xara’s

he refrained from doing so. Even if his father knew about her, it wouldn’t

her only when he had found more

We haven’t really celebrated together as a family since you were in high school. Since this will be your first birthday after your life of poverty ended, I thought that we could reunite so that we can celebrate your birthday together

County now. I’ve been busy settling a few things but after I’m done, I’ll go back to our old house for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Winter will be there so you don’t

end of your poverty education for a reason. If you’re celebrating it without us, you have to make sure you enjoy a better and livelier birthday! That doesn’t mean you should go overboard like your sister though. Remember that year when she bought an entire island in the Pacific Ocean for her birthday? As if that wasn’t high profile enough, she went ahead and invited celebrities from all over the world to attend it! What I’m saying is make sure you don’t go

about me!” said Gerald while shaking his head with

a little while more about some recent business affairs,

called him several times. Gerald didn’t plan to

were his own to deal with. Gerald wanted no part of their family in

rudeness earlier, Gerald would even have invited them to his planned birthday banquet, just to

dressed in a suit entered the café.

you asked for. I’ve already written it for you. After this, you can use this letter to

didn’t even dare to sit down,

should know about this matter,” said Gerald


to help him with the

conversation with Xeno, Gerald had learned that the internal situation in the investment group was

and become part of the investment group to

to investigate under the name of Mr. Crawford, he wouldn’t be able

between Mayberry City and Serene County while also looking into the jade pendant

joining the company himself, Gerald would also be able to see first-hand whether the situation was as bad as Xeno had

Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest)

original staff from Mayberry Commercial Group had stayed back to work on the project developing Yorknorth Mountain as they followed the principles of investing in Serene

few other executives who were also originally from the Mayberry Commercial Group, the rest of the executives in the Dream Investment Group were recruited through the company’s annexation and

ignored nepotism, which was probably the

wait. For now,

room where he changed

of recommendation before heading toward the Dream Investment Group to attend

place I should be headed to if I’m attending an interview for the investment department?”

interview, right? The

around the same age as Gerald. She had that fresh university graduate look

said Gerald

“You’re very welcome- Ahh!”

focused on responding to Gerald,

immediately squatted down to help her

you apply for an internship here immediately after graduating too?” she asked with a smile as Gerald helped her pick up the

have you been working here?” asked Gerald in

much yet. Hehe… However, I do know that I’m also from the investment department! I wish you good luck with your interview later! Since we’ll most probably be colleagues in the future, I’ll go

to meet you, Fay!

Good luck again for your interview!” said Fay as she made

nodded with a smile before stepping into

were refreshing and pleasant. Gerald thought of her

elevator stopped on the fifth floor, another beauty stepped in. She wore

naturally had to greet

even nodding back. She continued playing with her phone for a while before noticing the floor that Gerald

asking casually, “New to the

interview!” said Gerald

So you haven’t even gotten the job yet. You seem quite confident, but I’m honestly unsure if

is that?” asked Gerald, slightly puzzled by her

honestly quite unlucky that the investment department

about it for a while. He was well dressed today and he knew that he had enough confidence and the proper temperament to be hired. Why would he be

arrived at the

at the interview hall, he finally

Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel

men and beautiful women were already

he walked toward the interview hall,

elevator, they would gasp loudly and act as though they

out of the elevator compared to the man who stepped out next. Did he

help but curse slightly in his

comes the thirty-eighth person! They’re only hiring two people today so why did so many

number of people they had to compete against.

alone! Does he really think he’ll be able

slightly handsome appearance, there’s nothing much else that’s attractive about him! I don’t even think he can be remotely compared to the

to just leave now

were what the male interviewees waiting there said when

the pressure too. Most of them had come in groups and because of all the competition, some of them

a deep breath as he listened to their insults and

After all, he knew what his purpose here today

tall girl stepped out. She looked to be at least

her figure was beautiful. Even her skin was

good image and

interview hall with a pile of

silent. Most of the boys, on the other hand, stared at

just that beautiful. If he were to be completely honest, her beauty was on

the interview? It’s such a great coincidence that we were able to meet! If it’s not too inconvenient for you, could you add me to your WeChat? You know, my brother-in-law works in this company as the assistant recruitment manager!” said one of the more

but there’s no need for that,” said the

you know? Since you have such a good temperament, I believe that you’ll definitely fit the recruitment criteria to a tee! They’re only hiring a male and a female this time around, so I’m more than certain that it’ll be the two of us who will get hired in the end. So why not just add me on WeChat now so that we can get to know each other faster?” replied the

that. He couldn’t help but wonder if his

interviewee was obviously not the casual kind of girl, but since the boy kept pestering her in front of everyone, she had no choice but to add him on WeChat. This made all the other

settle down everyone. We’ll now be reading your names off a name list! If you’re present, please reply by saying, ‘here’! After

from before

quite awkward at that moment as both Gerald and the boy looked at each

people sharing the same name? What’s going on

of the recruitment assistants. After all, she walked past him and straight to Gerald. As she looked at Gerald’s documents, she raised a

Gerald Crawford? Are you trying to make a fool of yourself? Why did you

Novel (Invisible

misheard you!” said Gerald as he

it be that he thought that she was calling for Mr. Crawford?” said one of the interviewees as

would’ve thought that he was the actual Mr. Crawford of

from before was smiling. Gerald remained silent, knowing that

interview. A few moments later, he stepped out with a smug smile on

the interview? Care

him as soon as

laugh! They’ve even asked

stared at Jared in jealousy. He was

by one, they each took their turns

his referral letter in the document that he had brought. After being asked a few questions, he was dismissed as well. All that was left to do, was wait for the results to

them left immediately after the interview. Jared himself was busy trying to initiate a conversation

the female assistant from before as she held on to two application

“Who got in?”

murmurs of guesses echoed

to Miss


congratulations to Mr. Gerald Crawford!” added

sweetly toward Bianca. It took him a moment


shocked as well. They all turned

Jared was going to be picked, and it turned out that Gerald won. He exhaled lightly while apologizing to everyone in his mind. He took his application form and, together with Bianca,

together from now on, let’s get to know each other better. Where do you

live in Touin. It’s in Serene County,”

I live in Serene County as well! Specifically, Fuenti which is pretty near to Touin!” said Bianca with

be quite an outgoing person despite her ethereal beauty. She was

is pretty famous for its hot springs, right? I’d like to go there one day

be your tour guide when

two had easily

newcomers in

voice coming from outside the office. She seemed to

Ava,” replied

me to them,”

manager’s voice somewhere before.

really be her outside this

Man Novel

the door swung open, Gerald could finally get

behind the assistant when Gerald exclaimed, “Ava Anderson? Is that really

during junior high. She was the principal’s daughter and also one of the

they no longer shared the same

The first few days upon entering senior high, Ava would still invite Gerald out for lunch since neither of them were familiar with their new classmates. After school, she would catch up with Gerald and they would talk about how their day had gone.

After those few days, however, Ava started having lunch with her dorm mates instead. This led to them talking less and less and as time passed, they would eventually only get to meet each other once a week. Their distance further increased in the following semester, and they would just give a simple greeting whenever they crossed paths.

By the last year of high school, both of them had reverted back to being complete strangers.

Since Ava went to a university in Yanken and Gerald went to Mayberry, it had been approximately three years since they had last crossed paths.

Ava seemed to be doing quite well on her own. She was able to get the position of manager at such a young age, after all.

“What brings you here, Gerald?” asked Ava, visibly surprised.

It was an understandable response. After all, it had been so long since they had last met. Ava knew all too well that their friendship had deteriorated since their high school days and she felt a sudden wave of awkwardness run through her veins.

“Oh, I’ve just applied for a position. I’ll be working here from now on!” replied Gerald with a smile.

“Oh really now?” She smiled as she skimmed through both of their resumes.

“Look at you Avie, you’re so cool now! You’re a manager!” said Gerald as he stared at her tag.

“Thanks, but do refrain from calling me Avie from now on… You can call me Miss Anderson,” responded Ava slightly coldly.

“Understood!” Gerald said as he nodded.

“Assistant Valen!” said Ava as she closed the files. “I know we’re short by two employees since this is, after all, a new team. However, we prefer quality over quantity so I’ll only pick one of you to help out in the team.”

At that moment, Bianca started to panic. Gerald and Ava knew each other so he was definitely getting chosen!

Contrary to how she imagined it, however, Ava glanced coldly at Gerald before turning to look at Bianca. “Miss Bianca Snow, we require another female here, so welcome to the team!”

“As for you, Gerald…” said Ava as she scanned him from head to toe. “I know that the logistics team is still hiring, so you should help them out. You’d probably need to run around each department and do errands for them!”

Gerald went silent. He didn’t know what else to say.

The assistant then interrupted, “But Manager Ava, Gerald graduated from Mayberry University…”

“I’m aware, but it just can’t be helped. Our current situation only has this position to offer. What do you say, Gerald? If you accept, I’ll send you over to logistics first. If you keep up the good work, I’ll bring this up to the directors and have you join our team later one,” said Ava with a fake smile.

In all honesty, Ava didn’t care for him at all. Even from her high school days, she had come to realize that it was embarrassing to hang out with Gerald.

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Gerald was from a rather poor family after all. Like many others, Ava was slowly swallowed by her own pride the older she got. And just like the others, her pride reached its peak during her university years.

“Sure thing!” said Gerald as he nodded. He didn’t really mind, though he was slightly taken aback at how coldly Ava had just treated him.

Immediately after completing the application process, Gerald and Bianca started working at their assigned positions.

Gerald sat in a small corner in the office and started working immediately. His job was to manage and sort files. He was rather glad since it would help his investigation greatly.

After a while, Gerald decided to head to the gents. After he was done, he was about to leave when he heard faint whispering coming from the ladies.

“Come by the office to get an interview done. You’ll have to be quick though. I’ve saved a position for you, so you owe me one!” echoed the barely audible voice across the stalls.

“What? No more positions? Well, you’re right but something unexpected happened. Our director’s brother in law was supposed to be accepted, but somehow, my junior high classmate was the one who got the job!”

“Heh, don’t worry about it. I already know about his background so any job will do for him. I sent him to the logistics team and that idiot gladly accepted my offer! So listen here, you still have a chance. Don’t let this opportunity go to waste!”

All the color drained from Gerald’s face. That was definitely Ava.

It seemed that he had been set up. Gerald could recall how surprised the assistant had been a while ago. So Ava was bringing her own people into the company too.

‘This newly formed investment group seems to just be for show’ Gerald thought to himself. He now realized how much information he could gather just by being an undercover spy in the company.

Ava hadn’t spared him any mercy this time, so Gerald would be sure to return the favor when the time came. He made a mental note of the incident before returning to work.

As was expected, a full day of work in the office was definitely boring. Thankfully, it didn’t take too long before Gerald was able to get off work.

However, Gerald couldn’t leave just yet. Bianca had invited Gerald to dinner after work via text message. Gerald could sense that this was probably Bianca feeling bad since he wasn’t able to join the team.

Since she was being considerate of his feelings, he accepted her invitation. It was just a simple dinner after all.

Since the team was still having their meeting, Gerald decided to wait for her at the lobby entrance.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Gerald saw Bianca exiting the lobby. However, she wasn’t alone. Ava followed closely behind her.

“Oh, Gerald! I’m sorry! I forgot to inform you that I can’t make it for dinner tonight! Manager Ava’s told me that she has someone she wants to introduce me to over dinner!” said Bianca as she smiled apologetically.

“No worries, have fun!” replied Gerald as he smiled rather sadly.

Ava on the other hand, simply looked at him for a brief moment, acknowledging his presence before getting into her car with Bianca.

As she drove off with her, Gerald’s phone began to ring. It was a call from Zack Lyle.

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“Mr. Crawford, I’d just like to ask. You’ve mentioned that you’d like to provide dorms for our employees, right? I know you said you’d like to do this yourself, but I’d like to provide my assistance if you’re busy. I just came back to Serene County!” Zack said.

“Don’t worry about it. I already have an area in mind. I’ll have you do the rest when I’ve bought it. I think you should focus on the jade incident.” Gerald replied reassuringly.

“Okay then, Mr. Crawford. Oh, but one more thing, it’s rather personal, hehe. Your birthday is coming up. We’ve always been organizing a big party for you following our family tradition. So, where would you like it to be held?”

“I’d rather celebrate my birthday back where I used to live. I don’t think a party would be necessary. Let’s all just have a nice dinner together.” Gerald said as he mustered up a fake smile.

Since young, Gerald was used to not celebrating his birthday. Back then, all he did was have a nice meal on his own or with the Winters. Besides, his immediate family no longer lived with him since high school. Even if he wanted to celebrate his birthday, there was no one here to do so with him.

“Sure, anything you say, Mr. Crawford!” Zack exclaimed. Gerald then hung up right after.

Speaking of buying property for the employees’ dorms, Gerald already had an area in mind. It was where he bought the property the last time. It was pretty near the company, and the environment was decent as well. Since his dinner was ruined, Gerald then walked to the real estate center to deal with this project at hand.

In front of the real estate center, two cars pulled up at the entrance, and a group of eight exited their cars one by one.

“Hello there, are you here to find a property? I can show you around if you’d like!” A real estate agent immediately greeted them.

“These two would like to buy a house for their wedding. We’re just here to accompany them!” One of the girls exclaimed.

“Say, Morgana, your boyfriend already has a big enough house. Wouldn’t it be nice to live with his family too? Isn’t it kind of irrational to buy a new house? And this is the most expensive one in the city!” Another girl asked.

It seemed that the ones buying a new property were Morgana Lopez and her boyfriend.

“I think it’s way better to move out, it’s really inconvenient to live with parents! With a new house, you two can spend some alone time together!” Yet another girl exclaimed.

“That’s exactly what we’re thinking. We’d like to be able to spend some alone time together. By the way, Lilian, didn’t you say you found yourself a wonderful boyfriend? Why didn’t he come with us today?” Morgana asked.

Since they were all friends since high school, the group wanted to meet up again after all these years. However, they had to wait for Morgana to get off work from the hospital and choose a new house. Hence, all of them came with her to the center.

“My boyfriend… won’t be coming today!” Lilian responded awkwardly. Lilian knew that she didn’t actually have a boyfriend. Even if she did, that was just Gerald acting as her boyfriend. It wasn’t real anyway.

“What about you, Sharon? Didn’t you say your boyfriend was joining us?” Morgana then turned to Sharon and asked.

“He’ll be here in a bit!” Sharon glanced at Lilian’s direction, then turned back to Morgana.

Everyone there was aware of rumors of what happened between Sharon and Lilian. Hence, they all try to keep their thoughts to themselves on this sensitive topic.

“Let’s just go take a look at the properties, then we can go have some fun after choosing one!” Howard suggested.

All of them stepped into the center and started choosing from their various options. But the mood seemed a bit somber; hence they needed a change of topic to lighten up the mood.

Suddenly, Sharon broke the silence, “Oh yeah, why aren’t Xella and Waylon joining us today? Back then, Waylon would always join gatherings like this!”

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“Oh, let’s just not mention them. Waylon seems to be occupied with family matters. And Xella, I gave her a rang, and she said she wasn’t feeling well, so she’s not coming too.”

“Ah, then I guess we’ll see them next time. By the way, Morgana, you’ve never told us your secret; how are you progressing so much? You switched industries almost too quickly!” Sharon asked. Upon hearing this question, Howard’s expression turned awkward.

Morgana coughed, visibly awkward as well, “It’s because of the help of Gerald. And well, Howard helped me out a lot too!”

“Gerald?” Upon hearing his name, both Sharon and Lilian were startled. In reality, Sharon had been asking them about every single classmate, as if she was studying abroad and wanted to catch up with everyone, although she had only been in Mayberry this entire time.

Both of the girls were dying to ask if Gerald was joining them, but they ended up asking about every other classmate but him. They couldn’t help it as Gerald was a touchy topic for both of them.

“Oh yeah, you guys may not know this, but Gerald has been doing really well! He’s a completely different person now!” Morgana exclaimed gratefully.

Lilian and Sharon went silent. How could they not know he’s a different man now?

“Hmph, he just has a few connections around the area, big deal!” Howard huffed. Now that Gerald took the spotlight away from him, Howard’s reputation in the class was no longer at the top. During high school, he and Waylon were both the talk of the class. But it seems like. Lately, all they’ve been talking about was Gerald.

Suddenly, one of the girls said in a surprised tone, “Guys, look! Isn’t that Gerald? Why is he here?”

“Huh?” Everyone turned to the direction she was pointing towards, and Gerald’s silhouette fell into their field of vision.

“It really is him!” Lilian exclaimed. She had been texting him since she came back, but he never responded to any of her texts. She settled disappointedly that Gerald had lost all feelings towards her. His sudden appearance filled her with delight and relief.

Sharon, on the other hand, was just as excited. That excitement, however, didn’t last long and was followed by slight disappointment. Although Gerald was doing quite well now, he had also been giving her the cold shoulder.

Basically, both of them were drowned in mixed emotions at this very moment.

Morgana seemed to have noticed it. “Lilian, Sharon, did anything happen between you two and Gerald back in Mayberry?”

“No, not really. Even if there was, I’d say that a certain someone is getting the cold shoulder from Gerald, though he was the nicest to her back then!” scoffed Lilian.

“It was just that one time that he picked you up, big deal! Who told you that he’s giving me the cold shoulder?” Sharon pouted.

They seemed to be on the verge of initiating a fight. One of the girls then came up with an idea and suggested, “Why don’t we just sit over there and see who Gerald greets first when he sees us?”

“Sure, it would be a surprise for him too. As soon as he looks over, he’d realize we’re all here. That would surely give him a shock!” chuckled Morgana.

Howard was submerged in jealousy, but everyone had sat on the sofa at the side, so he had to follow them as well.

Just at that very moment, Gerald slowly made his way to the real estate center…