Chapter 1 - The Secretly Rich Man

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1

It was nine o’clock at night at the male dormitory building in the university campus.

“Gerald, please go down to dormitory 101 on the first floor and bring my laptop up for me!”

A guy with blonde hair from the dormitory next door opened Gerald’s dormitory room door directly before he dropped one dollar on the floor, then turned around and walked away.

“By the way, please get me a bottle of mineral water from the supermarket downstairs too!”

The blond-haired student turned around before he dropped another three dollars on the floor—two dollars for the bottled mineral water and another dollar for running the errand for him.

“Hey, Blondie! Why are the people in your dormitory always asking Gerald to run errands for you? Why are you guys being such bullies?”

The people in Gerald’s dormitory asked in a cold manner because they could no longer stand it.

“Hahaha! Gerald lives in your dormitory and you don’t understand him yet? If you give him a dollar, he’d even eat shit if you asked him to!” Blondie replied sarcastically. Then, he laughed before he left the dormitory.

Gerald’s face flushed red with embarrassment as he turned a deaf ear to what the guy with blond hair said. After that, he bent down to pick up the few dollars on the ground before he thought to himself, ‘This way, I’ll make two dollars and that’s enough for me to buy three steamed buns and a bag of pickles! I won’t have to go hungry anymore.’

“Gerald…don’t go! If you don’t have enough money, we’ll lend you some and you won’t even need to pay us back!”

The head of the dormitory could not stop himself from sympathizing with Gerald.

Gerald shook his head before he smiled and said, “Thanks, but it’s okay…”

After speaking, Gerald turned around to walk out of the dormitory. At this time, all the boys looked at Gerald’s back as they shook their heads in pity.

In fact, Gerald did not want to run errands for others and he wanted to enjoy his university life too.

It would be great if he could just continue studying in university without having to worry about anything.

However, he was really very poor!

Although the other boys in his dormitory treated him very well, he did not want them to pity him. Otherwise, Gerald was afraid that they would eventually get sick of him.

Apart from his dormitory roommates, Gerald had no other friends in university.

“Gerald, I heard Blondie saying that you were heading downstairs, right?”

At this time, a very well-dressed boy exited from the dormitory next door.

His name was Danny Xanders and he was the head of Blondie’s dormitory. He was every female students’ idol because he wasn’t only rich but he was also very handsome.

However, he had always looked down on Gerald because he felt that Gerald was an embarrassment.

Gerald could not understand why Danny would talk to him.

Gerald simply nodded and said, “Yes, I’m heading downstairs.”

Danny smiled before he passed Gerald a box full of items.

“One of my friends will be waiting at the east grove today. Please pass him this box. Here’s ten dollars for you.”

Danny was a playboy and everyone knew about how he’d often ask different girls to meet up with him at the grove.

Danny also had many friends who would do the same thing.

However, Gerald did not think too much about it as he was already used to running errands for others.

He simply took the box and the ten dollars before he walked downstairs. As soon as he turned around, he seemed to hear Danny’s faint laughter in the background…

Gerald went downstairs to pick up the laptop and buy the bottle of mineral water before he decided to drop the box of items off for Danny.

The small grove outside the university was a very famous place for couples to have their secret rendezvous at night.

After that, Gerald arrived at the place that Danny had mentioned to him.

He could immediately see a man and a woman sitting in the woods, talking and laughing together.

However, Gerald was shocked when he saw the man and woman’s faces under the moonlight.

He was stunned.

It was Xavia!

Gerald’s eyes reddened immediately and the items he was holding fell to the ground.

Xavia was Gerald’s ex-girlfriend and it had only been three days since they had both broken up. Of course, it was Xavia who wanted to end the relationship.

When they were breaking up, Xavia had told him she wanted some time alone to herself. However, it had only been three days and she was already spending time with another man at the grove!

Both of them also noticed Gerald’s presence immediately and the expression on their faces changed abruptly.

“Gerald…why are you here? You, you…don’t get me wrong. I’m here with Yuri because…”

Xavia started to panic immediately, feeling very embarrassed at this time. She quickly lowered her head, not knowing how to face Gerald.

The boy named Yuri Lowell, who was a second-generation rich kid, glanced at the box of items that Gerald dropped to the ground before he laughed out loud.

“Damn it! Danny really knows how to make a fool out of people. I asked him to send me this box of items and I really didn’t expect him to send you here to run his errands instead. This is exciting. This is really too exciting!”

Gerald knew that Yuri, who was a second-generation rich kid, was Danny’s close friend. His family owned several restaurants and he usually drove a BMW 3 series car to school.

Gerald could only clench his fists tightly together after listening to Yuri’s words.

It turned out that Danny had intentionally done this.

Moreover, Gerald believed that Danny actually played a role in his break up with Xavia. Otherwise, why would Xavia be with Yuri just a few days after their break up?

“Xavia, I know that you dislike me but you don’t have to get together with this kind of person after our break up. Do you know how many girlfriends he has changed before this?” Gerald yelled out loud.

He loved this girl very much. He really loved her.

Xavia felt very anxious and annoyed when she heard Gerald’s words. “Gerald, who do you think you are? Who gave you the right to teach me how I should be acting and what I should be doing? I’ve already broken up with you and I can choose to be with whoever I want to be with!”

“Also…” Xavia was furious at this time. After that, she stared at Gerald before she said, “Did you come here to disgust me on purpose? Get lost!”


After she was done speaking, Xavia stepped forward and gave Gerald a tight slap across his face.

Yuri laughed even more heartily at this time. “Hahaha. Xavia, why are you chasing him away? You should just let him stay and watch us!”

Xavia blushed immediately. “Yuri, I’ve already lost all interest after seeing this guy over here! Maybe next time…”

After that, Xavia broke free from Yuri’s grasp.

Gerald did not know how he walked away from the grove and his mind was completely blank at that moment.

Everything came down to money. Gerald was in this state because he had no money!


After returning to his dormitory, Gerald was greeted by the laughter of his classmates in the corridor.

Danny was holding his belly as he laughed out loud.

He had obviously told all of their classmates about this matter.

“Hahaha. Gerald, what did you see when you were delivering the items earlier?” Blondie asked him with a smile on his face.

“Damn it! Xavia really has the most perfect figure,” Danny said as he grinned.

Gerald clenched his fists tightly together and his eyes were flushed red at this time. He really wanted to kill Danny! He wanted to perish together with Danny.

“Why? Why are you doing this to me?” Gerald hissed angrily.

Danny laughed before he replied, “Hey, look here. I’m not scared of you at all.”

“Among all the poor people in our class, you’re the one I look down on the most! Xavia is such a beautiful woman and it’s such a waste for her to be in a relationship with someone like you! It’d be better for my brother to enjoy and play around with her for a few days at least…”

“By the way, Gerald, did you know that Yuri managed to pick Xavia up after texting her for less than half an hour while you had to chase after her for more than a year before she finally agreed to be your girlfriend?”

Everyone was laughing at this time and no one cared about Gerald’s dignity at all.

“I did it for you!”

Gerald rushed towards Danny immediately.

As a result, he ended up getting beaten up by Danny’s buddies instead.

In the end, Gerald’s roommates came to his rescue and they brought him back to their own dormitory.

Gerald covered his face with his quilt as he continued sobbing as he laid in bed.

‘Why? Why must they bully me and trample on my dignity? Why?’

‘Do I not have any feelings just because I’m poor? Am I not a person in their eyes?’

Gerald continued struggling internally and he could not stop the tears from flowing down his cheeks. He could not forget the scene that he had just witnessed tonight.

He did not know how long he huddled up under the covers, crying before he finally fell asleep.

Perhaps it was because it was such a dark and silent night, Gerald slept very peacefully that night.

When he woke up the next morning, there was no one in the dormitory. Gerald knew that the head of the dormitory must not have wanted to wake him up as he probably felt it would be better for Gerald to stay in the dormitory instead of going to the classroom after the previous night’s events!

When Gerald picked up his cell phone, he discovered that he had received many text messages and missed calls.

To Gerald’s surprise, they were all foreign numbers.

Gerald also received a text message stating that someone had transferred money into his bank account!

“[Daxtonville Bank] Nineteen years. The balance of your account ending in 107 is USD 1,500,000.00.”

Gerald was stunned when he looked at the series of numbers.

One million five hundred thousand dollars?

Who would transfer one and a half million dollars to him?

Gerald hurriedly called the bank to confirm the transfer and he was even more confused after receiving confirmation from the bank.

At this time, his cell phone started ringing again. It was another phone call from an international phone number and Gerald answered the call immediately.

“Gerald, have you received the money that I transferred to you? I’m your elder sister!” A familiar voice sounded over the other end of the line.

“Sister! What the hell is going on? Aren’t you and our parents working hard to make money abroad? Where did you get so much money?”

Gerald was completely in shock.

“Erm, our father was intending to hide the truth from you for another two years but I can’t bring myself to do so because I know you’re constantly getting bullied in school. Therefore, I planned to tell you the news in advance. Our family is actually really wealthy. The Crawford family has a huge business industry throughout the world. Do you know that eighty percent of the gold mines, minerals, and petroleum in Africa actually belongs to our family?”

“This is not inclusive of all the other industries in Daxtonville and abroad.”


Gerald gulped immediately. If this one and a half million wasn’t already in his hands, he wouldn’t have believed this at all.

He really thought that his sister was merely making fun of him!

“I know you find it really hard to believe me, Gerald, but you have to learn to accept the truth slowly. In the beginning, I was also raised in a poor environment but after some time, I’ve gradually gotten familiar with living the lifestyle of a wealthy person. By the way, I’ve sent something over to you by courier and it should arrive by this morning. You no longer have to worry about money in the future.”

“I don’t know how much anything costs in Daxtonville nowadays but you shouldn’t worry, just use the one and a half million dollars for the time being. I’ll call you again next month!”

After hanging up the phone, Gerald was still in disbelief.

He had always lived as a poor person throughout his entire life.


He was actually a second-generation rich kid?

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 2

It turned out that his parents and sisters had been lying to him when they told him that they were working abroad.

After that, Gerald called his parents directly. They were initially angry that his sister had told him about their wealth without their permission but after a short while, they decided to apologize to Gerald instead.

Gerald’s father told him that he had no choice but to do so because he wanted to raise him to have a humble personality. After that, his father explained a lot to him!

Gerald then withdrew a hundred thousand dollars from the bank before he was going to go shopping with some of the black bank cards that his sister had just mailed to him.

In fact, Gerald was still not completely convinced. Was this just a dream?

Gerald was very excited at this time.

“Hahaha. Xavia, if you didn’t break up with me, I would be able to buy you whatever you want now.”

“Yuri and Danny, you’ve already insulted and made fun of me so much in university. I wonder how you’re both going to react in the future.”

Gerald smiled bitterly to himself.

It was already almost noon when he left the bank.

At this time, Gerald’s cell phone rang and he realized that it was a phone call from the head of his dormitory.


“Gerald, are you okay? Why aren’t you in the dormitory?”

“Oh, I went out for a stroll!”

“The few of us are scared to death. We’re so worried about you. By the way, it is Naomi’s birthday today. As she couldn’t contact you, she’s asked me to ask you if you’re attending her birthday party tonight. She said that she’s already mentioned her birthday celebration to you a few days ago!”

After hearing his words, Gerald looked through the list of missed calls on his phone before he realized that he had indeed missed some calls from Naomi.

Naomi was Gerald’s classmate and not only was she very beautiful but she was also very close to Gerald.

Apart from Xavia, Naomi was Gerald’s only female friend.

In fact, Gerald remembered Naomi telling him about her birthday a few days ago. However, he did not say anything because he was already struggling to simply feed himself a few days ago.

But now…Gerald decided to live like a normal person in his usual circle of friends.

So, why would he not go to the birthday party?

“I have to get a birthday gift for her, right?”

After hanging up the phone, Gerald looked around him and the only thing that attracted him was the Hermes shop.

This was a world-famous luxury store which carried very luxurious items. Even though it was very expensive, many second-generation rich kids from Gerald’s university liked to come here mainly because of prestige!

Gerald did not plan to enter the store but he suddenly thought of the Universal Global Supreme Shopper’s Card that his sister had mailed to him today.

He felt very tempted at this time.

He was initially very reluctant to spend money but when he thought about the card, Gerald guilt immediately lessened.

After taking a deep breath, Gerald walked into the Hermes boutique store immediately.

“Hello sir, what can I do for you?”

A very beautiful salesgirl inside greeted Gerald very politely.

Even though there was a trace of contempt in her eyes when she glanced at Charlie’s clothes, she was still very polite.

She knew that everyone who entered this store would usually look around first but she did not understand why someone like him would want to enter their boutique store.

“I’ll take a look around the store first,” Gerald replied immediately. This was his first time stepping into such a luxurious boutique store so he really did not know what to buy.

The salesgirl had a cold expression on her face as she looked at Gerald.

“Yuri, can you buy me a bag?”

At this time, a familiar voice reached Gerald’s ear and he saw a beautiful girl walking into the store as she held onto another man’s arm.

The expression on Gerald’s face changed immediately when he turned around and saw the couple.

It was none other than Yuri and Xavia.

“Hello! Is this your girlfriend, Mr. Lowell? She’s really very beautiful!”

As soon as the salesgirl who was serving Gerald earlier saw Yuri, there was a 180 degree change in her attitude as she greeted him with a smile on her face.

Everyone knew that Yuri was a second-generation rich kid and he was very eye-catching wherever he went. That was the reason why the salesgirl rushed over to him immediately.

“Rachel, this is my girlfriend, Xavia. I’ve brought her here to take a look today because I’d like to buy her a bag.”

Xavia blushed at this time. Yuri was indeed a rich young man who was recognized wherever he went.

At this time, Xavia pointed at one of the bags before she said, “Yuri, I want this bag!”

The bag was placed inside a cabinet and it looked very luxurious and grand.

Rachel smiled before she said, “This bag is a collector’s edition that was introduced during the Hermes’ 200th anniversary celebration. There are only two hundred units of this bag produced worldwide and it’s worth fifty-five thousand dollars!”


Xavia was so shocked and she could not help but gasp out loud.

Yuri also jumped up slightly before he smiled and said, “Rachel, if I’m not mistaken, this is a handmade bag with excellent workmanship. It was only released last year and it has already won one of the spots on the list of world’s top ten luxury goods, right?”

Rachel was very surprised at Yuri’s extensive knowledge. “You seem to know a lot about bags!”

Yuri shook his head before he said, “I like to research luxury goods but this is really a very expensive bag.”

After that, Yuri looked at Xavia before he said, “My dear, you have really exquisite taste. Let’s get you another bag that is worth five or six thousand dollars instead.”

Yuri would rather die than purchase a bag for fifty-five thousand dollars!

Xavia pouted as she said, “Alice’s boyfriend bought her a bag worth more than eight thousand dollars!”

“Well, you’ll have to wait until I get more allowance next month, then!”

At this time, the other people who have just heard Rachel introducing the bag to Yuri quickly surrounded the cabinet containing the luxury bag.

When Yuri was talking about the bag that was worth fifty-five thousand dollars, he seemed very knowledgeable!

Everyone was very impressed with his knowledge.

When Gerald saw that the salesgirl had already left him alone, he no longer wanted to stay in the boutique shop because he did not want Xavia to see him.

At this time, a younger salesgirl suddenly walked up to Gerald before she bowed and said, “Hello sir, how can I…how can I help you today?”

She looked like she had just started working as a salesgirl.

She was still a little timid.

However, it warmed Gerald’s heart because she was very polite.

“Oh, I’d like to buy someone a birthday gift!” Gerald replied immediately.

“Sir, do you have a Shopper’s Card? If you have one, you will be able to enjoy a discount on your purchases.”

Even though Gerald was her first customer, she did not judge him simply because of his simple and casual appearance. Instead, she continued speaking to him in a very professional manner.

“Oh yes. Can you please take a look at this?”

Gerald took out the Universal Global Supreme Shopper’s Card that his sister had given to him before passing it to the salesgirl.

The salesgirl widened her eyes in shock when she saw the card.

“This, this…black gold card?”

The salesgirl continued staring at Gerald in shock and disbelief. This young man looked like an ordinary student and not a famous rich man. How could he possibly have a black gold card?

Gerald was confused and he asked, “What’s a black gold card?”

“It is a supreme-level card and you can spend up to three hundred thousand dollars on this card, while the minimum amount for each transaction is fifty thousand dollars, sir!”

Gerald was even more confused at this time. He knew that their family was rich but he did not know that they were so rich!

“Sir, based on the items we are currently carrying in our store, you can’t use this black gold card on any of the regular luxury goods in this shop. However, you can easily reach the minimum transaction amount if you check out the collector’s edition bag. I will bring it over to you now.”

The salesgirl bowed again before she left immediately.

At the same time, Xavia and Yuri were still looking around the boutique store as they checked out all of the bags with a look of admiration on their face.

The young salesgirl unlocked the cabinet before taking the collector’s edition bag out.

Rachel frowned immediately before she said, “Wendy, what do you think you’re doing now?”

Wendy turned around and replied, “I’d like to show a customer this bag!”

“Is this the kind of bag that you should be showing to just any customer? Who are you showing it to?”

Rachel frowned as she stared at Wendy.

Wendy looked in Gerald’s direction as she said respectfully, “This gentleman over here.”

Yuri and Xavia also turned around to look at the direction that the salesgirl was pointing at before they burst out in laughter.


Yuri could not hold his laughter in when he saw Gerald.

If he could, he would have already rolled on the ground as he laughed.

“What are you talking about? That man wants to see the collector’s edition bag?” Yuri asked as he pointed his finger at Gerald.

This was a big joke to Yuri.

Yuri stared at Gerald with a contemptuous expression on his face and Gerald felt a little embarrassed at this time because there was a crowd of people staring at him.

Rachel also had an ugly expression on her face as she said, “Wendy! Do you really think this man would be able to afford to buy any of the bags in our boutique store? Who are you kidding?”

“No, Rachel. That customer has a black gold card. He is our VIP customer!”

“Hahaha!” Yuri laughed out loud again. “A VIP customer? He’s a famous pauper in our university!”

Xavia also glared at Gerald in disgust as she said, “Gerald, aren’t you ashamed of yourself? Why don’t you leave this place immediately?”


Gerald looked around as the crowd of people continued ridiculing him. The young salesgirl was also placed in a very difficult position as Rachel was glaring at Gerald in disgust.

At this time, Gerald simply strode over to the counter before he placed his black gold card on the counter.

“I’ll buy that collector’s edition bag today!”

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 3

“Gerald, why are you pretending to be rich?” Xavia asked contemptuously.

However, Rachel was startled after Gerald placed the black gold card on the counter.

This Universal Global Supreme Shopper’s Card for luxury stores was only available to the most wealthy and powerful families in the world.

There was no doubt that the owner of the black gold card was indeed very wealthy and powerful.

On the other side, Wendy quickly brought the card reader over to the counter.

After that, Gerald entered his birthday into the card reader as the passcode and the transaction was successful.

The transaction was successfully completed!

“Oh my god!”

Everyone in the crowd was shocked.

“Oh my. Did this young boy just buy the Hermes collector’s edition bag worth fifty five thousand dollars? He is really very rich!”

“Is this a boy really a very humble second-generation rich kid?”

Everyone was staring at Gerald with fiery eyes.

At this time, even Yuri was staring at Gerald in disbelief.

How could this pauper possibly be so rich? He felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Moreover, he was still showing off his knowledge on all of the luxury goods before this.

Now, he looked nothing more than a clown!

Xavia had a look of disbelief on her face at this time.

“You…you…Gerald, where did you get this card?”

How could he possibly buy the bag that was worth fifty-five thousand dollars whenever he wanted to? Xavia could not believe that Gerald also owned a Universal Global Supreme Shopper’s Card. Even that luxury shopper’s card was very valuable on its own!

Did he just buy the bag on his own?

Was it for real?

Gerald glanced at Xavia but he did not say anything at all.

He could still feel a sharp pain in his heart but he was still very cold towards Xavia. At this time, Gerald thought in his heart, ‘My sister was the one who gave me this card and I can actually purchase something costing up to three hundred thousand dollars!’

“Sir, I will wrap this item up for you immediately! Please wait for half an hour.”

“This is a very luxurious product so we must ensure that the packaging for the bag is perfect.”

Gerald felt very embarrassed with the crowd of people staring at him so intently.

After he rejected the wrapping service, Gerald took the bag in his hand as he prepared to leave immediately.

“Wait a minute! Stop right there!”

Yuri had an ugly expression on his face as he walked in front of Gerald to stop him from leaving.

“What do you want?” Gerald asked in a cold manner.

Yuri snorted before he pointed at the black gold card in Gerald’s hand. “I suspect that you’ve stolen this black gold card from its original owner. After all, it isn’t that difficult to steal someone’s password or passcode nowadays!”

After that, Yuri looked at Rachel before he said, “Rachel, I’d advise you to call your manager to look into this matter immediately. If this black gold card was really stolen, it’ll leave a very bad reputation for your boutique store when this matter is exposed!”

Xavia came back to her senses at this time and she quickly chimed in, “Yes, Rachel. How can a pauper like Gerald possibly own such a supreme card and be able to purchase such an expensive bag?”

Xavia was still in disbelief.

Rachel felt that what they were saying made complete sense.

Therefore, she looked at Gerald before she said, “Sir, please wait here for a moment. Our manager will come over here right away.”

After that, everyone blocked Gerald’s way as if they were trying to stop a fraudster from escaping!

Gerald really did not expect to cause so much trouble just because he wanted to buy a bag.

However, he knew that he would not be able to leave now even if he wanted to.

He could only stand here and wait patiently for the store manager.

Very soon, a woman in her early thirties who was dressed very elegantly appeared in front of the crowd of people.

Rachel immediately told the manager that she suspected Gerald to be a fraudster who had stolen someone else’s black gold card.

The manager looked at Gerald before she smiled and said, “I am sorry, sir but if you do not mind, would you please allow me to check out your black gold card?”

She was very polite and respectful because she was the manager of the store and she did not judge their customers simply by their appearances.

Gerald felt very helpless at this time and he could only hand his black gold card over to the manager without saying anything.

The manager brought out a special card reader.

After that, she skillfully placed the card inside.

“Sir, could you please give me your last name? I would also like to know your identification number,” the female manager requested respectfully.

name is Gerald Crawford and my

passcode for his cards, Gerald was not sure if the card was under his name or his sister’s. Gerald also handed his identification card over to the manager without

himself now!” Yuri said as he sneered. After that, he took out his cell phone so he could

female manager proceeded with

a look of horror flashed through her eyes when she saw that Gerald was indeed the rightful owner of the black

was indeed a supreme member and this meant that he was a member of a very wealthy and powerful

out in cold sweat immediately. Damn it! Rachel had actually made

hand before she walked over to Gerald and bowed before him

I am so sorry if I have offended you. Please let me return your black


Everyone was stunned.

way because she was trying to prevent him

a mistake? Is this person really the owner of this

manager raised her hand and slapped Rachel across her face.

covered her face with her hand as she quickly

were in a

of them knew Gerald and they

she thought that it would be best if she could gain Gerald’s favor by

Xavia before she said, “Excuse me, what are both of you trying to prove? Why did you induce our salesgirl

at the manager before he said, “I was simply giving you a warning as a kind

your kindness but if you are not going to buy anything, we would truly appreciate it if you left our

female manager’s words were very sharp and

chasing them out

he would be able to get them

Even if he forked out money to buy a bag worth ten thousand dollars, he would still be nothing compared

was a

“Let’s go!”

in anger as he dragged Xavia out of the

time, Rachel was also bowing down in front of Gerald. “Sorry. I

really regretted

he said, “Thank you so much for all the trouble

the bag in his hands before he left

was the first time that he had ever won in a

fact, he was not the kind of person who would spend

was finally an ordinary person who could live his life without worrying

phone started ringing again. It

line as soon as he answered the call. “Gerald, I don’t care what other people think about you but you’re one of my closest friends! You have to come to my birthday party tonight. All of your dormitory mates are here

smiled before he replied, “Alright, I’ll be

make sure that you look good today! I’d like to introduce someone to you!” Naomi said

up, Gerald walked to a nearby supermarket to buy a plastic bag for twenty cents. After that, he put

before he rushed

up the phone before she smiled at the long-haired girl sitting next to

friend of mine. He’s a very good and studious person! I’d like to

was wearing her earphones and she was

was really very


together and they attended the same university even though they were majoring

she had invited Alice and some of her dormitory friends over to celebrate her birthday

that even though Alice was a goddess, she had

juice as she drank it


Rich Man Novel

person who entered through

What are you

face changed as soon as

them were classmates and Naomi

Naomi had found out that morning that Danny had played a trick on Gerald.

this guy was so thick-skinned and he actually came

with Gerald last night. Who would’ve thought that he’d actually deliver the box to

as he smiled

roommates also came with him and they all brought gifts with

Naomi’s family was also very wealthy and Naomi had already offered to help Gerald several times. However, Gerald

known Naomi ever since they were in high

that you were going to introduce to me? What’s wrong?”

to get acquainted with Alice ever since a long time ago.

to brazenly come and apologize

he quickly said, “Hello, the beautiful Alice. Gerald is my

some birth control supplies to his ex-girlfriend last night,

up!” Naomi replied as

this time, Alice had a very strange

huge distinction between the


won’t say

why don’t you take a look at what I

time, someone pushed the door open


“Gerald, you’re finally here!”

up with

Danny, who was staring at him with a

his face if

This was Gerald.

her head to look at Gerald at

from a wealthy family. Alice did

clothes that Gerald was wearing from

He was too ordinary!

of what Danny had mentioned earlier, her impression

face was

Alice, this is my friend,

with a smile

before he replied, “Hello, my name is Gerald. Nice to meet


even bother to look at Gerald. Instead, she

hanging in the air and after a short

knew that her best friend had always had such a personality. If she was interested in the

say anything about

to sit down at

Danny saw the red plastic

birthday gift did you get here? Why don’t you

head of Gerald’s dormitory could not stand it anymore and he quickly asked, “Danny, why are

simply laughed because he really enjoyed ridiculing and making fun of

cold expression on his face before he took out the gift that he bought for Naomi

Danny also bought a black branded

I bought this for you. A

out the bag, Alice and all

market price for one of these bags is at least eight

immediately had a

person was really very

been very cold to everyone else, could not help

the manager at Hermes very well, so I bought it for only seven thousand nine hundred

admiring gaze that everyone was giving him at

she took it in her hand without saying anything

Rumble is actually the latest bag launched by Hermes. It is very popular in Macau, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. This same

gasp when

said, “Alice, what do you think about this bag? Do you usually do any research on luxury

finally smiled faintly before she replied, “I’d wanted to buy this exact same bag before this but the price is slightly

your birthday! Eight or nine thousand dollars is not a

not say anything but she simply smiled at

she had heard about him before and she knew that he was a

he was also so courageous

could not help but feel a little impressed

the head of Gerald’s dormitory and all of his roommates also presented their gifts to Naomi, one after the

luxury gift, but each of their gifts also cost

want to interfere and he simply planned to give Naomi his gift after everyone

this time, Danny looked at the red plastic bag in Gerald’s hand before he smirked and said, “Gerald, please show us what you bought for Naomi. Just

I’d be very happy no matter what Gerald

Naomi warned Danny again.

also looking at Gerald with a

regretted his

wait half an

it would just be a simple gathering with a few of their close friends. He did not expect that

bought you a bag

said as he took the bag out of the

at this time because she really could not believe

person was so poor! He was

Danny yelled as soon as Gerald

bag too! He bought her

market stall you bought this bag from?

all the girls present

shook her head

that even though Gerald was poor,

Alice simply looked

launched during their 200th anniversary. There are only two hundred units

recognize the bag

vain a person is, they wouldn’t buy the counterfeit version of this bag

glared at Gerald. This

she really did not expect him to buy her an imitation item

Naomi still smiled as she said, “Thank you, Gerald. I’m very thankful and happy no matter what you get me but you shouldn’t spend so much money in the future. One hundred dollars is a lot of money for

tell Naomi that it was a genuine and original Hermes bag but he could see that

no one would believe him even if he tried to explain himself and he

this time, Alice looked at Naomi before she said, “Naomi, why did you become friends

to put Gerald in a difficult position. Therefore, she tried to change

birthday today and I’m really happy to be able

her roommates continued staring at Gerald in disgust while the other guys

and his friends

Naomi because he knew that she was caught

said, “Naomi, happy birthday to you but I just remembered something I have to do back in my dormitory so I’ll be leaving first. Have

superfluous, so he got up


Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter

walked out of the room

Naomi and the head of Gerald’s dormitory, Harper,

say that I don’t like your gift,” Naomi said

have dinner before you go. If you leave now, we’ll be very

fun here. There’s really something I have to do now but

not know if his friends would believe

blame his sister for giving him the card with a

kept persuading Gerald, he still decided to

pauper really leave?” Danny asked with a smile as soon as Naomi and Harper returned to the

change the target of your bullying? Why are you always bullying Gerald? Isn’t

not tolerate

to gift Naomi? Moreover, he even chose to

only smile wryly as she shook

the street without any emotions on his

now that he was loaded with cash, he did not feel anything

a bag that cost more than fifty five thousand dollars but

where he should head to, he suddenly

a phone call from

immediately answered the

What are


free, could

was curious

when I returned to the country to see you four years ago. I need to sign a renewal contract with some of the

the project. Therefore, Mayberry Commercial Street belongs to both of us. It’ll be the same even if you sign the contract! Go and renew the

you hear what I just

Gerald heard everything that she

was really confused at

Mayberry Commercial Street?

was one of the highlights of

shops and

Entertainment on top of the hill along the commercial street. This

according to his sister, they

telling me the truth? We own the

joke about this? I couldn’t get involved in so many industries on my own, and that’s why I

arrive there later, just tell him your name and let him know you’re the


else to attend to so I’ll

Beep beepbeep.

phone in his hand and he

Entertainment before and he

hailed a cab and headed

Mountain Entertainment integrated dining, entertainment,

was a huge manor located on the hillside

raised his head before walking

“Sir, please wait!”

a few beautiful ladies

you reserve a place here today?” one of the girls quickly asked

work at the front hall and they were already used

casually compared to all the other wealthy and

contempt in their eyes, they were still

reserve a seat but I’m here to look for someone,” Gerald replied as

of him and he finally understood why Wayfair Mountain

receptionists looked like

and they

someone? Who

beautiful girls could not help but frowned when

a hint of coldness in their

here to look for

the girls were all looking down on him but he

word, the few girls exchanged glances with

Looking for Mr. Lyle?

poor man know who Mr.

really someone that he could see whenever

was just a pauper who was here

Mountain Entertainment was a famous place that many could never

Gerald who would come by to say they were looking for someone just

want to put

even though they despised Gerald for his

advance if you want to meet Mr. Lyle. Please leave if

Gerald immediately knew that these girls were assuming he was there simply because he wanted

calling Jessica so she could contact

just realized that just anyone can step into

hair and he was dressed very decently as he was accompanied by a glamorously dressed lady

with a contemptuous expression on his face

the most luxurious place in Mayberry City? Why is someone like him

just born this way and they do not have the

young man and said,

“That’s good. I will be hosting a group of my friends from abroad here later and I think this manor is really the symbol of Mayberry City. Therefore, I hope you won’t degrade this place without reason. Miss Jane, I hope you understand that my father is very close to your boss, Mr. Lyle, and they often

even more reputable as soon as

acquainted with Zack, she smiled immediately because Mr. Lyle was a prominent figure in

the beautiful girls at the reception counter were also staring at Sebastian

she replied, “Yes,

looked at Gerald with a stern expression on her

trouble for our establishment. Otherwise, I’ll have no choice but to

then. I’ll just step out and

out of the manor. He took his cell

poser! He’s definitely a faker,” Sebastian said

Mr. Lewis. This kind of situation occasionally

appeased Sebastian with a smile on

are here already.

have the

with a perverted expression on his face before he nodded. Then, he took his wallet out from his pocket before he walked towards the front desk to pay

that, the group of beautiful girls looked at Jane with an envious expression on their

all started working here after graduating from college. What’s the point of working as a receptionist here

just now? She is a second-rated actress…Mr. Lewis’ family is focused on the real estate business and

our boss, Mr. Lyle. It turns out that Mr. Lewis’ family has

could not stop staring at Sebastian’s back as they were all obsessed

that the man just now was actually here to look for Mr. Lyle? Mr. Lyle is now busy

Jane was preparing to head over to chat with

the poor man that she chased out had come back

are you

Jane was startled.

girls also stared at Gerald

Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible

in the most luxurious room in the manor, a middle-aged man with a very majestic aura was socializing with a group of

the owner of Wayfair Mountain Entertainment on Mayberry Commercial Street and this naturally made him the

was surprised at this

as soon as Mr. Lyle answered the phone, he stood up in shock before he

wrong with Mr.

could not understand

front desk, Sebastian had not entered his room yet and he saw Gerald entering the manor again. He couldn’t help but offer to help Jane get

Jane, why don’t you just call for security? There isn’t any other way

smiled coldly at

nodded before she motioned for a few security guards to step


out to the front hall as quickly

Everyone was stunned!

“Lyle…Mr. Lyle?”

rest of the girls were

“Hello, Uncle Lyle. My name is Sebastian Lewis and my father is Jacob Lewis. We met during the last

forward to

not even look at


pushed Jane and the other

you Gerald?” Zack

“Yes, I

“So, you know Jessica?”


respectfully in front

Mr. Crawford. I am


surprised Jane and

also shocked at

actually bowed in

Who was he?

his sister had such a powerful presence here. He really couldn’t believe that his sister actually had the power to make

be honest, Gerald was still not used


My sister asked me to come over here to

we’ll need you to sign the renewal contract. This commercial street, including this manor, belongs to you and your sister. I’ve wanted to pay you a visit for the longest time but your

wiped the sweat

was really happy that Gerald was so polite towards

Sebastian were dumbfounded at this



true owner of Wayfair

this place earlier?” Zack asked as he turned around and his eyes swept through the

the real boss of the Wayfair Mountain Entertainment, Jessica, was very special and she

nearly chased the second boss out of his own

it, wouldn’t he have


you sure you’re not mistaken at all? How could this pauper possibly be the owner


he heard his words.

sorry, Uncle Lyle. I didn’t say

his face and he was filled with grievances at this

was also from a very wealthy

man out of

security guards the

“Yes, sir!”

pushing Sebastian

embarrassing! Sebastian felt really very embarrassed

simply watched what was happening but he

to be so


that, Gerald followed

around the manor before he told him

finally understood that Zack and his wife used to sell buns

Jessica had also been very

was about to beg for food from Zack and his wife. It was then that they had

became extremely wealthy, she was the one who


Gerald signed the renewal contract and he realized that most of the shops in Mayberry Commercial Street were registered under his own name. Therefore, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that he was the owner of

would ever be such

a table for Gerald in a private

day, Gerald

Crawford has given me this order, as she wants you to familiarize yourself with your family’s industries as soon

a thought flashed

be right back, Mr.

out of the room to make a phone call and said one simple sentence, “I want all

that, he went

what the manager was up to. He was starving and he quickly ate the

enjoying his food happily when the door to his private room was

that, five or six beautiful women walked into the

and the other beautiful girls at

were looking at Gerald with a completely different expression

Gerald as she said, “Mr. Crawford, I’m

“Sorry, Mr. Crawford!”

other beautiful girls quickly chimed

you doing


looked down on him at the front desk earlier, Gerald did not have

to get things done for his

he wanted

as though Zack had already scolded all of

do anything for you as long as you forgive us, Mr. Crawford,” Jane said

at Wayfair Mountain Entertainment undoubtedly had only one true purpose, which was to

this opportunity that Mr. Lyle had given them to make amends

all, they could not help but rush

was a rich

rich man! He was the wealthiest and


Six of them?


was stunned. At this time, Jane took out a remote

curtain and what

was another secret

all of the beautiful girls, including Jane, quickly took off

blouse as she sat

and succumb to

It was his sister.

as he said, “Dear ladies, I will just

Gerald ran out

turned out that his sister was calling to ask him about the renewal contract. After that, Jessica also told Gerald to get used

up the phone, Gerald wondered to himself if

about the days when he was dating Xavia. Back then, Gerald was really deeply in love

aching when he

rich now, would she change her mind and choose to get back with him


of the times where they were both holding hands as they walked in the cafeteria, the library, and whenever they had

enthusiasm decreased because he did not want his first time to mean

and he called Zack to

the manor, Gerald walked around Mayberry Commercial

young people or bosses

Street. Gerald should not feel so inferior to others

keep reminding

familiar voice suddenly


around, he saw Naomi and Alice standing in

Blondie and the other boys were

say that you were headed back to the dormitory? Why did

over to Gerald before she questioned him with a furious expression on

Gerald was left speechless.

Man Novel

scratched his head

trying to avoid Naomi

hated him so much. Therefore, Gerald didn’t want to

fun at Emperor Karaoke Bar on Mayberry Commercial Street. If you try to run away

very straightforward and outgoing person and she

to understand that Gerald was not

this was all

know you’re afraid that Danny will try to make things difficult for you again, but don’t worry

when he

that if he continued turning down her invitation, she would be

just have some fun

the entrance

own name. Gerald had never had the opportunity to

here on Mayberry Commercial Street? Do you know the way around this place? Do you know where

over to Gerald with a sheepish

up already! What did I

glared at Danny with an angry expression

nice to him. After all, Mayberry Commercial Street is where the rich and powerful people usually come to have some fun. Since Gerald would

could only glare at Gerald

was really embarrassing to be seen with Gerald

asked, “Okay, why don’t we go in first? Danny, have you already

I asked a friend of mine to help me do so. After all, the rooms are usually fully

the group

that Gerald had ever entered a karaoke bar and he thought that it was actually

Danny had booked for them was indeed very huge and luxurious. There was also a big fish tank with a few glittering

room, the girls sat down at one corner whereas Gerald sat at another corner with the rest

they started taking turns to sing and

continued chatting among themselves and Alice put her legs

actually arowana

kept looking at the

the arowana fishes were because of the good

arowana fishes were completely different compared to

Gerald decided to ask Harper

imported from Malaysia. They’re very valuable and


this time, he couldn’t help himself from smiling before he said, “Oh my god, Gerald. You can even recognize the luxury brand Hermes but

she heard the word ‘Hermes’, Alice could not help but

are no fake fishes! Otherwise, Gerald would definitely be able to recognize it and he’d

very auspicious fish that can bring

spoke up at this

Alice! You’re really very

Alice two

a very intelligent goddess,

roommates chimed in without

very close with that friend of yours?” Alice could not help but asked Danny

know him better throughout the night. If Danny was a little

four thousand

forgotten something. “Oh my god. If you hadn’t mentioned him, I would’ve completely forgotten that I promised to give my friend a call once

that, Danny stepped aside

at a corner as he chatted happily

celebrate her birthday with her roommates and Gerald’s roommates, it was

very well with all of the girls

moment, someone suddenly pushed the

a black suit and a pair of bright leather shoes walked into the room immediately. He was very tall and he had very

“Brother Nigel, you’re here!”


Are you

Thank you for arranging this

spoke to him in

the rest

already! Why don’t you introduce me to

all the beautiful girls seated in the room and he was especially attracted to Alice, who

is Nigel Fisher and his family is in the food and catering business. He owns Grand Marshall Restaurant on Mayberry Commercial Street and he is making tens of millions of dollars every year! He’s the reason we were able to book this private room tonight!” Danny

Grand Marshall Restaurant?


Those who could open a restaurant on Mayberry Commercial Street were usually extremely wealthy.

Moreover, they would definitely be making a lot of money!

Alice looked at Nigel with her bright and sparkling eyes at this time.

“Hahaha. Everyone, please don’t listen to Danny, he’s just spouting nonsense. My family’s business is really small. As for the reason why I could easily book a room in the Emperor Karaoke Bar, it’s simply because the manager is my father’s close friend. If you need help booking a room in the future, please don’t hesitate to approach me!” Nigel replied in a humble manner as he smiled.

“Brother Nigel, do you have a girlfriend?”

The girl seated beside Alice suddenly asked him a random question and everyone in the private room started laughing immediately.

Nigel smiled bitterly before he shook his head. After that, he looked at Alice before he said, “Hello, beautiful. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Hello!” Alice replied with a reserved smile on her face.

After that, Danny started to introduce everyone to Nigel one by one.

After introducing everyone in the room, Danny looked at Gerald who was seated at the corner.

He pointed his finger at Gerald before he said, “Brother Nigel, this is Gerald!”

Nigel held out his hand to shake hands with Gerald but his eyelids started twitching as soon as he heard his name.

“What? Is this the same Gerald who lost his girlfriend to Yuri and even delivered a gift to Yuri and Xavia when they were at the grove?”

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 8

Danny sneered before he said, “Yes, it’s him!”

Nigel had a very strange expression on his face and he quickly retracted the hand that he had held out to Gerald.

After that, he patted Gerald on his shoulder before he said, “Brother Gerald, I’ve already heard your name for a very long time. I have also met your ex-girlfriend, Xavia. She’s really very beautiful. I’d like to apologize to you because my brother stole your girlfriend from you!”

“By the way, if you’d like to have some fun at Mayberry Commercial Street, just mention my name and you’ll get a thirty discount immediately!”

Nigel apologized in a light manner.

“Brother Nigel, it’s useless even if he mentions your name as he won’t be able to afford anything on this street anyway!”

At this time, Alice and her roommates could not stop themselves from laughing out loud.

“I’m sorry! When Yuri said that he fell in love with a poor chap’s girlfriend, I assumed that the girl wouldn’t be that beautiful anyway. However, I caught a glimpse of the girl when I went to your university the other day. When I saw how beautiful Xavia was, I really thought that you must be a really rich person!” Nigel replied as he laughed.

“How’s that possible? Hahaha…” Danny laughed. “Moreover, Brother Nigel, you were the one who gave Yuri the idea to text Xavia and spend some money on her so he could steal her from Gerald! Yuri took less than half an hour texting Xavia before she agreed to break up with Gerald!”

Harper was losing his temper at this time and even Naomi was furious when she heard Nigel’s words.

“What do you mean? Are you guys that great simply because you’re rich?” Harper stood up and yelled at Nigel.

Nigel’s eyelids twitched slightly before he said, “Friends, it’s not about money. Whoever can love and dote on the woman the most should be the one worthy of the beautiful woman! Why don’t you ask the beautiful Alice if what I am saying is right?”

Alice, who had been paying attention to all of Nigel’s movements throughout this time, felt that Nigel was actually pretty good looking and he had a great demeanor.

Moreover, since she had a bad impression of Gerald, Alice nodded as soon as she heard Nigel’s words.

She had met Xavia before and she really felt that Xavia was too good for Gerald.

“So, do you think that someone deserves to die just because they’re poor? So, do poor people not have any feelings at all? Does that mean you can just toy around with the feelings of others whenever you want to just because you think you’re richer than they are?”

At this time, Gerald, who had been sitting patiently throughout this time, suddenly stood up.

His eyes were flushed red and he was clenching his fists as he glared at Nigel in anger.

So, he had been making fun of him and meddling in his life just for the fun of it.

Initially, Gerald had planned to endure all the humiliation and insults since it was Naomi’s birthday after all.

However, Gerald could no longer hold his anger in!

Alice could not help but look at Gerald with disgust. Not only was this person poor, but he was also so impatient. Couldn’t he just tolerate it if someone was saying a few bad things about him?

Blondie was also getting angry.

“Gerald, who do you think you are? How dare you talk to Brother Nigel in this manner? Do you even know what you’re doing?”

In order to prove himself in front of Nigel, Blondie picked up a bottle of wine before he threw it at Gerald.

This would not be his first time hitting Gerald.

Moreover, he had to do this because he wanted to show his loyalty and dedication towards Nigel.

“Gerald, be careful!”

Harper, who had quick eyes and hands hurriedly pulled Gerald aside.

The bottle flew past Gerald without hitting him.


The fish tank that was placed in the private room shattered immediately.


Everyone turned their eyes to look at the shattered fish tank.


Blondie was stunned.

His face turned pale immediately.

Even Danny and Nigel were in shock at this time.

“Damn it! This arowana fish is very expensive!” Danny yelled as he stared at Blondie in horror.

Blondie was at a loss for words as he swallowed his saliva.

“Brother Danny, Brother Nigel, I didn’t do it on purpose. I really did not expect Gerald to avoid the wine bottle. I really did not mean to do it!”

After that, Blondie glared at Gerald with a furious expression on his face.

“That’s right. We shouldn’t blame Blondie for this! Gerald shouldn’t have avoided the wine bottle. After all, if he was hit, he should just receive it like a man. What’s the big deal anyway? Why did you move away?”

Even though the girls were terrified, they all blamed Gerald for avoiding the wine bottle!

“What happened here?”

At this time, one of the waiters who heard the loud shattering sound rushed into the private room with a few security guards.

The fish tank with the arowana fish in the private room was shattered to pieces.

The chief of the security team stared at the crowd of people before he asked, “Who did this?”

This arowana fish was imported from Malaysia and it was very valuable and priceless!

How could it be shattered to pieces while he was on duty?

The chief of the security team was dumbfounded.

“Brother Barry, this is all a misunderstanding! Do you think you can keep this matter from Brother Flynn?”

Nigel quickly took out a cigarette before he passed it to Barry.

Barry raised his hand to reject the cigarette immediately.

“Nigel, don’t get me wrong but you have to understand that this is a very expensive fish and fish tank. There is no way I can help you on this matter. I have no choice but to contact the manager immediately.”

After that, Barry spoke into his walkie talkie right away.

A short while later, a man in his thirties came over with a group of people.

He was none other than the manager of the Emperor Karaoke Bar, Flynn Lexington.

“Brother Flynn!” Nigel greeted him with a smile on his face.

Flynn looked at the mess in the private room.

After that, he frowned before he said, “Nigel, what happened? Why did you guys break the fish tank?”

“No, why would we dare to do that, Brother Flynn? One of my brothers accidentally broke the fish tank because he was getting too agitated.”

Nigel was very polite as he spoke to Flynn.

Even though Flynn was just the manager of the Emperor Karaoke Bar, everyone knew that he worked for Zack Lyle.

Even Flynn’s own father had to be polite when he spoke to him!

Blondie swallowed his saliva before he stood up and said, “Brother Flynn, this is all my fault. I was really angry so I threw a wine bottle at him. As a result, he avoided the wine bottle and the wine bottle hit the fish tank instead!”

Flynn glared at Blondie with a furious expression on his face.

After that, he kicked Blondie in the stomach before he picked up another wine bottle and hit Blondie’s head directly.

“You were angry? I’m angry now!”


All the girls were terrified at this time.

“What should we do? The arowana fish tank was built to complement the interior decoration in this private room. Originally, you should be paying double the price of the fish tank for breaking it but Nigel, I’ll show you some respect on behalf of your father and just charge you the original price of the fish tank, which is two hundred thousand dollars. Don’t you say I’m not helping you!”

After that, Flynn walked out of the private room immediately.

Naturally, two bodyguards continued guarding the door at this time.

“What should we do, Brother Danny? I only have five thousand dollars!” Blondie said as he sat up with blood flowing out of his head.

Danny spoke up and replied, “I have fifty thousand dollars that is supposed to be my allowance for next month.”

Naomi was extremely furious.

However, since everyone was here to celebrate her birthday, it did not make any sense for her to just ignore this matter completely.

Therefore, Naomi replied, “I have about ten thousand dollars.”

Everyone in the private room started putting their money together.

Even Alice decided to contribute ten thousand dollars to pay for the damage.

At the end of the day, they couldn’t even gather one hundred thousand dollars.

“Don’t worry. Let me ask Brother Flynn if he can give us a further discount,” Nigel said before he slipped out of the room.

How would that even be possible?

The people in the private room were in trouble!

“I shouldn’t have celebrated my birthday! I’ll just call my dad now,” Naomi yelled as she stomped her feet anxiously.

Alice stopped her immediately before she said, “Naomi, how could we possibly ask you to pay this sum of money? I think that the one who started provoking others should be the one responsible to pay for the damages!”

After that, Alice looked at Gerald.

“Gerald, this is all your fault! You were the one who started provoking Brother Nigel. If not because of you, Blondie wouldn’t have lost his temper and tried to hit you with the wine bottle.”

Alice said in a cold manner.


The group of girls agreed immediately.

At this time, Naomi spoke up again. “Please just stop it. Stop blaming Gerald for everything. All of you don’t need to worry about this money. Since we’re here to celebrate my birthday, I’ll make sure to pay for the damages no matter what I have to do!”

After that, Naomi tried to call her father.

On the other hand, Harper and Gerald’s other roommates also wanted to help but their monthly allowances were only around one thousand dollars.

In fact, Gerald was actually very angry.

He was really furious at Nigel, Danny and Blondie.

However, Gerald could not bear to watch Naomi placed in such a difficult position.

Even though he owned this shop, the manager, Flynn, did not know who he was.

Moreover, it would not be convenient for Gerald to call Zack in the private room.

Therefore, he simply said in a light manner, “I’m going to the washroom.”

After that, he left the private room.

Alice’s eyes widened in shock when she saw Gerald stepping out of the room.

“Oh my god. I’ve met so many different people in my life but I’ve never met anyone else more shameless than he is! Is he actually running away when the girls are still here?”

At this time, Gerald was already in the washroom.

He knew that it would be fine for him to make the phone call since the security guards would not say anything.

Inside the washroom, Gerald made the phone call.

“Brother Zack.”

“Gerald! Please just call me Zack! What can I do for you?”

“I ran into some trouble…”

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 9

Gerald quickly explained the situation to Zack and Zack quickly nodded in response.

“By the way, Brother Zack, do you know someone named Nigel Fisher? I heard that his family runs a restaurant on Mayberry Commercial Street.”

At this time, Gerald’s brows were tightly knitted together.

He was not someone with any sinister thoughts.

However, Nigel was the one who had given Yuri the idea to steal Gerald’s girlfriend, Xavia, from him. Nigel was the reason why he had to suffer so much humiliation.

Therefore, Gerald really wanted to know what would happen if Nigel and his family lost all of their money.

“Nigel? Yes, his father is one of my subordinates. Moreover, the restaurant that his family is operating is actually registered under your name. Did he offend you in any way?”

Zack was very cautious at this time.

After a short while, Zack quickly replied, “I know what I have to do, Gerald. Don’t worry! Just leave it to me.”

In fact, Gerald did not know what Zack was going to do.

This was because Gerald did not even know what he could possibly do to him.

This was the first time that Gerald had ever used his identity and power to coerce others. Even though he really hated Nigel, he had a strange feeling of discomfort after giving his orders.

Gerald chose not to think too much about it.

After ending the phone call, Gerald walked out of the washroom before he headed towards the private room.

However, there was a huge turning point in the private room at this time.

At this time, Alice, Naomi and the rest of the group were all trying to contact everyone that they could so that they could resolve this matter. They had to find a solution.

At this time, Flynn suddenly entered the private room, then bowed in front of them before he apologized immediately.

Naturally, he informed them that they would no longer need to compensate or pay the damages for the arowana fish tank.

Everyone was extremely confused at this time.

When Nigel suddenly walked in, everyone suddenly realized what was happening.

“Brother Nigel, was it you?”

All of the girls stared at Nigel with admiration written all over their faces.

Nigel was still wondering what they could possibly do to deal with this matter. As a matter of fact, he ran to the private room earlier because he wanted to hide himself. However, he decided to head towards the private room when he saw Flynn rushing there with a panicked expression on his face.

It turned out that the matter had been resolved.

Nigel did not confess that he wasn’t the one who had resolved the matter.

Instead he simply smiled and said, “Brother Flynn and my dad are good friends! This is just a small matter.”

“Wow! Brother Nigel, you’re really incredible!”

“Brother Nigel, you’re the best!”

All of the girls started to worship Nigel immediately.

Alice was also staring at Nigel at this time and she was beginning to fall for Nigel.

After all, he was the owner of the Grand Marshall Restaurant on Mayberry Commercial Street. He was really impressive and he came from a wealthy family.

At this time, the door was pushed open and Gerald stepped into the private room.

“Oh look! He’s only back upon realizing that the matter has already been resolved.”

The girls stared at Gerald in disgust.

At this time, Alice was even more disgusted with Gerald.

“Naomi, I’m really very curious. Why are you friends with someone like him?”

Alice snorted coldly.

It was then that Gerald found out the truth, that Zack had already handled everything for him.

Moreover, Flynn had come over to apologize and inform them that they would no longer need to pay for the damages.

Of course, this matter could be easily resolved. After all, Gerald was the owner of this property.

However, judging from the way everyone was staring at him, Gerald knew that they had misunderstood him once again and must have thought that the credit belonged to Nigel!


Hahaha. Gerald felt that it was totally unnecessary.

In fact, Gerald had initially thought that Alice was really beautiful.

However, after everything that had happened tonight, Gerald no longer had any interest in Alice.

In fact, the only reason why he chose to resolve this matter was simply because of Naomi.

Moreover, even if he tried to explain himself, Gerald knew that no one would believe him anyway.

Gerald didn’t want to waste any time explaining himself.

“Okay! Since we’ve already resolved the matter, why don’t we bring the party elsewhere? Let me treat all of you!”

At this time, Nigel clasped his hands together as he tried to change the topic.

He looked at Alice and all of her roommates.

“Yes! Of course!”

The crowd of people agreed immediately and Alice also smiled at Nigel.

Compared to Danny, Alice felt that Nigel was not only much more handsome, but he was also more mature and stable. Moreover, Alice felt that Nigel was very well-connected and his connections would definitely benefit her in the future.

Nigel certainly knew a lot of people!

Naomi had a straight expression on her face as she said, “Well, why don’t we continue the party tomorrow instead? It’s already almost four o’clock in the morning. I think we should head home now…”

Naomi was no longer in the mood to party after everything that had happened.

At this time, Harper also nodded and said, “Yeah, we won’t be going anywhere else. We’re also going home…”

In fact, Gerald’s roommates were also feeling a little bored.

Initially, they were all excited to get acquainted with all the beautiful girls in Alice’s dormitory.

However, it was now obvious that all the boys from Gerald’s dormitory were actually redundant compared to Danny and his friends.

“Hahaha, that’s okay. You probably wouldn’t be able to enter the next place that we’re heading to. Moreover, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to bring so many people in with me too. Therefore, it’s probably better if you choose to sit this one out!”

Nigel glared coldly at Gerald and Harper.

“Ahh? Where are we going next? Are we going to your restaurant?” the girls asked as they looked at Nigel.

Nigel stretched out his finger before he waved it in front of them. “No, I’m bringing you to Wayfair Mountain Entertainment. Have you heard of it before?”

“The famous Wayfair Mountain Entertainment?” Alice asked in excitement. “That’s the highlight of Mayberry Commercial Street! Isn’t that the manor where all the wealthy and powerful people gather to have fun?”

Nigel was right. Some people would never be able to afford to enter that place in their lifetime!

Alice was from a rather wealthy family and she had the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the manor because of her extremely wealthy uncle.

Unexpectedly, Nigel could actually get them into the manor too.

“Since there are so many beautiful girls, let me get the car first. Wait for me at the entrance!”

Nigel waved his hand before he walked out of the private room.

Today, Nigel was really captivated by Alice’s beauty.

In fact, he wanted to use the same method that he taught Yuri to win Alice over.

He believed that every girl could be easily bought with money!

“Naomi, why don’t you come with us? Today is your birthday after all. Didn’t you say that you really want to see and experience Wayfair Mountain Entertainment for yourself? The opportunity is laid right in front of you now!”

Alice tried to persuade Naomi to come with them as she held onto her hand.

“Yes! All of us have never been there before, so why don’t we go there together today? Moreover, we have Brother Nigel to protect us tonight. He’s very reputable and it seems as though he’s very well-connected on Mayberry Commercial Street. There’s nothing we have to worry about since Brother Nigel is here with us!”

Danny also smiled expectantly.

At this time, Naomi frowned before she said, “There’s something I simply can’t figure out. Alice, don’t you think that whatever happened just now was a little strange?”

Alice frowned before she asked, “Strange? What are you talking about? Are you referring to the incident about the arowana fish tank?”

“Yes,” Naomi replied as she continued frowning. “All of you can clearly see that Flynn was very persistent and clear when he told us to pay the damages of two hundred thousand dollars. At that time, he didn’t seem to show Nigel any consideration at all, and Nigel had to praise him and butter him up to make sure that he was happy.”

“However, in less than ten minutes, Flynn’s attitude changed drastically. He even came over to apologize to each and every one of us personally. Don’t you find it a little strange?”

Naomi quickly explained the situation.

Everyone in the private room went silent immediately.

Harper suddenly replied, “Yes, I find it very strange too! Flynn doesn’t look like an easygoing person. He’s certainly not someone that anyone can deal with easily. No matter how good Nigel is at flattery, how could he possibly change Flynn’s mind in just a few minutes?”

“Do you mean to say that someone else had helped us?” Alice asked as she also felt that the situation was indeed a little illogical.

She had been too busy admiring Nigel and she completely ignored the entire situation that they were in…

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 10

“Huh? How’s that possible? Who else would be as powerful or influential as Brother Nigel on Mayberry Commercial Street? Harper, are you talking about yourself?”

Danny sneered at this time.

Harper replied immediately, “I’m not saying that it was me but I just have my doubts about this matter. Moreover, some of us had actually called some of our friends earlier. Perhaps everyone should ask around and see if any of our friends have actually helped us resolve this matter? We should make sure that we’re thanking the right person.”

“That makes sense too!”

Alice had a solemn expression on her face.

“Alright then. Everyone, please check with the people that you called earlier so we’ll know for certain if Brother Nigel was really the one who helped us.”

Alice was also referring to Nigel in a very intimate manner.

After that, everyone started calling their friends and families.

Gerald felt a little awkward at this time.

Should he tell them the truth about the matter?

However, before Gerald could decide on what he should do, everyone else had already come to their own conclusion.

This was because none of their friends had the ability to help them to resolve the matter.

“Hmm, I’m certain that Brother Nigel was the one who helped us solve this matter. I really don’t think there’s anyone else as influential as he is. So, let’s stop doubting him already!”

Danny glared at Harper with a cold expression on his face.

“Alright then, why don’t we head out already? Brother Nigel must be waiting for us at the entrance! Let’s not keep him waiting for too long!” Alice said as she glared at Harper and Gerald.

She felt some contempt in her heart.

She felt that Harper was simply saying that because he was jealous of Nigel’s capability.

At this time, everyone walked towards the entrance of the karaoke bar.

Nigel had already parked his luxury car upfront and he had a few friends with him.

“Naomi, are you coming with us?” Alice asked as she took Naomi’s hand.

“Sorry, Alice but I really don’t feel like going anywhere else today. I’ll go there when I have another chance to do so in the future!”

Naomi had always been a very straightforward person and she felt that Nigel was a little too hypocritical. Therefore, she didn’t quite like him.

Since Alice could not persuade Naomi to come along with them, she decided to leave Naomi behind and she left with her other roommates instead.

All of them parted in front of the karaoke bar.

Gerald looked at Naomi and Harper as they were leaving the karaoke bar.

He could see the disappointed expression on their faces. It was obvious that they also wanted to visit Wayfair Mountain Entertainment.

However, it seemed as though Harper and Naomi were holding back because of him.

Gerald could not help but feel very guilty about the entire situation.

Therefore, Gerald made a promise to himself that he would definitely bring the both of them to Wayfair Mountain Entertainment so that they could see and experience the manor for themselves one day.

After about half an hour, Nigel and his friends parked their luxury cars in front of the entrance of Wayfair Mountain Entertainment.

Alice and her friends got out of the cars one after another.

“Stop! You are not allowed to enter!”

Unexpectedly, before they could even step into the manor, a few well-trained security guards dressed in black stop them immediately.

“Eh? Brothers, don’t you remember me? I’m Nigel and my father is Adam Fisher. I brought some of my friends over her to have fun today…”

Nigel put his hands in his pockets and he smiled as he looked at the bodyguards, as though he was expecting something to happen.

“Hahaha. Nigel, you really think too highly of yourself. Something so major has happened to your family but you’re still out here having fun on your own, aren’t you? I’m afraid that tonight isn’t the only night that you won’t be allowed into the manor. I’m afraid that you will never be able to step into Wayfair Mountain Entertainment in the future.”

The bodyguards sneered at Nigel with a contemptuous expression as they looked at Nigel.

They even felt some sympathy towards him.

At this time, Alice and her friends could only exchange glances with one another, while Danny tried to challenge the bodyguards at this time.

He said in a cold manner, “Do you know who he is? He’s Nigel Fisher! Grand Marshall Restaurant on Mayberry Commercial Street belongs to his family!”

“Hahaha, yes you’re right, but that is all in the past. After today, your family will no longer be the owner of Grand Marshall Restaurant. Moreover, all of your family’s other businesses will also go bankrupt as of today! I believe that your father is currently busy dealing with the police, the business bureau, and all the people from the bank now. I can’t believe that you’re still in the mood to have fun now…”

The security guards shrugged before they smiled.

Nigel could not help but swallowed as he yelled, “Impossible! You are lying!”

After that, he hurriedly took out his cell phone before he tried calling his father.

After dialing several times in a row, his father finally answered the phone.

Nigel immediately asked if his family was facing any sorts of trouble.

At this time, the expression on Nigel’s face changed and he turned pale immediately.

“No! No! That’s impossible. It’s completely impossible. How could this be happening?”

After that, Nigel dropped his phone to the ground.

It seemed as though all of his family’s businesses had been barred because his father had broken the law.

All their bank accounts had already been frozen!

In other words, Nigel had nothing now!

Alice and the others obviously did not expect such a reversal.

They were all very embarrassed at this time because they didn’t know how they should react.

“Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!”

Nigel sat on the ground in a daze.

Was he a pauper now?

At this time, Alice was extremely disappointed when she realized the situation that Nigel was in.

She thought that she had finally found someone who was worthy and qualified to be her boyfriend. However, it seemed as though everything was crumbling down for Nigel.

“Danny, can you ask your father to help me family? Could you please help me and my family?”

Nigel was at a loss and he really did not know what else he could possibly do.

“Damn! How can my family possibly be able to help you?”

Danny waved his hand before he said, “Nigel, I think that you should return home now and see your dad. It’s no wonder why my dad had always said that the law will catch up to your father sooner or later! I finally understand why.”

“Alice, what should we do now?”

All the girls didn’t know what to do because they had initially planned to come and experience Wayfair Mountain Entertainment for themselves. Unexpectedly, Nigel’s family actually had to go bankrupt at this time!

“I think we’d not be of any help even if we stayed here. We should just go home.”

After that, Alice quickly hailed a taxi before she left immediately.

The group of people started dispersing one after the other.

At this time, Zack was actually observing the entire situation unfolding in front of the manor.

He made a phone call and said, “Hello, Miss Jessica. Gerald only asked me to take back the restaurant that the Fisher family owns on Mayberry Commercial Street. Do you really think it’s okay for you to make their family go bankrupt without any hesitation?”

“Hahaha. My brother is just too soft-hearted. That is not the way the Crawford family does things. He shouldn’t be so soft-hearted towards his enemies. Otherwise, I’d be really worried when Gerald takes charge of the Crawford family in the future! My brother should understand how wealthy and powerful he is now!”

Zack nodded in response.

Of course, Jessica from the Crawford family had already done everything that needed to be done.

In fact, Jessica was the only person who knew the best way to teach Gerald about how he should live as a wealthy and powerful person. In fact, no matter how much money Gerald spent, he would never reach the end.

This was because it was completely impossible to finish the Crawford family money.

The Crawford family owned more than one-third of the properties and industries in the world!

This was beyond what an ordinary person could ever imagine.

At this time, Gerald and Naomi had already returned to their dormitories.

Since Harper and the rest of the boys were a little upset, they decided to head to the internet café to let off some steam.

They wanted to invite Gerald to join them but he had never played the game before because he used to be really poor.

In addition, Gerald was also feeling a little tired and he simply wanted to rest.

However, as soon as he climbed into bed, his cell phone started ringing.

As soon as he caught a glimpse of the number on the caller ID, Gerald felt very confused.

It was Xavia!

After thinking about it for a moment, Gerald decided to answer her call.

“Gerald, why didn’t you answer my call as soon as your phone is ringing? What are you doing?”

Xavia’s faint voice sounded over the other end of the line.

As soon as he heard her voice, Gerald suddenly thought of his past with Xavia.

They used to call each other and talk to each other over the phone just like this.

“Well, what can I do for you?” Gerald asked in a cold voice.

“I’m waiting for you by the lake beside the campus. Gerald, if you refuse to come and meet me, I’ll jump into the lake and drown myself!”