Chapter 2371 - The Secretly Rich Man

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2371

The Demondie’s power was no fluke, and combined with Gerald’s immense strength,  the sword was able to pierce right through the spider’s stomach…!

Following a terrifying roar, the spider began glowing red as a dense purple fog gushed out from its wound…! That was probably its spiritual essence! Naturally, the agony was overwhelming, but all the spider could do was glare at Gerald with resentment. It wasn’t long before cracks began forming all over the spider’s body… and in the end, it exploded into a cloud of swirling dust…!

Upon seeing that, Walter slowly got to his feet—his hand still against his chest—as he said, “…You know, this creature was mentioned on the map that my ancestors left me… Since it always lurked in the shadows, locating it was never easy. Regardless, those who knew of the beast had either never seen it in person, or had died because they encountered it. Still… To think that you’d be able to kill it, Brother Gerald…!”

Gerald himself hadn’t expected to bump into such a horrific creature this early on. It definitely made him realize that getting into Fyre Cave was truly going to be as difficult as dealing with the Redflame Dragon…

after looking at Walter’s injuries, Gerald was prompted to reply, “…Either way… Are

someplace to rest for a bit,” muttered Walter with a cough. Since the

the fourth level of my

Upon arriving at an underground river, everyone figured that this was the prime time for them to get some rest.

they were almost  the size of doors.

I once found a prompt on a tomb, stating that there was an entirely different

there really is an underground world with all

“Heh… Well, sights like these aren’t out fo the ordinary in the cutivation realm… if we manage to leave this place alive, I’ll give you a few books from my  family’s library. Hopefully they’ll be able to help you better they’ll also help improve your future cutivation,” replied the smiling Walter with a nod.

“I appreciate it, Uncle Zeman!” said Gerald with a smile.

It was about four hours later when Walter began looking much better. With that, the group began journeying further into the caves…

While everything seemed to be going much smoother now, Gerald couldn’t help but notice the many skeletons they passed along the way…