Chapter 1776 - The Ultimate Husband

Chapter 1776

Seeing the scene behind him, Han Bing couldn’t help gasping for air.

I saw a group of people coming from the direction behind them, each with a sword, murderous aura, among these people, there are many familiar figures, Kongtong sect, beggar gang, raging fire hall, etc.

Almost all sects gathered. Elite.

At this time, these people also saw the ice, and they all cheered up and shouted.

“Hanbing, don’t run away, just grab it!”

“You have no way out.”

“Hurry up and let us catch it, so that we can return to the Emei faction.”

The shouts came one after another, with a cold tone, and no one sympathized with Hanbing. of.


Hearing these words, Han Bing’s pretty face changed, and his heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

I thought that if I met these masters of various sects, I could ask them to do justice, help me return to Emei, and rescue my mother, but I never imagined that these people are all here to arrest me. Thinking to myself, Han Bing turned around and ran!


Seeing this scene, the masters of all sects looked at each other, all extremely annoyed.


“A little girl, still want to turn the sky over?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, hurry up and chase!”

After shouting angrily, the masters of various sects quickly chased towards Han Bing.

Han Bing had run all the way before, and he was already exhausted. At this time, he was chased by everyone. He was tired and nervous. In a panic, Han Bing ran directly to the highest peak of Huashan Mountain.


At the moment of reaching the top of the mountain, looking at the huge cliff in front of him, Han Bing’s pretty face changed, and he quickly stopped.

It turned out to be a dead end, is it God’s will? For a time, there was an indescribable despair in Han Bing’s heart!


At this moment, the masters of the sects behind also chased after him.

Haha… When I

got to the front, everyone looked at each other and laughed when they saw Han Bing’s situation.

“Why didn’t you run?”

“Hanbing, you have no way out, give it up!”

“That’s right, let’s catch it, you don’t have to run for your life, we don’t waste your energy, everyone is happy…”


Han Bing bit her lip tightly, took a deep breath, looked around at everyone, and said coldly, “I will not go with you even if I die!” The

voice fell, Bing Bing bit her lip tightly, closed her eyes, and jumped for the rest of her life. , jumped off a cliff.


Seeing this scene, all the sect masters were shocked, and at the same time they wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

When everyone rushed to the front of the cliff, they saw the clouds and mist below, and the figure of the ice was no longer visible.

In an instant, everyone dropped their hands and feet, extremely annoyed.

“This girl is so daring, she jumped right off!”

“As expected of Han Ao Ran’s daughter, she is so strong and admirable.”

“What’s the use of talking about this now? How can we explain to the Emei faction without catching the ice? ?”

Everyone’s one sentence, my one sentence discussion, are all anxious.

Soon, someone proposed to look under the cliff, and many people responded immediately. After all, the terrain in this area of ​​Huashan is complicated. Even if the ice jumps off the cliff, it may be blessed by the heavens and not die.


At this moment, someone shouted, “Look, is this the entrance to the ancient tomb of Lu Bu? I remember that we walked out of the ancient tomb from here!”

Chapter 1777

Really! This girl, Han Bing, jumped off the cliff and jumped into the ancient tomb of Lu Bu!

this cliff, isn’t that the entrance to Lu Bu’s ancient tomb? When the masters of the nine continents gather together in the ancient tomb of Lu Bu, the entrance of Lu Bu is

this time, the masters of the major sects who were chasing and killing Han Bing looked at each other in dismay. One of them said, “If Han Bing falls into the ancient tomb, we don’t have to go down to check it. There are countless organs

experienced in the ancient tomb, couldn’t help but fight a cold war, and then

now, below the


in her ears, her pretty face turned pale, the feeling of falling made her close her eyes tightly, and


when he was about to fall to the ground, he only felt

eyes and glanced down, and he

entrance of the hole, there was a


ancient tomb of Lu Bu, and that air current is the spiritual energy

Han Bing was surprised and delighted, and he fell to the bottom as soon as he saw it. He hurriedly used his internal force and slapped a

of the entrance to the ancient tomb, but the powerful


huge inertia caused Han Bing to retreat dozens of

in the body tossing, and it


Han Bing took a deep breath

expect that I jumped off the cliff and didn’t die. Han Bing rejoiced in her heart, why not just stay in this ancient tomb, restore her inner strength, and then go out! In this ancient tomb, there are many organs, and generally no one will come in. Thinking in his heart, Han Bing walked towards the depths of the ancient tomb. As a result, before he took a few steps,


heart is nervous to a few



about to die, his body fell into the water, causing a splash of

ice struggled a few times in


the scene in front of him, Han Bing’s delicate body trembled, and he

is an underground secret room. The secret room is not big, but it is extremely gloomy. There is

bloody runes painted, which are ancient and full of



when his eyes finally landed on

Chapter 1778 I

to his hands and feet, each chain being the

yellow-brown Taoist robe, with a long sword stuck in his heart, the Taoist


Bing exhaled softly, comforting himself

out to be a dead person. Since it is a dead person, what

the person in front of him was Zhang Jiao, the famous general of Tiangong and the leader of the Yellow Turban Army during

Qin to save him and promised the immortal scripture in return. As a result, after Zhou Qin got the

Who is this person?

Zhang Jiao’s tragic state, Han Bing was still nervous

more was that the person in front of him had apparently been dead for a while, but there was no

Han Bing gradually calmed down, walked slowly forward, and tried to cut off the chains on Zhang Jiao’s hands

reverently, “Senior, although I don’t know who

compassionate heart, seeing Zhang Jiao dead and still tied up,


of black iron, so hard that the ordinary ice blade could not be opened

Bing was in a hurry, and immediately thought, will there be a key on

it, Han Bing started to search for Zhang Jiao’s robe, and inadvertently, his hand touched the part of


an electric shock, and his delicate

that there are still internal power fluctuations in

still inner strength, which proves that


in shock, Zhang Jiao in front of him suddenly moved his head, and at the same time he let out a


next second, Zhang Jiao’s eyes opened, and his eyes locked on the ice like


was being held back by a wild beast, his legs were weak, he took a few steps back, and said nervously: “You…are

definitely have been shocked, because she stabbed Zhang Jiao with a sword at the time,

a sneering laugh and said to himself, “Sure enough, beautiful women have the heart of a snake and

twitched, showing a bit of arrogance: “Fortunately, old man, there is

Zhang Jiao’s face was crazy,

mentioned was

his breath of life, but what Zhou Qin didn’t

being fatally hit, it hides

Chapter 1779

his expression was scary, Han Bing’s heart was in his throat, and he didn’t dare to let out the

Zhang Jiao looked up and down at Han Bing: “Where’s that

the only

person is not

did not know that the girl Zhang


like she was lying, Zhang Jiao frowned, and his eyes fell on the long sword in her hand: “Okay, you said that you have nothing to do with that girl doll, then you just took a sword and stood in front of the old man. What are you doing in front of me? You want to kill me?”

loud, but there was

“I…” Han Bing’s

head: “Senior, you misunderstood, I just wanted to cut off the chains

he praised: “So it’s the

After speaking, Zhang Jiao thought of Zhou Qin and gritted his teeth. Said: “I really didn’t expect that, with the same gorgeous appearance, one has a heart like a snake and a scorpion, and the other has a heart like water!”

Han Bing clearly felt that the suffocating energy of the person in front of him had restrained a lot, but he was still uneasy in his heart, and asked carefully: “Senior, who are you… Who are you?”


Zhang Jiao laughed, his expression showing a bit of desolation and loneliness: “I am a person forgotten by the world, girl, you have heard of it. Does the Duke of Heaven command Zhang Jiao?”

Zhang angle?

Hearing this, Han Bing tilted his head and thought, very puzzled. Who is Zhang Jiao, there seems to be no such person in the arena.

After all, Han Bing is still young and has limited knowledge of history, so he does not know Zhang Jiao.

“I’ve never heard of this name before!” Han Bing said bluntly, and then gave Zhang Jiao a salute, very embarrassed: “Junior is ignorant, please don’t blame senior!”


Zhang Jiao’s expression froze, very embarrassment.

The next second, Zhang Jiao showed a smile and beckoned to Han Bing: “The girl is kind-hearted, how could the old man blame you, come here, please continue to help me cut the chain.”

When he said this, Zhang Jiao’s face was amiable, but there was a bit of gloom in his eyes.

Han Bing didn’t notice the danger, nodded and walked over slowly.


When he was about to approach, suddenly, a powerful internal force erupted from Zhang Jiao’s body, and this internal force formed a powerful suction force that directly enveloped the ice.

All this happened too fast, Frost had no time to react, and this force was too powerful, with Frost’s strength, it was completely irresistible.

Han Bing exclaimed, and his body was involuntarily dragged to Zhang Jiao’s side by this force.

Just when Han Bing was about to struggle, she felt a pair of big hands tightly grabbing her neck, opening her mouth with a smile, and the hand grabbing her neck was getting harder and harder!

In an instant, Han Bing felt that it was difficult to breathe, and her delicate face was extremely red!

“Girl, don’t think that you are pretending to look alike, and I will be deceived by you.” Zhang Jiao said coldly with a grim expression on his face: “You and the girl who stabbed me before are in the same group. Right, don’t try to lie to me, because the inner strength methods you practice are the same.”

Chapter 1780

After being deceived by Zhou Qin last time, Zhang Jiao became extremely cautious.

The moment he saw Han Bing just now, Zhang Jiao could clearly perceive that the inner strength exercises that Han Bing practiced, like Zhou Qin, were all feminine, and only women could practice them.

Zhang Jiao didn’t know that Han Bing and Zhou Qin were both from the Emei faction, and their internal skills were naturally the same, but he concluded that the ice in front of him was sent by Zhou Qin.


Han Bing was almost out of breath and wanted to struggle, but he had no strength, so he could only speak weakly: “You misunderstood, I’m really alone, and I don’t know what you’re talking about. Who is the female doll…”

Before he could finish speaking, Zhang Jiao interrupted him.

“Don’t be hypocritical.” Zhang Jiao gritted his teeth and said, “If it’s not a group of people, why do you both have the same internal skills? Come on, where is that vicious girl doll hiding? Are you waiting for an opportunity in the dark? ?”

When he said the last sentence, Zhang Jiao shouted frantically, almost losing his mind!


At the same time, Zhang Jiao’s hand tightened.

Han Bing was completely out of breath, and shouted anxiously: “Pre-Senior, is the person you are talking about also from the Emei School? What does she look like, Senior… Can you describe it? Maybe I can help You found her!”

When he said this, Han Bing’s eyes were full of urgency, and he wanted to cry without tears in his heart.


Seeing Han Bing’s expression, it didn’t seem to be pretending, Zhang Jiao took a deep breath, his eyes flashed with endless resentment, and said coldly: “That girl is very beautiful, older than you, Liu Yemei…”

In the next dozens of seconds, Zhang Jiao explained Zhou Qin’s appearance in detail.


After listening to this, Han Bing’s delicate body trembled and looked at Zhang Jiao closely, and the whole person was stunned.

The girl he said was actually Zhou Qin?

Seeing Han Bing’s expression, Zhang Jiao sneered: “How is it? You and that hateful girl doll, let’s get to know each other!”

“Know!” Han Bing bit her lip tightly and nodded.

Zhou Qin robbed her mother of the head of the Emei sect, and even planned to capture her mother and daughter and put them in the dungeon. These grievances will never be forgotten in her life.

So, how could he not know her?

Thinking to herself, Han Bing asked curiously: “Senior, the girl you are talking about is called Zhou Qin. She… What kind of grievance does she have with you?”

“What kind of grievance?

” Sen Han, said fiercely: “The grievance between me and this Zhou Qin is endless, this vicious girl doll, personally promised that as long as I pass on her indestructible truth, help me get out of here, but wait for me. After passing the exercises to her, she stabbed me with a sword, trying to kill me.”

As he spoke, Zhang Jiao’s tone was extremely cold: “Such a ruthless girl, if I don’t kill her, it’s hard to express my hatred, since If you know her, then report to the underworld first!” The

last sentence fell, Zhang Jiao clenched his hand into a claw-like shape, and his inner strength suddenly exploded.

Seeing that his neck was cut off, Han Bing was extremely frightened and exclaimed: “Senior, you have misunderstood. Although Zhou Qin and I know each other, we are not friends. Just like you, I also have a bloody feud with her…”

Said this At that time, Han Bingxiang was dripping with sweat, and his legs were soft.


Hearing this, Zhang Jiao was stunned, but he didn’t let go, and sneered: “Since there is a bloody feud, why do you both practice the same kind of inner strength method? I guess it’s good, you are the senior and sister of a sect, right?”

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