Chapter 4526 - The Ultimate Husband

Chapter 4526

“Want to go!?”

Seeing this, the giant turtle snorted coldly, and swept its tail into a dust storm, forming a sandstorm city wall in front of Yue Feng’s eyes.


Although Yue Feng’s speed was fast, he was successfully intercepted. He slammed into the wall formed by the sandstorm, and his whole body was shaken back.

For a time, Yue Feng only felt that the world was spinning, and his brain was buzzing.

Damn, the attack power of this giant turtle is not very strong, but the defense power is so strong that with a swipe of its tail, it can form a sandstorm city wall?

How is this good?

Before dealing with the Mirage, there was that Demon King of Qingming as a target, so I could wait for the opportunity.

But now, I’m the only one left, how should I fight this?

Dong Dong Dong…

At this moment, the giant turtle with a body like a hill, quickly approached Yue Feng, and said coldly: “Boy, don’t think about running away, you can’t escape from my palm, Obediently hand over the power in your body.” The

last sentence fell, and the giant turtle raised its right front foot and stepped on Yue Feng fiercely.


Seeing the foot of the house stepping over, Yue Feng’s face was ashen, and he wanted to cry without tears in his heart.

If this is stepped on, won’t it become a puddle of meat?

It’s just that the sandstorm city wall behind him is too tough to rush through.

Thinking about it, Yue Feng was a little desperate.

“Ow, ooh!”

However, at this critical moment, a strange cry was heard in the sky not far away.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of laughter came: “How many years, I finally smell the smell of living things, old turtle shell, such a good thing, I want everyone to share it, you don’t want to swallow it alone.” The

last word fell, a behemoth wearing After passing the sandstorm city wall, he appeared in front of Yue Feng.


Seeing this behemoth, Yue Feng was startled and couldn’t help taking a breath.

I saw that this is a huge vicious dog, with a dark body and a height of dozens of meters. What is even more amazing is that it has three heads and six blood-red eyes, flashing with evil spirits.

It is the Evil Mastiff, one of the four innate evil beasts.

“Damn it!”

At this moment, the giant turtle’s eyes were locked on the evil mastiff, and he said coldly, “I found this kid first, get out of here, it’s none of your business here.”

When he said this, the giant turtle He looked fierce, but he couldn’t hide the fear in his eyes.

They are the same four evil beasts, but their relationship with each other is not friendly. Whenever they encounter something good, they will fight to the death. What’s more, Yue Feng has the innate spiritual power taught by Empress Nuwa in his body, which is a supreme treasure for them. Anyone who gets this power will be able to break free from the shackles of the Infernal Shadow Prison.

In this case, how could the giant soft-shelled turtle share it with the evil mastiff?


Hearing this, the head in the middle of the evil mastiff sneered: “The so-called seer has a share, why do you want to enjoy it alone?” The

voice fell, and the two heads on the left and right also spoke.

“Ma De, this old turtle is lazy and greedy, what nonsense are you talking about?”

“That’s right, just grab the person directly.”

Although he said that, his eyes were full of fear.

“Wow wow…”

At this moment, the giant turtle shouted angrily, the huge body turned its head, and confronted the evil mastiff: “On my territory, grab something from me?” Not to be

outdone, the three He raised his head high: “What? I’m afraid you won’t succeed?”


Seeing this situation, Yue Feng was instantly relieved of his nervousness, and his mood suddenly became excited.

Yes, that’s it, you fight so I can slip away.

“Boy!” The

two sides were at a stalemate. Suddenly, the three heads of the bad mastiff turned around, and the six pairs of eyes locked on Yue Feng: “Otherwise, you can choose one between us, as long as you are willing to follow me, put the inner Hand over the innate power to me, and I promise to safely send you out of this ghost place.” The

voice fell, and the giant turtle shouted: “Boy, don’t believe it, these three-headed monsters are the most cunning, you give the innate power to I, I will not only send you out, but also give you a free mount. How about it?” The

two evil beasts knew each other’s formidable power, so they wanted Yue Feng to make a choice.

What the hell!

Seeing this situation, Yue Feng was stunned.

These two evil beasts are more surprised than the other, and they actually discussed it with me.

Chapter 4527

But… This seems to be interesting. At this moment, Yue Feng was muttering in his heart, and suddenly an idea came to his mind. At that time, he acted very embarrassed and said

to the giant turtle: “You two, to be honest with you, I have a hard time deciding.”

, Yue Feng scratched his head, very confused.

“What’s so hard to choose?” The giant turtle was stunned at first, and then shouted: “This is my chassis, you should give me your innate power, then it’s right.”

as you give me your innate power, not only will I be your mount, but I

time, the giant turtle’s eyes flashed

must know that they have been trapped here for nearly 10,000 years, thinking about how to get out of this ghost place day and night, when Yue Feng suddenly appeared with Nuwa’s innate power


Yue Feng was secretly

to respond, but was interrupted by the

heads of the Evil Mastiff stared at Yue Feng, looking very excited:

not as good as mine, as long as you are willing to give me

this, Yue Feng

of them are in a


slandering himself, the giant turtle was very angry, holding his head high and shouting angrily: “You also have three

years, and you have not moved your nest, what else

territory, how I like to treat it, how

this place is

two parties quarreling, Yue Feng

Feng was still a little

these two guys just quarreled but didn’t do anything, and

still didn’t know that the four innate evil beasts knew each other very well, and no one would rush

“You two…”

held his forehead and said, “You two, don’t be impatient,


and the giant turtle converged on Yue Feng at the same time, almost speaking

“What can I do?”

“Say it now?”

tone was full of compliments: “The two of you are the strongest beings I have ever seen in my life.

world, the strong are respected,

Feng’s face was full of respect,

long time, then I will cheer you on


this, both the giant turtle and the evil


reacted, his six eyes locked tightly on Yue Feng, and said lightly: “Look, you are dumb, you are

six eyes kept looking at Yue Feng up

really underestimate you, I want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight? Do you think my giant turtle has lived in vain for


Feng was very embarrassed, blushed, and smiled and defended: “The two misunderstood, I

Chapter 4528

all want me to give him my innate power. I have no choice but to do this.” Yue Feng pretended to say: “If this is

come up

Yue Feng simply sat on a stone and waited quietly,

one is more

not good to


took a deep breath and

was also thoughtful, but his eyes


the Evil Mastiff resounded in Yue Feng’s ears: “Seeing that you are quite honest


startled and almost jumped up, because he was surprised to see that the evil mastiff was dozens

he transmit the

He didn’t seem to hear the voice of the evil mastiff. In an instant, Yue Feng


my skill, let me tell you, this is called secret language. , only you can

Secret language?

such a thing

It’s incredible.

that he encountered before, after the explosion of strength, can form illusions around him, that is the unique ability of the

Feng was secretly shocked, and at the same time used his spirit to communicate with the evil mastiff: “Senior, what can you do?” In order to escape the control of the two evil beasts, Yue Feng had no choice but to pretend to call the

Yue Feng made up his mind secretly

sinister and cunning at first glance, you have to be careful, but you


was very useful, and the evil laughter came again: “Actually it’s very simple, wait for your suggestion, let us two show our stunts, as long as that old turtle Shell agreed, just leave

Show off a stunt?

stunned for a

“Of course!”

he would not Concealing it again, he smiled and said: “You kid, you really don’t understand anything. Well, then I’ll tell you. This old turtle

‘reversing the void,’ also known as reversing the world. This stunt is very powerful, but there is a fatal door, which is the distance from the tail under its carapace, and as long as he displays it later, he will definitely You stay by your side, and when the time comes, you will use

is left to me. As long as you can help me get the innate

language He communicated with Yue Feng, but each of the three eyes on his head shone


such a plan, Yue Feng couldn’t help taking a deep breath, Nima, this evil

him and attack the giant

have to say, this

I’m afraid he doesn’t know how he died in the end. Thinking about it, Yue Feng is very

possible, I will do my best

Chapter 4529

can be taught,

was very excited, and repeatedly praised: “I like you, a smart person, boy, after this

late, you can stop talking, lest this


his throat, and pretended to say, “That…. two seniors, have you come up

Feng quickly glanced at

was very clever, and took the lead in saying hypocritically, “How can I do

that, the Evil Mastiff looked at the giant turtle and urged,


giant turtle took a deep breath and said in a disappointed tone: “I really

Feng took the opportunity to say: “You two, if you believe me, I will do it again. I thought of a

The giant

two seniors were rare peak existences at the time, why don’t you just show

I will give the

saying the last sentence, Yue Feng secretly glanced at Evil

what Yue Feng said was watertight, Evil Mastiff

Show off a stunt?

moment, the giant turtle’s expression changed, and it became silent

life-saving ones should

attacked when he was showing it, wouldn’t the gain outweigh the


Seeing that the giant turtle was hesitant, Yue Feng took a deep breath and couldn’t help asking, “What? Is there a problem with this proposal?” The

giant turtle opened his mouth and was about to answer, but was interrupted by the evil mastiff.

“Hehe, old turtle shell!” The

Evil Mastiff sneered and mocked: “With your hesitant temperament, you still want to gain innate power? I know what you are worried about, not that I will surprise you when you show your stunt. Is it?”

“So, I’ll show the stunt first, and then I’ll go to the hillside in the distance, so you can rest assured? But then again, your three stunts are not very good, I advise you to just admit defeat. Let me get the innate power quickly, everyone, don’t waste anyone’s time.”


Hearing the ridicule, the giant turtle was very annoyed and cursed: “My stunt is not as good as yours? Where did you come from? You can show it first.”


Seeing that the giant turtle was hooked, the Evil Mastiff was almost overjoyed. You must know that among the four innate evil beasts, the giant turtle belongs to the giant turtle. The personality is the most cautious and careful, and it is really harder than reaching the sky to let it be fooled. At this time, he finally fell into his own trap, why is the Evil Mastiff unhappy?

However, the Evil Mastiff didn’t know yet that Yue Feng didn’t really cooperate with it at all.

Delighted, the Evil Mastiff looked at Yue Feng proudly.

Yue Feng nodded knowingly, but sneered inwardly.

This ugly three-headed dog, really think I will help you? Go do your daydream.


At this moment, the huge figure of the Evil Mastiff rushed into the air and shouted to Yue Feng: “Today, I will show you my stunt ‘Chaos Extreme Flame’.”


The last word fell, and a terrifying force erupted from the Evil Mastiff. Immediately after, the three heads opened their mouths at the same time, spewing out three groups of purple flames.


In the blink of an eye, three flames burst into the void, forming a sea of ​​scorching fire. In just a few seconds, the world was enveloped by this purple-red color.

Damn, is this flame so terrifying?

Seeing this scene, Yue Feng opened his mouth wide, very shocked, and what shocked him even more was that this purple flame seemed to have the ability to devour, and the power of the primordial spirit in his body escaped uncontrollably. .

Chapter 4530 Noticing

this, Yue Feng didn’t have time to think about it, and quickly exerted his strength to form a protective film around his body. Isolate the devouring power in the flames.


Looking at Yue Feng’s shocked appearance, the Evil Mastiff was very proud, and after laughing, he opened his mouth and sucked the sea of ​​fire into his belly.

Afterwards, the Evil Mastiff landed on the hillside not far away, looked at the giant turtle proudly and said, “Old turtle shell, my chaotic extreme flame is unstoppable, I think you don’t need to show it, just admit defeat.”


Hearing the Evil Mastiff’s provocation, the giant turtle was very disdainful, and his huge body was filled with a powerful fighting spirit, and said coldly, “It’s just a little trick, in front of my reversal of the void, your farts are useless at all. “

Speaking, the giant turtle looked down at Yue Feng seriously: “Boy, it’s my turn, you can be optimistic. Who is stronger and who is weaker, you can see at a glance.”


At the moment when the last word fell, a terrifying power burst out from within the giant turtle, and immediately, the huge figure turned upside down, with its limbs facing upwards.

This scene seemed funny, but Yue Feng didn’t find it funny in his heart, because he could clearly sense that as the power of terror pervaded, everything around him changed.


In the next second, the giant turtle’s huge body spun violently, setting off a terrifying energy storm around it.

At this moment, Yue Feng clearly saw that there was a place where the tail was below the giant turtle, and his heart suddenly moved.

The door!

Is this the gate of life that Evil Mastiff just said?

Just when Yue Feng was muttering secretly, he saw the dust on the ground under his feet, and under the raging horrific storm, they floated up one after another, forming the ground above his head

For a time, Yue Feng was completely stupid, the top of his head became the ground, and the foot became the void. This scene is really incredible.

Is this the power to reverse the void?


But at this moment, the Evil Mastiff cast a secret message and urged Yue Feng: “What are you still doing? Hurry up!” When saying this, the Evil Mastiff’s six eyes flashed viciously.

“Okay, senior.” Yue Feng responded with a hypocritical spirit, and then rushed forward with a pretense.

This evil mastiff is cunning and despicable, and Yue Feng never thought of helping it.


Seeing Yue Feng rushing towards his own gate, the giant turtle was shocked and angry, and shouted: “What are you going to do? Raid me? Have you thought about the consequences?” At the same time, the giant turtle was also a little surprised. .

How did this kid know where his destiny was?


At this time, Yue Feng didn’t panic at all, rushed to the front, did not take action, but said quickly: “Don’t misunderstand, I just want to tell you that the evil mastiff just used secret words to surround me, and wants to be right. You take action, be careful.” As

he spoke, Yue Feng reached out to the Evil Mastiff not far behind and made a gesture.


Because Yue Feng’s figure was blocking the gate of life, the bad mastiff couldn’t see the situation clearly. Seeing that he made a gesture, he thought he had succeeded. At that time, he was extremely excited, and his whole body exploded, and he rushed over directly.


At the same time, when he heard Yue Feng’s words, the giant turtle was extremely frightened: “Mad, these three evil dogs dare to play with me?” Then, seeing the evil mastiff rushing towards him, he was even more furious.


At this moment, the giant turtle let out an earth-shattering roar, turned over, and glared at the evil mastiff: “You promised to show off your stunts, but you dare to play this hand, courting death!” The

voice fell, and the huge figure slammed. He got up and headed towards the evil mastiff.

Seeing this situation, Yue Feng breathed a long sigh of relief, Nima, it’s not easy to finally make you fight.


At this time, the evil mastiff was extremely frightened and furious, and his eyes locked on Yue Feng: “Boy, are you playing me?” , completely at its peak.

Aware of this, Evil Mastiff also realized that he did not play this human with applause, but was played by him instead.

Frightened, the Evil Mastiff hurriedly shouted at the giant turtle: “Old turtle shell, don’t be impulsive, we have both been tricked by this kid, calm down!”

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