Chapter 5101 - The Ultimate Husband

Chapter 5101

is the token that Gu Sanniang gave to Yue Feng before, which symbolizes the supreme power in the Four Seas Alliance.

The reason why Yue Feng is so confident is because he has this token in his hand. After all, Hao Dashuang is only a hall master of the Four Seas Alliance.


At this time, several of his subordinates had already raised the long knives in their hands, but they were all stunned when they saw the token in Yue Feng’s hand.

At the same time, Hao Dashuang was also shocked, and couldn’t help shouting: “Go back, you all go back.” After saying that, he walked over quickly.

Hearing the order, several of his subordinates stepped aside.

what’s the situation?

Leng Yue, who had been watching from the side, frowned and was very puzzled.

Isn’t this person just an ordinary mountain person? How could this Hao Dashuang be so excited when he saw what he was holding? Could it be that this person has another identity?


At this time, Hao Dashuang had already walked in front of Yue Feng, staring at the token in Yue Feng’s hand, with a complicated expression and a very surprised tone: “Where did you get this token from? What?”

When speaking, Hao Dashuang tried his best to restrain his excitement. You must know that this token is too familiar to him. This is the token of the chief leader Gu Sanniang, which symbolizes Gu Sanniang’s supremacy in the Four Seas Alliance.

And now, how can he not be surprised when he is in the hands of this kid in front of him?


Seeing Hao Dashuang’s shocked look, Yue Feng showed a smile, his face was calm, and he responded slowly: “This token was given to me by your chief Gu Sanniang, by the way. , my name is Yue Feng.”

Yue Feng?

Hearing this, Hao Dashuang was shocked, stared at Yue Feng blankly, and was speechless for a while.

Is he Yue Feng? The VIP Gu Sanniang said?

A few seconds later, Hao Dashuang squeezed out a smile, indescribably polite and complimenting: “Oh, so it’s Mr. Yue. It was really flooded with the Dragon King Temple just now, and the family doesn’t know each other.”

Hao Dashuang said, He hurriedly saluted: “Hao Dashuang, the head of the Beiling branch, has met Mr. Yue.”

At this time, Hao Dashuang was polite and a little nervous.

Who does not know in the entire Four Seas Alliance, Yue Feng is Gu Sanniang’s VIP, and he almost hurt him just now, if Gu Sanniang knew about this, ten heads would not be enough to chop off.

Now I can only hope that Yue Feng, who is in front of him, can be a lot of adults, so he doesn’t care about himself.


Seeing this, the big men around were also stunned.

This person is Gu Sanniang’s VIP, Mr. Yue?

At the same time, Leng Yue, who was tied to the side, had a messy mind. This person had no strength at all, yet he had such a high status in the Four Seas Alliance, and looking at it, he seemed to be a friend of Gu Sanniang. Otherwise, Hao Dashuang would not be so polite to him.

At the same time of astonishment, Leng Yue was also extremely ashamed and angry.

I thought that my arm suddenly went numb just now, it was an accident, but now it seems that it was all the ghost of this person. He pretended to be a mountain person, and when he hugged me, he secretly used some means to cause my long sword to fall to the ground. ..Leng

Yue, as a saint of the Red Clothes Sect, is talented and intelligent, and at this moment she realized that she could be caught, and it had nothing to do with this Yue Feng.

When she thought of being hugged by Yue Feng just now, Leng Yue was even more ashamed and angry, her eyes were staring, and she wanted to swallow him alive.

“Senior Hao, don’t be too polite.”

Feeling Hao Dashuang’s uneasy mood, Yue Feng smiled slightly and waved his hand: “It’s not strange for those who don’t know, I just happened to pass by.”


Seeing him say this, Hao Dashuang breathed a deep sigh of relief and said with a smile: “If you say that, I really have a relationship with Mr. Yue, haha…Tangkou is not far away, Mr. Yue will go back with us and have a drink. Saliva, rest for a while.”

Yue Feng nodded, and walked towards the entrance of the hall under Hao Dashuang’s warm invitation.

Leng Yue was followed behind by those big men.

Along the way, Yue Feng could hardly laugh or cry when he felt Leng Yue’s hostile gaze behind him. This woman must think that I and the Four Seas Alliance are the same raccoon dog.

But think about it carefully, Leng Yue’s arrest has a lot to do with herself.

Chapter 5102

Forget it, go to the hall where Hao Dashuang is located first, and then plan carefully.

Yue Feng also knew in his heart that it was not impossible to directly order Hao Dashuang to release Leng Yue in his own capacity.

More than ten minutes later, Yue Feng and Hao Dashuang returned to the Tangkou station.

This Tangkou resident, deep in the mountains, is a cottage with a complex surrounding environment, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

“Hall Master!”

When they approached the gate of the stockade, several guards who were there quickly greeted them. At the same time, everyone’s eyes were also attracted by the bound Leng Yue.

Beautiful, what a beautiful woman.

Although Leng Yue was tied up with five flowers at this time, and her face was frosty, she couldn’t hide her alluring appearance, especially her charming curves, which made all the men in the hall straight.

It can be said that most of them are


of everyone, staring at herself unscrupulously, Leng Yue seemed to be greatly

of the Sihai Alliance, and was stared at by a bunch of stinky men. If this matter spreads to the

Yue’s hatred

and I won’t be caught. If there is a


for us, not only

to have you come to our hall, I will prepare the wine and food later, I hope Yue Sir, can you give me some thin noodles, so that

very polite.” Yue

looked around, frowned and said, “What are you doing? You still don’t show

banquet. , is naturally arranged in the theme. “Haha!” Hao Dashuang was in a good mood at this time, and he took the lead to raise his glass and smiled at Yue Feng: “When Sanniang issued the order before, I admired Mr. Yue, but I didn’t expect to be lucky enough to meet today, come here. ,

another glass of wine to Yue Feng, and then glanced at Leng Yue, his eyes flickered, as if he was thinking

Yue Feng with a face of ingratiating expression: “Mr. Yue, heroes and beauties have been together since ancient times. Today, I am fortunate enough to meet Mr. Hao Dashuang. I have nothing to express, so I will present this saint of the Red Clothing

continued: “When the banquet is over, I will send this

curve. Speaking of which, who wouldn’t want to enjoy such a charming beauty? But Hao Dashuang knew in his heart that if Yue Feng could be favored by

Chapter 5103

a saint from the Red Clothes Sect


the little

Mr. Yue is qualified to enjoy this kind

honor to

freely. They are not

like Hao Dashuang, they also knew in their hearts that there would be many benefits in the future by dedicating the saintess of the Red

of shameless

situation, Leng Yuejue’s beautiful face instantly flushed red, her delicate body was trembling with anger, she couldn’t help shouting, “You better let me go.

break free, but the acupoints were blocked, and her hands and feet were tightly bound, which

Ha ha…

face: “Tsk tsk… You are now a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and you can’t protect yourself. How dare you speak

to think about it, how

so anxious that she

“Mr. Yue!”

Dashuang said to Yue Feng with a flattering face:

voice: “Don’t panic, sir, this woman has been acupuncture points by me, so she won’t

of the story , Hao Dashuang’s face is full of

Feng smiled, but did


Yue’s gaze, like a sharp sword, locked

and cunning. If he takes away his innocence, he

Yue Feng pretended not to see it, but took a deep breath and smiled at Hao Dashuang: “I understand the kindness of Hall


for a moment. , asked inexplicably: “Don’t Mr. Yue like beautiful women?” This Leng Yue, but the saint of the red dress, is known as a ruthless fairy in

seem to be interested

time, the little leaders around also looked at

which, this woman does have a bit of beauty, but in my eyes, it’s just average, and she really

Feng had a proud look on his

Yue Feng did this on purpose. After all, he was Gu Sanniang’s VIP. If he behaved too lewd in front of Gu Sanniang’s hands, it would be a

along the way, Leng Yue had been looking at Yue Feng with hatred, that cold look made Yue



fairy’, with such an alluring appearance, was actually described as ordinary


shocked, staring

to earth, no matter which

woman after all, if Yue Feng showed a lecherous side, she would only have disgust in her heart. But he said that his appearance was average, and his self-esteem


time, Hao Dashuang was the first to react, and said to Yue Feng with a face ashamed: “Mr. Yue is well-informed, and naturally he

Chapter 5104

all of them are big and rude. The only one who can do it is this saint. Please ask Mr. Yue to pay attention to

this, Hao Dashuang’s eyes were full

Hao Dashuang was very surprised that Yue Feng refused to enjoy Lengyue. At that time, an idea popped into his mind,

Feng is the guest of honor of the chief

up his mind, even if Yue Feng didn’t like Lengyue, he couldn’t enjoy the tenderness


him say that, Yue Feng scratched his head and looked

I dealt with this saint just now, many brothers around me participated,

this, let’s have a drinking competition later, whoever wins in

” with the audience.


Dashuang or the little bosses around, they were all astonished and excited at the

“Is this okay?”

not an ordinary person. This proposal is

If so, wouldn’t

and complimented Yue Feng: “Mr. Yue wants

beauty , and Yue Feng


hurry and almost fainted. At the same time, she stared at

am afraid that

burning with anger, as if she had been

Whoever wins can enjoy me… I am a saint of the red dress, when did I receive

the anger, Leng Yue fiercely

can escape by chance today, everyone here must be killed, and none of

Yue Fengzhi pretended not to see it, picked up a wine jar at this time, and looked around: “It seems that everyone is very interested,

but he


and many people stood up one after another, and they were about to


“You can’t do it, I’ll have to drink with Mr. Yue…”


Amidst the shouting of the crowd, Hao Dashuang stood up confidently and said humbly to Yue Feng: “Mr. Yue is so interested, I, Hao Dashuang, will naturally give up my life to accompany the gentleman. Come, this first game, I will drink with Mr. Yue.

” When it fell, Hao Dashuang also picked up a wine jar, opened the seal at the mouth of the jar, touched it with Yue Feng, and then raised his head to drink.

“Tang Master Hao is really good at drinking.”

Yue Feng said with a smile, raised his head and gulped down a jar of wine.

In just a few seconds in the blink of an eye, a jar of wine went down, Yue Feng’s face did not change, and his eyes were even more radiant. You must know that he is the body of the Profound Sage, not only invulnerable to all poisons, but also immune to alcohol. As long as he secretly operates his divine power, let alone a jar, he will not get drunk even after drinking it for a day.


Seeing this scene, the little leaders around looked at Yue Feng, stunned and shocked.

I can’t tell, Mr. Yue looks thin, and he drinks so much. A jar of wine can be drunk in the blink of an eye?

Gudonggudong …

At this moment, Hao Dashuang also drank a jar of wine. However, his face was flushed, and compared with Yue Feng’s unchanged face, he was judged.

Chapter 5105

Yue Feng glanced at Hao Dashuang with a smile and nodded secretly.

After drinking a jar of wine in ten seconds, this Hao Dashuang’s drinking capacity is not bad, but it’s a pity that you met me.

Thinking to himself, Yue Feng showed a smile: “Section Master Hao? Go ahead.”

After speaking, Yue Feng opened another jar of wine and poured it directly.


Hao Dashuang nodded, opened a jar of wine, and drank it with his head up, but this time he only drank half of it, and he couldn’t stand up, his body staggered, and he could fall down at any time.


Finally, Hao Dashuang couldn’t hold it anymore, he put down the wine jar with admiration on his face: “Mr. Yue, you really drink well, I, Hao Dashuang, are willing to bow down.”

Yue Feng smiled slightly, then looked around: “Which other brother, Come up to compare with me?”

“Me!” As

soon as the voice fell, the surrounding small leaders shouted in response.

Yue Feng is no nonsense, whoever comes up to challenge, just pick up the wine jar and drink it. In less than ten minutes, many leaders have been drunk.


At this time, Hao Dashuang sat there and looked at Yue Feng with admiration: “Mr. Yue is really huge. I, Hao Dashuang, really opened my eyes today.”

After speaking, Hao Dashuang pointed to the bound Leng Yue on the pillar: “Mr. Yue, it seems that this is God’s will, this beauty is still yours, haha…” The

voice fell, and the little leaders around also nodded. At the same time, I am also envious, but there is no way, who made this Mr. Yue so drinkable?


Yue Feng sighed with a wry smile: “The purpose of this fight is to have a good drink with you brothers, but I didn’t expect that I would win in the end.”

“Since it is God’s will, then I But it’s disrespectful.”

When he said this, Yue Feng’s face was still full of meaning.

Hearing this, Hao Dashuang and the little leaders around him were all depressed.

The ultimate goal of our drinking is to enjoy the tenderness of beautiful women. This Mr. Yue is good. He just wants to drink simply. It is really maddening to compare people.

Leng Yue is also embarrassed and angry.

This bastard, is he that bad? Interested in drinking yet?

“What are you doing?” At this time, Hao Dashuang waved his hand with a smile: “Go and bring the beauty to Mr. Yue.” After the

voice fell, the two little leaders walked over, untied the rope on Leng Yue’s body, and then It was brought in front of Yue Feng.

“Mr. Yue!”

At this time, Hao Dashuang pushed Leng Yue into Yue Feng’s arms by taking advantage of the wine, and said with a big laugh, “A spring night is worth a thousand dollars, haha, Mr. Yue enjoy it.” It’s

so fragrant!

Yue Feng subconsciously wrapped his arms around Leng Yue’s slender waist, only to feel a fragrant smell coming from his nostrils, and he was a little confused at the time.

However, upon meeting Leng Yue’s hateful gaze, Yue Feng soon woke up and saw that Leng Yue’s pretty face was frosty, and she wished to kill him like that.


Is this woman going to be mad?

“Haha, Mr. Yue enjoy it.” At this moment, Hao Dashuang laughed loudly, and then asked two of his men to take Yue Feng to rest.

Soon, in a resting room at the back, Yue Feng carried Leng Yue, closed the door first, and then put her on the bed. The room was not far from the hall, and the constant noise of Hao Dashuang and others could be heard.


At this time, Leng Yue was lying there, unable to move because of the acupuncture points, her eyes glaring at Yue Feng: “You despicable and shameless thing, if you dare to touch me, I want you to break it. The corpse is ten thousand pieces.” A

sentence, almost as if squeezed out of the teeth, revealed deep resentment.

What the hell!

Hearing this, Yue Feng was very speechless, and said with a smile at the time: “Okay, don’t call me, I have a lot of women, and I’m really not interested in you.”

He really wasn’t bragging. How many confidantes, Xiao Yuruo, Su Qingyan, Qin Rongyin…Which one is not the allure of the country?

Hearing this, Leng Yue trembled all over, so angry that she was speechless.


At this time, Yue Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense, and said slowly: “We have no grievances and no grudges, I am responsible for your arrest, and when I untie your rope, you can go quickly, Hao Dashuang, they all drink After drinking a lot of alcohol, in a short time, I won’t find you running away.”

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