Chapter 13 - Repeating My Rejection

Arriving at school the next day, Hudson pulled into the parking lot, cursing under his breath as he realised he hadn’t taken his pill that morning. They made him a bit drowsy when they kicked in, so he liked to take them first thing in the morning when he got up, so the worst of the side effects were over and he was more in control before he arrived at school.

Pulling out the box, he fisted it in his hand before growling and popping one out, swallowing it dry as he grimaced.

Sliding out of his seat, he locked his car and headed toward the building, Garrett at his side, talking about the upcoming party.

‘Dude, just because you don’t want to take Penelope doesn’t mean we have to miss it’ he was complaining as they stepped into the halls.

Shaking his friend off, Hudson headed toward his first lesson, taking a seat at the back, feeling the haziness of his medication hitting him already.

Twenty minutes into the lesson and the teenager was grinning manically, feeling so relaxed he was tempted to put his head on the desk and fall asleep.

‘Mr Shadow’ came the teacher's voice from the front, his voice clipped, ‘are you with us?’

Hudson nodded, a lazy grin on his face, ‘I’m fine’ he replied smoothly, ‘I’m just fiiiiiiiiiine.’

Around him, the class was chuckling as the teacher rolled his eyes, ‘may I suggest you go and splash a bit of water on your face?’ he asked respectfully.

Hudson frowned before nodding slowly, yeah, maybe some fresh air and water would wake him up a bit.

Standing up, he wobbled his way to the door, slipping outside, and made his way toward the nearest boys' bathroom, using the lockers to keep himself up.

Stumbling into the bathroom, he leaned against the sink breathing heavily as he laughed to himself, ‘duuuuuuude’ he said to himself as he stared in the mirror, ‘you are so fuuuuuuuucked.’

Behind him he heard the door open quietly, shutting again before the lock clicked. Turning around, he had no time to see who it was before lips were pressed to his, a tongue forcing it’s way into his mouth.

‘Mmm’ he moaned, his hands finding their way into the other person’s hair, from the softness he could tell it was a female.

‘Quinn?’ he mumbled to himself in confusion.

‘Shh baby, just let me take care of you’ came the sultry reply before the unknown girl dropped to her knees in front of him.

‘No, you don’t have . . ‘ he mumbled in his drugged stupor, feebly trying to push the girl away as she freed him from his jeans and pulled him into her mouth.

The she wolf groaned loudly, taking him to the back of her throat, her hands gripping his thighs to stop him from pulling back.

‘Quinn’ he mumbled, his eyes closing as he lost himself to the sensations.

‘Get that she wolf off of us’ his wolf Harvey snarled in his mind, his own voice wobbly from the drugs.

‘She wants to’ Hudson replied, ‘our mate wants to please us.’ Pushing his wolf down, he moved his hips, thrusting into the young girl’s mouth as her moans got louder.

Pulling back, she swirled her tongue around the tip teasingly, drawing a growl from the Alpha as he fisted her hair, trying to guide her mouth back to him. ‘Don’t deny me mate’ he hissed, shuddering at the giggle that left her lips before she claimed him again, sucking him down deep.

She continued to torture him, pulling back slowly, then pushing forward to take every inch as he fought to keep control of himself. He wanted to come, spill down her throat, mark her mouth as his but he also wanted the torture of her lips wrapped around him to continue.

Taking his balls in her hand, she gently massaged him, but it was enough to make him lose the thread he was holding on to. Holding her head tightly, he thrust into her mouth faster, grunting heavily until his release flowed down her throat.

The she wolf lapped at him, swallowing everything she could until his movement stilled, and he slowly backed up, releasing her hair.

Looking down, he tucked himself away quickly trying to figure out what to say to his mate, who had just given him one of the best blow jobs he’d ever had, even though he had rejected her.

Raising his gaze, his words died on his lips as Penelope stood up from the floor, smoothing down her skirt as she licked her lips sensually.

‘I always knew you’d taste good’ she purred, moving toward him as he backed up quickly, horror creeping up his spine as he shook off the last of the drugged haze that had clouded his brain.

‘What?’ He croaked in shock, ‘Quinn?’ he added disbelievingly.

Penelope shook her head as she laughed, ‘sorry baby, but your little crush wasn’t here rocking your world, it was me.’ She gave him a dark look, her smile turning cruel, ‘let’s be honest, she didn’t want you anyway, I’m sure I saw her talking to one of the warriors before I came in here, they looked pretty cozy.’

Hudson growled loudly, a strange pang of something gnawing at him, ‘why did you do this?’ he demanded, clenching his fists at his sides.

Penelope pulled out a compact, checking her lipstick, ‘because you embarrassed me Hudson’ she replied, ‘made the school think that I wasn’t good enough for you, that you wouldn’t touch me.’ She glanced up, her lips curling up at the corners, ‘seems that was a lie, all it took was one flick of my tongue and you were fucking my mouth like a bull.’ She licked her lips again, ‘mmm’ she moaned, ‘I can still taste you too.’

The Alpha shook his head angrily, ‘I wasn’t in my right mind, you took advantage of me.’

The she wolf threw her head back and laughed loudly, ‘that’s not how I remember it Alpha’ she replied, spitting out the title vehemently. ‘I pulled away and you grabbed my head, forcing your dick back into my mouth as you told me not to deny you.’

Fishing in her pocket, she pulled out her phone, pressing a few buttons before the sounds of grunting and soft curses could be heard until his own voice came out of the speaker, ‘Don’t deny me mate.’

The Alpha stared at the victorious she wolf as she waved her phone between them whilst backing toward the door and turning the lock without looking away from him.

‘I’ll see you tomorrow night, Alpha’ she said with a wink, ‘when you take me to that party at Clover pack.’ Tilting her head she pouted slightly, ‘unless you want your little mate to hear you fucking the mouth of another woman of course.’

Winking at him again, she pulled open the door and slid out, clicking it shut behind her. Breaking out of his trance, Hudson roared with fury, smashing his fists down on the nearest sink. The porcelain basin crumbled under the impact, the water pipes ripping and spraying water all over the Alpha as he held his arms up to try and stop the onslaught.

Stumbling over to the door, he wrenched it open, sliding slightly on the polished floor in his wet shoes, out, into the corridor.

Gripping the wall, he let out a breath, trying to get control of his anger, when a small whimper from down the hall drew his attention.

Moving toward the sound, he came around the lockers to find Quinn curled up against the metal doors, arms clutching her stomach as she fought the tears that were cutting a route down her cheeks.

His heart clenching, he moved toward her, his hand reaching out as he crouched down beside her, ‘Qiunn . . ‘ he whispered brokenly.

The she wolf jerked away from him, her eyes flashing in his direction, filled with immeasurable pain, hurt, and anger. ‘Don’t touch me’ she snarled, leaning back, away from his outstretched fingers.

‘Please, let me help you’ he pleaded softly.

Quinn shook her head, her face hardening as she forced herself to her feet, standing unsteadily, ‘you’re a bastard’ she hissed, ‘I hope you rot in hell, you don’t deserve a mate, and certainly not an Omega. You are so beneath them that you couldn’t see them if you looked up.’

A loud bang of a door made him start. Hudson, turned around to see the large black haired man from the attack bearing down on them, his eyes glued to Quinn, worry radiating off of him.

‘Quinny? Are you OK?’ he asked as he reached her, gripping her waist and pulling her into his chest where she buried her face, shaking.

Unable to stop himself, Hudson growled, his body reacting to this unknown male with his hands on his mate’s body.

The other Alpha glanced at him, his eyes narrowing before his eyes glazed quickly.

Quinn didn’t pull her head from his chest, just nodded quickly.

The black haired werewolf scowled, eyeing Hudson with disgust, ‘you’ll pay little wolf’ he growled, ‘I’ll make sure of it.’

Swinging Quinn up into his arms, he strode down the hallway, leaving Hudson standing alone, staring after them worriedly.