Chapter 38 - Repeating My Rejection

Hudson spent the next two days trailing Quinn around school, glaring at anyone who got to close to her, on alert for anyone who might wish her harm.

On the second day, Garrett caught up with his Alpha as he skulked around a corner near Quinn’s lesson waiting for her.

‘What are you doing?’ the beta huffed, reaching his side and glancing down the empty corridor in confusion, ‘you’ve been skipping out of lessons early all week.’

‘Waiting’ the Alpha replied distractedly.

‘What for?’ Garrett pushed, leaning further around the corner, trying to spot whatever had his best friend’s attention.

As the doors opened to reveal the end of lessons, Hudson straightened up quickly, zeroing in on Quinn’s class door.

The students filed out, chatting loudly, moving toward their next lesson, some nodding to Hudson respectfully as they passed. The Alpha gave a curt nod to each, his eyes never leaving the door until the familiar red head stepped out, her head bowed as she rummaged through her backpack that was tucked in one arm.

Hurrying out of his hiding place, Hudson strode toward her, making her jump as she glanced up and came face to face with his chest.

‘Goddess’ she shrieked, ‘you need a damn bell or something, I almost pee’d myself.’

The Alpha chuckled as he reached out and took her bag, swinging it over his shoulder before grabbing her hand in his and pulling her toward her next lesson.

‘You know I can carry my own bag right?’ she sighed, trotting to keep up with his strides.

‘Yes, but I can also carry it’ Hudson replied easily, ‘and I’m stronger, we’ve already established this, so it makes sense for me to carry it for you.’

Rolling her eyes, Quinn said nothing further as they walked, ‘sooooo’ came a voice behind them, causing Hudson to swear under his breath as he stopped walking and turned back to his curious beta. ‘Who is this?’ he asked, crossing his arms over his chest and raising an eyebrow at his Alpha.

‘Hi, I’m Quinn’ the she wolf replied with a smile, holding out her free hand to shake.

Garrett took it, his eyes lighting up as he brought her hand to his lips and brushed them over her skin, ‘oh it’s a definite pleasure to meet you sweetheart’ he replied smoothly, his eyes running down her body.

The beta suddenly found his feet off the floor, his back slamming into a set of lockers as his Alpha growled furiously in his face, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of the Beta’s neck. ‘MINE!’ Hudson snarled, Harvey pushing forward, his aura washing over the Beta’s wolf who immediately tried to bare his neck in submission.

‘Hudson!’ Quinn yelled, tugging at his hand that was holding the other werewolf up in the air, ‘let him down right now you damn caveman.’

Glancing at his mate, Hudson’s eyes reverted to his original brown as he slowly lowered the Beta to his feet, releasing him and wrapping a possessive arm around the she wolf.

‘Your mate?’ Garrett wheezed in shock, ‘you found your mate?’

‘Mine’ Hudson repeated, burying his face into Quinn’s hair as his wolf purred contentedly.

‘Luna!’ The beta said hoarsely, ‘I’m so sorry, I didn’t know! I’m so pleased to meet you.’

‘It’s fine’ Quinn replied, allowing Hudson’s wolf to use her scent to calm him, ‘I’ve noticed he’s a bit possessive.’

Garrett laughed as he massaged his neck, ‘you think?’ he replied wryly, ‘I can’t say I can see it myself.’

Quinn laughed as Hudson tilted his head to glare at his friend, keeping his arms around the young girl until she tapped him, ‘I really do need to get to my next lesson you know, you are going to have to let me go.’

Reluctantly, Hudson pulled away, quickly entwining his fingers with hers as she just shook her head at him in amusement.

Continuing toward her next lesson, Hudson ignored his friend as he fell into step on Quinn’s other side, asking her questions about herself. Soon enough they reached the door, the Alpha holding on to his mate until she pulled her hand from him, ‘I’ll see you after this lesson I assume’ she said indulgently as he frowned sadly.

‘I’ll be here waiting’ he replied.

She nodded with a smirk, ‘I figured that out myself Mr Ego’ she teased before giving both boys a quick wave and walking inside, apologizing to the teacher as she passed him, when he glanced up at her in annoyance from his position by the door ready to close it.

Hudson let out a loud growl at the man, drawing his attention and he shrunk back quickly, ‘it’s quite alright Ms Redwood’ he stammered, ‘no harm done, please take your seat.’

Giving her mate a pointed glare, Quinn took her seat, the teacher waiting for Hudson to turn away before quietly shutting the door.

A thump on his arm drew the Alpha’s attention as he looked over at his friend who was glowering at him.

‘What?’ he demanded, starting to walk down the corridor toward their next class.

‘What do you mean what?’ Garrett growled, ‘when were you planning on telling me, your second in command that you found our damn Luna!’

The teenager stopped walking, rounding on his friend, ‘I didn’t realise I answered to you’ he replied coolly.

The beta chuckled humourlessly, ‘you don’t but as our future Luna, her safety is my responsibility’ he snapped back. ‘How can I protect her if I don’t even know that you’ve found her?’

Hudson sighed as he scrubbed a hand down his face in frustration, ‘sorry’ he grumbled, ‘I’ve had a lot on my mind and I just hadn’t got around to telling you. I wasn’t purposefully keeping you in the dark, I go preoccupied with other things and it slipped my mind.’

Garrett snorted, ‘your mate just slipped your mind’ he muttered, ‘like that is believable.’ He stomped away, ignoring their class and headed toward the double doors that led out to the school’s football pitch.

Breaking into a jog, Hudson followed him, catching him easily an reaching out to grab the other man’s arm.

The beta jerked his arm away, storming up the steps of the bleachers and throwing himself into one of the seats.

Sitting down beside him, Hudson groaned, ‘I swear, I didn’t keep you out of the loop’ he ground out. ‘There is things going on right now and my attention has been stretched to the point that I can’t concentrate on anything properly.’

Hudson crossed his arms over his chest, ‘if something that important is taking your time, don’t you think I should also know about it?’ he asked sullenly. ‘I’m your fucking Beta, that means I help you, protect you and take on the burden of any shit you are carrying.’ He turned slightly to glare at the Alpha, ‘it also means I protect my damn Luna from harm, I swore to dedicate my life to her Hudson, I didn’t do that on a whim!’

Hudson nodded tiredly, ‘yeah I know’ he mumbled, ‘I messed up Gar, I’m sorry.’

Garrett’s eyes widened at his words, momentarily forgetting his anger, ‘did you, the great Hudson Shadow, just apologise?’ he gasped.

Hudson shoved him, ‘I do apologise sometimes asshole’ he retorted.

The beta shook his head vehemently, ‘nope’ he denied, ‘I can not recall one single time that you have apologised let alone admitted that you were wrong! What the hell? Who are you and what did you do with my Alpha? Imposter! Guards! We have an imposter, our Alpha has been cloned!’ he started to yell out across the pitch as Hudson tried to cover his mouth with his hand.

‘Shut up you dick’ he laughed, as Garrett dodged his hands, continuing to yell until they were both gasping for breath as they shook with laughter.

Calming down, the beta wiped his eyes, ‘so, your mate’ he said knowingly, ‘who is she?’

Hudson smiled, ‘well you know her name is Quinn, she belongs to another pack that isn’t affiliated with us and she’s the only member of that pack that has been sent here.’

The beta frowned, ‘why would her Alpha send her here if the rest of his pack are schooled somewhere else?’ he asked curiously, ‘is she his daughter? Did he send her to search for her mate maybe? I mean I assume she’s an Alpha, all of your blood line has been mated to one’ he added with a shrug.

Hudson stiffened, trying to decide whether to tell his beta who he thought she was or who Quinn was pertaining to be.

‘She’s an Omega’ he said finally, deciding to go with Quinn’s story, deciding that she must have her reasons for telling people that was her rank.

Garrett’s breath caught as he turned toward his friend, ‘and . . . you’re OK with that?’ he asked slowly.

The Alpha took a deep breath as he nodded slowly, ‘she’s my mate’ he said simply, ‘she was made for me, my perfect other. If the Moon Goddess believes that my match is an Omega then she must have her reasons.’

The beta relaxed slightly, ‘I’m glad’ he murmured, ‘after Elsie . . ‘

‘Elsie was my fault’ Hudson cut across his friend, ‘and I live with that guilt, but it means that I will never put Quinn in danger. I will not fail her like I did Elsie, I honour our friend by protecting who would have been her Luna.’

Garrett nodded, turning back to the field, ‘it wasn’t your fault mate’ he said softly, ‘you need to stop blaming yourself.’

Hudson leaned back in his chair, ‘no’ he replied firmly, ‘the day I stop taking the blame for my decision that got my pack member killed is the day I step down from being the next Alpha. Elsie was my pack mate, I was her Alpha and I led her into a danger that got her killed.’