Chapter 9 - The Forgotten Mate and The Alpha Prince

The closer Dr. Andrew drove the black range rover towards the Matlock pack. The more unsettled Max, Asher’s wolf became.

“What’s up buddy?” Asher asked his wolf who was pacing in his head.

“I don’t know, I feel happy, yet enraged at the same time. I cannot put my finger on it.” Max answered.

“Yeah, I feel something is off with this pack. Probably why Mam sent us early. They better not be treating their omegas like slaves, else all hell will let loose.” Asher agreed with his wolf.

“I don’t know, but something is off. My advice is for you to be serious about this visit. No pranking or mucking about.” Max warned his human counterpart.

“We are on official royal duties. I wasn’t going to prank anyone, or muck about anyway. I am not that stupid!” Asher retaliated, for all he was mischievous, his wolf was more like Caesar, his dad’s wolf, and was a lot more serious than he was.

“I never know, with you!” Max quibbled back.

Asher looked out of the window, the sparse trees becoming thicker, then they entered the road that cut through a deep forest. Asher noticed pack markings on some of the trunks, indicating they were entering the outskirts of the Matlock pack, and would reach the official checkpoint and gate in just a few moments. He was also acutely aware, that information of their arrival would not be common knowledge.

~ ~ ~

“WHAT!” Jabez bellowed, shaking his head in dismay, and utter fear.

“Stephen has just reported to us, that the prince’s car has arrived.” Mike his beta informed him.

“He is not due for two weeks, why is he here now? Honey’s new clothes have not even arrived, nor have the omega’s uniforms. This is a disaster!” Qamar jumped, pacing back and forth.

“Love of my life, we have a little more to worry about than matching uniforms or Honey’s wardrobe. We still have to deal with the Wilson sisters, and right under the Prince’s nose,” Jabez sighed, he was more concerned about their condition being brought to light than his daughter’s wardrobe.

“Get everyone in place and have Delta David hide those two girls deep in the bowels of the pack house, but not in the cell’s, in the safe room. Have a guard assigned to them so they can be moved around the pack house if need be, to avoid the prince. HE CANNOT FIND THEM!” Jabez ordered his beta.

“Alpha, that accommodation is luxury, they will take advantage of your good nature.” The delta protested.

“I hardly care right now. We just need to hide them, now!”

Qamar ran out of the living room, up the stairs towards her bedroom, mind linking with her daughter to meet her there as a matter of urgency.

As Honey walked into her mother’s bedroom, a scowl on her face, having been ordered away from her friends and their adoration of her, she saw Qamar pacing the floor, in a blind panic.

“Oh geez, you are still in your PJs and not a scrap of make-up on. What the hell have you been doing all day, it is 4pm?” Qamar sighed in frustration.

“What is happening?” Honey asked, rolling her eyes at her frantic mother.

“BARBRA STOP WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING AND GET TO MY SUITE IMMEDIATELY,” Qamar shouted, so frantic she did not even use the mind link.

“Find your most expensive dress, not to short though, and get it put on, then make yourself as pretty as you can, he is here! He is HERE!” Qamar instructed her daughter.

“Who is here?” Honey asked, totally confused.

“The prince is here; he is approaching the pack house, just entered the pack lands. Now go.” Qamar shouted.

“SHIT!” Honey shouted, then turned on her heel and ran out of her parent’s bedroom, towards her own, and franticly began to search through her wardrobe.

“I have nothing fit to wear!” Honey cried out, tears beginning to form in her eyes, and stood in front of a wardrobe filled to the brim with designer clothes.

“It will be okay, I will help you.” Barbara smiled as she entered the Luna’s daughter’s bedroom.

“What do you know about attracting a prince? NOTHING!” Honey huffed.

Barbara ignored the snarky comment and pulled out a knee-length sky-blue dress that matched Honey’s eyes perfectly.

“This brings out your eyes,” Barbara smiled, handing the dress to a now hysterical Honey.

“I hate to say it, but the omega is right.” One of Honey’s friends said, nodding her head.

“Do you really think so, Chelle?” Honey turned and asked, Michelle one of her entourages.

“Yes, now stop crying, you don’t want the prince to see you with blotchy marks all over your face, and we will get your hair and make-up done,” Chelle answered, walking towards her, and began to brush Honey’s hair, as Barbara began moved her to the seat in front of the dressing table, and began to apply make-up.

~ ~ ~

Alisha felt her hair being pulled, as she resisted the urge to cry out from the shock, and intensity.

“Where is your sister?” Delta David growled.

“Cleaning the guest toilet, upstairs,” Alisha answered, then prayed her sister was not going to be punished for anything and planning how she could interrupt the punishment, ensuring she took it and not Iesha.

“Tell her to get down here…NOW!” The Delta ordered.

Alisha stood as straight as she could, crossing her arms in front of her chest in defiance.

“Why?” she growled back at him.

“Because the prince is here and you two are not to set eyes on him.” The Delta suddenly felt compelled to answer.

That was unusual for him, and his wolf was almost bowing at Alisha, he did not have time to ponder on the meaning right now, the whole pack house was scrambling to get ready for the prince to enter, and he would arrive in less than five minutes.

“Just link her,” The Delta said, almost pleading.

Alisha furrowed her brows as she looked at the man who would try and frighten her so often, yet here he was standing almost begging for her help.

“If it is that important link her yourself.” Alisha pushed her luck, more to see what his reaction would be, rather than just to be defiant.

Unusually the delta nodded, and his eyes glazed over, before pushing Alisha towards the lower basement. Alisha could not help but notice that the force he normally used to manhandle her was not apparent, it was almost as if he was guiding her. Confused, Alisha walked down the second set of steps that lead to the lower basement and the dungeons. It was not the first time she had resided here, and she doubted it would be the last. With a heavy sigh, she turned to the cells.

“Not the cells, to the safe room,”

Alisha furrowed her brows in confusion. She had never been in the safe rooms for years, even if there was an attack, Iesha and she were both left in their small room in the basement, not deemed good enough to receive the protection those rooms offered. From memory, it was not a bad place to be. Fully stocked fridge/freezer. Large lounge area, along with decent beds to sleep on, with fresh clean bedding, along with a mountain of both fresh and canned food. There were worse places to be held captive, a lot worse.

Iesha’s soft footsteps sounded down the stone steps.

“Go in the safe room,” The delta growled at the young girl, his newfound respect when addressing Alisha disappearing like a puff of smoke.

Iesha walked through into the safe room, her eyes wide with wonder as she looked around the soft furnishings and large kitchen.

“What is going on?” Alisha asked the Delta.

Once again, the delta seemed to bow slightly, then answered her.

“The prince has arrived early. You are both being hidden.” He stated, then looked like he cursed himself for giving Alisha the information.

Alisha resisted the urge to smile, seeing how pissed he was at treating her with respect, and answering her questions. A thought began to take route in her mind, one she hardly dared to hope. Was her wolf becoming active, and as a delta he had no option but to answer. Testing out the theory, Alisha turned to him.

“Hop on one leg.” She said, tilting her head on one side.

Instantly the delta hopped, and Iesha began to giggle.

“Scratch your nose and twerk your ass.” Alisha continued, then stood watching, biting her bottom lip, to hold back the laughter, seeing how he was instantly responding.

Snapping out of the Alpha command, David strode to the door, slamming the door and punching in the number to lock it.

Iesha looked at her sister in awe.

“Alisha, what happened?” she said.

“I am not sure, but I think my wolf is starting to manifest. We will get out of here soon, Iesha, I promise.”

“I know you will get us all out Alisha. You are the best sister ever. Now, please can we find a comfortable bed? We should sleep in the Alpha’s room.” Iesha grinned with happiness.

Alisha laughed at her sister and nodded her head.

“When the cat’s away, the mice do play,” Alisha said, then ran with her sister into the bigger bedroom, both of them jumping on the bed, and laughing.

Alisha was well aware she would pay the price for having fun with her sister, and taking advantage of the situation, but seeing Iesha smiling and so carefree, it was worth the whipping she would receive, ten times over. Plus, if her wolf was coming, then that would be an interesting turn of events when they tried to punish her. Chapter Eight -The Forgotten Mate and The Alpha Prince.