Chapter 19 - The Forgotten Mate and The Alpha Prince

Rebecca paced the floor, she knew that she had to support her brother at this time, but was hesitant to go visit the dungeons and get information out of the disgusting Alpha and Luna, for fear that she would lose herself in the process. Since rejecting her evil mate, and subsequently killing him, Rebecca knew she struggled with her emotions. She was either void of emotion or very quick to anger. She feared that during the interrogation she would go too far, and potentially kill them both, without them having a trial of their peers.

“Becca, you can do this. Think of Asher, he needs answers. I will stop you from going too far,” Hamish encouraged his sister, wanting her help to gather as much information as they could.

“Okay, I will try, but be on hand to drag me out of there if I totally lose my shit,” Becca sighed.

“I trust you,” Hamish once again encouraged, but the truth was Becca did not trust herself.

“We need to separate them, play one off against the other. See how they react to us, then decide who should interrogate who,” Hamish added.

“Maybe Uncle Josh should come, to help keep me under control, Maggie is volatile, she is spitting bullets at the moment,” Becca suggested.

Hamish nodded, it would take a couple of hours for their uncle to arrive from his pack, but if it helped his sister keep calmer then he was all for it.

“Okay, you give him a call. Having them stew for a little longer will be advantageous,” Hamish nodded his head.

“Not together though, separate them, so they cannot speak with each other, have them concerned about what the other is saying. Faith is going to interview the daughter now as well, so that will add to their concerns of what is being said by who,” Rebecca answered, then pulled out her mobile phone to call her uncle.

Hamish nodded his head, then walked into the kitchen, to grab a sandwich.

“How is she doing?” Caroline, the head omega, asked about Rebecca.

“Worried she is going to lose her shit and go too far during the interrogation. I just hope she doesn’t. Maybe she is right and shouldn’t do this. I just want her to see she has more control than she thinks,” Hamish sighed, sitting down on one of the stools at the counter, as Caroline automatically pulled a slab of roast beef from the fridge, and began to carve it, before stuffing it into a long baguette and adding some coleslaw, which was a weird combination, but something Hamish loved, placing it in front of him.

“Thank you, Caroline,” Hamish smiled, taking the sandwich and devouring it.

“Do you know how Asher is?” Caroline asked.

“Mam called, he is distraught, angry, and like a powder keg. However, she did say he dealt with that disgusting woman who calls herself Luna’s father last night, managed to control his temper and, he did a great job, all things considered,” Hamish sighed, worried about his older brother.

“That is good. What about his mate? How is she doing?” Caroline sighed. She had seen abuse before, and it was never pretty, but she had hoped after the freedom war, she would never have to see it again.

“Still unconscious, Andrew has her on a feeding tube and drip. The little girl was on a drip through the night, but not a feeding tube as it is quite invasive, and Andrew believes she has gone through enough, so he wants to avoid it if he can. Whatever she eats is going straight through her, causing pain, and she is not getting much nutrition from it. Hell Caroline, she is only 10 years old, how could anyone do this to a little girl?” Hamish growled out in anger.

“I know, Phoenix and James were in a similar state when they first arrived here. It is heartbreaking to see,” Caroline nodded her head, remembering the days of trying to manage food intake for her adopted son and Phoenix so that they didn’t have negative effects like Hamish was describing.

“I think Asher wants the girls moved to the hospital here, but Mam insists they cannot leave for another two nights, nobody knows why, not even her, but she said she feels it is important,” Hamish continued.

Caroline nodded her head, even with such a little amount of information from Chloe as to why, they all trusted her prophetic gift enough to agree with her, no matter what.

“Uncle Robin is on his way,” Rebecca announced, then looked at the plate of crumbs before Hamish, as Caroline smiled, then turned back to the fridge to make Becca her own sandwich.

“Palma ham, with olives, cream cheese, and baby spinach coming up,” she happily said to Becca.

“Thank you aunty Caroline, you are the best,” Rebecca smiled, then turned to her brother.

“Any news from Faith yet?” she asked, wanting to know exactly what was happening with the daughter, and if any information had been gathered.

Faith sat motionless on a chair in front of Honey, not saying a word, just staring into her eyes. After ten minutes of not even asking a question, Faith noticed how fidgety Honey was becoming, then stood up and left the room without a word. She would leave her for half an hour and then go back in. It was a technique she had used many times before, and generally, the person being interrogated, would feel so uncomfortable, and work themselves up in a frenzy about what they would be asked, they would spill all the information without the need of ‘other’ means.

As she stepped into the corridor and locked the door behind her, Faith was making her way back up to the pack house to grab a coffee, when her mate Luke's mind linked her.

“The beta is singing like a canary, I need your gift of discernment in here, find out if what he is saying is bullshit,”

Faith turned on her heel and headed in the direction of the interrogation room. Her mate was interviewing the Beta in. That hadn’t taken long, and she schooled her features into a stoic mask, wondering what method Luke had used. Taking a breath at the door, Faith opened it and stood in the corner of the room.

The beta was fully clothed, not wet, had no injuries, and was very clear and precise in his evidence, an indication he was voluntary giving the information without much prodding.

“So let's backtrack, shall we? Tell me again what happened to start the abuse of Alpha Alisha and her sister?” Luke asked.

“Matlock pack or rather the Alpha lives in fear of being taken over by a stronger pack. Namely Derby pack. He has filled the pack full of fear about Edward and what he is like as an Alpha. There is a fine line of truth in it but greatly exaggerated. Jabez wants to hold Edensor's lands. They are perfectly placed to take the brunt of any Rogue attack, but the land is set out so that breaking into it, would naturally cause a lot of death for the attackers. It is difficult to invade due to the rocky dunes and being surrounded by human towns. Thus weakening any force that would then proceed to Matlock. He treated both girls really well at first. However, I know from conversations I overheard, that our Luna hated Alisha. She saw the young Alpha as a threat to her daughter Honey. Over time Qamar kept planting things in Jabez's mind to turn him totally against both girls. Rumours came through that Alpha Edward needed a chosen mate, he is old in years and he has no heir. There was much discussion about forging a strong alliance with Derby by providing him with a chosen mate so that he could produce an heir to his pack. At first, Jabez was set on sending Honey, but Qamar insisted that would not benefit them, as she believed Honey was to be mated to one of the Royal family, or a very strong Alpha, which would strengthen their pack funds ready for when the royal money for looking after Edensor ceased. Qamar convinced Jabez to offer Alishia and was not one for saying no to the woman. He agreed. I attempted to halt that the moment I found out, and although I am beta, I am not in the inner circle so to speak, Jabez trusts Delta David more than me. With good reason, as I do not like what he does, and would be vocal about it. He informed Alisha she was going to be Edwards's chosen mate when she was just 15 years old, and she instantly refused. She threatened to inform the Elders if he suggested it again. They tried for weeks to convince her, with promises of gifts, and treats, even threats, but nothing worked, Alishia is very strong-willed. Jabez soon found out that Edward was allegedly displeased that Jabez could not come through with his promise of giving Alisha to him, and sent a message that there would be no deal. That was when Alisha and Iesha were abused. Alisha was whipped every day, and given impossible jobs, but she angered Jabez further,” Beta Mike said, grateful to get to tell them what was happening.

“Why did she anger him more?” Luke asked.

“Because she refused to even whimper at the punishments, she would walk to the pole with her head held high, shoulders back, and not show one ounce of weakness. I believe he was jealous, and scared, that she is stronger than he could ever be,” Mike continued.

“I tried to stop it, I hated what they were doing, but I had my hands tied, but I promise you, I never laid a finger on those girls, it was all Jabez or Delta David.”

Faith looked at her mate and gave a quick nod of her head, indicating that what the beta had spoken was the truth, then left the room, she was going to have to make a difficult phone call, that could cause all-out war with Derby pack when Asher found out what Alpha Edward had tried to do with his mate. Chapter Eighteen – The Forgotten Mate and the Alpha Prince.