Chapter 25 - The Forgotten Mate and The Alpha Prince

Iesha was fast asleep beside Alisha, as Asher slowly got out of and made his way for a quick shower. As much as he loved lying all day with his mate in his arms, he was desperate to get out for a run, but that was not possible just yet. It was almost midnight as he stepped under the hot streams of water from the shower. He looked down, seeing his erect manhood, and sighed. It had been like that all day, and he needed some relief, if only to stop poking his unconscious mate in the back and side with it. Also, it may help him sleep, himself. His mind began to fill with thoughts of kissing his beautiful mate, how soft her lips would feel, the taste of her tongue. How responsive her body was going to be, as he sucked on one of her nipples. Losing himself to the pleasurable thoughts, he began to pump his length. The memory of being surrounded by her beautiful scent filled him, as he closed his eyes, dreaming of all the things they would do together, and how it would feel. As he pumped, Max became more and more excited, adding to his desperate need for release. Feeling his balls tingle and his stomach clenched, Asher felt the blessed release, Alisha’s name on his lips.

“Fuck, get to Alisha now!” Max demanded breathlessly.

Quickly washing away the evidence of his pleasure, Asher walked out of the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist, and headed into the bedroom.

Alisha felt the darkness lift, as she reached out and held Iesha’s hand that was around her. Her back felt cold, compared to when she was passed out, but she felt something inside her begin to stir.

“Mate is thinking about us,” a soft, weak and gentle voice said in her mind.

“Is that you?” Alisha asked, her own voice barely above a whisper.

Then she felt a wet feeling between her legs, as her body began to pulse, and her mind flooded with the dirtiest thoughts she had ever had in her life. All of them involved the prince, her mate, the one person in this world she really did not want to be mated with. After all, the royal family had done nothing to help her and Iesha all those years, so why should they help her now, just because fate had played yet another cruel trick on her? But try as she might to dispel the thoughts of ripping his clothes from his strong muscled body, she could not, and her arousal grew with each passing moment.

“What is your name?” Alisha asked her wolf, desperately trying to occupy her mind, and get her dirty thoughts under control.

“Mia, and don’t be too hard on him, it was not his fault. Remember who the real enemy is,” Mia answered.

Rather than dispel the thoughts that were driving her body crazy, they only increased, as Mia began to purr like she was a cat, rather than a wolf.

“Are these thoughts coming from you Mia?” Alisha asked, both excited and annoyed by them in equal measure.

“And Max, we are talking, it is a little difficult, because I am still weak, but we are managing. Did you know Asher is relieving himself thinking about us? Oh, he is perfect!” Mia sighed in contentment.

Alisha shuddered, not sure what to think about that, but the arousal she felt intensified, a clear indication her body was more than a little happy about it.

The door from the ensuite bathroom opened, and Alisha froze, hoping beyond all that was holy that Asher would not pick up the scent of her arousal, that now filled the room.

Asher sniffed the room, and looked at the bed, His towel instantly tenting, as he smelt the delicious mouth-watering scent of his mate’s obvious arousal, and all the work in getting rid of his hard manhood was for naught. Striding over to the bed, he looked down, seeing the brightest green eyes looking back at him.

“That is Mia, her wolf,” Max informed him proudly.

“Alisha, are you awake? Please tell me you are awake,” Asher whispered to her.

“Yes, thirsty,” Alisha answered, her voice still very weak, but her scent was almost overpowering.

She was indeed thirsty, but she was not sure if it was for water, or for something else entirely, involving her mate and what was prodding through the towel pointing in her direction.

Asher moved to the side and got a glass of water with a straw, then placed his arm around her, sitting her up slightly holding it to her perfectly plump lips.

“Sip it” He gently ordered her.

Alisha gasped slightly under her mate’s touch, her body erupting in sparks and tingles, so much so she almost forgot to breathe. Her heart began to pound in her chest so much so that the monitor beside her bed sounded an alarm.

Instantly, the door to her room opened, and the Doctor stood looking down at her, then with a small knowing smile on his face went and reset the alarm, before turning to Alisha.

“You are back with us. Nice to meet you Alpha,” Andrew smiled down at her, as Asher put the water back onto the bedside cabinet.

“How do you feel?” Andrew asked.

“Erm, well….” Alisha’s voice trailed off, not wanting to tell the doctor that all she felt at that moment in time was horny beyond anything she had ever felt before.

Asher’s deep chuckle reverberated around her body, causing more goosebumps and more of the wet feeling between her legs, as he bent over and whispered in her ear.

“Me too, Alisha, be too,” he grinned.

Andrew chuckled, shaking his head.

“It is all normal Alpha, no need to feel embarrassed, however, Asher, you need to keep control of yourself and Max, because she is nowhere near ready for that just yet,” Andrew smiled.

“No, I am not, I have not even decided if I am going to keep you yet!” Alisha stated, as Max growled out in frustration.

“Yes you are keeping him, Alisha, you can make his life hell for a while, but we are not rejecting him!”

Mia’s voice echoed in her mind, at the same time that Asher growled out “Mine,”

Iesha blinked and open her eyes, then looked at Alisha who was talking to Asher.

“Alisha!” Iesha cried out, then promptly began to sob her little heart out.

“It is okay Iesha, I am okay, shh, don’t cry,” Alisha whispered softly to her sister, as Asher instantly lent over and rubbed the little girl's back.

“Alisha, we are going to keep the feeding tube in for a day or so more, then try to introduce you to small amounts of food. But for now, get some rest. Asher, if you continue to sleep in her bed to help her wolf please, but, remember behave yourself! I will come back and check on you in a couple of hours,” Andrew said, then walked out of the room to give his prince, his mate and her sister some privacy.

“Alisha, the Alpha and Luna are gone, they are in the royal dungeons. I have a tiara, and Asher is my best friend in the whole world, please keep him!” Iesha cried out, wiping the tears from her eyes on Alisha’s hospital gown.

“Shh, don’t cry Iesha, it is all okay,” Alisha soothed her sister, then looked at Asher and shook her head.

“Bloody making this hard aren’t you!” she whispered to him, then looked down at her sister.

Asher climbed into the bed beside the two girls.

“What are you doing?” Alisha hissed slightly.

“Doctors orders,” Asher chuckled. He kind of liked how stubborn she obviously was.

“It is okay Alisha, mates sleep in the same bed, and sometimes play horsey’s, Remember, I found the Alpha and Luna doing that when I went to set up the fire in their bedroom once,” Iesha declared, as Alisha shook her head, and closed her eyes. She remembered that, oh so clearly, Jabez had not liked being disturbed, and was extra hard with his whips that day, not that Alisha let him know it affected her in any way at the time. It had been Alisha that told her sister they were playing horsey’s when she had asked what it was they were doing and if the Alpha was hurting the Luna.

Iesha began to yawn, as Alisha stroked her hair, which now felt soft and clean, and her heart felt like it would break with happiness that her sister was being taken care of.

“I am glad you are awake Alisha,” Iesha said,

“I am glad I am as well, now get some sleep, I am okay.” Alisha smiled at her sister, but she was far from okay, because she was confused as hell with her flip-flopping emotions regarding her mate.

Asher had never felt so much happiness as he did at that moment, as he snuggled into Alisha.

“If you have to sleep with me, at least try and get that thing under control!” Alisha spat at him, feeling his length poking into her was distracting, and setting off her wolf's naughty thoughts again, which was causing her own body to react, making her mates length even harder, and even twitch against her…it was a vicious circle.

“Hum, sorry. Well not really, because you like it. I can smell how much you like it!” Asher chuckled.

Alisha huffed, and turned over, spooning her little sister, as Asher spooned her, moving closer to her, as he sighed in contentment.

“Alisha, I am so damned sorry this happened to you,” Asher whispered to her.

“So, you damned well should be. Now, I am tired, let me sleep, and please control that thing. It is poking me in my ass cheeks!” Alisha hissed.

“Well, now that has put thoughts in my head which has not helped one little bit,” Asher groaned out and moved even closer to his mate's back wrapping his arm around her, thankful she had not pushed him off.

“Sleep my beautiful Alpha mate,” Asher whispered in her ear.

“I am trying, and really, stop with the corny lines, seriously, go to sleep yourself and leave me in peace!” Alisha groaned, but what Asher did not see was the small upturn of her lips, a clear indication that she liked it more than he would ever know or that she would ever admit to.

Asher finally drifted off to sleep, with Alisha in his arms, and Iesha in hers, when suddenly the most horrific smell filled his nostrils, it stunk of dirt and death, and a low growl echoed around the room.Chapter Twenty-Three – The Forgotten Mate and The Alpha Prince.