Chapter 20 - The Forgotten Mate and The Alpha Prince

Asher attempted to smile as Iesha awoke from her sleep. Rushing over so she didn’t knock her canular or that of Alisha, he picked the little girl up into his strong arms.

“Hey sleepy head, did you have a good nap?” he kindly asked, as she wrapped her little arms around his neck.

Iesha yawned then sleepily nodded her head, before snuggling into his chest. The little girl felt safe and other than being next to Alisha, this was her favourite place in the world.

“Alisha?” Iesha asked, looking over to her sister.

Asher sighed, and shook his head, swallowing the lump that was forming in his throat.

“She is still asleep. The doctor will come soon though and give us both an update,” Asher gently told her.

“Is Honey still mad, that I spilled her nail polish?” Iesha suddenly asked worry etched on her small face.

"Honey is not at the pack now, we have taken her to the Royal pack so she can answer for her crimes. Don’t worry, she cannot hurt you or Alisha again,” Asher smiled down at the child in his arms.

“What about the Alpha and Luna, or that horrid Delta?” Iesha asked, her body trembling slightly.

“They cannot hurt you again either, or Alisha. Did the Alpha and Luna hurt you Iesha?” he gently asked, not for the first time.

“No, if I did anything wrong they would whip Alisha, and make me watch,” Iesha said, a small tear falling onto her cheek.

“We will make them pay Asher, I will rip their fucking heads off!” Max growled inside him.

“They will pay in the right way Max. But calm down, you will frighten Iesha.” Asher reprimanded his wolf.

Cheryl walked into the room, and smiled at Iesha, then looked at Asher.

“Andrew wants a word, in a little bit.” She informed the prince.

“So, Iesha, would you like a nice bubble bath? I have some nice new clothes for you, and we have a small boat, a whale, and a mermaid for you to play with in the bath,” Cheryl smiled.

Iesha nodded her head excitedly, as Asher chuckled slightly at her enthusiasm.

“You go get your bath whilst I talk with Andrew,” He smiled down at her.

“You are not going to leave us are you?” Iesha suddenly asked.

“Definitely not, I am afraid you and your sister are stuck with me,” Asher grinned, before letting out a long sigh.

“I hope so, but Alisha might not be happy, she doesn’t like you or the royal family,” Iesha said, looking at her feet.

“Well, I will try very hard to make her like me and forgive us. Now enjoy your bath, I will be right here beside your sister watching over her.”

As Cheryl took Iesha’s hand, she held the portable drip stand and wheeled it alongside them, heading for the bathroom, where she had run a hot bath for the little girl, and would once again wash her hair, adding lots of conditioners and go through it with the nit comb, to try and get rid of more of the headlice for her.

Andrew entered the room, heading straight for the monitors and charts, before sitting down in front of Asher.

“Her blood pressure had returned to normal, which is a good sign. She is stable, but don’t expect her to wake up today, Asher. Now, you can help. Her wolf needs to find strength, and I believe you are key to that. I know this may sound intrusive, but maybe if we transfer her to a larger bed, if you lay beside her and hold her, it will help her wolf, and Max. Can you keep a check on your basic mating needs if we do that?” Andrew asked.

Asher looked at him, excitement at lying next to his mate and holding her close to him filling his body, but then annoyance began to nip at the edges of his happiness, as he glared at Andrew.

“Of course I can, I am not some fucking pervert Andrew, as well you know!” He growled out.

Andrew lifted his hands into the air in a placating manner and nodded his head.

“I know you are not, but having control of your wolf, who will want to mate and mark her, irrespective of her unconscious state, will be a challenge.” He explained, knowing all too well the pull of the mate bond.

“Max is not an animal; he knows how to behave around his injured mate!” Asher protested.

“Technically, I am an animal. But, I will control myself, I want her to want us Asher. I will never force either of us on her.” Max muttered at him.

“Good, look sorry, I did not mean any offense, but I had to check if it would be too much for you. If you do feel at all tempted or Max begins to lose it, you must get yourself out of the room immediately.” Andrew stated, not at all bothered he had upset the powerful prince. The royal family knew all too well, that his first priority was always his patients, and they respected him for that commitment.

“Agreed, now when can I hold her?” Asher asked.

“Go get a shower, and have some food, you have to take care of yourself as well, Asher, then when you get back, I will have the larger bed brought in, and Alisha transferred into it,” Andrew smiled.

Asher nodded and stood up, heading for the door.

“Wait, I cannot go yet. I promised Iesha that I would not leave. I will go when she comes back, so I can explain to her!” Asher decided, then returned to his wing-backed large chair and sat back down with his mate, once again taking her hand in his and praying that she would be okay.

Chloe walked downstairs into the Matlock pack kitchen, looking around the pack members. She had something to say to all of them and decided it could not wait for a second longer.

Turning to one of the omegas, whom she believed her name was Brenda, she smiled at the young girl.

“Could you do something for me please?” Chloe asked.

“Of course, your majesty.” Brenda smiled and nodded her head.

“Can you mind link with all of your pack and tell them to go to the training field for a meeting in the next ten minutes,” Chloe smiled, she had a good vibe about this girl, and other than Daphne, Eamon and a couple of others from Edensor, she was about the only one without an attitude problem in this place.

“Done your majesty,” Brenda nodded her head.

“Thank you, but please call me Chloe,” Chloe smiled.

“Oh, okay your…I mean Chloe. Could I ask you something though please?” Brenda looked up at Chloe with big brown eyes.

“Yes of course, ask away,” Chloe said, pouring herself a cup of coffee and sitting down at the long table in the centre of the room.

“I am from the Matlock pack. But, honestly, I do not like it here, the pack, well, most of them are all proud. They have never mistreated me, but I just do not like how they behave, and always gelled better with the Edensor pack. Could I go with Edensor to their new pack lands once Alpha Alisha is well again?” Brenda asked.

"Well, Brenda, isn’t it?" Chloe asked as Brenda nodded her head.

“That is not a problem with me, however, it is up to Alisha when she wakes up. She is the Alpha, so the decision is hers,” Chloe smiled.

“Oh yes, thank you your…sorry, Chloe,” Brenda smiled, then went to carry on with her duties for the day, hoping that Alisha would agree that she go with them when they leave.

Chloe smiled, as Zander walked into the kitchen, bending down and placing a long punishing kiss on his mate’s lips.

“You are up to something,” he grinned at her, knowing his mate and wife so well.

“Yeah, maybe. I want to know why nobody from this pack picked up the phone and let us know what was happening. Are they all rotten to the core or was it an Alpha order, or maybe a bit of both,” Chloe sighed.

“Probably a bit of both. Do you want me with you, or are you wanting to scare them shitless yourself?” Zander chuckled, knowing his mate would push her power out to the pack and make them all submit before uttering a word.

“I will do it myself. Can you ring home and check on Rebecca and Hamish for me, you could get some info from them,” Chloe looked up at Zander, as he chuckled at her.

“Your wish is my command, my queen?” he bowed, as she shook her head, giggling at his antics.

“The pack has gathered your maj…”

Chloe looked at Brenda and cocked a brow at her, as the omega giggled slightly.

“Chloe,” She quickly changed what she was about to say.

“Much better, I only have people I don’t like call me Your Majesty, and I happen to like you, Brenda.” Chloe smiled, then tipped back her coffee and finished off the dregs before sliding off her seat and making her way onto the training field.

The Matlock pack along with Edensor members all stood in silence awaiting the Queen. Most of them felt nervous about what was about to happen. That did not improve, as the Queen walked onto the training field, the power radiating off her so strong that most of them whimpered and bowed, whilst the stronger wolves bared their necks only, but still felt fear rushing through them in waves.

“Tell me, why NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOU let us know about the abuse in this pack!” Chloe’s voice reverberated around the trees, as she barely contained her anger.

“You majesty, we were told that Alisha was ungrateful, she did something to embarrass our Alpha, and she deserved the punishment, and whipping an Alpha is not against the law,” one wolf shouted out, brave enough to speak.

Chloe sighed, there was the loophole they had used to their full advantage. Well, that was going to change the moment she got back to her pack, and had a meeting with the elders to change it.


Instantly, half the pack moved to the left, unable to stop their feet from walking there, under the power of the royal command.

“Your Majesty, we were put under Alpha’s orders to not say a word. Some of us tried to help, but Alisha’s punishments increased if we got caught. A lot of Edensor felt helpless, even the Matlock Beta was placed under an Alpha Order when he attempted to stop a whipping.” One of the Edensor wolves stepped forwards.

Chloe instantly discerned he was speaking the truth and nodded her head.

“If you were NOT under the alpha’s order, move to the left!” Chloe commanded again, using the full extent of her royal tone.

Three more wolves walked unwillingly to the left, joining the rest of the pack.

“Okay, those standing in front of me, thank you for trying to help. I know it is difficult when under a compulsion. You are all free to go,” Chloe smiled, then headed over to the rest of the pack. They would be given one chance at mercy to realise the errors of their ways, or else be cast out of the pack and instantly turned rogue, under compulsion to never join another pack again.

As much as Chloe wanted them to pay the ultimate price, knowing that increasing the rogue population was never good, it was the law, only those who administered the punishments could be sentenced to a death trial.

Zander hung up the phone after speaking with Hamish, and let out a sigh, running his fingers through his hair, he stood up from the seat behind Jabez’s desk. Things were about to turn nastier, and there was little he could do to stop it, but no matter what happened, he must tell his son about Alpha Edward and the Derby pack and just hope all-out war did not find them once again. Chapter Nineteen - The Forgotten Mate and the Alpha Prince.