Chapter 39 - The Forgotten Mate and The Alpha Prince

Asher rushed towards his mate, as he saw her enter the pack house with Liane, and grabbed the bags she was holding. His heart raced at the sight of her, smiling and laughing, she looked lighter and happier with each passing hour. He could not deny how much both him and Max had missed her in the past three hours, it was like a deep craving, needing to be near her, almost as if she were a drug to his system.

“Did you have fun?” His voice whispered into her ear, sending a shiver of delight through Alisha’s body. As much as she had loved being out with his family, she was glad to be back with her mate, every minute apart from him she had felt like a part of her was missing.

“Yeah, it was great,” Alisha smiled.

“And will be repeated next month when she has gained a little weight,” Becca grinned.

“Your sister thinks I am her new dress up doll,” Alisha laughed then turned and hugged Becca, Hannah and Phoenix.

“Thank you for today, I never knew I needed a girl’s day until I have had one.” Alisha smiled, tears beginning to fill her eyes.

“Anytime, plus Phoenix needs to shop some more for pregnancy cloths,” Becca grinned.

“Ooo, Barcelona!” Hannah excitedly asked.

Becca hung her head slightly, and chewing on her bottom lip, shook her head.

“Not for me, sorry, I am just not there yet,” She whispered.

Alisha looked at Becca and offered an understanding smile, and nodded her head.

“You will be one day Becca, just like I will get over everything that happened to me and Iesha. We are going to conquer this together,” Alisha assured her new friend, with a steely determination that nothing was going to stop either of them from being who they really were.

“Damn right you are!” Chloe agreed, emphatically nodding her head.

“Where is Iesha?” Alisha looked around the living room, for her sister.

“Still in her lessons, Hamish has been doing math with her, whilst Dad and I went through the packs that I still have to visit and split them between us. It means I am home with you for the next two weeks, but then I have to go visit some packs south of here. I will be away for a week or so,” Asher sighed, not liking the thought of being away from his mate of any length of time. But he had a duty to his father, and the realm, one that he did not take lightly.

“Oh okay, well, Phoenix has suggested Iesha goes with Liane to their pack at the weekend, so she can get to know the triplets and play with Bradley, I want to know if she likes the idea,” Alisha smiled.

“Well, when she is finished her lesson’s we can ask her. In the meantime, I was wondering, are you tired from your afternoon, or would you like to come for a run with me before the sunsets?” Asher asked.

“Sun sets, it is only 3pm?” Alisha said with a furrowed brow.

“We are up in the north of Scotland, and in the winter the sun sets at around 3:30 this time of year,” Asher smiled.

“Oh, wow, well, I have some energy, but not enough to run,” Alisha smiled, hoping her mate would walk with her instead.

“Oh, you won’t be running, or walking. Max is desperate to meet you, I will shift, and you can do what Hannah, Nicki and Cheryl do, ride on his back,” Asher grinned.

Alisha’s tummy flipped with excitement, as Mia began to purr at the thought, and she knew that she could not refuse the offer, even if she wanted to.

“Alpha Alisha, I will take your clothes to your room, and put them away for you,” Daphne smiled with pride, happiness engulfing her at just how brighter both Alisha and Iesha looked, it was such an answer to her many years of prayers.

“Oh, thank you Daphne, I appreciate that,” Alisha gave her omega a broad smile.

“Not too long Asher, she has had a busy day, and I want her to drink some shake before you take her,” Dr Andrews voice said as he walked through the door of the living area in the pack house.

“I feel okay,” Alisha began to protest.

“Your stubbornness will not work with me Alpha Alisha, I am the Queen’s doctor, and she knows better than to argue with me,” Andrew chuckled, as Chloe nodded her head in agreement.

“I am afraid he is right, as the doctor, when it comes to medical decision’s he outranks us all and loves to take full advantage,” Chloe grinned.

“Okay, I guess I have no choice,” Alisha shrugged, then walked to the kitchen where Caroline handed her a vanilla protein shake, smiling warmly at her.

“You can have some rice pudding tonight, after your soup apparently, so I have made a huge pot full, do you want it with sugar or jam?” Caroline asked Alisha.

“Jam please, when I was a little girl, I would mix it in to make the pudding go pink,” Alisha grinned.

Drinking down the shake in one, Alisha placed the empty glass back on the kitchen bench before turning to Andrew and raising her eyebrows. Andrew chuckled shaking his head, muttering something about stubborn queens and future queens.

Asher leaned against the doorframe, as he smirked at his mate, and her defiance. She was strong, brave, and as stubborn as a mule, and he would not change a single thing about her.

Reaching out with his hand, Asher shook his head with a smirk on his handsome face, taking Alisha’s and intertwining their fingers, then gently rubbing her knuckles with his thumb, as he led her out of the pack house, grabbing a small drawstring bag, from a hook on the wall.

Silently Alisha walked hand in hand with her mate, Mia’s excitement at seeing Max was causing her to almost feel light headed.

“Mia, please would you try to calm down, you are making me feel a little faint, and if that happens, there is no way Asher will let me ride on Max,” Alisha warned her wolf.

“I will try, but I cannot wait to see him, I just have an impression of Max in my mind. Alisha I feel like I could shift, but we are not strong enough, not yet,” Mia sighed happily.

Asher walked them into the tree line, then turning towards his mate, he began to pull his hoodie over his head, winking at her as he did so.

Alisha clenched her legs together, seeing her mate begin to strip off his clothes, as arousal began to pool between her legs, her breath becoming laboured.

Grinning at the scent coming from his mate, Asher pulled his t-shirt off next, showcasing his strong wide, hard, musclebound chest. His eyes locked with hers, as he unbuttoned the top of his jeans, then shimmied out of them, showing his thick thighs and large bulge in his boxers.

Alisha gasped slightly, as her eyes trailed up and down her mate, she had never been so turned on in her life, as she was right now. Biting her bottom lip, she felt her cheeks begin to heat, but she could not tear her gaze away from the perfect specimen of a man that stood before her.

“If you don’t want to see what is yours and only will ever be yours, then look away now,” Asher smirked, then pulled down his boxers, letting his thick hard erection spring free.

Alisha could not stop looking if she tried, she inhaled a deep breath as she glanced at his manhood. She blinked repeatedly, as she took in its huge size, Alpha’s were known to be big between the legs, but this was huge, and her throat went dry as she wondered how the hell she would accommodate it when the time came. Something primal inside her made her want to sink to her knees, and pleasure him with her mouth, but before she could move, Asher’s bones began to snap, as he landed on all four paws.

Max walked over to Alisha, nudging her hand with his snout. Alisha’s smiled widened, as she gently stroked the top of his head.

“Hey Max, you are such a beautiful wolf,” Alisha breathed.

Max was huge, his fur long pitch black and so glossy it shone. When she moved the fur backwards there was a layer of almost silver fur hidden beneath, he was the most breath taking wolf she had ever seen. The tip of his tail had a dark purple tint to it, indicating he was a royal wolf.

“Max is gorgeous, have you ever seen such a handsome strong beautiful wolf,” Mia shouted in excitement.

“Mia thinks you are gorgeous, and handsome, beautiful and strong,” Alisha giggled, as Max lolloped his tongue out to the side in response to her fingers running through his fur.

Hunching down on his forelegs Alisha giggled, as she nodded her head, and walked to the side of him, then extended her leg over his back, and sat on him, holding onto the scruff of his neck with her hands, as Max stood back up then turning around, set off running through the trees.

Alisha felt the breeze on her face, it was not the first time she had ridden the back of a wolf, when she was with her parents she would often ride on the back of her father, and Iesha on their mother, but it was not like this. Her skin tingled where it touched Max, her wolf was howling with pleasure at the sensation as the trees passed in a blur. Pure undiluted joy washed over her, as she squealed out in delight, happiness filling her heart, to the point that tears began to fall down her cheeks. The climbed up the side of a hill in the thick undisturbed snow, Max’s paw prints the only blemish on the glistening waves of pure white, in contrast to the green of the tall pine trees, that were also capped with snow, that spanned for miles.

As they reached the top of the small mountain, Max came to a halt, and lay down in the fresh snow, as Alisha moved off him, as he nudged at the bag he had held in his mouth on the way up.

“Do you want me to go inside?” Alisha asked the wolf, who wagged his tail in response.

Alisha giggled, and opened the bag to see a two silver space sheets folded into small squares. She opened one up, and laid it on the ground on top of the snow, then sat on is, as Max nudged the other with his snout.

“Do you not want this for Asher?” Alisha asked.

Max shook his head, slightly, then nudged it again towards her. Opening it up, Alisha wrapped it around her body, as Max lay behind her, wrapping his legs around her and gently pulling her back onto his thick fur. Alisha let out a sigh as she snuggled into her mates wolf, his warmth enveloping her, as she lay against him watching the sun dip behind the mountainous sky line. The sky changed into a deep orange as the light began to fade to a dark blue before turning black. The first star began to twinkle in the night sky, as the moon appeared, a perfect waning gibbous a clear indication that the full moon would arrive within the next few days. Tears fell down Alisha’s cheeks as she looked up at the celestial body. She had not been able to celebrate a full moon in years, but this month she knew she would witness it, and join in the celebrations, even the pack run on the back of Asher, and her heart felt full.

As the nip of the night air sent a shiver through Alisha, Max instantly stood, and hunched down, for her to climb on his back. Alisha did as her mate wanted without protest, and once more clung to the scruff on his neck as he ran down the side of the mountain. Alisha felt safe, loved her mate was sure footed, as he expertly navigated boulders and fallen branches, with his wolf’s night vision.

As they arrived back at the trees just on the edge of the pack house, Alisha climbed off Max, then turned and ran her fingers through his soft fur once more, and then wrapped her arms around his neck, and nuzzled her head into his.

“Thank you Max, thank you so much,” Alisha breathed, then stood back, giving Asher space to shift.

As Asher stood before his mate, he walked over to her, and gathered her in his arms, wiping her tears with his thumbs before placing his lips on hers, relishing in the taste of her. Their tongues entwined together, as each explored the others mouth, sparks radiating off their bodies.

Breathless they broke the kiss, as Asher looked deep into her eyes, then with a wide smile, whispered.

“Hi Mia, I see your eyes, but no shifting yet. Max loves you, both so much,” Asher declared.

Then grabbing his clothes from the bag, he dressed quickly, gathering Alisha in his arms once more, then picking her up bridal style strode back to the packhouse, a contented smile on his face. Chapter Thirty Five – The Forgotten Mate and The Alpha Prince.