Chapter 37 - The Forgotten Mate and The Alpha Prince

Alisha watched as the royal pack trained. She had never seen anything quite like it. To the outside world, it looked like all out war had arrived at Crescent moon, but Asher assured her this was just a gentle training session.

“Our mate is so strong, Alisha.” Mia commented, not for the first time, as Asher threw the king across the training field, before Zander landed in what she could only describe as a superhero pose, then quickly ran forwards, as Asher dodged the counter attack, laughing and telling the king he was getting old.

Hamish walked over after fighting with two wolves, simultaneously, the youngest royal wolf making it look so easy. Alisha shook her head in dismay. Never had she witnessed anything like this in her life.

“Hi, you look shocked, are you okay?” Hamish smiled down at his sister-in-law.

“Yeah, just never seen anything quite like this before. You guys do this three times a day?” Alisha said in disbelief.

“Yeah, well, twice the third is optional, but all of us love training, so we normally do the three,” Hamish smiled down at her.

“Oh, don’t hug Asher today,” Alisha grinned up at the young prince.

Hamish gave her a quizzical look, as Alisha raised her eyebrows in response.

“Ah, he was going to prank me, thanks for the heads up.” Hamish chuckled, understanding the unspoken conversation between them.

“Yes, however, I think he needs to be pranked. Can you help me?” Alisha asked, hoping Hamish would agree.

“Pranking is not really my thing, Alisha, however, I will make an exception just for you.” Hamish grinned at her.

“I need you to pull his joggers down. He has given me some itching powder, it was supposed to go in your pants, but I think it needs to go in his,” Alisha bit her bottom lip, her eyes bright with mischievousness.

“Oh, you are going to make the perfect mate for him, okay, we will be doing human combat training and floor work. I will fight with Asher, and during one of the moves get his trousers down a little bit, you will need to be quick though,” Hamish chuckled, then taking another sip of his water, and grinning, returned to the training field.

Alisha continued to watch in shock and awe, as Zander announced human to human combat. Asher walked over to where she was stood and winked at her, then shouted over to his brother.

“Hey Hamish, lets fight here, so my mate can see me beat your ass,” Asher goaded Hamish.

Hamish walked over, his face a stoic mask, as they began to wrestle. Asher brought him down, pinning him. Hamish dug the heels of his feet into the joggers Asher was wearing, then moved them down slightly, before looking over at Alisha and nodding his head.

Alisha stood up, and with the itching powder in hand she quickly walked over to them, shaking the contents into the gap at the top of Asher’s joggers.

Asher felt something against the cheeks of his bum, and was about to turn around, when Becca suddenly shouted over at him.

“Hey, Asher, maybe I should spar with your mate. What do you think?” Becca grinned.

“Are you fucking crazy, no, definitely not!” Asher growled at his sister, who simply shrugged, and walked away, not before grinning at Alisha, having seen what her brother’s mate was doing, and deciding to help distract Asher.

Alisha sat back down, and watched, as suddenly Asher began to itch his bum. He continued to do so every few seconds, then turned and glared at her.

Alisha rolled her lips together, but could not contain her giggle.

“OH, so that is how it is going to be,” Asher playfully growled.

Hamish burst out laughing, as did Rebecca. Chloe looked around at the commotion, seeing Asher itching his bum franticly, whilst his mate sat on the grass giggling at him.

“What is going on?” Chloe linked with her children.

“Alisha has just pranked Asher with itching powder,” Becca laughed, genuine happiness radiating off her face.

Zander laughed, as he saw Alisha stand up, going toe to toe with his son.

“What you going to do about it, Mate?” she teased him, then let out a squeal, and ran with Asher following her into the trees, as the whole pack laughed together.

Alisha ran as fast as she could, but it was not long before Asher caught her in his arms, and gently wrestled her to the ground, pinning her to the forest floor, then began to tickle her as she squealed with delight.

Alisha twisted and turned, laughing as she tried to escape, when the atmosphere between them changed, sexual tension began to build, as Asher looked deep into his mate’s hazel eyes that were shining with joy and happiness.

Alisha gasped, at the intensity of the moment, her lips slightly parting in anticipation, her mouth turned dry as she gulped looking up in Asher’s caramel eyes. Tilting his head forwards, Asher’s lips gently connected with hers. The sparks and tingles rushed through her body like a freight train, as she let out a soft moan, her lips parting against his.

With a low growl, Asher’s tongue entered into her mouth, as they fought for dominance of the kiss, both of them unable to get enough, never wanting the experience to end. The taste of her mate had Alisha whimpering with pleasure, as her core began to rock against his hard bulge, as the kiss intensified. Only the requirement for oxygen broke them apart, as they each clung to the other.

“Wow,” Alisha breathed, now she had a full understanding of why mates could not keep their hands off each other, and public displays of affection were the norm in packs.

“Humm, Mine, all mine.” Asher groaned in agreement.

Then he scrunched up his face, and began to itch his butt once more, as Alisha giggled like a school girl.

Helping her off the ground, Asher pulled Alisha into his arms again, placing another soft kiss on her forehead, before leading her out of the trees back to the training ground where his family had gathered, all of them grinning and laughing.

“That was epic, welcome to the family Alisha,” Becca laughed, then walked over and hugged her brother's mate.

Asher let out a contented sigh, his sister looked truly happy, for the first time in what felt like forever.

“Yes, welcome to the family,” Chloe agreed, taking her turn at hugging Alisha.

“So, my brother has given me his bank card, and told me to take you shopping today. Phoenix is arriving in a few hours. She wants to meet you as well. Hannah, our cousin, is also coming. She will meet us there after lunch. How do you feel about leaving Asher behind so he can catch up on his work, and we make a girly afternoon of it?” Becca grinned.

“Erm, yeah, sure, but I won’t need much,” Alisha blushed.

“Oh there is a reason your mate asked his clothes-obsessed sister to take you and that reason is he knows I will hammer his bank account and then some,” Becca laughed.

Asher did not give too hoots how much his sister spent on his mate, because firstly, he wanted Alisha to have everything she wanted and more, and secondly, it was good to see his sister smile again.

“Erm, I would rather buy my own, but I have no money,” Alisha sighed, feeling embarrassed about her financial reliance on her mate.

“Oh, but you do have money. You are a wealthy woman in your own right,” Hamish grinned.

“What? How?” Alisha asked, confused.

“When your parents died, we held onto your inheritance, keeping it in trust for when you took over your pack. Dad made some investments, which, as always, came good. We also gave Matlock a monthly amount from the royal fund for taking you and the Edensor pack in. Now, they had pocketed that money, or rather spent it on designer clothes for the Luna and that annoying bitch, Honey. They tried to hide the fact, but they did not count on me, and my skill at working out a puzzle, and we have transferred all of that money into your personal account as well. You have over 2 million pounds at your disposal.” Hamish grinned.

“WHAT! OH MY! That means I can get supplies to rebuild the pack!” Alisha squealed in shock and delight.

“Actually, yes, you can do that. However, you are my mate, so I will still be funding today's shopping trip, for both you and Iesha,” Asher stated, his voice clearly indicating that his mate was not to argue with him about that.

“Will Iesha come with us?” Alisha asked.

“That is your choice. However, I would prefer to sit down and give her some catch-up lessons this afternoon. The sooner I begin her action plan to get her back on track the better for her long term,” Zander kindly said.

“Plus, whilst you are out, Andrew can put the medicated shampoo on her, so the scent doesn’t affect your wolf. They tend to retreat for a few hours after, normally, and we do not want to risk Mia being weakened by it,” Chloe stated, then smiled at Alisha.

“Yeah, and it will do you good for a girls' day with the adults. We could even bring a bottle of Uncle Robins whiskey,” Becca laughed.

“Oh no, my mate is not to drink that, hell Becca, she has just started to drink protein shakes, you will fucking kill her with that stuff!” Asher growled at his sister, then wrapped his arms around his mate protectively.

“True, maybe another time to introduce you to the family moonshine,” Becca laughed.

“So, what is your style?” Becca excitedly asked Alisha.

“Erm, dirty old leggings with bleach marks and holes, with a dirty thread bare t-shirt,” Alisha shrugged. She had no clue what her style was it had been that long since she had access to clothes.

Asher let out a low growl, and held her closer to him again, the memory of when he found her still fresh in his mind.

“I think we can do a little better than that. I will stay away from the expensive designer stuff for now, as once you eat again you will put some weight on, and you will need bigger clothes again, so you can go for comfort, and you can look at what you would like your style to be. However, we will be purchasing one ridiculously expensive designer outfit today, which I will buy for you, because I know it will piss off that Honey bitch, and I really hate her. You can wear it when you go visit our guests tomorrow, and rub it in their face that they have lost and you have won,” Rebecca laughed.

“Can me and your Aunty Nicki come shopping? I fancy a girl’s afternoon?” Chloe asked her daughter, loving how much she was acting like her normal self again.

“Alisha, that is up to you, I mean, she will try and talk you into safety pins and rocker jackets, so be prepared,” Becca laughed.

“I think the more the merrier,” Alisha grinned, feeling like she was in a dream world, and she would wake up any minute.

They all headed back up to the pack house, chatting and laughing, Asher scratching his behind every few seconds as they all laughed at him, and for the first time since her parents were killed, Alisha felt at home.Chapter Thirty-Three. The Forgotten Mate and The Alpha Prince.