Chapter 34 - The Forgotten Mate and The Alpha Prince

Asher slowly stepped away, looking at his mate, the pain was radiating from every pour of her body. Fear began to grip him, that she may utter the words that would devastate both of them and their wolves. Not just for the breaking of a mate bond, but because his brave girl would not survive the rejection herself due to her weakened state.

Holding his hands up in front of him to try and placate her, he looked deep into her eyes. He could see the tears that she was refusing to shed, the swirling anger that lay beneath cut him to the core. He had to do something, anything to help her, but he feared that he would say the wrong thing, and make the situation worse.

“Do something Asher, stop her from rejecting us,” Max howled inside him, hunched down and whimpering like a scared puppy.

“I don’t know why we missed this. We let you down, we let Iesha down. None of this should ever have happened. I am sorry Alisha, so very sorry, and not just because you are my mate. You are right, we were concentrating on other things, under the misconception that everything at home was okay. We became complacent, and you paid the price for that. I am so, so sorry,” Asher softly said, wanting her to hear him, but not sure if she could through the rage that was consuming her.


Clenching her fists, she began to punch Asher in the chest, all the hurt, pain, and anger overflowing after years of being repressed.

“YOU LEFT ME THERE, YOU LEFT IESHA THERE….I HATE THEM, I HATE THEM!” Alisha screamed as Asher placed his arms around her as she fought against him, using him as her personal punching back. He took every hit, never letting her go, allowing her to be angry, to fight what had happened to her.

Uncontrollable emotion began to overflow, as Alisha felt tears fall down her cheeks. Every tear she had swallowed and refused to shed for three years tumbled unchecked down her cheeks, as she continued to fist Asher in the chest.

“Every whip, that hurt like hell, and not once did I cry out. The skin ripped from my back, and I could not even whimper!” Alisha tried to shout, but her voice came out barely above a whisper as the tears continued to fall. Her punches to Asher became weaker, as the tears turned to loud sobs, her body shaking.

“Terrified that they would start their sick revenge on Iesha, dreading the day they would tie her to the pole,” Alisha continued, as the sobs turned into screams, as Asher held her tighter to him.

Her mind relived the pain of her punishment, and for the first time, she released the screams and cries she had so bravely held deep inside her.

Alisha’s legs buckled beneath her, as Asher sat on the grass against a tree, cradling her in his arms, his own tears flowing freely down his cheeks.

“My parents died, my beautiful, kind, loving mother, killed as if she was nothing. My father, my hero, the Alpha wiped off this earth as if he was nothing….It hurts Asher, it hurts so much,” Alisha continued, pouring her heart out to her mate, unable to stop voicing what she had held inside for years, even if she wanted to.

As she gave in to the suppressed anguish, Alisha stopped hitting his chest, as she fisted the sweater in her hands, and clung to him as she continued to uncontrollably and wordlessly sob and scream, as the years of pain were unable to be contained for a moment longer. The safety of the mate bond took over, as she broke down, trusting Asher to never hold her feelings against her.

Asher lost sense of time, as he sat against the tree, holding his mate close to him, as she released all of the emotions she had been too scared to show anyone else. His sweater was soaked through, as Alisha’s body began to still in his arms, the uncontrollable sobbing subsiding.

Laying in his arms, Alisha felt almost empty, lighter than before, as she began to calm down. A peace that surpassed all understanding washed over her. For the first time, in forever, she began to feel the release from all the pain, that she was not carrying the heavy burdens all on her own.

Asher looked down at her tear-streaked face, as she looked up at his with wide expressive eyes, the anger was gone, but what remained was gratitude, and dare he believe it, but maybe even love. Relief washed over him, as he gently cradled her, placing a soft kiss on her head.

“I am sorry,” She whispered to him, shame filling her for her behaviour towards the man who was her fated mate.

With the hurt released, Alisha began to realise it was not his fault, he had not done this to her, yes she had been missed, but there was no denying how sorry he was, and all of the royal family. Realisation that each of them, if they could turn back time, would.

“Don’t say sorry my brave girl, never say sorry. You needed to let that out,” Asher sighed, as she snuggled further into his arms.

“Alisha, I do not know why or how this was missed. But I promise you, it is not because we do not care. Lessons need to be learned, and you and I need to make a difference, to ensure this never happens again,” He whispered.

“I just want my pack back. I cannot focus on anything else, not yet. But it is unlivable, and probably will be for a while.” Alisha sighed.

“Then I am here, to be whoever you need, help in whichever way you want. My job is to care and protect you as you care and protect and lead your pack,” Asher whispered softly to her.

Alisha blinked up at him and slowly nodded, the wall around her heart was broken, and all she could feel was just how much she respected, maybe even loved this man who was holding her, never letting her go.

“My first job is to make sure you have some shake, to replenish the energy you have just spent. The second is to sit with you, and let you talk, tell me anything and everything. Shout if you want or need to. Lash out, if it helps make you feel better. Talk over your plans, and what you want to do with this place. Help you make it a beautiful home again. Do you think you could try to sip some of the milkshake?” Asher gently asked as he stood up, still cradling her in his arms and walking over to the side of the building where he had dropped the bag full of water and pre-made protein shakes.

Alisha held on to him, not wanting the pure peace that had descended to disappear. As she looked up at him she shook her head.

“Asher, can we go back please?” she softly asked.

Nodding his head, Asher pulled out his mobile and texted Liane, as the transporter wolf appeared out of nowhere seconds later.

As Liane looked at Asher and Alisha, she let out a soft sigh. Remembering all too well, the hurt that had resided in her son when they found him. She understood what had transpired, and also knew that now Alisha had started to let go of everything, her mental health would improve dramatically. For Bradley, it had taken him over a year after they found him to have his emotions released, it was hell on earth for her and her mate Marcus, but once he had gone through that process, their little boy was lighter, happier, and she could only pray the same would happen for Asher’s mate.

Arriving in the hospital room, Asher laid Alisha on her bed, then walked into the bathroom, turned on the taps to the bathtub, and added some soothing lavender bubbles, before walking back into the room, and scooping her up in his arms once more.

“Let me look after you,” he whispered softly, carrying her into the bathroom, closing the door behind them to ensure privacy.

Gently he stripped her clothes, it was not sexual, it was love and care that drove him forward. Alisha looked at him, powerless to stop her mate from caring for her, as he gently lifted her into the tub. As he moved her waist-length hair over her shoulder, so that she could lay back and relax, he saw the scars that were still apparent. Gently he traced the risen red skin with his fingers, then bent over, and softly began placing small kisses on each one. Alisha sat forwards, her arms wrapped around her knees, pulling them into her chest, as tears once more began to fall.

Asher continued to kiss every single scar as if to take the pain away. He subdued his anger at the physical evidence of what she had endured. Now was not the time for his own anger to be released.

“Asher, please will you hold me,” Alisha whispered to him.

Without a single hesitation, the prince stood up, stripping down to his boxer briefs, then climbed into the warm water behind her, engulfing Alisha in his big strong arms, as she lay back against his wide chest and let out a sigh of contentment. Alisha began to think about her future. There was no escaping that one day she would be queen. But, that would not be for years, so she would concentrate on being an alpha. She had no training, the only thing she really knew was what not to do when dealing with a pack. She knew that if she wanted the best for her pack, then she needed to learn, and the best place to do that was The Crescent Moon academy. She needed to choose her leadership and already had her beta in mind. She would also need training. She began to plan in her head how to restore the pack to its former glory. It would require a lot of time and effort, along with the money she did not have, but she could potentially split her time between the Royal pack and Edensor, whilst they rebuilt it. Her pack would be safe, Iesha would be protected from the Rogue bounty hunters. She began to plan, really plan for her immediate future.

Wordlessly, she remained in the comfort of Asher’s arms, the peace between them almost spiritual, giving her brain thinking time, until the water chilled, and their fingertips puckered.

Getting out of the bath, Asher took a toweling robe, and helping Alisha out of the bath, he wrapped her in it, before grabbing a robe of his own. Lifting her once more into his arms, he carried her into the small room, then sat down on the bed, holding her in his arms.

“Asher,” Alisha whispered softly.

“Yes?” he answered, hope and joy washing over him, as he felt her begin to truly trust him through the mate bond.

“Edensor is going to take a lot of work. I don’t want to stay at Matlock. Please can we go to Crescent Moon, so I can heal properly, so we all can heal properly? I would like Iesha to start school, and I need help on how to run a pack. I also want my pack safe, away from the threat of the bounty. Plus, my Beta is a warrior, and he needs to learn as well,” She whispered to him.

“Are you sure that is what you want? I know you blame us and quite rightly, for what happened to you.” Asher asked, even though he would move heaven and earth to get her home to Crescent moon, he needed Alisha to be sure that is what she wanted.

“Yes, just until I learn, and I can figure out a way to restore Edensor, and although I feel mistakes were made, I no longer blame you, I have let it all go. Today is the line in the stand, none of us can change the past, all we can do is move forward, and create a better future.” Alisha looked up at him.

“Okay, then we will gather your pack, Iesha and we will leave today.” Chapter Thirty - The Forgotten Mate and The Alpha Prince.