Chapter 11 - Sophia's Revenge

Xander’s POV

I had finally learned her name, Sophia. It was beautiful, just like her. I loved the way it sounded. I would catch myself saying it when I was alone. She has been here for a week. She woke up after four days. After she woke up, I didn’t go see her during the day when she was awake. I avoided it. I also made sure nobody knew she was here besides my beta, gamma, the doctor, and two nurses. However, I couldn’t stay away during the night. She was beautiful when she slept. She looked so peaceful. Her injuries were finally healing. Her face wasn’t swollen anymore, but was still black and blue. The doctor told me that her vision was fine. The drain tube on her side had come out the same day she woke up. Her leg was healing and the cast would come off in another day or two.

I snuck in to watch her sleep tonight, just like I did every other night. I hid in the corner, just standing there watching, kind of like a creep. Jax still hadn’t spoken a word to me. I barely felt him there most of the time, but when I came here at night, I could feel him. He had some peace when we were here.

What was I doing? I was hurting my wolf, one of the few people or wolves that had never broken my heart or betrayed me, besides Kane and my parents and sister. He was someone who was part of me. I should put him first, but I just can’t. Not after what happened last time. I won’t survive it not again. I was going to hurt her and the goddess only knows what she has been through, but I can’t risk my heart again.

Suddenly, I heard her little voice.

“Who is here?”

I didn’t answer, but made myself known as I stepped forward to her bed. She didn’t say anymore. She had tears coming down her face that I didn’t notice. Those tears were breaking my heart. I wasn’t sure why she was crying and all I wanted to do was hold her and make her feel better, but I couldn’t. I reached out, grabbing her face, wiping the tears away. I had to leave because if I stayed I would do something I would regret.

I walked away from her bed and left her room. My gamma is still standing guard. He had been taking turns with Kane, my Beta. He just nodded at me. I ran towards the front door. Once I got outside, I tried to shift and call Jax forward, but he refused to come.

“I told you if you slept with her, I wouldn’t talk to you again. That includes shifting. You can go to hell right now.”

“Jax, I know you hate me. I hate myself too. I need this run and I know you do, too. Can we please just shift and run for a while?”


I knew there was no arguing with him at this point because he wasn’t going to listen and I wasn’t going to win. He was more stubborn than I am.

I mind linked Kane and my gamma Lucas and asked them to meet me in my office at noon. We needed to discuss what was going to happen with Sophia. She was going to be discharged soon. I knew Kane had spent some time with her and earned her trust. I would like to put her on his floor in the pack house.

“Dude, it’s like 4 am. You couldn’t wait to tell me this?”

“Nope, I am going to get some sleep and you need to find someone who can take your post in front of Sophia’s door.”

“I can get a warrior I trust to do it.”

“Be sure to tell them only the doctor and the two approved nurses are to go in and no one else.”

“It’s already done.”

“Lucas, try to get a few hours of sleep before you come to my office, please.”

“I will.”

I went up to my room and finally passed out. I managed to get a few hours of sleep and woke up around ten am. I grabbed a quick shower and went downstairs to the kitchen to grab some food before going to my office.

As I entered the kitchen, a certain someone was there in a short denim skirt and a crop top with her boobs and ass hanging out everywhere. She didn’t have to say anything or even turn around. I knew it was Clarissa.

When she turned around and saw me, she slowly walked over to me, swaying her hips as she went. Usually this would turn me on because I knew she was going to come over here and press her breast up against me. Just as I thought, she walked right up to me and pressed her breast against my arm and stood up on her toes to whisper something to me.

I quickly shook her off my arm.

“Clarissa, leave me alone. Whatever we had before is now done. You are not permitted to enter any of the upper floors. Am I clear?”

She gave me a shocked look, and normally there would have been tears and her trying to do whatever she needed to do to stay in my good graces and continue to sleep with me.

“I understand Alpha.”

That was easier than I thought it would be, and I have a feeling that it is not over. She doesn’t give up that easily.

I made my way to my office so I could do some paperwork before my Beta and Gamma showed up. Before I knew it, it was noon and Kane and Lucas were here, sitting in the chairs before my desk.

“Whats up boss?” Said Lucas.

“Well, Sophia is going to be discharged soon and I don’t want her mixed in with the rest of the pack just yet. She has been through so much and I get the feeling she is afraid of everything. Kane, I know that when you are on guard duty, you will go in and sit with her. I think she may be more comfortable staying on your floor for now.”

“I agree, and she can take the room next to mine. That way, if there are any issues, I will be right next to her.”

“Alpha, I am sorry if I am overstepping my boundaries, but why are you going to so much trouble for this girl?” I haven’t even so much as stepped into her room, so I have no clue who she is, but she is getting the VIP treatment.”

“Luke, she is your next Luna.” Said Kane.

“No, she isn’t. I will reject her when she is better, and then she is free to do what she wants. Until then, I want her protected. Lucas, she comes from the Yellow Moon pack and she was known as the pack slave. She was beaten and raped and forced to do all the pack chores.”

Luke was going to say something, but suddenly Jax made himself known to me. He came forward and was pacing and breathing hard.

“Jax, dude, what is wrong?”

“I don’t know, I fell funny. It’s like something is wrong and we’re in pain emotionally, but we’re not obliviously.”

“Can you at least settle down while I finish this meeting?”

“No, it’s not me. I can’t figure it, shit run. It’s Sophia. Something is wrong. Someone is causing her pain. We need to get to her now.”

Without looking back, I took off towards the pack hospital. Kane and Luke were right behind me. I took the three flights of stairs as fast as I could. I got to her door and Jason, the warrior Kane had asked to guard the door, was standing there like nothing was going on.

“Jason, who is in that room?”

“Oh hey Alpha, it’s just Dr. Brown. He said he was new and was filling in for Doc today and was here to do her check up for the day.”

I about lost it on him, but I had to get to Sophia before I dealt with him. I threw the door open to find that the curtain had been closed. I could hear Sophia on the other side, crying. She was telling whoever this Dr. Brown was to stop, and that she didn’t want this. That is all it took for me to rip the curtain open. She was standing there in her underwear with her back turned to us. She was trying to cover her front. She was completely naked besides her underwear.

This man had one hand on her back, tracing her scars, and the other on his dick and was stroking it. It took me about a half of second to get to him and sever his head from his body. Sophia looked at me like I was the madman who just saved her. She ran to the bathroom and locked the door.

Kane and Lucas were behind me with shocked looks on their face. They had never seen her backside and all the scars that were there. It was disgusting what that man did to her and I would make sure he paid. I quickly took my shirt off and handed it to Kane.

“Take this and cover her with it. My scent will help calm her down. I want her out of here and taken to your floor right now. Luke get a nurse to disconnect her IV. I have to get out of here. I can’t see her.”

I ran from the room and ran outside.

“Jax, please shift. I can’t do this anymore. I need to run.”

“Are you still going to reject her?”

“Yes, I have to.”

“Then no, I will not shift, asshole. She is perfect for us. She was made for us and until you realize that, I will not shift, so get comfortable being a useless human because that is what you are acting like.”

Leave it to Jax to put me in my place, but I still didn’t agree with him. I was still going to reject her. It was for her own good. She doesn’t want me. I can’t love her like she deserves to be loved.