Chapter 24 - Submitting to My Best Friend's Dad by Scarlett Rossi


Never in my life did I think I would find a woman who turned me on the way that Becca did. I couldn't believe how amazing she was last night, and as I lie next to her in bed right now, I can't stop reeling over how sexy she had been.

I would have thought she would have shied away from it all, but she didn't.

Instead, she showed how truly powerful she was and took charge of the evening with sophistication and drive I have never seen in a woman in my life.

Of course, I had been with many women.

But not like Becca. Becca was a tiger in the bedroom, and behind the mask, she took charge and made everyone bend to her will.

She was inevitably the one who got everyone going, and the night seemed to never end.

Even Allegra said if Becca wasn't with me… she would have kept her for herself.

Her beautiful hair was splayed around her like a halo as those thick dark lashes laid resting upon her cheeks. I wouldn't doubt she would be out for hours yet, considering we didn't get home till the early hours of the morning.

Slowly sliding from the bed, I grabbed my phone and made my way downstairs to get a drink. My feet hit each step, and as I glanced at the time on my phone, I saw that it was close to noon.

Time seemed to slip away when I was with her. Yet, I didn't mind.

Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, I heard my phone begin to ring, and as it did, I frowned at who was calling.

“Yes, Allison?" I asked as I answered. “What can I do for you?"

“You're not at the office today?" she snapped with what seemed to be accusations about my lack of being at work.

“No, I took the day off. Now, what do you want?" I replied reluctantly, hoping Tally was okay and her mother hadn't gotten her into some kind of trouble.

“Of course, you did. Probably to spend time with whatever whore has been keeping our bed warm."

“Our bed?" I laughed. “That is my bed. Our bed, I had the boys burn after I found you cheating on me. God knows what was brought into it."

My comment didn't go over well as she began her ignorant words and vulgar language. None of which I wanted to listen to today. I wasn't going to let Allison ruin the perfect mood I was in because of Becca.

“For your information, Tally and I are out shopping, and my card isn't working. I need you to fix it," she finally admitted, after five minutes of ranting about how horrible I was.

“I don't see how I can fix it, Allison. We haven't been together for years, and your cards are your problem, not mine. So why are you calling me about this?"

She let out a groan of frustration at my words. “You f*cking asshole. Put more money in my account now, or so help me god, I will take you back to court and take everything you have."

I couldn't contain my laughter at her threats. “One... acting like this isn't how you get things you want, Allison. Two, you can try, but I promise you won't win."

“You're such a f*cking asshole, James. You owe me so much more, and you are being horrible by not giving me what's rightfully mine!" she screamed.

“Allison, you got 1.2 million dollars out of our divorce. It is not my problem you blew all your money over the years. Perhaps you should have had the accountant manage things as I had suggested years ago."

There was no talking to this woman. The only thing she cared about was money, and every moment she acted this way reminded me of why I divorced her.

She didn't care about me, and I was beginning to wonder if she cared about Tally at all.

“Fix the card, James!" she hollered again before I sighed with aggravation.

This conversation was going nowhere, and maybe what I needed was a breakaway from everyone where she wouldn't be able to get in contact with me.

Relaxing sandy beaches, palm trees… perhaps the Bahamas were calling my name.

After all, Allegra did tell me last night a group of our friends was going to the Bahamas for an event. Maybe after last night, Becca would be interested in going.

Even if it was only for three days.



Waking up slowly, I found myself more drained than I had expected to be. Memories of the night floated through my mind, causing a blush to crawl its way across my cheeks at the things I had done.

I was embarrassed, but not because of what I did… but because of how much I had enjoyed it. James had taken control in an entirely different way, and I was over the moon with how the evening played out.

Looking around, I realized James wasn't in the room, and as I slowly slid from the bed in one of his oversized shirts, I padded my way towards the stairs, only to hear him in heated conversation with someone.

Curiosity piqued.

Making my way down the stairs, I followed the sound of his voice.

“I don't care, Allison!" he yelled into the phone, making my heart drop. “I'm not giving you f*cking money, so you need to figure your shit out on your own. Do not call me for this shit again."

His eyes slowly slid up to meet mine as I turned the corner, walking into the kitchen. The frown he had been wearing a moment ago was now long gone and replaced with a smile and a hungry gaze.

Without saying a word to his ex, who had been on the line, he hung up the phone and strode towards me, crashing his lips upon mine.

“How are you feeling this morning?" he asked as he pulled away and stared down at me.

Biting my bottom lip, I blushed again. “Good. Like, really good."

“You were quite the exhibitionist last night, weren't you?"

“I suppose I was,'' I said with laughter, as he picked me up and carried me back up the stairs, playfully smacking my ass as we walked.

“So I thought we should go do something fun for the next few days," he said as he walked into his room with me and dropped me down onto the bed.

Giggling, I looked up at him. “Oh, yeah? What were you thinking?"

“Well, we can go to the Bahamas?" he suggested.

I had never been to the Bahamas before, at least not properly. I had gone on a cruise once with them when I was younger but never had I actually got to enjoy it.

“Really?" I asked, unsure if he had time in his schedule for something like that.

“Yes, really. Now, there are two options with that, though," he said, causing me to raise a brow in question. What in the world could those two options be?

Usually, when you went to the Bahamas, it was for sand and sunshine, and in our case, lots of sex without anyone we know being there.

“Okay… what are the two options?"

Taking a moment, he ran his fingers through his hair and smiled at me.

“So, one is we go by ourselves to a private resort and have the most amazing time alone, or… Allegra told me last night she and a few others were going for a few days and rented a large estate there with a private beach, and we could join them… the choice is completely yours."

Realization hit me, and for a moment, I had to really take in what he was saying. He was fine with us going on our own, but then he was also excited about the prospect of going with people from last night.

“What happened last night… are you wanting that to happen more often?"

I was up for it, of course, every now and again, but I didn't want that to be the only thing he wanted from me.

I didn't want him to suddenly only want those reactions, and for my own body to no longer be enough for him. Was I actually enough for him?

“Oh, baby…" he cooed as he came to sit next to me, taking my face in his hands. “Being with just you is all I will ever need, but I know you enjoyed yourself last night. That was why I suggested it. If you would rather it just be the two of us, then that's what we will do, but if you want to join the others, we can do that too."

My heart swelled as a feeling fluttered in my chest at how sweet and slightly romantic he was being. Hearing him say I was all he ever needed almost made me want to cry.

Never had a man been this sweet to me before, and no matter the situation, he always put my needs and wants above his own.

Taking a moment, I bit my bottom lip and thought it over. As much as I would love one-on-one time, there was the chance we would have a lot of fun with our friends.

Then again, there was also the aspect that they would see me and know who I really was.

“They will know who I am…" I whispered.

He nodded his head slowly and smiled. “Yes, but no one there will say anything. I can promise you that. All of us want to keep our secrets and not let the rest of the world know what we do behind closed doors."

What he was saying made sense. The mayor's wife being exposed would cause so much scandal as would the others if anyone ever found out about the dark sinful lives they lived in the shadows.

“Let's join the others," I smirked, leaning up to claim his lips as he pulled me close. “I need to pack, though."

A growl of pleasure left his lips as he placed my naked c*nt against his bare thigh and nipped at my lips. “After I f*ck you one more time…Then we will shower and pack. We leave tonight."

Hearing him talk that way made me ache with anticipation. This sinful sexual deviant was a blessing in disguise, and as excited as I was for the trip…

I wanted him to f*ck me even more.