Chapter 34 - Submitting to My Best Friend's Dad by Scarlett Rossi

Making my way back to Allegra's, I kept thinking over the conversation with James. The last time I cried as much as I was right now was when my mother died, and I thought that was going to be the most painful thing I would ever experience.

Now, I wasn't sure that was the case.

I had left James' office under the notion we couldn't ever be together. He made it clear he wanted to wait until Tally was okay with everything. However, that wasn't going to work for me.

She would never be okay with us being together.

Opening Allegra's door, I stepped inside and was met with laughter. The sound of the man's voice wasn't one I recognized, and I suddenly felt bad about intruding and not letting her know I was on my way back.

“Becca!" Allegra exclaimed with a smile. “You're back so soon?"

“Uh–yeah," I replied, giving her a half smile. “Turns out things won't be worked out."

With a small sigh and a nod, she turned her attention to the man next to her. “Well, Becca, I want you to meet someone. This is my brother, Neal."

Neal turned to me with a pearly white smile and crystal blue eyes, and I couldn't help but smile back. “It's nice to meet you, Neal."

“It's a pleasure to meet you as well. I have heard a lot about you," he replied, causing me to look at Allegra with a questioning glance, wondering what the hell she had told him.

“I didn't realize that you were going to be here. I hope I'm not intruding on plans that you guys have." I was wondering if it would be best if I packed my things and found somewhere else to stay, but Allegra spoke up quickly.

“Don't be ridiculous," Allegra laughed. “I didn't even know he was coming. He is in town for a few days on business and surprised his big sister."

“It's true," Neal replied with a hearty laugh that brought a warmth across my chest I hadn't been expecting. Sitting here with them right now was like welcoming old friends or even coming home.

I enjoyed it, and as much as my mind was lingering on James, I couldn't let that cloud my thoughts from enjoying the small time I had left in Miami.

“So, where are you from?" I asked, taking a seat on the loveseat across from them.

“I'm from New York City. I heard you're attending Yale. Is that correct?"

“Uh–yes I am."

“That's impressive. That school is definitely difficult to get into," he said, letting his eyes graze over me. “So, are you coming out with us tonight?"

Furrowing my brows, I looked at them, confused. “I don't know what you're talking about."

“I'm taking him to Velvet," she said, giving me a knowing smirk. “Do you want to go?"

As much as I had fun with her and James the last time I was there, I wasn't sure if it would be appropriate for me to go again. “I don't know… if James knew—"

“Didn't you just say that it didn't work out?" Neal butt in, giving me a smirk that caused me to laugh as I hesitated in my response.

“Well, yes. I suppose that's true."

“So why not come out then? No point in sitting around sulking," he said, as Allegra nodded in agreement.

“Neal's right. If James doesn't see what he is missing, then why should you sit here instead of enjoying yourself? No one is saying you have to go have group orgies or anything, but you can dance and have fun. Who knows, maybe you'll find someone who can take your mind off things...."

Allegra was a wise person, yes, and when it came to making me feel better, she did one hell of a job. However, right now, I wasn't too sure if I wanted to do something like that. I wasn't the kind of girl to just go find someone else to have sex with.

That was Tally's department, not mine.

“I don't know. I'm not really that kind of person–"

“Oh, no!" Allegra said, laughing, “I didn't mean like that. I just meant you can hang out with other people. Dance, laugh, and have fun. If you want to hook up with someone else, that's your choice, and I won't stop you. But I'm not saying to do that."

Taking a moment to think it over, I nodded and shrugged my shoulders.

“Okay, let me find something to wear," I replied, standing.

“Oh, tonight's themed," Neal said with a smirk. “Fishnet and leather."

Hesitating, I turned to Allegra and raised a brow. “Say what?"

Laughter began between the two of them, and for some reason I second guessed myself about going. I owned nothing that fit that criteria, and I was scared to see what Allegra would put me in.

“I have the perfect outfit for you," she smirked.

“Allegra, you're way smaller than me. There is no way I would fit into something of yours." I replied, shaking my head, “I can just stay here."

“Don't be silly. I have tons of things that would fit you. You're not that much bigger than me. Now, no backing out. You already agreed." Taking my hand, she dragged me from the living room as Neal laughed.

I wasn't sure what she had in mind for me to wear, but I had no doubt it was going to be something scandalous. I had seen the outfits she was in before, and they left nothing to the imagination.

Walking into her room, she left me standing by her bed as she ventured towards her closet. Piece by piece, she brought out an array of items that were more than sinful.

“What size shoe are you?" she asked, halting at the open closet doorway.

“Uh–an eight."

“Perfect. Same as me then," she exclaimed excitedly as she disappeared and came back with a pair of over the knee leather boots that tied all the way up the front. “Take these."

Shoving them in my hand, she disappeared again, and came back with fishnet stockings, and a black garment that almost looked like shreds of clothing.

“What's that?" I asked, with hesitation.

“It's a dress. Now go on and get ready. I will do your makeup."

“Allegra, you don't have to do all of that–" I replied as she waved her hand, cutting me off.

“Don't be silly. I want to. I never had a little sister, and getting to play dress up with you is going to be fun. Now hurry, and get dressed."

With a heavy sigh, I started taking off my clothes, and when I was standing in my bra and panties, she turned to me with a smirk. “You're not keeping those on, are you?"

My cheeks grew red at her comment, as she stood there looking at me with a smirk.

“Why wouldn't I?"

“Because you won't be able to. Just trust me, and take them off." Grabbing the fish nets, she opened them up as I slid off my panties and unclasped my bra. “You're beautiful, Becca. Don't be afraid of showing the world who and what you are… a goddess."

Kneeling at my feet, she helped to slide the stockings on that went up over my ass, and held a large hole down in the center of my crotch. “There's a hole."

“Oh, I know," she smirked before standing to gather the dress.

“Now let's get you finished, so that way, you can see how much you are going to stand out tonight."

“But I'm more of the angel type, Allegra," I sighed.

“Yeah, well, even Lucifer was an angel at one point."



I couldn't believe I blew it again. I told her to come over so we could talk, and I messed up the entire thing. The moment she walked out of my office, I regretted what I'd said to her. Why would any woman be okay with what I'd suggested?

Tally is a grown woman, and even though I liked to consider her my little princess, she wasn't anymore. She was a woman who liked to do things her way, and if she wasn't going to listen to me, why would I put my life on hold to make her happy?

Being a parent was a tough position.

It meant constant confliction about what you should do for the benefit of them, and through it all, it seemed no matter the choice you made, it was never good enough.

Instead of going home, I dove into my paperwork, the clock ticking on as I tried to come to terms with it all, and yet Becca never once left my mind.

Did I care about her more than I was willing to admit?

Was I in love with this girl?

“Mr. Valentino," Bennet said from my office door.

“Yes, what is it?" I asked with a sigh as I tried to decide on signing a few contracts that might bring me a lot of money.

“You asked me to let you know if anything progressed with Miss Woods. I wanted to let you know that she, Allegra, and an unknown man just left the apartment building and are closing in on Club Velvet."

My eyes shot up to meet his, and the wheels in my brain started spinning. Club Velvet was the fetish club I had taken Becca to, and to hear she was going with Allegra and some guy—it struck a nerve.

“Who's the guy?" I asked through clenched teeth.

Had Becca been playing with me this entire time? Was she seeing someone else, and that's why she didn't want to give us another chance earlier?

“We aren't sure, sir. We do know the man arrived at Allegra's home while Miss Woods was here with you."

Allegra wasn't the type of woman to bring men back to her place. Her home was her sanctuary, and through all the years I had known her, I had only ever been there a few times. She was very private about her home.

Which was what surprised me when she let Becca go there. She barely knew Becca.

A lot of things weren't making sense, and part of me couldn't help but wonder if there was more to Becca than she was letting on. I didn't want to think about her in that way, but considering everything I went through with Allison, I wouldn't be surprised.

Pulling my phone from my pocket, I checked the calendar for Club Velvet. “Fishnet…"

“What's that, sir?" Bennet asked, standing at attention waiting for my directive.

“I want you to get the car for me. I think I'm going to pay Club Velvet a visit."