Chapter 38 - Submitting to My Best Friend's Dad by Scarlett Rossi


Sunlight drifted through the room, and I slowly opened my eyes. I felt the dull pain that radiated through my head. How much had I drank the night before?

“Shit, it’s bright,” I mumbled, stirring with the blankets, only to look down and realize the blankets were not the same as the ones at Allegra’s.

Looking around, I noticed I was in a different room, and slowly the memory of the night before came filtering into my mind. James had come to the club and possessed every inch of me.

The moment was erotic, and as he claimed me over and over again, I couldn’t find the will to stand. My legs were like jelly, and each orgasm pushed me farther and farther.

How had I let myself fall back into what I was trying not to do? Everything about him screamed to stay away, especially after the conversation we’d had in his office. Yet, one touch from him had me melting, and there was no one else I wanted to be with.

Rolling over, I let my gaze fall upon his naked form and realized he was still sleeping next to me. The room wasn’t his own, and it wasn’t a hotel.

Stirring, he slowly opened his eyes and looked over at me with a smile.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

“Good morning to you as well,” I replied, looking around. “Where are we?”

A deep chuckle left his lips as he rubbed one hand over his face. “My apartment.”

“You have an apartment?” I asked with confusion, not understanding why he would have one if he had a million dollar mansion with plenty of room to spare.

“Yes, I figured you wouldn’t want to go back to my place considering Tally is there, and you were adamant about continuing our fun, so I brought us here.”

Trying to recall that conversation, I couldn’t. I remembered walking out of the pleasure room with him and saying goodbye to everyone, but after that, everything went black.

“I don’t remember that,” I admitted, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

“That’s because you passed out in the car on the way here.”

“So you had your way with me passed out?” I asked, slightly shocked.

A stern glare crossed his face as he shook his head and stood. “No, Becca. I, too, do have standards I live by, and sleeping with an unconscious woman, even one I have been seeing, is a no go for me.”

“Then how did I get undressed?”

Walking to the bathroom, he left the door open and laughed. “Because I undressed you. Those clothes were restrictive and smelt like booze. I figured you would want to sleep comfortably.”

No matter the sarcastic things he would say, he was still a gentleman, and for that, I was grateful. Had it been someone else, like Chad? He would have done things to me and told me I liked it.

As James reappeared from the bathroom with his massive c*ck swinging between his legs, I felt myself pulled from my thoughts. “Thank you for doing that.”

“See something you like?” he smirked as he crawled across the bed towards me and gently kissed my lips.

“Yes–” the breathless remark caused him to rip back the covers as he slid his head between my thighs. His tongue licked across my folds before pressing deep inside me.

“James–” I gasped, trying not to moan. “Don’t you think we should talk?”

“No,” he mumbled against me as he continued to please me. The sucking pressure against my cl*t caused me to groan again in satisfaction.

“F*ck… I really think we should,” I moaned, trying to get him to see reason in the moment. As much as I wanted him to continue, we really needed to discuss this.

Sighing, he stopped what he was doing and glanced up at me, licking his lips.

“I was trying to enjoy my breakfast.”

Laughter escaped me as he sat up, wiping his mouth, and looked at me. “I’m sorry, but as much as I want you to continue and trust me, I do… we need to talk.”

“What do you want to talk about, Becca?” he asked with a curious glance before sliding from the bed and pulling on a pair of low hanging basketball shorts.

“Uh, well, the fact we f*cked like animals last night and slept together in bed again, but yet we were supposed to be done with each other.”

Shaking his head, he walked from the room, and quickly I jumped up and grabbed his shirt, throwing it over me. “Where are you going?”

“To get something to drink and call for food,” he replied, completely ignoring what I said.

“James, this is serious,” I repeated with a stern gaze.

“Yeah, I know. Everything that I want to eat is still closed right now, and I forgot I didn’t have food in this place. Just bottles of water and some orange juice.”

“James!” I snapped with wide-eyes and nothing but frustration on my face. “Please, we need to talk about this.”

Putting his phone on the counter, he sighed and nodded his head. “Fine. Let’s talk.”

“Thank you. Now, what are we doing?” I asked, hoping he would quickly pick up the topic, because the longer we spent time together, the harder it was to deny the feelings I had for him.

“I know we talked about this stuff yesterday, Becca. But I told you I don’t want to let you go. Seeing you last night, how you were, it made me realize I don’t care what Tally has to say or anyone else. I care about you.”

It was the only admission I had been hoping for, and I couldn’t believe it had taken him this long to finally say something. “So what do you want with me, then?”

“Everything, Becca. I don’t want to lose you.”

Stepping closer to him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. It was moments like this that James Valentino made my heart melt, and if he meant it, then I was down to try again.

“Don’t break my heart again, James.” I whispered. “I can’t go through that heartache again.”



When my mother called me to tell me she wanted to meet me for lunch, I wasn’t expecting anything other than a casual conversation. Yet, instead, when I walked in, I found her sitting with a dark burly man at a table in the far corner, away from prying eyes.

“Mom?” I said with hesitation as she smiled and gestured for me to take a seat.

“Oh, don’t worry, hunny. This here is Thomas, and he is my private investigator. He told me he had something for me, and I figured we should get the information together.”

Her smile spread from ear to ear, and I wasn’t the least bot surprised to hear her say that she got someone like this.

After all, that was my mother in a nutshell. At times, she scared even me.

“Oh, sounds great. Can we order first? I’m starving.”

“Of course, sweetie.” She snapped her fingers to get a server to us right away.

“Yes, are you ready to order?” the girl asked, staring at us with a smile.

“Well, of course we are. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have gestured for you to come over. Now, shut up and listen to what we want.”

Thomas and I looked at each other for a moment with shocked expressions while my mother’s eyes gazed over the menu. “I want a Caesar salad, extra dressing on the side with smoked salmon.”

“Wonderful choice. For you ma’am?” She turned to me with a sheepish expression, as if she was on the verge of crying.

“Um, I’ll take a burger and fries, please.”

“Are you sure that’s what you're going to eat? That’s so bad for you,” my mother scolded, but nodding my head at the girl, I rolled my eyes at my mother’s words, watching as the girl took Thomas’ order and then disappeared.

“So Thomas…” I said, trying to change the subject, “my mother said you had something to tell us?”

“Yes. I happened to follow your father, James Valentino, to a club last night called Club Velvet. Are you familiar with it?” He looked between the two of us.

My mother furrowed her brows, shaking her head. I knew she wouldn’t know what the place was, but I did. I had gone there a few times before, but I never expected my father to go there.

“Yes, it’s a fetish club,” I replied with a sigh. “He was there last night?”

“A fetish club!” Mother exclaimed with disgust. “What the hell was he doing there?”

“Well, it seems that before he arrived, this woman showed up with the girl Becca you were telling me about.” Sliding a photo over, I looked at the photo of my father dressed as normal, and then the photo with Becca in it.

My mouth dropped open, seeing her dressed the way she was. She was stunning, and that made my blood boil. No way in hell was she ever allowed to look better than me.

“Did they leave together?” I snapped in anger as my eyes kept glaring down at her figure.

“Well, according to my inside man, they were dancing, and he dragged her away towards one of the back rooms of the club. An hour later, they came out looking rather flustered, and then said goodnight to everyone and got in a car and left.”

Looking at my mother, I could tell that she was mortified. “They had sex in a disgusting club?”

“Mom, it’s a sex club. They have specific rooms for group sex and swingers.”

“Oh, my god! Your father is a swinger? What in the hell did I get myself involved with when I married that man?” I wasn’t sure why she was acting the way she was.

Perhaps it was because she didn’t want anyone to think she was into that lifestyle, but she was just as dirty as he was. I’d heard the stories she would tell when she was drunk, and she may not have remembered them, but I did.

“Do we know where they went after that?” my mother asked with a contorted expression on her face.

“Yes, it seems that your ex-husband owns an apartment here at River Edge. The two were seen going up the elevator, we are guessing, to this apartment,” Thomas replied, closing the file as the server came back with our food.

“So they aren’t going to stop seeing each other?” I asked no one in particular.

“It seems not, miss. Now, is there anything else that you would like to know?”

Before I could speak, a sinister gaze crossed my mother’s face as she looked up at me raising a brow. “Yes… I want everything on Becca Woods that you can find. If James won’t wake up and stop seeing her, then I will make sure she gets the message.”