Chapter 0 - The Witch And The Dragon Clan

"Long ago, Dragon existed... But how did they come into existence. There was a war, between two king's... The war was never ending, both sides were equally strong and had great Warriors. In a bid to end the war, one of the king's... King Gerald decided to seek help from a sorcerer. The sorcerer casted a spell on the warriors of the kingdom and that spell turned them into dragons by day and men by night. With the help of the spell, the war came to an end with king Gerald winning of course. The dragon's flew back home, happy to meet with their wives and kids.... eager for the spell to be broken, but a grave news awaited them. The sorcerer had died leaving no clue as to how the spell could be broken.... The dragon's were left disheartened, cause from that day, they had to live as dragons by day and men by night." Wow, just wow.. this is the very reason I always skipped Mrs Hardy class.. she's always full of nonsense and stuffs that doesn't make any sense. Dragon by day and men by night, what a joke.

"Excuse me Mrs Hardy." Cara Huggins my worst enemy and rival raised up her hand, drawing half of the.. if not the whole class attention to herself. You might be wandering how we became worst enemies and rival, I also don't know how.

"Ma'am, are you trying to say.. that this dragon men still exist, that they are real." Cara asked shewing briskly on a bubble gum.

"Yeah, that's right Cara. They are indeed alive and very real." Mrs Hardy smiled brightly. Ugh, one more of this nonsense dragon trash and I might just end up puking.

"Oh wow, who knows? My boyfriend could actually be a dragon, he always comes to me by night." Cara laughs playing with the strands of her hair, I rolled my eyeballs... "Probably because he is a frog by day." I said quietly, loud enough of for her and atleast half the class hearing.

The whole class burst into laughter, Cara had no choice but to sit down quietly, feeling a tad bit embarrassed. Anastasia:1 Cara:0.

"Well class, we have come to the end of the class. Don't forget... " I didn't want to hear the rest of Mrs Hardy words, I carried my book and dashed out of her class. I just never get that woman, she's supposed to be a history teacher and teach about history. America history, you know... History! But she always goes on and on about dragons and things that never existed.

"Done with classes for the day." Britney, AKA my best friend says standing next to my locker.

"Yup, I am free as a bird baby." I grinned, ouch that sounded way better in my head.

"O.. kay." Briteney laughs.

"Don't you dare laugh, it sounded better in my head." I defended, closing my locker.. and started walking really fast.

"Wait up!!" Briteney screamed running after me, she did catch up with me eventually... she was breathing so fast, like she just ran a marathon.

y school bag, "Will you stop with t

ever, do you know that?" She glared

riend, since like... I

.. Doesn't give you the right to joke with me. Anyway, I've got a date. See y

ke, and why do you always say that. Anyway, say hi to the guy and please

you!" She y

c, crazy, and fun to be with. I know for sure she would definitely b

going.. I have a shift


through a really dark alley.. it's a sho

is going back home, soak myself in a nice warm water fil

trash can at the side of a wall, a stray cat running around.. an owl not to far off, howling. I could feel so

ng me? But why? Oh my God, is this person trying to rob, rape or do something really

ly, holding my breath... My heart beating so fast. Not to long, I heard loud footsteps...

the dumpster.. 1, 2, 3 I hit the guy really hard on his back. Ouch

shinning moon.. I could make out his face in the dark. He is handsome

ow why you are following me, just don't follow me anymore or else I would be force to hit yo

he guy yelled,

Please...." He beg

his voice resonating in the dark alley. This must be a joke right? He needs

ing the blue eyes guy there. He probably couldn't come afte