Chapter 6 - The Witch And The Dragon Clan

"So, our first stop is the cinema." Anastasia announced standing in front of a really big old building. I can certainly tell, that this building would not be surviving another five years.

"The cinema? I thought cinema aren't opened at night." I questioned walking over to her.

"Not this particular cinema. This cinema stays opened forty eight hours on the clock." She replied, already walking through the doors of the cinema. I rushed after her.

"So.... what kind of movie do you like? Horror, thriller, romance, tragedy?" She asked standing in front of the ticket booth.

"Romance. Romance comedy preferably." I answered standing beside her.

She asked the man if they would be playing any kind of romance comedy movie for the tonight and he answered with a yes, but the movie is scheduled for 12 AM on the dot.

Ana bought our tickets and gave me mine. "So before 12 I guess we should do other stuff for fun. Let's go." And without even checking if I was indeed following her, she was already walking out the cinema door... with me trying to keep up with her.

"Get in the car Christian, stop being so slow." She yells from the driver seat.

I got into the car, fastened my seatbelt and then she drove off.

The drive was just for like five minutes, our destination wasn't too far away from the cinema.

"Christian welcome to the greatest park of all time." She spreads her hands really wide, standing in front of a really big gigantic gate, that seems to be locked with a big padlock.

"I wouldn't want to ruin this moment for you but I think the *amazing park* is closed." I informed her leaning on the car door.

"Not for us, it's not." She grins.

I stared at her intensely, wondering what she's going to do now.

To my surprise, she started whistling not to loudly but a little bit high. In a few seconds a security guard walked to the gates also whistling, he opened the smaller part of the gate, letting me and Ana walk into the park.

"Thanks man. Here, this is for you." She stretched some money to him, he collected it and then... they did an handshake.

"Isn't this just like breaking the law." I whispered to Anna worriedly.

"if you haven't broken any law, you are not a teenager." She shrugged walking into the park with the security guard.

"What ride would you be picking today." The security guard asked jingling his keys noisily.

"Take us to the wheel of Terror." She yells excitedly. She's super hyper.

"From the name terror, I'm guessing this is going to be a really agonizing ride." I said hiding the fact that I'm afraid by a mere ride.

"Nah, it's not agonizing at all. The name is just there to scare people off." She grinned.

20 minute later, i am screaming on the top of my voice.... Throwing up and shouting for the ride to be stopped. Apparently the name *Wheel of terror* isn't just there to scare people off.

y eyes. And there was Ana standing right above me, with a bottle wat

wheel of terror a moment ago and now I a

r the security guard had to help me c

all I could say, cause

a dragon by day, faint because of some ride. But

inned. I got down from the car and the next stop Anna was talkin

at are we doing here?" I ask

can, then at the uncompleted building, then back at her. "Please don't tell me is

spraying on the walls mercilessly, then

evel breaking the law, we could

enager if you haven't been pursued by a police and this is our agenda for tonight." She sm

police man yelled rushing over to the

n!!" She

na yell in my quest to loose the police. I quickly changed direction, running towa

g down the car. We already lost the police man, there wa

ver knew almost getting caught by the police, would be

ted driving again. And this time she drove

down, I found it really surprising

  I have to say, I have never laughed so much in



last stop for today." I said che

" Christian questions ge

l of ice cream." I grinned walking into the ice

;M, waffles toppings." I ordered. Christian went

ice cream and then we dug into

ke having powers. It's terrifies me and excites m

u terrified?" He

n't know."

having powers, because I'm not good. What if

ressurized and also I know you are definitely going to be one bad ass witch." He held my h

lot less pressurized." I smil


nd now it's night time again. I'm currently seat

to pick me up, say

oth came down from the car and head for the mansion. Christian lead me straight to the me

the woman's eyes, I can finally see w

his day all my life and now I can't believe I finally get to meet you. I know this whole

Christian cuts in, putting an en

a talker. I'm really sorry." She apologized

it's alright." I said smiling

to travel back in time." She asked casually, and I stared at her confuse. Did

n time, Christian?" I turned t

surprise." He la