Chapter 2 - The Witch And The Dragon Clan

Days passed by, and my mind just kept on wandering to what blue eyes had said. Could it truly be true? Could men really turn to dragons by day?

What the fuck am I thinking, that can never come true, it can never be real.

I have always been a practical person and that's not about to change now. The whole dragon/men story is beyond practical.

"Girl!" Britney yelled in my ear, bringing me out of my deep thinking.

"Girl, what is your problem?" I asked rubbing the inner side of my ear.

"My problem, is that I have been talking to you for 2 hours and you are not listening to me. You are not even responsive." She complains, frowning really hard.

She is right about something though, I wasn't responsive to what she was saying. And this is not because, my minds keep roaming to blue eyes or the dragon men story. Nope, I am not responsive..... because she's totally spitting trash about some hot guy she just met a moment ago, actually the hot guy walked passed her and now, she's on some dumb mission to find him.

Why would anyone want to listen to her, talk about something like that.

"You should have said all that, without trying to get me dead. And besides, you don't have to describe how the guy looks to me, I saw him when he walked passed you. I was right here" I face palmed myself hysterical.

She rolled her eyes dramatically, "I have to describe him over and over again, cause that guy... is so..... dreamy. Did you see his eyes, or his manly broad shoulders. I would give anything to lick those shoulders, let's not talk about his silky brown hair."

Wow, here she goes again. "Nope, I didn't see his awesome freaking muscle or his beautiful amazing eyes. I didn't see any of that." I exclaimed throwing my hands up in the air.

"Anastasia!" Britney yelled, pointing her finger at me wearily. "What" I huffed.

"Okay, tell me... what's on your mind. We both know that you are always responsive when I talk about hot guys. What's troubling you?" She stares at me with the *don't you dare lie to me* kind of look, both her hands on her waist.

I sighed staring at her for a while, contemplating if I should tell her about the blue eye guy and the whole dragon nonsenses but knowing who Britney is, i decided against it.

"Nope, it's nothing. And before you say anything else, I will tell you everything if whatever is going on with me becomes to much of a problem for me to handle." I said quickly, stopping her from probing further.

"You promise?" She asked keeping a straight face.

"Yes I promise." I drawled.

"Okay, well I'm off to go look for scrumptious hot looking guy. Wish me luck." She blows me a kiss and walks away, great... am on my own with my own dragon nonsense thought.

Well, I had better go to work.



Coming back from work, I took the bus home. I didn't want a repeat of the first day I met blue eyes.

rying to avoid blue eye guy, only to meet him sitting in front of my h

angrily, eyeing him from his head to his toe. He stood u

Just give me one chance." He pleaded giving me the puppy eyes. Gosh he

e help of a physiatrists hospital. They would be very happy t

u would just give me a chance to prove that I am not deranged, and that trul

or some minutes, tryin

prove it."

appen, you would ha

rove that your story is real, you didn't say I have to follow you. I don't ev

so I can show that there's indeed a specific group of men that turns

guess he is k

your dragon self tomorrow by day

then get experimented with needle and a lot of other science equipment. I don't think I would love

t exist!! I am so tired of this back and forth banter with blue eyes boy, maybe is best I jus

are taking me, and you prove this dragon t

to leave you. But fine, I will leave y

ork uniform into something better." With that said, I left

my phone track me to wherever I'm going and then send the location to all my contacts... whic

I announced, lock

me they found me on their door step. I got to meet Britney from when we were kids, because her mother worked in the orphanage. On my eight

ar he parked a little bit far from

a car to kidnap you quietly and

my eyes at my inner self, getting into the car. But I cou

hummed to the song playing on the radio. I swear I don't know the song, but I feel so unea

eyes is actually driving me to the outskir

t there, and no one... I quote; no one wi

he fuck up!"

aying anything."

oaned angrily, relaxing back into th

y. Ohh, so he thinks I am crazy? Just because we are the only

we driving out of the city." I wiped my hand on my gow

, and where can that happen... if not outside a city with

for this dragon n

et with a really huge... gigantic gate. The gat

huge one.... Was covered by a lot of distance. A per

could fit into a an estate." I commented, coming dow

h space to fly around. You know?

heir wings..." I repl

The family is waiting." I heard a really familiar voice yell from the entranc

ld be in on this. Dragons by d

rank, is definitely