Chapter 3 - The Adopted Brother

Even though it was almost a five-hour drive to get to my parents, Sandra decided it was safer and better to take the hour flight instead. With her endless connections, she was able to get me on a private flight for later the afternoon and arranged the car rental for when I made it to Miami’s airport. Even with her crazy schedule, she made sure she came back to pick me up and dropped me off at the airport.

She was godsent. I knew she was worried about the tabloids and me being followed, but I was looking forward to the long drive. It would have given me enough time to get my head together and control the unsteadiness of my heart. But I was thankful for her friendship, lord knew I needed it.

When did I become like this? Not sure why I even bothered asking that question. I’ve been like this since I was sixteen, now ten years later I’ve become worse. What I assumed was just some weird hormonal crush developed to my impending doom. Five years ago, I felt I had no choice but to pack my life and move away from the only home and family I knew. I cut off contact with everyone outside of my parents.

They never questioned my decision. I knew they got wind of the pictures and the rumors of my twenty-first birthday, but they never mentioned it. They would inform me about the associates I used to have, keep me in the loop of the town gossip, and keep me up to speed on Jay’s accomplishments with the family business. However, it was never more than I needed or wanted to know.

Even though dad comes to see me once a month for his “Fishing Trips”, and mom every other month for some charity event or some random occasion, I missed them. I missed home. I missed him. The past five years haven't been the same without them constantly being there. I wish there was another way to go about this situation, but in my heart, I know there isn’t. If I stay around them for too long, there’s no way I could go on like everything was still the same.

Lost in my never-ending turmoil of thoughts, the hour flight seemed only like minutes. In no time did the plane landed and I was already at baggage claim. Waiting on my luggage, I saw a few high school and college classmates. We chatted for a few. Many of them were the same ones criticizing me after my birthday party but speaking to them one would have thought they were my closest friends. By the time I finally got my luggage, I was more than caught up on the city’s gossip. More than that, I’ve aware that somehow, I’ve become the city’s daughter. The world-renowned Chemist and investor born and raised in Miami.

Somehow, my hard work didn’t only pay off for me, but also the city. Plus, can’t forget the city’s daughter is soon to be married to a millionaire playboy from the famous Patterson family. What a joke?

I figured that the fake news would have reached out more than I expected but who knew the whole city would have been aware. There was no point in denying it, they wouldn’t believe it anyway. So, I nodded and smiled like I was raised to do. My parents always told us that there was no point in getting worked up about others' ignorance, just nod, smile, and keep it moving.

I wanted to laugh but a small part of me wanted to cry. Can’t tell you why? It’s been a while since I’ve been home, and on the rare occasions I do, I always drive to avoid running into anyone I might know. Now the whole city will know I’m in town. Damn it.

Before I could get into the rental, I heard my name being called. Not bothering to look to see who’s calling me, I hurriedly try to put my luggage in the trunk. Unfortunately, I wasn’t fast enough. There, holding my hand from the luggage was Jaylen. With a smile on his now bearded face, he shoved my luggage in place.

“Thank you”

“No need. Why didn’t you tell me you were coming in early? I would have met up with and we could have driven home together?”

“It was a last-minute arrangement”

“Damn Dee. Look at you, all grown up and sh*t. How have you been girl? And why the hell have you been ignoring me?”

“Jaylen, it’s great to see you. How has everything been going?”

“Dee, I’m sure mom kept you up in the loop. Now answer my question”

“Actually, mom has not, and I haven’t been avoiding you, just been exhaustingly busy. Nothing major.”

This whole situation was awkward. Even though his smile was as infectious as ever and he looked even better and bigger than I last remembered, I could go there. I had to stay neutral, no matter how much I wanted to close the distance between us. It was for the best.

“Well, that only means we have a lot of catching up to do. Now come here and give me a hug. I missed you like crazy.”

Before I could protest, he pulled me into a bear hug. He still smells like sandalwood, only now with contained a slight floral scent. Not wanting to overthink things I closed my mind and heart off, gave him a quick hug in return, and let go. It was for the best.

“OMG. Is that who I think it is?”

Reluctantly, Jaylen let me go as we both turned to see the culprit screaming like a banshee. I had to shake my head. Ain’t no way in hell that could be who I think it was. There stood Alicia, her long brunet hair was now black and permed to thick frizzy curls. Her afro-like hair could have damned near matched mine if I didn’t have my hair braided.

Her once slim figure was now slightly plumped and her then cream skin color was now darkened by too many tanning sprays. Instead of her looking Caucasian, she looked like an extra for Jersey Shore. Studying her, I could only wonder who or what caused my old friend to change her look this drastically.

I no longer needed an answer as she walked up to Jaylen, wrapped her hands around his neck giving him a wet kiss before looking back at me with the fakest smile, I’ve ever seen. Lord knows I’ve seen my fair share of fakes.

“OMG, Mel it’s really you. Girl how have you been. Don’t answer that, it’s been in every tabloid. The World-renowned youngest chemist, who is not only an investor banking billion but is also engaged to the famous Nicolas Patrick. Girl, you’re doing great.”

“Don’t believe everything you read, but yeah, I’m doing great. It’s great to see you again Alicia. I need to get going, have a few errands I need to run before heading home. I’ll catch up with you guys later.”

Giving them my now well-known pearly white smile, I got in the car and drove off. I didn’t have any errands to run before, but I surely had one now. Googling the closest bar to the house, I made the twenty-minute drive to drown my thoughts in a few shot glasses.