Chapter 9 - Prince Reagan

I gulped down my spit as my father steps aside for the powerful male to walk in. His pose depicts arrogance, and his aura demands submission. I can feel my palms begin to sweat and my forehead too. My stomach churns, and I feel like throwing up the little sandwich I ate a while ago.

Reagan's face has an expressionless mask on, making it hard for anyone to read him. But when his eyes move to mine, I can see the twinkle in them. Like he has caught me doing something naughty I'm not supposed to. I don't know if I should be scared or start to beg for forgiveness.

Adrian comes in behind His Highness, his face the same stoic form. And I wonder how they got to know I'm here. Lexi couldn't have told him as she doesn't even know either. Or was this a mere coincidence? Had he planned to visit my parents all along and we just happened to bump into each other out of sheer misfortune?

Either way, I decide to stand firm and not show any sign of fear. I haven't done anything wrong by visiting my parents. I'm not his prisoner, so he can't question me for this act.

"W...Welcome, Your Majesty." My mum stutters beside me while my dad closes the front door.

"Please, have a seat, you two." She motions to the couch we were cuddling on only a few seconds ago. I do not say a word to acknowledge him but only move aside for him to sit. He doesn't, though, but instead, smiles mischievously before following my footsteps to where I stand.

Clad in a white shirt and black pants, he looks even more beautiful.

His boot stops right in front of my sandals, almost touching, and his eyes bore into mine. Not wanting to back away like a scared little pup, I look right back up at him, not feeling the urge to submit like an average werewolf to a Lycan. His smile broadens, noticing my defiance, and his head cocks to study me. The air around us is thick, and I can hear my parents' shuffling on their feet due to nervousness.

My eyes divert to my parents' behind him, and I'm met with their stern disappointed looks. They don't like my show of disrespect and expect me to submit right away. I reluctantly oblige and bare my neck in submission, gritting my teeth in the process as I look to the floor.

I feel his hand come up to brush my hair away from my neck before he caresses his lovebite with his thumb. A zap of electricity shoots from that spot through my whole body, and I feel my toes curl into my sandals. I look up to see a knowing smirk on his face, probably sure of what he had done to me. But I'm left to look back down and leave my neck bare open.

I hate this. I hate that I'm weaker and not being able to stand up for myself, just like how I was when Brad rejected me so brutally. Now, I'm at the mercy of this beast to do whatever he wants.

He moves away after a final stroke of my hair like he's petting me for submitting to him like a good dog. Then he slides to my side, wraps an arm around my waist to smash me to his side as he faces my parents. I can see my dad's jaw clench at Reagan's public show of ownership, but his hands are left tied.

"I'm sorry we couldn't have a proper introduction yesterday. I was in a hurry to take my mate away." He flashes his pearly white teeth are my parents in a breathtaking grin. My form is stiff beside him with his possessive arm around my waist as he takes a whiff from my hair.

"But now that we're all here, I'm sure we can talk for the few minutes my mate and I have here." My eyes snap to me, but his eyes don't meet mine.

A few minutes.

In a few minutes, he is going to take me away from them even though I don't want to leave just yet.

"Y...your Majesty, I'm sure..." My dad starts, but Reagan cuts him off with a polite smile.

"Please, call me Reagan. We will be family as soon as I mark your daughter." A shiver runs down my spine as his words remind me of my fate. Even my dad halts to digest his words. They sounded so foreign to him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. But we think we'll stick with the formalities because of your title." My dad speaks for both him and my mum. If it were another werewolf, they would have jumped at the offer of calling a royal by his name. But not my parents. They were too humble for that.

Reagan shrugs in response without saying anything, only crushing me further into his chest.

"Please, have a seat." My dad once more motions to the couch. He doesn't even try to smile, showing how unhappy he is about the whole situation.

"As I said, we won't take long. So we'll just hurry and then get on our way, Mr. Archer." Reagan informs with a smile meant to look polite on his face. I can sense it's a facade, though. There is a hint of anger under it, and I know I'm the cause of it. His arm tightening around my waist is like a reminder that he would get back to me once he's done with my parents.

"Okay, then. If that's what you wish." My dad lets out a light cough to reduce the tension in the air.

"As you know, I am a Prince." Reagan points out, "Second Prince might I add. Meaning your daughter will be a Princess once marked by me. She will be treated with the utmost care and adored like the queen she is. I will provide for all her needs as a good mate should, and she will never lack or have any reason to shed a single tear because of me. As a gift to her parents, which you are, you can request for anything that is within my power as a second Prince, and I will see to it that it is done. Be it silver, gold, diamonds, or even a whole pack under you."

It's not unusual for the male werewolf to make promises to his mate's parents. It's a tradition all werewolves and beasts alike follow. Some give houses, some pay in cash, and some even lands. It's a way the male assures the she-wolves parents that he can fully take care of her as he's capable.

"That's mighty generous of you, Your Highness." My mum comments with her mouth agape. Even my dad has a look of astonishment on his face.

A whole pack being gifted to him? That would make him an Alpha and my mum a Luna!

"Nonsense. You're the parents of a future princess. You deserve the better." He dismisses with a wave of his hand.

"Now, moving on, I'll be gifting you both a plane ticket to spend the whole of next month in Hawaii. I heard it's your anniversary, and I would love for you to celebrate it joyously. Accommodation and everything else you need will be taken care of, and all you need is to relax. Also, you both don't have to work as medical assistants in the packhouse. A hospital will be built for you both to own and manage, employees will be provided and all the necessary equipment you need. If you want it to be for werewolves and humans alike, that's your decision to make. If you need anything else, you can put it on paper and send to me through my friend over there, Adrian. He'll be coming to collect them in a week." He motions to Adrian, standing quietly in the corner.

All this while, my parents are staring at him wide-eyed and mouth agape, and so am I. He's talking all about it like it wouldn't cost him a thing when in reality, it's too much. He's giving them so much and still saying they could ask for more?! My dad and mum work for the pack, both as nurses. And now, Reagan is telling them they don't have to take orders but give them when treating victims. I know he's a Prince and all that, but isn't this all a bit too much?!

"T...thank you, your Majesty. My mate and I can't express our shock and gratitude at your generosity." My dad finally speaks up after a while, with the shock look still registered on their faces. Reagan answers with a smile while still holding me tight against him.

"But, I'm sorry we would have to refuse all this." My dad announces after sharing a look with my mum, and she also nods in agreement.

Are they nuts?! I know they're humble and all that shit, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. And they're throwing it away for what?! I blink my eyes rapidly at them as I take in their determined pose. Even mum is with him on this. Reagan lifts an eyebrow at them in question as my dad takes a step closer.

"You see, our daughter's happiness is the only thing we're after. We're content with our humble lifestyle and don't wish to change it. We only ask that you let Ellie some space..." My father's strong voice wavers at the ending as Reagan's face turns sour at his request.

"Yes, Your Highness." My mum moves forward to support dad. "We just found out Ellie's first mate had rejected her and mated another in front of her without thinking about what she would feel once. I can't imagine the kind of suffering she must have gone through all this time and to think we didn't know anything about it. So please, I doubt she is fully recovered as it only happened last year...."

"Have I marked her yet, Mrs. Archer?" Reagan's icy tone sends chills down everyone's spine, making my mum halt in her speech. His expressionless mask is off, and I can see how pissed he is at my parents' suggestion. His eyes heavy-lidded as he glowers down at them while pressing me further into his side. At this point, I don't think he can pull me anymore closer. His grip is firm but at the same time, soft.

When he doesn't say anything more, it's clear he's waiting for an answer from my mum. From my scent and the fact I'm here and not in his bedroom pleasing him like a good newly mated, it's evident I'm still unmarked.

"No, your Majesty." My mum answers with a strong voice.

"We may not be the same, but I'm sure you know a lot about our kind. And not marking our mate, the first moment we see them is almost unheard of. We're not like your kind of beasts who can restrain themselves so easily from taking what we believe is ours. As for space, I think I gave Ellie enough when I refused to sink my canines into her neck. I do not understand what other kinds of space she needs, but I doubt I can give her more than that. And I won't be very lenient with someone else restraining me from my mate, no matter who they are." His voice takes a dangerous tone at the end, and the sitting room is filled with silence after he's done.

I frown at his threat and look up to glare right at him. I'm touched my parents care for me so much, ready to sacrifice anything for me. But I hate that Reagan is blatantly refusing them and even threatening them all because of me. I squirm in his arms, wanting to get away from his burning body. But he looks right down at me with a warning in his eyes as he strengths his hold on me. He glares back at my parents while I keep my burning stare on him.

"It's understandable if you don't want my other gifts, but please accept the trip to Hawaii. If you'll both excuse us now, we'll be on our way." He announces in an authoritative tone, leaving no room for adversaries.

My mum looks to me with guilt in her eyes, sadness in her face because she can't help me. My dad's face also is crestfallen as he nods to Reagan. I hate seeing the look of defeat on their face. It makes my heart tug painfully in my chest. I suddenly have this strong urge to punch Reagan for doing this to them.

"At least let me say goodbye properly to them." I retort to Reagan as he begins to drag me towards the front door. My eyes filled with anger as I pull away from him with force and rush to hug my mum goodbye. I soon feel my father's touch on my back, and a tear escapes from my eye. It wasn't like I wouldn't see them some other time, but I'm used to seeing them anytime I want. Now, Reagan is the one who decides when I can meet them. I will even be lucky if he allows me to go to school after today.

I'm beginning to realize I'm no longer free to do whatever I want anymore. Now, Reagan would decide that. Since he hasn't marked me yet, I'm not allowed to walk freely without his mark on my neck. Now, I'm like a prisoner to him, only doing and going anywhere with his permission only. And I had told him I would be going to school only to divert to my parents' house.

After being kissed on my cheek one last time by my mum, I reluctantly move to where Reagan stood after grabbing my duffel bag. I don't even stare at him as I storm past him in rage before reaching for the front door. I notice the sleek black sports car in our driveway and immediately know who it belongs to. I can hear Reagan's footsteps behind me as we both make way to the vehicle. I reach for the backdoor, but a hand behind me abruptly slams it shut. I turn to see Reagan's angry blazing eyes on me, but I don't cower in fear. Instead, I meet his glare head-on as he leans down, and I feel his minty breath on my cheek.

"Passenger's seat. Now!" He orders in a low growl, but I don't oblige right away. I glare at him for a few more seconds with his hand still on the door before doing as told.

He walks over to the driver's side while Adrian takes the back seat. The car is filled with silence as he starts up the engine and pulls out of the driveway. My eyes are focused outside the window by my side, and I see my parents on the front porch, looking longingly at the retreating vehicle. My eyes turn blurry, and I suddenly feel nauseous and homesick.

I refuse to acknowledge Reagan beside me the whole drive to his penthouse. Neither does he say or do anything? But I can feel the waves of anger rolling off of him as he keeps on driving. Adrian is an emotionless statue at the back, almost invisible. But I'd rather stay with him there than be out front with an angry Prince. I keep shifting nervously in my seat, uncomfortable by his silence. From the corner of my eyes, I can see his knuckles turn white as he grips the steering wheel tight.

Outwardly, he looks very composed even as he punched in the code to his penthouse, he had this cool-aloof look on. Adrian had driven the car out while we went in, leaving us all alone. Lexi is probably still at school, but I wasn't sure about the other Lycan I had met earlier, Daniel. Either way, the whole house is filled with silence as we walk in.

I reduce my pace and drag my feet behind Adrian, dreading our discussion. I can see his muscles from the back are taut and rigid, flexing as he walks further into the sitting room. He stops when he notices me lacking behind and turns to face me with an eyebrow tilted upward. I shrug in answer before moving to sit on the large sofa. I would prefer here than going upstairs to his room with him.

"Fine then. Let's talk here, shall we? You said you wanted to go to school, and I allowed it on the terms you come home right away when you're done from school. Then I got a phone call from my guys telling me you left to the woods and shifted into your wolf before running home." He narrates calmly while moving to stand in front of me.

"So that's how you knew where I was." I chuckle with no amusement. "What am I now? Your property that can't go anywhere without your permission and that you have stalked?" I glare up at him as I slowly stand up.

His face darkens even the more as he takes a step towards me.

"I went to go meet my parents. How is that bad? Do you plan on locking me here in this damn place and letting me out only when you deem fit? I'm my own self. I can do whatever the hell I want!" Never in my wildest dreams had I thought I would be yelling back at a Lycan Prince with so much disrespect.

His jaw clenches as he grabs my elbow and yanks me closer to him. We're chest to chest as he glowers down at me while I up at him.

"You might be your own damn person before last night, but not anymore. You're my own damn person now! I really do wish I can lock you up in my room and chain you to my bed. But sadly, that's barbaric in the twenty-first century." He sighs like he really isn't happy with that.

"Yes, you can go and do whatever the fuck you want, but not while you're still unmarked by me. My beast won't allow it." His face is closer to mine now and his breath is fanning my cheeks. We stare at each other long enough, our breaths ragged like we just ran a marathon.

He licks his lips as he nods with a smile, "You want to go wherever you want, right?" A malicious grin makes it's way to his lips, and I shiver at how dangerous he suddenly looks.

His hand comes up to grip the nape of my neck before burying his fingers into my hair. He bares my neck open from him as his eyes begin to glow a bright gold.

"Alright then, my love. Let's start the mating process, shall we?"